Speaking our Language
Series 3 allows you to progress beyond the foundational stage by broadening your vocabulary and deepening your understanding of Gaelic grammar, whilst offering a range of topics that will encourage you to develop your fluency. Tha Sreath 3 gad thoirt seachad air an ìre bhunasach le bhith a’ cur ris an stòras fhaclan a th’ agad agus a’ meudachadh do chuid eòlais air gràmar na Gàidhlig. Gheibhear caochladh chuspairean a mhisnicheas thu gus do chuid fileantachd a leasachadh.
The videos on this page will help you learn about the following: Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Talking about going out Ag ràdh "A bheil thu a’ dol a-mach?"
- Deciding where to go A' faighneachd "Càit an tèid sinn?"
- Getting ready to go out Ag ràdh "Feumaidh tu geansaidh a chur ort mus tèid thu a-mach"
Other learning resources: Goireasan ionnsachaidh eile:
The videos on this page will help you learn about the following:Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Asking what someone is looking forA' faighneachd "Dè tha thu a’ lorg?"
- Saying what you are looking forAg ràdh "Tha mi a’ lorg..."
- Asking to try something onA' faighneachd "Am faod mi seo fheuchainn orm?"
- Describing clothesAg ràdh "còta le pòcaidean mòra"
- Describing likes and dislikes regarding clothesAg ràdh "cha toigh leam buidhe, ’s toigh leam brògan dearga"
Other learning resources:Goireasan ionnsachaidh eile:
The videos on this page will help you learn about the following:Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Asking where you can get a taxiA' faighneachd "càit am faigh mi tacsaidh?"
- Saying how you will travel somewhereAg ràdh "thèid sinn a-null..."
- Asking where a bus stopsA' faighneachd "am bi am bus a’ stad an seo?"
- Asking how often there is a bus / train etcA' faighneachd "dè cho tric ’s a bhios bus a’ stad an seo?"
Other learning resources:Goireasan ionnsachaidh eile:
The videos on this page will help you learn about the following: Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Saying you prefer something to something else Ag ràdh "’s fheàrr leam fìon geal na fìon dearg"
- Saying what you would prefer Ag ràdh "b’ fheàrr leam..."
- Saying you hate something Ag ràdh "’s lugha orm..."
- Saying you can’t stand something Ag ràdh "chan fhuiling mi ..."
- Saying where you would have preferred to be Ag ràdh "b’ fheàrr leam gun robh mi aig..."
Other learning resources: Goireasan ionnsachaidh eile:
The videos on this page will help you learn about the following:Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Saying something is smallerAg ràdh "tha e nas lugha na..."
Other learning resources:Goireasan ionnsachaidh eile:
The videos on this page will help you learn about the following:Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Talking about who did whatAg ràdh "rinn mise na soithichean a-raoir"
- DisagreeingAg ràdh "cha do rinn..."
- Saying you don't think something is the caseAg ràdh "chan eil mi a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil..."
Other learning resources:Goireasan ionnsachaidh eile:
The videos on this page will help you learn about the following:Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Saying something is greatAg ràdh "tha e dìreach sgoinneil"
- Asking if someone is enjoying their dayA' faighneachd do chuideigin "a bheil an latha a’ còrdadh riut?"
- ReplyingAg ràdh "Tha / Chan eil"
- Saying whether you enjoyed somethingAg ràdh "chòrd sin rium glan"
Other learning resources:Goireasan ionnsachaidh eile:
The videos on this page will help you learn about the following:Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Talking about the weatherA' bruidhinn mun aimsir
- Saying what you’d like to doAg ràdh "bu toigh leam a dhol a..."
- Saying what you intend to doAg ràdh "tha mi an dùil..."
Other learning resources:Goireasan ionnsachaidh eile:
The videos on this page will help you learn about the following:Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Saying what someone should be wearingAg ràdh "bu chòir dhut ... a chur ort"
- Saying what someone should doAg ràdh "bu chòir dhut..."
- Saying what someone shouldn’t be doingAg ràdh "cha bu chòir dhut..."
Other learning resources:Goireasan ionnsachaidh eile:
The videos on this page will help you learn about the following:Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Telling someone not to fallAg ràdh "feuch nach tuit thu"
- Trying to get someone to do somethingAg ràdh "feuch gun ... thu "
- Saying you are trying somethingAg ràdh "tha mi a’ feuchainn..."
Other learning resources:Goireasan ionnsachaidh eile:
The videos on this page will help you learn about the following:Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Asking someone to tell you a storyA' faigheachd do chuideigin "an innis sibh dhomh sgeulachd?"
- Asking someone what’s wrongAg ràdh "innis dhomh dè tha ceàrr"
- Checking whether you told somebody somethingA' faighneachd "an do dh’innis mi dhut gun...?"
- Giving newsAg ràdh "cha do dh’innis"
Other learning resources:Goireasan ionnsachaidh eile:
The videos on this page will help you learn about the following:Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Asking someone to go with you to somewhere.A’ faighneachd do chuideigin "an tèid thu còmhla rium dhan bhùth?"
- Offering to go somewhere with somebodyA’ faighneachd do chuideigin "an tèid mi còmhla riut?"
- Asking someone to do somethingA’ faighneachd do chuideigin "an glan thu na h-uinneagan?"
- Asking someone to do something for youA’ faighneachd do chuideigin "an toir thu dhomh lioft?"
Other learning resources:Goireasan ionnsachaidh eile:
The videos on this page will help you learn about the following:Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Saying what you wonAg ràdh "bhuannaich sinn..."
- Saying that you lostAg ràdh "chaill sinn..."
- Saying who won whatAg ràdh "bhuannaich Seumas bonn nam balach"
- Saying what prize you gotAg ràdh "fhuair sinn dàrna duais"
Other learning resources:Goireasan ionnsachaidh eile:
The videos on this page will help you learn about the following:Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Talking about getting ears piercedAg ràdh "tha mi ag iarraidh tuill nam chluasan"
- Explaining injuriesAg ràdh "ghoirtich mi m’ adhbrann"
Other learning resources:Goireasan ionnsachaidh eile:
The videos on this page will help you learn about the following:Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Talking about what is good and bad for youAg ràdh "chan eil e math dhut a bhith ag ithe cus geir"
- Talking about wanting to lose weightAg ràdh "tha mi airson beagan cuideim a chall"
- Telling someone to take it easy, or go easy at the beginningAg ràdh "trobhad an seo agus leig d’ anail"
Other learning resources:Goireasan ionnsachaidh eile:
The videos on this page will help you learn about the following:Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Saying you can hear somebody singing off tuneAg ràdh "tha mi a’ cluinntinn cuideigin a’ dol ceàrr"
- Asking someone whether they can hear or see youA' faighneachd do chuideigin "a bheil thu idir gam chluinntinn?"
- Telling someone you can see or hear somethingA' faighneachd do chuideigin "a bheil thu a’ faicinn?"
Other learning resources:Goireasan ionnsachaidh eile:
The videos on this page will help you learn about the following:Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Talking about the products a shop sellsA' bruidhinn mu rudan ann am bùth
- Talking about the quality of productsA' bruidhinn mu dè cho math 's a tha rudan
- Talking about the quality of service receivedA' bruidhinn mu dè cho math 's a tha seirbhis ann am bùth
Other learning resources:Goireasan ionnsachaidh eile:
The videos on this page will help you learn about the following: Cuidichidh na bhideothan air an duilleig seo thu gus ionnsachadh mu na leanas:
- Asking someone what they’d like to be when they grow up A' faighneachd do chuideigin "dè an obair a bu toigh leat dèanamh nuair a dh’fhàsas tu mòr?"
- Talking about what you’d like to do when you grow up Ag ràdh ""bu toigh leam a bhith nam pheantair nuair a dh’fhàsas mi mòr"
- Talking about the type of work you would rather be doing Ag ràdh "b’ fheàrr leam a bhith nam chòcaire"
- Talking about the work you’re doing now Ag ràdh "’s e nurs a th’ annam"
Other learning resources: Goireasan ionnsachaidh eile: