FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

Getting started (pre-A1) Siuthad (pre-A1)

Follow our quick links to jump start your learning journey. Lean ar ceanglaichean luath gus do shlighe ionnsachaidh a chur air dòigh anns a’ bhad!

The Scottish Gaelic Alphabet An t-Aibidil Gàidhlig
Learn the Scottish Gaelic alphabet, which 18 letters it has and which of those can have accents. Ionnsaich an t-aibidil Gàidhlig, mu na 18 litrichean a tha aige, agus an fheadhainn a ghabhas stràc.
Gaelic Sounds Fuaimean na Gàidhlig
This is a series of videos which introduce you to Gaelic sounds. Tha seo na shreath de bhidiothan mu fhuaimean na Gàidhlig.
Vocabulary lists: 20 Words Fichead Facal
You can find almost any word in the LearnGaelic Dictionary, but here's our pick of Gaelic vocabulary lists, on a range of subjects, to get you started. Gheibh thu lorg air facal sam bith san fhaclair LearnGaelic, ach seo tagadh againne de liostaichean de bhriathrachas againn air iomadh cuspair, mar thoiseach tòiseachaidh.
Quick Fixes! Taic luath
This section aims to give you some really basic quick fix phrases in Gaelic. Tha an earrann seo dìreach a' toirt abairt neo dhà luath thugad sa Ghàidhlig.
Beginners’ Course Cùrsa Tòiseachaidh
This is a flashcard-based course aimed at those with no Gaelic. Cùrsa air-loidhne saor ’s an-asgaidh le 60 leasan do luchd-tòiseachaidh ùra.
Course Finder Lorg cùrsa
Find a local or distance learning class. We have all the classes, tutors and courses we can find listed in our course finder. Lorg clas ionadail no cothrom foghlaim air astar. Tha fiosrachadh air a h-uile clas, oide is cùrsa a b’ urrainn dhuinn a thrusadh ri lorg san stòr-dàta seo.
Feeling inspired Ro fhurasta?
Take the next level and try the beginners' section (A1). Gabh an ath-cheum agus feuch Luchd-tòiseachaidh ùra (A1).