News Naidheachdan
Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.
Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.
An Aimsir le Joy Dunlop
[Joy Dunlop] Feasgar math dhuibh. Uill, air Là nam Pòg, tha mi an dòchas nach eil na cridheachan agaibhse a cheart cho reòthte ris an fhear seo. Gu dearbh b’ e latha gu math diofraichte a bh’ ann an-diugh an taca ris na làithean a dh’fhalbh. Bha i caochlaideach agus chunnacas uisge seach sneachd a’ gluasad a-staigh. Bha i gu dearbh nas blàithe ach gaothach cuideachd gu h-àraidh gu Siar far a bheil an rabhadh buidhe seo fhathast a’ mairsinn gu meadhan oidhche, dh’fhaodadh gum bi oiteagan làidir gaoithe a’ ruigsinn ceithir fichead mìle san uair ’s na h-Eileanan Siar.
[Joy Dunlop] Nise an-ath-sheachdain, seachdain gu math diofraichte a bhios ann le cinnt, bidh i caochlaideach ach leis a’ ghaoithe a’ sèideadh bho Dheas no bhon Iar-Dheas, ’s ann fada nas blàithe a bhios i faireachdainn. A-nochd bidh fras againn toiseach na h-oidhche seargaidh na frasan sin às airson greiseag ach gu dearbh bidh na turadh gu sear fad na h-oidhche ach gu siar chìthear na frasan seo a’ gluasad a-staigh. Dh’fhaodadh iad a bhith trom, leantainneach ach cha bhi i idir cho fuar sa tha cùisean air a bhith. An teòthachd a’ tuiteam gu sia no seachd Celsius do chuid aig a’ char as ìsle.
[Joy Dunlop] Oidhche ghaothach a bhios ann a-rithist, ged a bhios a’ ghaoth a’ socrachadh tron oidhche ’s mar sin, toiseach-tòiseachaidh tioram a bhios ann gu Sear agus gu dearbh bidh deigh agus sneachd fhathast na laighe an sin. Bhon iar, gluaisidh tuilleadh fhrasan agus cuideachd uisge nas leantainniche a-staigh, dh’fhaodadh seo a bhith trom gu h-àraidh aig amannan tron fheasgar. Abair àrdachadh anns an teòthachd ge-tà, a’ ruigsinn naoi no deich Celsius aig a’ char as àirde agus a’ ghaoth fhathast beòthail ach a’ socrachadh beagan a-rithist. Nise, tha na frasan sin a’ dol a leantainn orra airson greiseag. An uair sin gluaisidh iad air falbh gu Tuath a’ fàgail oidhche thioram ach sgòthach, fhathast ge-tà fuar gu h-àraidh ann an Ear-Thuath na dùthcha agus latha caochlaideach eile a bhios romhainn Dimàirt. Toiseach-tòiseachaidh tioram a bhios ann gu Deas ach a-rithist tuilleadh fhrasan agus uisge nas leantainniche a’ gluasad a-staigh mun Iar. Dh’fhaodadh seo a bhith gu math pailt gu h-àraidh tron fheasgar ach àrdachadh a-rithist anns an teòthachd a’ ruigsinn deich no aona Celsius deug do chuid agus a’ ghaoth a’ socrachadh rud beag ach a’ beothachadh ro dheireadh an fheasgar. Oidhche mhath leibh.
The Weather with Joy Dunlop
[Joy Dunlop] Good evening to you. Well, on Valentine’s Day, I hope that your hearts aren’t quite as frozen as this one. It was definitely a very different day today compared with the days that have past. It was changeable and we saw rain rather than snow moving in. It was definitely warmer but windy too especially in the West where this yellow warning will still last until midnight, there could be strong winds reaching eighty miles per hour in the Western Isles.
[Joy Dunlop] Now next week, it will be very different for sure, it will be changeable but with the wind blowing from the South or from the South-West, it will feel a lot warmer. Tonight we’ll have a shower at the start of the night, these showers will dry out for a wee while but this break in the clouds will be in the East all night but to the West we’ll see these showers moving in. They could be heavy, continuous but it won’t at all be as cold as it has been. The temperature falling to six or seven Celsius for some at the lowest.
[Joy Dunlop] It will be a windy night again, although the wind will settle through the night and therefore, it will be a dry start in the East and there will definitely be ice and snow still lying there. From the West, more showers will move in and also more continuous rain, this could be heavy especially at times through the evening. What an increase in the temperature though, reaching nine or ten Celsius at the highest end and the wind still lively but settling a bit again. Now, those showers are going to follow on for a wee while. Then they will move away to the North leaving a dry but cloudy night, still cold though especially in the North-East of the country and we have another changeable day ahead of us on Tuesday. It will be a dry start in the South but again more showers and more continuous rain moving in around the East. This could be very plentiful especially through the evening but an increase again in the temperature reaching ten or eleven Celsius for some and the wind settling a little but rising before the end of the evening. Good night to you.
An Aimsir le Joy Dunlop
[Joy Dunlop] Feasgar math dhuibh. Uill, air Là nam Pòg, tha mi an dòchas nach eil na cridheachan agaibhse a cheart cho reòthte ris an fhear seo. Gu dearbh b’ e latha gu math diofraichte a bh’ ann an-diugh an taca ris na làithean a dh’fhalbh. Bha i caochlaideach agus chunnacas uisge seach sneachd a’ gluasad a-staigh. Bha i gu dearbh nas blàithe ach gaothach cuideachd gu h-àraidh gu Siar far a bheil an rabhadh buidhe seo fhathast a’ mairsinn gu meadhan oidhche, dh’fhaodadh gum bi oiteagan làidir gaoithe a’ ruigsinn ceithir fichead mìle san uair ’s na h-Eileanan Siar.
[Joy Dunlop] Nise an-ath-sheachdain, seachdain gu math diofraichte a bhios ann le cinnt, bidh i caochlaideach ach leis a’ ghaoithe a’ sèideadh bho Dheas no bhon Iar-Dheas, ’s ann fada nas blàithe a bhios i faireachdainn. A-nochd bidh fras againn toiseach na h-oidhche seargaidh na frasan sin às airson greiseag ach gu dearbh bidh na turadh gu sear fad na h-oidhche ach gu siar chìthear na frasan seo a’ gluasad a-staigh. Dh’fhaodadh iad a bhith trom, leantainneach ach cha bhi i idir cho fuar sa tha cùisean air a bhith. An teòthachd a’ tuiteam gu sia no seachd Celsius do chuid aig a’ char as ìsle.
[Joy Dunlop] Oidhche ghaothach a bhios ann a-rithist, ged a bhios a’ ghaoth a’ socrachadh tron oidhche ’s mar sin, toiseach-tòiseachaidh tioram a bhios ann gu Sear agus gu dearbh bidh deigh agus sneachd fhathast na laighe an sin. Bhon iar, gluaisidh tuilleadh fhrasan agus cuideachd uisge nas leantainniche a-staigh, dh’fhaodadh seo a bhith trom gu h-àraidh aig amannan tron fheasgar. Abair àrdachadh anns an teòthachd ge-tà, a’ ruigsinn naoi no deich Celsius aig a’ char as àirde agus a’ ghaoth fhathast beòthail ach a’ socrachadh beagan a-rithist. Nise, tha na frasan sin a’ dol a leantainn orra airson greiseag. An uair sin gluaisidh iad air falbh gu Tuath a’ fàgail oidhche thioram ach sgòthach, fhathast ge-tà fuar gu h-àraidh ann an Ear-Thuath na dùthcha agus latha caochlaideach eile a bhios romhainn Dimàirt. Toiseach-tòiseachaidh tioram a bhios ann gu Deas ach a-rithist tuilleadh fhrasan agus uisge nas leantainniche a’ gluasad a-staigh mun Iar. Dh’fhaodadh seo a bhith gu math pailt gu h-àraidh tron fheasgar ach àrdachadh a-rithist anns an teòthachd a’ ruigsinn deich no aona Celsius deug do chuid agus a’ ghaoth a’ socrachadh rud beag ach a’ beothachadh ro dheireadh an fheasgar. Oidhche mhath leibh.
The Weather with Joy Dunlop
[Joy Dunlop] Good evening to you. Well, on Valentine’s Day, I hope that your hearts aren’t quite as frozen as this one. It was definitely a very different day today compared with the days that have past. It was changeable and we saw rain rather than snow moving in. It was definitely warmer but windy too especially in the West where this yellow warning will still last until midnight, there could be strong winds reaching eighty miles per hour in the Western Isles.
[Joy Dunlop] Now next week, it will be very different for sure, it will be changeable but with the wind blowing from the South or from the South-West, it will feel a lot warmer. Tonight we’ll have a shower at the start of the night, these showers will dry out for a wee while but this break in the clouds will be in the East all night but to the West we’ll see these showers moving in. They could be heavy, continuous but it won’t at all be as cold as it has been. The temperature falling to six or seven Celsius for some at the lowest.
[Joy Dunlop] It will be a windy night again, although the wind will settle through the night and therefore, it will be a dry start in the East and there will definitely be ice and snow still lying there. From the West, more showers will move in and also more continuous rain, this could be heavy especially at times through the evening. What an increase in the temperature though, reaching nine or ten Celsius at the highest end and the wind still lively but settling a bit again. Now, those showers are going to follow on for a wee while. Then they will move away to the North leaving a dry but cloudy night, still cold though especially in the North-East of the country and we have another changeable day ahead of us on Tuesday. It will be a dry start in the South but again more showers and more continuous rain moving in around the East. This could be very plentiful especially through the evening but an increase again in the temperature reaching ten or eleven Celsius for some and the wind settling a little but rising before the end of the evening. Good night to you.