FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

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Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Cò-là breith Ollie

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Diane] Hi a chàirdean! ’S e co-là breith a' chù Ollie an-diugh agus tha e dà bhliadhna deug a dh’aois. Feumaidh sinn trì diofar rudan a dhèanamh an-diugh: a’ chiad rud, feumaidh sinn prèasant beag a lorg dha; an dàrna rud, ’s dòcha gum faigh sinn sgeadachadh air choireigin; agus an uair sin feumaidh sinn biadh sònraichte a thoirt dha airson a' cho-là breith.

[Diane] Dè do bheachd?

[Diane] Tiugainn ma-thà!

[Diane] Bidh sinn air ais!

[Diane] Ach, mus faigh sinn na prèasantan, feumaidh sinn cofaidh a thogail.

[Diane] ’S ann leamsa a tha seo agus seall!

[Diane] Seo an dèideag as fheàrr leis.

[Diane] Mach à seo.

[Diane] Seo uile na cheannaich sinn airson co-là breith Ollie.

[Diane] A’ chiad rud, bha sinn aig Starbucks agus seall na thug iad dhuinn, puppoccino!

[Diane] Denta Tubos dha, agus cheannaich sinn muc bheag cuideachd.

[Diane] Tha mi fhìn toilichte le sin, cha do cheannaich sinn sgeadachadh mar a bha mi air sùileachadh ach ’s e co-là breith cù a th’ ann. Gabh do shocair Diane. Tha sinn deiseil airson a’ dol air ais agus ar pàrtaidh beag a chumail dha Ollie.

[Diane] Dè th’ agam an seo dhut? Suidh sìos. Woah! Trobhad an seo leis, sin e. Cò th’ agad? Mr Muc!

[Diane] Meal do naidheachd an-diugh, meal do naidheachd an-diugh, meal do naidheachd Ollie! Meal do naidheachd an-diugh.



Ollie's birthday

English Beurla

[Diane] Hi friends! It’s the dog Ollie’s birthday today and he’s 12 years old. We need to do three things today: the first thing, we need to find a wee present for him; the second thing, maybe we’ll get some decorations; and then we need special food to give him for his birthday.

[Diane] What do you think?

[Diane] Come on then!

[Diane] We’ll be back!

[Diane] But, before we get the presents, we need to pick up coffee.

This one is mine and look!

[Diane] This is his favourite toy.

[Diane] Out of here.

[Diane] This is everything we bought for Ollie’s birthday.

[Diane] The first thing, we were in Starbucks and look what they gave us, puppoccino!

[Diane] Denta Tubos for him, and we bought a little pig too.

[Diane] I’m happy with that, we didn’t get decorations like I’d planned but it’s a dog’s birthday. Calm down Diane. We’re ready to go and have our little party for Ollie.

[Diane] What have I got here for you? Sit down. Woah! Come here with it, that’s it. Who do you have? Mr Pig!

[Diane] Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to Ollie! Happy birthday to you.



Cò-là breith Ollie

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Diane] Hi a chàirdean! ’S e co-là breith a' chù Ollie an-diugh agus tha e dà bhliadhna deug a dh’aois. Feumaidh sinn trì diofar rudan a dhèanamh an-diugh: a’ chiad rud, feumaidh sinn prèasant beag a lorg dha; an dàrna rud, ’s dòcha gum faigh sinn sgeadachadh air choireigin; agus an uair sin feumaidh sinn biadh sònraichte a thoirt dha airson a' cho-là breith.

[Diane] Dè do bheachd?

[Diane] Tiugainn ma-thà!

[Diane] Bidh sinn air ais!

[Diane] Ach, mus faigh sinn na prèasantan, feumaidh sinn cofaidh a thogail.

[Diane] ’S ann leamsa a tha seo agus seall!

[Diane] Seo an dèideag as fheàrr leis.

[Diane] Mach à seo.

[Diane] Seo uile na cheannaich sinn airson co-là breith Ollie.

[Diane] A’ chiad rud, bha sinn aig Starbucks agus seall na thug iad dhuinn, puppoccino!

[Diane] Denta Tubos dha, agus cheannaich sinn muc bheag cuideachd.

[Diane] Tha mi fhìn toilichte le sin, cha do cheannaich sinn sgeadachadh mar a bha mi air sùileachadh ach ’s e co-là breith cù a th’ ann. Gabh do shocair Diane. Tha sinn deiseil airson a’ dol air ais agus ar pàrtaidh beag a chumail dha Ollie.

[Diane] Dè th’ agam an seo dhut? Suidh sìos. Woah! Trobhad an seo leis, sin e. Cò th’ agad? Mr Muc!

[Diane] Meal do naidheachd an-diugh, meal do naidheachd an-diugh, meal do naidheachd Ollie! Meal do naidheachd an-diugh.



Ollie's birthday

English Beurla

[Diane] Hi friends! It’s the dog Ollie’s birthday today and he’s 12 years old. We need to do three things today: the first thing, we need to find a wee present for him; the second thing, maybe we’ll get some decorations; and then we need special food to give him for his birthday.

[Diane] What do you think?

[Diane] Come on then!

[Diane] We’ll be back!

[Diane] But, before we get the presents, we need to pick up coffee.

This one is mine and look!

[Diane] This is his favourite toy.

[Diane] Out of here.

[Diane] This is everything we bought for Ollie’s birthday.

[Diane] The first thing, we were in Starbucks and look what they gave us, puppoccino!

[Diane] Denta Tubos for him, and we bought a little pig too.

[Diane] I’m happy with that, we didn’t get decorations like I’d planned but it’s a dog’s birthday. Calm down Diane. We’re ready to go and have our little party for Ollie.

[Diane] What have I got here for you? Sit down. Woah! Come here with it, that’s it. Who do you have? Mr Pig!

[Diane] Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to Ollie! Happy birthday to you.



co-là breith



a decoration


a toy

