Food Biadh
Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.
Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.
An nougat aig Griogar
[Griogair] Nise bha dùil agams’ gur e “nugget” a bha aca air a seo ach ‘s e nougat a th’ ann. Bliadhnaichean is bliadhnaichean sin a bha agams’ air co-dhiù.
[Griogair] Tha ceud gu leth grama dha pistachios agam còmhla ri ceud gu leth dha na macadamias a th’ agam cuideachd. Nise, cuiridh mi iad seo dhan an àmhainn aig ceud Celsius agus fàg sinn ann a shin iad gus am bi sinn gan fheumigin
[Griogair] Dhan a’ phana, tha sinn a’ dol a chur dà cheud is fichead ’s a còig grama dha siùcar àbhaisteach, no siùcar granulated, a tha seo. Còmhla ris an t-siùcar tha sin a’ dol a chur mil, agus tha ceud is ceathrad milleliotair, no grama, againn dhan an sin.
[Griogair] Tha mi a’ dol a chur dà spàin mhòr gu leth dha glucose. Agus tha bùrn againne ann a sheo cuideachd; ceud is deich milleliotair.
[Griogair] Agus tha sin ag iarraidh fèir gun leagh an t-siùcar an toiseach mus cuir sinn an àird an teas.
[Griogair] Tha mi a’ teasachadh seo gu ceud is seasgad Celsius. Mu dheich ceumannan mus ruig mi an teas sin tha mi a’ bualadh dà ghealagan uighean gus am bi iad nam bideanan boga.
[Griogair] Seo a-nis. Tha sin againn soft peaks.
[Griogair] Nise, tha sinn fèir aig an teas ceart airson an t-siùcar againn; ceud is seasgad Celsius a th’ againn a-nis. Agus tha sin airson seo a chur a-steach beag air bheag leis na gealagan.
[Griogair] Nise, chan eil mi ag iarraidh air an t-siùcar theth a tha seo a dhol faisg air a’ whisk a tha mi a’ cleachdadh an seo, agus cuideachd cladhaich am bobhla.
[Griogair] Tha seo a’ fàs cho tiugh gu bheil mi ga fhaighinn duilich càil eile a dhèanamh ris. Is chan eil mi ag iarraidh am mixer agam a bhriseadh a bharrachd. Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gum fàg sinn aig a sin e. Tha e air a dhol duilich gu leòr.
[Griogair] Nise, is tha beagan de dhath air a thighinn air na cnòthan is tha blas nas fheàrr air tighinn oirr’. Agus cuiridh sinn iad sin a-steach. An uair sin na sirisean, agus tha ceud grama air na sirisean ann. Agus aon spàin-teatha dha vanilla extract a tha mi a’ cleachdadh. Agus an uair sin fèir a’ cleachdadh na spàin againn.
[Griogair] Tha mi a’ cur a’ mheasgachaidh seo ann an soitheach ceàrnach, fichead centimetre gach taobh air a lineagadh le pàipear-ruis. Cuiridh mi duilleag eile pàipear-rus air a’ mhullach le cuideam air agus fàgaidh mi e airson suas gu trì uairean a thìd’.
[Griogair] Nis,e tha seo air fàs cruaidh a-nis is e air a bhith a’ suidhe airson, ò, dhà no trì uairean a thìde.
[Griogair] Nise, sin a-mach às an tiona. Dèan cinnteach gun cleachd sibh tiona le bonn a thig às.
[Griogair] Feuch sinn dè tha a-staigh na bhroinn. Seall sin a-nis. Agus na cnòthan cuideachd is a fàileadh a’ tighinn bhuap’.
[Griogair] Tha sin math. Cho bog, cho milis. Is na cnòthan. ’S e nougat, no “nugget” mar a bha agams’ air. Math tha sin.
Chaidh am prògram seo, Fuine, a chraoladh an toiseach ann an 2018. Le taing do Caledonia TV.
Gregor's nougat
[Gregor] Now, I used to think that they called this “nugget”, but it’s nougat. That’s what I called it for years and years anyway.
[Gregor] I’ve got one-hundred and fifty grams of pistachios along with one-hundred and fifty grams of the macadamias. Now, I’ll put these in the oven at one-hundred Celsius and we’ll leave them there until we need them.
[Gregor] Into the pan we’re going to put two-hundred and twenty-five grams of this ordinary, or granulated, sugar. Along with the sugar we’re going to add honey, and we’ve got one-hundred and forty millilitres of grams of that.
[Gregor] I’m going to add two and a half big spoonfuls of glucose. And we’ve got water here too; one-hundred and ten millilitres.
[Gregor] And we just want the sugar to melt first before we turn the heat up.
[Gregor] I’m heating this up to sixty Celsius. About ten degrees before we reach that temperature I’m whisking two egg whites until we get soft peaks.
[Gregor] There we go. We’ve got soft peaks.
[Gregor] Now, we’re just at the right temperature for our sugar; one-hundred and sixty Celsius now. And we want to add this gradually to the egg whites.
[Gregor] Now, I don't want this hot sugar to go near this whisk that I’m using here, or the side of the bowl.
[Gregor] This is getting so thick that I’m finding it difficult to do any more to it. And I don’t want my mixer to break either. I think we’ll leave it there. It’s become difficult enough.
[Gregor] Now, the nuts have taken on a bit of colour and a better flavour. We’ll add them in. And then the cherries, there’s one-hundred grams of cherries. And I’m using one teaspoon of vanilla extract. And then just using our spoon.
[Gregor] I’m putting this mixture into a square container, twenty centimetres each side lined with rice paper. I’ll put another sheet of rice paper on the top with some weight on it and I’ll leave it for up to three hours.
[Gregor] Now, this has gone solid after sitting for, oh, two or three hours.
[Gregor] Now, that’s it out of the tin. Make sure you use a tin with a base that comes out.
[Gregor] Let’s see out what’s inside. Look at that. And the nuts too, the smell coming from them.
[Gregor] That’s good. So soft, so sweet. And the nuts.
[Gregor] That’s nougat, or “nugget” as I used to call it. That is good.
This programme, Fuine, was first broadcast in 2018. Courtesy of Caledonia TV
An nougat aig Griogar
[Griogair] Nise bha dùil agams’ gur e “nugget” a bha aca air a seo ach ‘s e nougat a th’ ann. Bliadhnaichean is bliadhnaichean sin a bha agams’ air co-dhiù.
[Griogair] Tha ceud gu leth grama dha pistachios agam còmhla ri ceud gu leth dha na macadamias a th’ agam cuideachd. Nise, cuiridh mi iad seo dhan an àmhainn aig ceud Celsius agus fàg sinn ann a shin iad gus am bi sinn gan fheumigin
[Griogair] Dhan a’ phana, tha sinn a’ dol a chur dà cheud is fichead ’s a còig grama dha siùcar àbhaisteach, no siùcar granulated, a tha seo. Còmhla ris an t-siùcar tha sin a’ dol a chur mil, agus tha ceud is ceathrad milleliotair, no grama, againn dhan an sin.
[Griogair] Tha mi a’ dol a chur dà spàin mhòr gu leth dha glucose. Agus tha bùrn againne ann a sheo cuideachd; ceud is deich milleliotair.
[Griogair] Agus tha sin ag iarraidh fèir gun leagh an t-siùcar an toiseach mus cuir sinn an àird an teas.
[Griogair] Tha mi a’ teasachadh seo gu ceud is seasgad Celsius. Mu dheich ceumannan mus ruig mi an teas sin tha mi a’ bualadh dà ghealagan uighean gus am bi iad nam bideanan boga.
[Griogair] Seo a-nis. Tha sin againn soft peaks.
[Griogair] Nise, tha sinn fèir aig an teas ceart airson an t-siùcar againn; ceud is seasgad Celsius a th’ againn a-nis. Agus tha sin airson seo a chur a-steach beag air bheag leis na gealagan.
[Griogair] Nise, chan eil mi ag iarraidh air an t-siùcar theth a tha seo a dhol faisg air a’ whisk a tha mi a’ cleachdadh an seo, agus cuideachd cladhaich am bobhla.
[Griogair] Tha seo a’ fàs cho tiugh gu bheil mi ga fhaighinn duilich càil eile a dhèanamh ris. Is chan eil mi ag iarraidh am mixer agam a bhriseadh a bharrachd. Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gum fàg sinn aig a sin e. Tha e air a dhol duilich gu leòr.
[Griogair] Nise, is tha beagan de dhath air a thighinn air na cnòthan is tha blas nas fheàrr air tighinn oirr’. Agus cuiridh sinn iad sin a-steach. An uair sin na sirisean, agus tha ceud grama air na sirisean ann. Agus aon spàin-teatha dha vanilla extract a tha mi a’ cleachdadh. Agus an uair sin fèir a’ cleachdadh na spàin againn.
[Griogair] Tha mi a’ cur a’ mheasgachaidh seo ann an soitheach ceàrnach, fichead centimetre gach taobh air a lineagadh le pàipear-ruis. Cuiridh mi duilleag eile pàipear-rus air a’ mhullach le cuideam air agus fàgaidh mi e airson suas gu trì uairean a thìd’.
[Griogair] Nis,e tha seo air fàs cruaidh a-nis is e air a bhith a’ suidhe airson, ò, dhà no trì uairean a thìde.
[Griogair] Nise, sin a-mach às an tiona. Dèan cinnteach gun cleachd sibh tiona le bonn a thig às.
[Griogair] Feuch sinn dè tha a-staigh na bhroinn. Seall sin a-nis. Agus na cnòthan cuideachd is a fàileadh a’ tighinn bhuap’.
[Griogair] Tha sin math. Cho bog, cho milis. Is na cnòthan. ’S e nougat, no “nugget” mar a bha agams’ air. Math tha sin.
Chaidh am prògram seo, Fuine, a chraoladh an toiseach ann an 2018. Le taing do Caledonia TV.
Gregor's nougat
[Gregor] Now, I used to think that they called this “nugget”, but it’s nougat. That’s what I called it for years and years anyway.
[Gregor] I’ve got one-hundred and fifty grams of pistachios along with one-hundred and fifty grams of the macadamias. Now, I’ll put these in the oven at one-hundred Celsius and we’ll leave them there until we need them.
[Gregor] Into the pan we’re going to put two-hundred and twenty-five grams of this ordinary, or granulated, sugar. Along with the sugar we’re going to add honey, and we’ve got one-hundred and forty millilitres of grams of that.
[Gregor] I’m going to add two and a half big spoonfuls of glucose. And we’ve got water here too; one-hundred and ten millilitres.
[Gregor] And we just want the sugar to melt first before we turn the heat up.
[Gregor] I’m heating this up to sixty Celsius. About ten degrees before we reach that temperature I’m whisking two egg whites until we get soft peaks.
[Gregor] There we go. We’ve got soft peaks.
[Gregor] Now, we’re just at the right temperature for our sugar; one-hundred and sixty Celsius now. And we want to add this gradually to the egg whites.
[Gregor] Now, I don't want this hot sugar to go near this whisk that I’m using here, or the side of the bowl.
[Gregor] This is getting so thick that I’m finding it difficult to do any more to it. And I don’t want my mixer to break either. I think we’ll leave it there. It’s become difficult enough.
[Gregor] Now, the nuts have taken on a bit of colour and a better flavour. We’ll add them in. And then the cherries, there’s one-hundred grams of cherries. And I’m using one teaspoon of vanilla extract. And then just using our spoon.
[Gregor] I’m putting this mixture into a square container, twenty centimetres each side lined with rice paper. I’ll put another sheet of rice paper on the top with some weight on it and I’ll leave it for up to three hours.
[Gregor] Now, this has gone solid after sitting for, oh, two or three hours.
[Gregor] Now, that’s it out of the tin. Make sure you use a tin with a base that comes out.
[Gregor] Let’s see out what’s inside. Look at that. And the nuts too, the smell coming from them.
[Gregor] That’s good. So soft, so sweet. And the nuts.
[Gregor] That’s nougat, or “nugget” as I used to call it. That is good.
This programme, Fuine, was first broadcast in 2018. Courtesy of Caledonia TV