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Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Beachdan air `Òran Eile’

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Preseantair] Rugadh Uilleam Ros anns an Eilean Sgitheanach faisg air an Àth Leathann agus chaidh oideachadh ann an Farrais. Bha dlùth-cheangal aige ri Gheàrrloch air taobh a mhàthar agus chuir e seachad a’ mhòr-chuid de bheatha an sin.

[Preseantair] Ach a thaobh a chridhe, bha Baile Steòrnabhaigh air taobh eile a’ Chuain Sgìth air leth cudromach.

[An t-Oll Uilleam MacGill’Ìosa] A rèir na h-eachdraidh-beatha a thug Iain MacCoinnich dhuinn ann an Sàr Obair nam Bàrd Gàidhealach, tha sin ag innse dhuinn gun do dh’fhàg athair a’ chroit agus gun tug e Uilleam Ros còmhla ris nuair a bha e a’ siubhal, ’s cuideachd, tha fhios againne gun robh e ann an Leòdhas a chionn b’ ann nuair a bha e ann an Leòdhas a thachair e ris an nighean a bha gu bhith na cuspair bàrdachd aige nuair a thàinig e gu aois inbhe, sin Mòr Ros.

[Màiri Kidd] ’S e pìos uabhasach pearsanta a th’ ann, ach dhòmhsa dheth pearsanta dha-san. ’S dòcha gu bheil, fhios a’d, tha e ag ràdh tòrr mu ghaol no mun ghaol a bh’ aige-san oirre. Chan eil e dhòmhsa, chan eil e ag ràdh cus mu deidhinn-sa agus cuideachd a’ ghruagach as baglaiche air cùl rudan mar sin. Sin agad mar a bha mi ag ràdh, na h-ìomhaighean a tha gu math stèidhichte agus saoilidh mise a-rithist mar sin nach eil iad cho uabhasach pearsanta, tha, fhios a’d, an loidhne“tha mise gad ionndrainn Mòr”, ann an dòigh ag ràdh barrachd dhòmhsa na na h-ìomhaighean mu cho bòidheach, brèagha ’s a bha Mòr Ros.

Chaidh am prògram seo, Sheinn am Bàrd, a chraoladh an toiseach ann an 2009.



Views on `Another Song’

English Beurla

[Presenter] William Ross was born on the Isle of Skye close to Broadford and he was educated in Forres. He had a close connection with Gairloch on his mother's side and he spent most of his life there.

[Presenter] But on the side of his heart, the town of Stornoway on the other side of the Minch was very important.

[Professor Willie Gillies] According to the biography that John MacKenzie gave us In Sàr Obair nam Bàrd Gàidhealach (Great Works of the Highland Poets), that tells us that his father left the croft and that he took William Ross with him when he was travelling, and also, we know that he was In Lewis because it is when he was in Lewis that he met the girl that was going to be the subject of his poetry when he came to be the age of maturity, that’s Marion Ross.

[Mairi Kidd] It's an awfully person3l piece, but for me personal to him. Maybe, you know, he says a lot about love or about the love he had for her. It's not for me, he doesn't say too much about her and also the maid who is the biggest struggle behind things like that. That is as I was saying, the images that are very established and I believe again that they aren’t so personal, there is, you know, the line, “I miss you Marion”, in a way says more to me than the images about how very, very beautiful Marion Ross was.

This programme, Sheinn am Bàrd, was first broadcast in 2009.



Beachdan air `Òran Eile’

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Preseantair] Rugadh Uilleam Ros anns an Eilean Sgitheanach faisg air an Àth Leathann agus chaidh oideachadh ann an Farrais. Bha dlùth-cheangal aige ri Gheàrrloch air taobh a mhàthar agus chuir e seachad a’ mhòr-chuid de bheatha an sin.

[Preseantair] Ach a thaobh a chridhe, bha Baile Steòrnabhaigh air taobh eile a’ Chuain Sgìth air leth cudromach.

[An t-Oll Uilleam MacGill’Ìosa] A rèir na h-eachdraidh-beatha a thug Iain MacCoinnich dhuinn ann an Sàr Obair nam Bàrd Gàidhealach, tha sin ag innse dhuinn gun do dh’fhàg athair a’ chroit agus gun tug e Uilleam Ros còmhla ris nuair a bha e a’ siubhal, ’s cuideachd, tha fhios againne gun robh e ann an Leòdhas a chionn b’ ann nuair a bha e ann an Leòdhas a thachair e ris an nighean a bha gu bhith na cuspair bàrdachd aige nuair a thàinig e gu aois inbhe, sin Mòr Ros.

[Màiri Kidd] ’S e pìos uabhasach pearsanta a th’ ann, ach dhòmhsa dheth pearsanta dha-san. ’S dòcha gu bheil, fhios a’d, tha e ag ràdh tòrr mu ghaol no mun ghaol a bh’ aige-san oirre. Chan eil e dhòmhsa, chan eil e ag ràdh cus mu deidhinn-sa agus cuideachd a’ ghruagach as baglaiche air cùl rudan mar sin. Sin agad mar a bha mi ag ràdh, na h-ìomhaighean a tha gu math stèidhichte agus saoilidh mise a-rithist mar sin nach eil iad cho uabhasach pearsanta, tha, fhios a’d, an loidhne“tha mise gad ionndrainn Mòr”, ann an dòigh ag ràdh barrachd dhòmhsa na na h-ìomhaighean mu cho bòidheach, brèagha ’s a bha Mòr Ros.

Chaidh am prògram seo, Sheinn am Bàrd, a chraoladh an toiseach ann an 2009.



Views on `Another Song’

English Beurla

[Presenter] William Ross was born on the Isle of Skye close to Broadford and he was educated in Forres. He had a close connection with Gairloch on his mother's side and he spent most of his life there.

[Presenter] But on the side of his heart, the town of Stornoway on the other side of the Minch was very important.

[Professor Willie Gillies] According to the biography that John MacKenzie gave us In Sàr Obair nam Bàrd Gàidhealach (Great Works of the Highland Poets), that tells us that his father left the croft and that he took William Ross with him when he was travelling, and also, we know that he was In Lewis because it is when he was in Lewis that he met the girl that was going to be the subject of his poetry when he came to be the age of maturity, that’s Marion Ross.

[Mairi Kidd] It's an awfully person3l piece, but for me personal to him. Maybe, you know, he says a lot about love or about the love he had for her. It's not for me, he doesn't say too much about her and also the maid who is the biggest struggle behind things like that. That is as I was saying, the images that are very established and I believe again that they aren’t so personal, there is, you know, the line, “I miss you Marion”, in a way says more to me than the images about how very, very beautiful Marion Ross was.

This programme, Sheinn am Bàrd, was first broadcast in 2009.