Food Biadh
Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.
Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.
Na h-Uighean uachdair teòclaid aig Donna
[Griogair] Tha e an-còmhnaidh math mo charaid Donna fhaicinn. Faodaidh mi bhith cinnteach gum bi rud blasta air choreigin aicese san amharc. Donna, dè seòrsa reasabaidh a tha thu dèanamh dhomh an-diugh?
[Donna] Uill tha sin a’ dol a dhèanamh briosgaidean an-diugh. Tha iad rud beag coltach ri custard creams ach tha iad diofraichte a-rithist.
[Griogair] Agus ciamar a tha sin?
[Donna] Tha gu bheil sinn e a’ cur chocolate orra. Right, min-flùr againn an toiseach, agus tha, dè na th’ againn ann? Sia unnsaichean. ’S dè na tha sin ann an gramaichean?
[Griogair] Och, a bheil seo a’ tachairt a-rithist?
[Donna] Tha.
[Griogair] Dè na tha sin?
[Donna] Ceud seachdad ’s a còig.
[Griogair] Ceud seachdad ’s a còig, glè mhath, gramaichean. ’S e. So, sia unnsaichean, ceud seachdad ’s a còig grama.
[Donna] Plain flour.
[Griogair] De hlùr plain. Glè mhath.
[Donna] Dhan a’ bhobhla.
[Griogair] Agus, còmhla ris am flùr?
[Donna] Còmhla ris a’ flùr tha sinn a’ dol a chur dà unns’ de custard powder agus an aon rud de icing sugar. Okay.
[Griogar] Dà unns’ a-rithist.
[Donna] Dà unns’. Is dè thuirt mi a bha sin ann an gramaichean?
[Griogair] Leth-cheud ’s a còig.
[Donna] O! Tha thu a’ dèanamh math.
[Griogair] A bheil sin ceart?
[Donna] Tha thu a’ dèanamh math. Tha sinn an uair sin a’ cur sia unnsaichean de margarine. So bidh sinn a’ mix-eadh a seo. Gun tig a h-uile càil ri chèile mar balla mòr.
[Griogair] Glè mhath. ‘S a bheil sin caran bog?
[Donna] Tha e beagan bog, tha. So tha thu a’ toirt rud beag dhan an spàin, timcheall air làn spàin agus cuir rud beag flùir air do làmhan agus tha thu ga rolaigeadh.
[Griogair] Balla beag.
[Donna] Dìreach balla beag, chan eil thu ga pronnadh idir.
[Griogair] Agus Gu cùramach. So cho mòr sin?
[Donna] Seadh, mun a’ mheud sin. Feuch!
[Griogair] Mun a’ mheud sin. Okay.
[Donna] Feuch air.
[Griogar] Mar sin?
[Donna] Uh-huh.
[Griogair] Glè mhath. Ò, feumaidh mi flùr a chur air…
[Donna] Feumaidh tu rud beag flùir air do làmhan. Stigidh e ri do làmhan mura dèan thu sin. Ma tha do làmhan ro bhlàth, tha thu gu math duilich.
[Griogair] Dè cho fada bho chèile ’s a tha thu ga iarraidh?
[Donna] Mar sin fhèin.
[Griogair] Cia mheud a gheibh sinn a-mach à seo?
[Donna] Gheibh sinn timcheall air fichead. Mar as trice bidh mi a’ faighinn fichead sa ceithir. Right, tha sinn a-nis a’ dol a dhèanamh làrach. Dìreach gan pronnadh rud beag air a h-uile fear.
[Griogair] Ò glè mhath.
[Donna] Air a h-uile fear. Bidh thu a’ cur rud beag flùir air a’ forc agus bidh e nas fhasa.
[Griogair] ’S e tha sin a tha a’ cuideachadh. Tha e iongantach fèir, ’s e fèir forc a tha sin agus tha iad a’ coimhead cho math.
[Donna] Nach eil? Agus tha sin a dèanamh diofar.
[Griogair] Agus tha mi a’ creidsinn a-nis gu bheil sin deiseil airson an àmhainn. Dè cho fada?
[Donna] Aig an teas 170 no 180 agus gas mark four or five airson fichead mionaid.
[Griogair] Glè mhath. A-steach leotha a-rithist.
[Donna] A-steach leotha.
[Griogair] Nise, fhad ’s a tha na briosgaidean anns an àmhainn, dè tha thu ag ullachadh?
[Donna] Tha sinn a’ dol a dhèanamh butter cream icing airson a cur eadar na briosgaidean. Agus tha sinn a’ dol a dhèanamh fear seo le chocolate na measg.
[Griogair] Glè mhath.
[Donna] So, tha againn ceud grama de dh’ìm – chan e margarine ach ìm.
[Griogair] Ìm ceart.
[Donna] Ìm ceart mar a chanas sinn. Agus ceud agus ochdad ’s a còig gram de icing sugar agus còig deug gram de cocoa powder. ’S tha sinn a’ dol a chur a h-uile càil sin am measg a chèile agus rud beag vanilla essence.
[Griogair] Dè na chanadh tu? De vanilla?
[Donna] Làn spàin beag.
[Griogair] Glè mhath, agus am bi a h-uile càil fèir a’ dol steach còmhla?
[Donna] A h-uile càil còmhla.
[Donna] So cuiridh sinn seo air ‘s tha an rud seo a’ dol a dhèanamh rud beag fuaim.
[Griogair] ‘S iad… a’ coimhead math, nach eil?
[Donna] Tha iad a’ coimhead glè mhath even mar sin fhèin.
[Griogair] Dè an fheadhainn a rinn mise a-nis?
[Donna] Emmm fuirich gum faic mi, creids’ gur e am fear ud – am fear truagh a tha sin. ’S tha fear truagh eile ann a shin.
[Griogair] Och uill, bha mi an dùil.
[Donna] Nì mi aon, so am faic thu dè tha mi a’ dèanamh.
[Griogair] ‘S a bheil mise a’ dèanamh a’ chòrr?
[Donna] Tha thusa a’ dèanamh a’ chòrr. Tha, a h-uile gin eile.
[Griogair] Bidh mi ann fad an latha.
[Donna] A bheil do làmhan glan a-nis mus tòisich sinn?
[Griogair] Tha iad glan. ‘S e mi fhìn a rinn na soithichean.
[Griogair] Donna tha iad seo a’ coimhead math fhèin. Right, tha mi a’ dol a-steach airson pìos.
[Donna] Siuthad ma-thà, feuch e!
[Griogair] Ò tha iad sin math.
[Donna] Ach chan urrainn dhut mòran dhuibh ith’ aig aon àm.
[Griogair] Chan urrainn, tha iad cho mòr.
[Donna] Tha iad, mar a chanas sinn “man-sized”.
[Griogair] Tha iad duilich ri dhèanamh càil nas lugha.
[Donna] Tha, nach eil.
[Griogair] Dh’fhaodadh iad losgadh. Tha iad sin math fhèin. Tapadh leibhse.
[Donna] ‘S e làn dì do bheatha.
Donna’s chocolate custard creams
[Gregor] It’s always good to see my friend Donna. I can be sure that she has something delicious in mind. Donna, what sort of recipe are you doing for me today?
[Donna] Well we’re going to make biscuits today. They are a wee bit like custard creams but they’re different again.
[Gregor] And how is that?
[Donna] Because we’re putting chocolate on them. Right, we have flour first and we have, what do we have? Six ounces, and what is that in grams?
[Gregor] Och, is this happening again?
[Donna] It is.
[Gregor] What’s that?
[Donna] 175.
[Gregor] 175, very good, grams. It is. So six ounces, 175g.
[Donna] Plain flour.
[Gregor] Of plain flour. Very good.
[Donna] In the bowl.
[Gregor] And with the flour?
[Donna] With the flour we’re going to put two ounces of custard powder and the same amount of icing sugar. Okay.
[Gregor] Two ounces again.
[Donna] Two ounces. And what did I say that was in grams?
[Gregor] 55.
[Donna] Oh! You’re doing well.
[Gregor] Is that right?
[Donna] You’re doing well. We’re then adding six ounces of margarine. So, we’ll mix this. Until everything comes together like a big ball.
[Gregor] Very good. And is that quite soft?
[Donna] It is a wee bit soft yes. So you take a wee bit in a spoon, around a full spoon and put a wee bit of flour on your hands and you roll it.
[Gregor] A small ball.
[Donna] Just a small ball, you don’t pound it at all.
[Gregor] And carefully, as big as that?
[Donna] Yes, about that size. Try it!
[Gregor] About that size? Very good.
[Donna] Try it.
[Gregor] Like that?
[Donna] Uh-huh.
[Gregor] Very good. Oh, I need to put flour on…
[Donna] You need a wee bit of flour on your hands. It will stick to your hands lif you don’t do that. If your hands are too warm, it’s very difficult.
[Gregor] How far apart do you want them?
[Donna] Just like that.
[Gregor] How many will you get out of this?
[Donna] You’ll get around 20. Usually I get 24. Right, we’re now going to make a mark. Just pressing each one a little bit.
[Gregor] Oh very good.
[Donna] On every one. You put a wee bit of flour on the fork and it will be easier.
[Gregor] It’s that that helps. It’s amazing just, that just a fork and they look so good.
[Donna] IDon’t they? And that makes a difference.
[Gregor] And I believe now that that’s ready for the oven. How long?
[Donna] At a temperature of 170 or 180 and gas mark four or five for 20 minutes.
[Gregor] Very good. In they go again.
[Donna] In they go.
[Gregor] Now, while the biscuits are in the oven, what are you preparing?
[Donna] We’re going to make butter cream icing to put between the biscuits. And we’re going to make this one with chocolate in it.
[Gregor] Very good.
[Donna] So, we have 100g of butter – not margarine but butter.
[Gregor] Proper butter.
[Donna] Proper butter as we say. And 185g of icing sugar and 15g of cocoa powder. And we’re going to mix everything together and a wee bit of vanilla essence.
[Gregor] What would you say? Of vanilla?
[Donna] A full small spoon.
[Gregor] Very good, and will all of that go in together?
[Donna] Everything together.
[Donna] So, we’ll put this on, and this thing is going to make a wee bit of noise.
[Gregor] That looks good doesn’t it?
[Donna] They look very good even like that.
[Gregor] What ones did I make now?
[Donna] Emmm wait until I see, I think that it’s that one – that poor one. And there’s another poor one there.
[Gregor] Och well, I expected that.
[Donna] I’ll make one, so you can see what I’m doing.
[Gregor] And am I doing the rest?
[Donna] You’re doing the rest. Yes, every other one.
[Gregor] I’ll be here all day.
[Donna] Are your hands clean now before we start?
[Gregor] They’re clean. It was me that did the dishes.
[Gregor] Donna these are looking very good. Right, I’m going to go in for a piece.
[Donna] On you go then, try it!
[Gregor] Oh they’re good.
[Donna] But you can’t eat many of them at one time.
[Gregor] You can’t they’re so big.
[Donna] They are as we say “man-sized”.
[Gregor] They’re difficult to make any smaller.
[Donna] They are, aren’t they?
[Gregor] They could burn. They are very good. Thank you.
[Donna] You’re very welcome.
Na h-Uighean uachdair teòclaid aig Donna
[Griogair] Tha e an-còmhnaidh math mo charaid Donna fhaicinn. Faodaidh mi bhith cinnteach gum bi rud blasta air choreigin aicese san amharc. Donna, dè seòrsa reasabaidh a tha thu dèanamh dhomh an-diugh?
[Donna] Uill tha sin a’ dol a dhèanamh briosgaidean an-diugh. Tha iad rud beag coltach ri custard creams ach tha iad diofraichte a-rithist.
[Griogair] Agus ciamar a tha sin?
[Donna] Tha gu bheil sinn e a’ cur chocolate orra. Right, min-flùr againn an toiseach, agus tha, dè na th’ againn ann? Sia unnsaichean. ’S dè na tha sin ann an gramaichean?
[Griogair] Och, a bheil seo a’ tachairt a-rithist?
[Donna] Tha.
[Griogair] Dè na tha sin?
[Donna] Ceud seachdad ’s a còig.
[Griogair] Ceud seachdad ’s a còig, glè mhath, gramaichean. ’S e. So, sia unnsaichean, ceud seachdad ’s a còig grama.
[Donna] Plain flour.
[Griogair] De hlùr plain. Glè mhath.
[Donna] Dhan a’ bhobhla.
[Griogair] Agus, còmhla ris am flùr?
[Donna] Còmhla ris a’ flùr tha sinn a’ dol a chur dà unns’ de custard powder agus an aon rud de icing sugar. Okay.
[Griogar] Dà unns’ a-rithist.
[Donna] Dà unns’. Is dè thuirt mi a bha sin ann an gramaichean?
[Griogair] Leth-cheud ’s a còig.
[Donna] O! Tha thu a’ dèanamh math.
[Griogair] A bheil sin ceart?
[Donna] Tha thu a’ dèanamh math. Tha sinn an uair sin a’ cur sia unnsaichean de margarine. So bidh sinn a’ mix-eadh a seo. Gun tig a h-uile càil ri chèile mar balla mòr.
[Griogair] Glè mhath. ‘S a bheil sin caran bog?
[Donna] Tha e beagan bog, tha. So tha thu a’ toirt rud beag dhan an spàin, timcheall air làn spàin agus cuir rud beag flùir air do làmhan agus tha thu ga rolaigeadh.
[Griogair] Balla beag.
[Donna] Dìreach balla beag, chan eil thu ga pronnadh idir.
[Griogair] Agus Gu cùramach. So cho mòr sin?
[Donna] Seadh, mun a’ mheud sin. Feuch!
[Griogair] Mun a’ mheud sin. Okay.
[Donna] Feuch air.
[Griogar] Mar sin?
[Donna] Uh-huh.
[Griogair] Glè mhath. Ò, feumaidh mi flùr a chur air…
[Donna] Feumaidh tu rud beag flùir air do làmhan. Stigidh e ri do làmhan mura dèan thu sin. Ma tha do làmhan ro bhlàth, tha thu gu math duilich.
[Griogair] Dè cho fada bho chèile ’s a tha thu ga iarraidh?
[Donna] Mar sin fhèin.
[Griogair] Cia mheud a gheibh sinn a-mach à seo?
[Donna] Gheibh sinn timcheall air fichead. Mar as trice bidh mi a’ faighinn fichead sa ceithir. Right, tha sinn a-nis a’ dol a dhèanamh làrach. Dìreach gan pronnadh rud beag air a h-uile fear.
[Griogair] Ò glè mhath.
[Donna] Air a h-uile fear. Bidh thu a’ cur rud beag flùir air a’ forc agus bidh e nas fhasa.
[Griogair] ’S e tha sin a tha a’ cuideachadh. Tha e iongantach fèir, ’s e fèir forc a tha sin agus tha iad a’ coimhead cho math.
[Donna] Nach eil? Agus tha sin a dèanamh diofar.
[Griogair] Agus tha mi a’ creidsinn a-nis gu bheil sin deiseil airson an àmhainn. Dè cho fada?
[Donna] Aig an teas 170 no 180 agus gas mark four or five airson fichead mionaid.
[Griogair] Glè mhath. A-steach leotha a-rithist.
[Donna] A-steach leotha.
[Griogair] Nise, fhad ’s a tha na briosgaidean anns an àmhainn, dè tha thu ag ullachadh?
[Donna] Tha sinn a’ dol a dhèanamh butter cream icing airson a cur eadar na briosgaidean. Agus tha sinn a’ dol a dhèanamh fear seo le chocolate na measg.
[Griogair] Glè mhath.
[Donna] So, tha againn ceud grama de dh’ìm – chan e margarine ach ìm.
[Griogair] Ìm ceart.
[Donna] Ìm ceart mar a chanas sinn. Agus ceud agus ochdad ’s a còig gram de icing sugar agus còig deug gram de cocoa powder. ’S tha sinn a’ dol a chur a h-uile càil sin am measg a chèile agus rud beag vanilla essence.
[Griogair] Dè na chanadh tu? De vanilla?
[Donna] Làn spàin beag.
[Griogair] Glè mhath, agus am bi a h-uile càil fèir a’ dol steach còmhla?
[Donna] A h-uile càil còmhla.
[Donna] So cuiridh sinn seo air ‘s tha an rud seo a’ dol a dhèanamh rud beag fuaim.
[Griogair] ‘S iad… a’ coimhead math, nach eil?
[Donna] Tha iad a’ coimhead glè mhath even mar sin fhèin.
[Griogair] Dè an fheadhainn a rinn mise a-nis?
[Donna] Emmm fuirich gum faic mi, creids’ gur e am fear ud – am fear truagh a tha sin. ’S tha fear truagh eile ann a shin.
[Griogair] Och uill, bha mi an dùil.
[Donna] Nì mi aon, so am faic thu dè tha mi a’ dèanamh.
[Griogair] ‘S a bheil mise a’ dèanamh a’ chòrr?
[Donna] Tha thusa a’ dèanamh a’ chòrr. Tha, a h-uile gin eile.
[Griogair] Bidh mi ann fad an latha.
[Donna] A bheil do làmhan glan a-nis mus tòisich sinn?
[Griogair] Tha iad glan. ‘S e mi fhìn a rinn na soithichean.
[Griogair] Donna tha iad seo a’ coimhead math fhèin. Right, tha mi a’ dol a-steach airson pìos.
[Donna] Siuthad ma-thà, feuch e!
[Griogair] Ò tha iad sin math.
[Donna] Ach chan urrainn dhut mòran dhuibh ith’ aig aon àm.
[Griogair] Chan urrainn, tha iad cho mòr.
[Donna] Tha iad, mar a chanas sinn “man-sized”.
[Griogair] Tha iad duilich ri dhèanamh càil nas lugha.
[Donna] Tha, nach eil.
[Griogair] Dh’fhaodadh iad losgadh. Tha iad sin math fhèin. Tapadh leibhse.
[Donna] ‘S e làn dì do bheatha.
Donna’s chocolate custard creams
[Gregor] It’s always good to see my friend Donna. I can be sure that she has something delicious in mind. Donna, what sort of recipe are you doing for me today?
[Donna] Well we’re going to make biscuits today. They are a wee bit like custard creams but they’re different again.
[Gregor] And how is that?
[Donna] Because we’re putting chocolate on them. Right, we have flour first and we have, what do we have? Six ounces, and what is that in grams?
[Gregor] Och, is this happening again?
[Donna] It is.
[Gregor] What’s that?
[Donna] 175.
[Gregor] 175, very good, grams. It is. So six ounces, 175g.
[Donna] Plain flour.
[Gregor] Of plain flour. Very good.
[Donna] In the bowl.
[Gregor] And with the flour?
[Donna] With the flour we’re going to put two ounces of custard powder and the same amount of icing sugar. Okay.
[Gregor] Two ounces again.
[Donna] Two ounces. And what did I say that was in grams?
[Gregor] 55.
[Donna] Oh! You’re doing well.
[Gregor] Is that right?
[Donna] You’re doing well. We’re then adding six ounces of margarine. So, we’ll mix this. Until everything comes together like a big ball.
[Gregor] Very good. And is that quite soft?
[Donna] It is a wee bit soft yes. So you take a wee bit in a spoon, around a full spoon and put a wee bit of flour on your hands and you roll it.
[Gregor] A small ball.
[Donna] Just a small ball, you don’t pound it at all.
[Gregor] And carefully, as big as that?
[Donna] Yes, about that size. Try it!
[Gregor] About that size? Very good.
[Donna] Try it.
[Gregor] Like that?
[Donna] Uh-huh.
[Gregor] Very good. Oh, I need to put flour on…
[Donna] You need a wee bit of flour on your hands. It will stick to your hands lif you don’t do that. If your hands are too warm, it’s very difficult.
[Gregor] How far apart do you want them?
[Donna] Just like that.
[Gregor] How many will you get out of this?
[Donna] You’ll get around 20. Usually I get 24. Right, we’re now going to make a mark. Just pressing each one a little bit.
[Gregor] Oh very good.
[Donna] On every one. You put a wee bit of flour on the fork and it will be easier.
[Gregor] It’s that that helps. It’s amazing just, that just a fork and they look so good.
[Donna] IDon’t they? And that makes a difference.
[Gregor] And I believe now that that’s ready for the oven. How long?
[Donna] At a temperature of 170 or 180 and gas mark four or five for 20 minutes.
[Gregor] Very good. In they go again.
[Donna] In they go.
[Gregor] Now, while the biscuits are in the oven, what are you preparing?
[Donna] We’re going to make butter cream icing to put between the biscuits. And we’re going to make this one with chocolate in it.
[Gregor] Very good.
[Donna] So, we have 100g of butter – not margarine but butter.
[Gregor] Proper butter.
[Donna] Proper butter as we say. And 185g of icing sugar and 15g of cocoa powder. And we’re going to mix everything together and a wee bit of vanilla essence.
[Gregor] What would you say? Of vanilla?
[Donna] A full small spoon.
[Gregor] Very good, and will all of that go in together?
[Donna] Everything together.
[Donna] So, we’ll put this on, and this thing is going to make a wee bit of noise.
[Gregor] That looks good doesn’t it?
[Donna] They look very good even like that.
[Gregor] What ones did I make now?
[Donna] Emmm wait until I see, I think that it’s that one – that poor one. And there’s another poor one there.
[Gregor] Och well, I expected that.
[Donna] I’ll make one, so you can see what I’m doing.
[Gregor] And am I doing the rest?
[Donna] You’re doing the rest. Yes, every other one.
[Gregor] I’ll be here all day.
[Donna] Are your hands clean now before we start?
[Gregor] They’re clean. It was me that did the dishes.
[Gregor] Donna these are looking very good. Right, I’m going to go in for a piece.
[Donna] On you go then, try it!
[Gregor] Oh they’re good.
[Donna] But you can’t eat many of them at one time.
[Gregor] You can’t they’re so big.
[Donna] They are as we say “man-sized”.
[Gregor] They’re difficult to make any smaller.
[Donna] They are, aren’t they?
[Gregor] They could burn. They are very good. Thank you.
[Donna] You’re very welcome.