FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

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B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Dùbhlan ro luchd-ciùil

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Màiri Rodgers] Nis bho Runrig gu Skerryvore gu Breabach agus na ceudan eile, tha e follaiseach gu bheil ceangal Gàidhealach uabhasach tarraingeach do luchd-èisteachd na Roinn Eòrpa. Ach a-nist tha visa-an a dhìth do luchd-ciùil à Breatann anns a bheil riaghailtean gu math teann. Tha seo a’ cur dragh air mòran ’s iad iomagaineach mu na bhacadh a chuireadh seo air na cothroman-cosnaidh aca. Tha an aithris seo aig Niall Bartlett.

[Niall Bartlett] Tha toglaichean-ciùil na h-Alba an-dràsta nan thàmh ach do cheòladairean na dùthcha tha iomagain ùr a’ nochdadh ris na visa-an a tha a-nis a dhìth orra gus obair anns an EU seach Èirinn.

[Niall Bartlett] Tha dragh ann mun bhacadh a chuireadh seo air na cothroman-cosnaidh aca am broinn an Aon-E.

[Eòghann MacEanraig] Cha mhòr nach biodh e na dhinn do dhaoine a’ dol a-null airson deireadh sheachdain a’ cluich aig fèis no dhà ach ghabhadh cuairt a dhèanamh ’s dòcha ach nam biodh sinne airson cosgais na visas a chur ris an tuarastal againn, chanadh promoters ach “Thalla! Gheibh sinn còmhlan à Èirinn no à dùthaich sam bith eile san Roinn Eòrpa”, coltach ri gnìomhachas sam bith eile.

[Niall Bartlett] Do cheòl Ghàidhealach gu h-àraid, ’s e dùthchannan Eòrpach aon de phrìomh mhargaidhean nan gnè. Nan deidheadh am margadh sin a lùghdachadh, bhiodh oidhirp a dhìth gus an deach a-steach na th’ air a chall a lorg anns an dùthaich seo fhèin.

[Eòghann MacEanraig] Gu math tràth bha sinne a’ dol a-null dhan an Roinn Eòrpa gu math tric agus tha mi smaointinn gu bheil, tha fèill mhòr anns a’ Ghearmailt ri iarraidh ceòl na h-Alba agus ceòl Gàidhlig gu h-àraidh. Agus mar sin bha sinne riamh a’ cluich nas trice sa Ghearmailt, san Fhraing, sa Spàinn na bha sinn ann an Sasann mar eisimpleir. Anns an t-seagh sin, cha mhòr nach bitheamaid a’ tòiseachadh às ùr, feuchainn ri sgìrean eile fhosgladh mar gum biodh dhuinne agus a’ feuchainn ri cluich ann an Sasainn nas trice agus sgìrean eile de dh’Alba.

[Niall Bartlett] Bha feadhainn eile a bha an dùil nochdadh aig fèisean-ciùil a chaidh a chur dheth air sgàth ’s a’ choròna-bhìoras. A-nis ge-tà, nuair a bhios e comasach na fèisean a chumail a-rithist, chan eil e soilleir am bi e comasach dhaibhsan faighinn thuca.

[Marcas Mac an Tuairneir] An-uiridh bha mi an dùil ’s gum biodh mi fhìn an sàs ann an fleadh eadar-nàiseanta, agus bha sin gu bhith a’ gabhail àite san Danmhairg ach chaidh e chur dheth ri linn a’ choròna-bhìoras agus bha iadsan an dùil gum faigheamaid cothrom an co-fharpais a’ ruith a-rithist.

[Marcas Mac an Tuairneir] Chan eil mise cinnteach am bi e comasach dhòmhsa agus an sgioba a chuir mi ri chèile, am bi e comasach dhuinn dol ann.

[Niall Bartlett] Tha mu thrì ceud mìle neach air ainm a chur ri athchuinge ag iarraidh air Riaghaltas an Rìoghachd Aonaichte coimhead ris an t-suidheachadh às ùr. Niall Bartlett, BBC An Là.



A challenge for musicians

English Beurla

[Mairi Rodgers] Now from Runrig to Skerryvore to Breabach and the hundreds of others, it’s clear that there’s a very attractive Gaelic connection to listeners of Europe. But now there’s a need for visas for musicians from Britain where the rules are very tight. This is worrying many and they are worried about the restrictions that this would put on their earning opportunities. Neil Bartlett has this report.

[Neil Bartlett] Music venues of Scotland are now quiet but for the country’s musicians, a new worry has arisen about the visas that they now need to work in the EU rather than Ireland.

[Neil Bartlett] They are worried about the restriction that this would put on their earning opportunities in Europe.

[Ewen Henderson] It was almost a squeeze for people would be going away for the weekend, playing at a festival or two but touring maybe, but if we wanted to add the price of the visas to our earnings, it would be promoters saying “Away! We’ll get a band from Ireland or from any other country in Europe!”, like any other business.

[Neil Bartlett] For Gaelic music especially, European countries are one of the main markets of its kind. If that market was reduced, there would need to be an effort to put in to find what is lost in this country itself.

[Ewen Henderson] Very early we were going over to Europe very often and I think that, there’s really lots in Germany who want Scottish music and Gaelic music especially. And therefore we were always playing more often in Germany, in France, in Spain than we were in England for example. In that sense, we would almost be starting again, trying to kind of open areas to us and trying to play in England more often and other areas of Scotland.

[Neil Bartlett] There were others who hoped to appear at music festivals that were put off because of the coronavirus. Now though, when it is possible to hold the festivals again, it’s not clear if it will be possible for them to get to them.

[Marcus Turner] Last year I was expecting to be involved in an international festival, and that was going to take place in Denmark but it was put off because of the coronavirus and they had hoped that we would get the opportunity to run the competition again.

[Marcus Turner] I’m not sure if it will be possible for me and the team I put together, if it will be possible for us to go there.

[Neil Bartlett] 300,000 people have put their names to a petition wanting the UK government to look at this situation again. Neil Bartlett, BBC An Là.



Dùbhlan ro luchd-ciùil

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Màiri Rodgers] Nis bho Runrig gu Skerryvore gu Breabach agus na ceudan eile, tha e follaiseach gu bheil ceangal Gàidhealach uabhasach tarraingeach do luchd-èisteachd na Roinn Eòrpa. Ach a-nist tha visa-an a dhìth do luchd-ciùil à Breatann anns a bheil riaghailtean gu math teann. Tha seo a’ cur dragh air mòran ’s iad iomagaineach mu na bhacadh a chuireadh seo air na cothroman-cosnaidh aca. Tha an aithris seo aig Niall Bartlett.

[Niall Bartlett] Tha toglaichean-ciùil na h-Alba an-dràsta nan thàmh ach do cheòladairean na dùthcha tha iomagain ùr a’ nochdadh ris na visa-an a tha a-nis a dhìth orra gus obair anns an EU seach Èirinn.

[Niall Bartlett] Tha dragh ann mun bhacadh a chuireadh seo air na cothroman-cosnaidh aca am broinn an Aon-E.

[Eòghann MacEanraig] Cha mhòr nach biodh e na dhinn do dhaoine a’ dol a-null airson deireadh sheachdain a’ cluich aig fèis no dhà ach ghabhadh cuairt a dhèanamh ’s dòcha ach nam biodh sinne airson cosgais na visas a chur ris an tuarastal againn, chanadh promoters ach “Thalla! Gheibh sinn còmhlan à Èirinn no à dùthaich sam bith eile san Roinn Eòrpa”, coltach ri gnìomhachas sam bith eile.

[Niall Bartlett] Do cheòl Ghàidhealach gu h-àraid, ’s e dùthchannan Eòrpach aon de phrìomh mhargaidhean nan gnè. Nan deidheadh am margadh sin a lùghdachadh, bhiodh oidhirp a dhìth gus an deach a-steach na th’ air a chall a lorg anns an dùthaich seo fhèin.

[Eòghann MacEanraig] Gu math tràth bha sinne a’ dol a-null dhan an Roinn Eòrpa gu math tric agus tha mi smaointinn gu bheil, tha fèill mhòr anns a’ Ghearmailt ri iarraidh ceòl na h-Alba agus ceòl Gàidhlig gu h-àraidh. Agus mar sin bha sinne riamh a’ cluich nas trice sa Ghearmailt, san Fhraing, sa Spàinn na bha sinn ann an Sasann mar eisimpleir. Anns an t-seagh sin, cha mhòr nach bitheamaid a’ tòiseachadh às ùr, feuchainn ri sgìrean eile fhosgladh mar gum biodh dhuinne agus a’ feuchainn ri cluich ann an Sasainn nas trice agus sgìrean eile de dh’Alba.

[Niall Bartlett] Bha feadhainn eile a bha an dùil nochdadh aig fèisean-ciùil a chaidh a chur dheth air sgàth ’s a’ choròna-bhìoras. A-nis ge-tà, nuair a bhios e comasach na fèisean a chumail a-rithist, chan eil e soilleir am bi e comasach dhaibhsan faighinn thuca.

[Marcas Mac an Tuairneir] An-uiridh bha mi an dùil ’s gum biodh mi fhìn an sàs ann an fleadh eadar-nàiseanta, agus bha sin gu bhith a’ gabhail àite san Danmhairg ach chaidh e chur dheth ri linn a’ choròna-bhìoras agus bha iadsan an dùil gum faigheamaid cothrom an co-fharpais a’ ruith a-rithist.

[Marcas Mac an Tuairneir] Chan eil mise cinnteach am bi e comasach dhòmhsa agus an sgioba a chuir mi ri chèile, am bi e comasach dhuinn dol ann.

[Niall Bartlett] Tha mu thrì ceud mìle neach air ainm a chur ri athchuinge ag iarraidh air Riaghaltas an Rìoghachd Aonaichte coimhead ris an t-suidheachadh às ùr. Niall Bartlett, BBC An Là.



A challenge for musicians

English Beurla

[Mairi Rodgers] Now from Runrig to Skerryvore to Breabach and the hundreds of others, it’s clear that there’s a very attractive Gaelic connection to listeners of Europe. But now there’s a need for visas for musicians from Britain where the rules are very tight. This is worrying many and they are worried about the restrictions that this would put on their earning opportunities. Neil Bartlett has this report.

[Neil Bartlett] Music venues of Scotland are now quiet but for the country’s musicians, a new worry has arisen about the visas that they now need to work in the EU rather than Ireland.

[Neil Bartlett] They are worried about the restriction that this would put on their earning opportunities in Europe.

[Ewen Henderson] It was almost a squeeze for people would be going away for the weekend, playing at a festival or two but touring maybe, but if we wanted to add the price of the visas to our earnings, it would be promoters saying “Away! We’ll get a band from Ireland or from any other country in Europe!”, like any other business.

[Neil Bartlett] For Gaelic music especially, European countries are one of the main markets of its kind. If that market was reduced, there would need to be an effort to put in to find what is lost in this country itself.

[Ewen Henderson] Very early we were going over to Europe very often and I think that, there’s really lots in Germany who want Scottish music and Gaelic music especially. And therefore we were always playing more often in Germany, in France, in Spain than we were in England for example. In that sense, we would almost be starting again, trying to kind of open areas to us and trying to play in England more often and other areas of Scotland.

[Neil Bartlett] There were others who hoped to appear at music festivals that were put off because of the coronavirus. Now though, when it is possible to hold the festivals again, it’s not clear if it will be possible for them to get to them.

[Marcus Turner] Last year I was expecting to be involved in an international festival, and that was going to take place in Denmark but it was put off because of the coronavirus and they had hoped that we would get the opportunity to run the competition again.

[Marcus Turner] I’m not sure if it will be possible for me and the team I put together, if it will be possible for us to go there.

[Neil Bartlett] 300,000 people have put their names to a petition wanting the UK government to look at this situation again. Neil Bartlett, BBC An Là.




last year


a situation




a restriction




a team