FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

News Naidheachdan

B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Dè tha a’ tachairt le deuchainnean-dràibhidh?

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Màiri Rodgers] Tha leasanan agus deuchainnean-dràibhidh am measg na tha th’ air fulaing fo bhuaidh Covid-19. Chaid casg orra an toiseach leis a’ chiad lockdown sa Mhàirt an-uiridh agus tha iad san dearbh shuidheachadh a-rithist airson a’ chuid as motha de sgìrean co-dhiù. Tha feadhainn air ath-chuinge a stèidheachadh a’ moladh nach bu chòir feum aig dràibhearan deuchainn a ghabhail ma thèid am measadh leis an tidsear dràibhidh aca, ach tha seo connspaideach. Tha tuilleadh aig Calum MacLeòid.

[Calum MacLeòid] Tha na rathaidean nas sàmhaiche, thoradh a’ ghlasaidh-sluaigh, ach fiù ’s nuair a thogas na bacaidhean, cha bhi iad cho làn ’s a bu chòir. Chan eil dràibhearan ùra air an cothrom fhaighinn deuchainnean-dràibhidh, an dà chuid teòiridh no practaigeach a dhèanamh ri linn nam bacaidhean.

[Aonghas Iain MacLeòid] Phassaidh mi an theory test an dàrna trop ach chan eil e valid ach airson dà bhliadhna agus faighinn test airson am practical anns an draibhidh suas ann am Barraigh, chan eil e furasta nuair a tha thu ag obair còmhla ri CalMac a’ dèanamh two on two off. Dìreach aig an toiseach an lockdown, expiridh an theory test agam.

[Calum MacLeòid] Tha ceangal pearsanta agam fhèin ris an sgeulachd seo cuideachd.

[Calum MacLeòid] Thòisich mi fhìn leasanan dràibhidh as t-Samhain a a-bhòn-uiridh, rinn mi deagh adhartas ach an uair sin thàinig a’ chiad ghlasadh-sluaigh. San Lùnastal thòisich na leasanan agam a-rithist agus an uair sin san Dùbhlachd dh’fheuch mi deuchainn a chur air dòigh. ’S e an ceann latha as tràithe a b’ urrainn dhomh fhaighinn airson deuchainn aig deireadh a’ Ghearrain agus aig an ìre-sa, chan eil e soilleir idir gum bi an leithid ceadaichte an uair sin. Agus, fiù ’s nam biodh, cha bhi mi air leasan a dhèanamh airson còrr is dà mhìos. Feumaidh mi aideachadh, chan eil mi a’ faireachdainn ro dhòchasach mu dheidhinn.

[Calum MacLeòid] Agus chan e a-mhàin ionnsachadh a tha na glasaidhean-shluaigh air fhàgail ann an suidheachadh dhoirbh.

[Heather NicIllinnein] My main side of the business is the traders so that’s your B plus Es so that’s all your chaps who are joiners who are mechanics, the recovery guys, any of these that need to move forward with their businesses or to even get a job after their apprenticeships. They can’t move forward with that either, there’s not an awful lot of examiners and people that have been, their tests have been cancelled in December and January in this lockdown are not being given new test dates till June this year.

[Calum MacLeòid] Tha an coròna-bhìoras air iomadh seòrsa deuchainn a chur oirnn uile ach tha e air cur às dhan t-seòrsa deuchainn a tha seo agus do chuid, ‘s e dùbhlan mòr a tha sin.

[Calum MacLeòid] Calum MacLeòid, BBC An Là.



What's happening with driving tests?

English Beurla

[Màiri Rodgers] Lessons and driving tests are amongst that which has suffered as an impact of Covid-19, they were stopped at the start with the first lockdown in March last year and they are in the same situation again for most areas anyway. Some have set up a petition, recommending that drivers shouldn’t need to take a test If they are assessed by their driving instructor, but this is controversial. Calum MacLeod has more.

[Calum MacLeod] The roads are quieter, a result of the lockdown, but even when the restrictions lift, they won’t be as full as they should. New drivers haven’t had the chance to do their driving tests, either theory or practical, in the time of restrictions.

[Angus John MacLeod] I passed the theory test the second time but it is only valid for two years and getting a practical test in driving up in Barra, it’s not easy when you are working with CalMac doing two on two off. Just at the start of the lockdown, my theory test expired.

[Calum MacLeod] I have a personal connection myself with this story too.

[Calum MacLeod] I started driving lessons in November the year before last, I made good progress but then the first lockdown came. In August I started my lessons again and then in December I tried to organise my test. The earliest date I could get for a test was the end of February and at this stage, it’s not at all clear that such a thing will be allowed then. And, even if it was, I wouldn’t have done a lesson for over two months. I must admit, I’m not feeling too hopeful about it.

[Calum MacLeod] And it’s not only learning that the lockdown has left in a difficult situation.

[Heather MacLennan] My main side of the business is the traders so that’s your B plus Es so that’s all your chaps who are joiners who are mechanics, th recovery guys, any of these that need to move forward with their businesses or to even get a job after their apprenticeships. They can’t move forward with that either, there’s not an awful lot of examiners and people that have been, their tests have been cancelled in December and January in this lockdown are not being given new test dates till June this year.

[Calum MacLeod] The coronavirus has put many types of tests on us all but it has done away with this type of test for some, this is a big challenge.

[Calum MacLeod] Calum Macleod, BBC An Là.



Dè tha a’ tachairt le deuchainnean-dràibhidh?

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Màiri Rodgers] Tha leasanan agus deuchainnean-dràibhidh am measg na tha th’ air fulaing fo bhuaidh Covid-19. Chaid casg orra an toiseach leis a’ chiad lockdown sa Mhàirt an-uiridh agus tha iad san dearbh shuidheachadh a-rithist airson a’ chuid as motha de sgìrean co-dhiù. Tha feadhainn air ath-chuinge a stèidheachadh a’ moladh nach bu chòir feum aig dràibhearan deuchainn a ghabhail ma thèid am measadh leis an tidsear dràibhidh aca, ach tha seo connspaideach. Tha tuilleadh aig Calum MacLeòid.

[Calum MacLeòid] Tha na rathaidean nas sàmhaiche, thoradh a’ ghlasaidh-sluaigh, ach fiù ’s nuair a thogas na bacaidhean, cha bhi iad cho làn ’s a bu chòir. Chan eil dràibhearan ùra air an cothrom fhaighinn deuchainnean-dràibhidh, an dà chuid teòiridh no practaigeach a dhèanamh ri linn nam bacaidhean.

[Aonghas Iain MacLeòid] Phassaidh mi an theory test an dàrna trop ach chan eil e valid ach airson dà bhliadhna agus faighinn test airson am practical anns an draibhidh suas ann am Barraigh, chan eil e furasta nuair a tha thu ag obair còmhla ri CalMac a’ dèanamh two on two off. Dìreach aig an toiseach an lockdown, expiridh an theory test agam.

[Calum MacLeòid] Tha ceangal pearsanta agam fhèin ris an sgeulachd seo cuideachd.

[Calum MacLeòid] Thòisich mi fhìn leasanan dràibhidh as t-Samhain a a-bhòn-uiridh, rinn mi deagh adhartas ach an uair sin thàinig a’ chiad ghlasadh-sluaigh. San Lùnastal thòisich na leasanan agam a-rithist agus an uair sin san Dùbhlachd dh’fheuch mi deuchainn a chur air dòigh. ’S e an ceann latha as tràithe a b’ urrainn dhomh fhaighinn airson deuchainn aig deireadh a’ Ghearrain agus aig an ìre-sa, chan eil e soilleir idir gum bi an leithid ceadaichte an uair sin. Agus, fiù ’s nam biodh, cha bhi mi air leasan a dhèanamh airson còrr is dà mhìos. Feumaidh mi aideachadh, chan eil mi a’ faireachdainn ro dhòchasach mu dheidhinn.

[Calum MacLeòid] Agus chan e a-mhàin ionnsachadh a tha na glasaidhean-shluaigh air fhàgail ann an suidheachadh dhoirbh.

[Heather NicIllinnein] My main side of the business is the traders so that’s your B plus Es so that’s all your chaps who are joiners who are mechanics, the recovery guys, any of these that need to move forward with their businesses or to even get a job after their apprenticeships. They can’t move forward with that either, there’s not an awful lot of examiners and people that have been, their tests have been cancelled in December and January in this lockdown are not being given new test dates till June this year.

[Calum MacLeòid] Tha an coròna-bhìoras air iomadh seòrsa deuchainn a chur oirnn uile ach tha e air cur às dhan t-seòrsa deuchainn a tha seo agus do chuid, ‘s e dùbhlan mòr a tha sin.

[Calum MacLeòid] Calum MacLeòid, BBC An Là.



What's happening with driving tests?

English Beurla

[Màiri Rodgers] Lessons and driving tests are amongst that which has suffered as an impact of Covid-19, they were stopped at the start with the first lockdown in March last year and they are in the same situation again for most areas anyway. Some have set up a petition, recommending that drivers shouldn’t need to take a test If they are assessed by their driving instructor, but this is controversial. Calum MacLeod has more.

[Calum MacLeod] The roads are quieter, a result of the lockdown, but even when the restrictions lift, they won’t be as full as they should. New drivers haven’t had the chance to do their driving tests, either theory or practical, in the time of restrictions.

[Angus John MacLeod] I passed the theory test the second time but it is only valid for two years and getting a practical test in driving up in Barra, it’s not easy when you are working with CalMac doing two on two off. Just at the start of the lockdown, my theory test expired.

[Calum MacLeod] I have a personal connection myself with this story too.

[Calum MacLeod] I started driving lessons in November the year before last, I made good progress but then the first lockdown came. In August I started my lessons again and then in December I tried to organise my test. The earliest date I could get for a test was the end of February and at this stage, it’s not at all clear that such a thing will be allowed then. And, even if it was, I wouldn’t have done a lesson for over two months. I must admit, I’m not feeling too hopeful about it.

[Calum MacLeod] And it’s not only learning that the lockdown has left in a difficult situation.

[Heather MacLennan] My main side of the business is the traders so that’s your B plus Es so that’s all your chaps who are joiners who are mechanics, th recovery guys, any of these that need to move forward with their businesses or to even get a job after their apprenticeships. They can’t move forward with that either, there’s not an awful lot of examiners and people that have been, their tests have been cancelled in December and January in this lockdown are not being given new test dates till June this year.

[Calum MacLeod] The coronavirus has put many types of tests on us all but it has done away with this type of test for some, this is a big challenge.

[Calum MacLeod] Calum Macleod, BBC An Là.



a bhòn-uiridh

the year before last


a situation


an opportunity



