News Naidheachdan
Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.
Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.
Tuairmse sìde
[Joy Dunlop - Preseantair] Feasgar math dhuibh uile. Uill, abair gur ann gruamach a bha i an-diugh, gu h-àraidh gu tuath agus gu siar. Ged a chunnacas greisean grèine aig amannan gu sear. A’ coimhead air adhart ris an t-seachdain a tha ri teachd agus ’s ann caochlaideach a bhios i. Aimsir fhiadhaich air an t-slighe, gu h-àraidh Dimàirt, nuair a bhios a’ ghaoth a’ sìor neartachadh.
[Joy Dunlop – Preseantair] A-nochd ge-tà, oidhche sgòthach a bhios ann anns a’ chumantas, an t-uisge trom agus leantainneach seo a’ dèanamh a shlighe a-nìos gu ruige na h-eileanan mu thuath. Ach anns an fharsaingeachd, mairidh na turadh, smugraich uisge gu siar agus seallaibh air an teothachd, chan ann fuar a bhios i idir, ged a bhios a’ ghaoth a’ neartachadh.
[Joy Dunlop – Preseantair] ’S mar sin madainn a-màireach, toiseach tòiseachaidh, tioram ach sgòthach a bhios ann ach an t-uisge trom agus leantainneach seo a’ tighinn a-staigh gu siar agus a’ dèanamh a shlighe tron dùthaich air fad is mar sin, madainn fhliuch a bhios ann dhuinn uile aig amannan.
[Joy Dunlop – Preseantair] Air cùlaibh sin ge-tà, chithear greisean matha grèine agus fhathast corra fhras a bhios a’ crochadh gu h-àraidh air taobh siar na dùthcha. Dh’fhaodadh na frasan seo a bhith geamhradail air talamh àrd ach bidh greisean grèine rim faicinn agus neartachaidh a’ ghaoth gu h-àraidh anns na h-eileanan mu thuath agus Siar far an ruigidh neart gèile neo ’s dòcha fìor neart gèile.
[Joy Dunlop – Preseantair] Agus a’ gluasad air adhart gu ciaradh an fheasgair agus an ath-oidhch’, an t-uisge agus na frasan seo a’ dèanamh às, a’ fàgail oidhche thioram anns a’ chumantas ach tha a’ ghaoth a’ dol a neartachadh uair eile agus mar a chì sibh an seo Dimàirt aimsir gu math fiadhaich an t-slighe ’s i fliuch agus cuideachd agus gaothach agus ’s ann air sgàth sin a tha Oifis na Sìde air dà rabhadh bhuidhe a ghairm airson ghèiltean anns an dà sgìre seo bho chòig uairean anns a’ mhadainn ach ’s ann gaothach a bhios i dhuinn uile.
[Joy Dunlop – Preseantair] Fliuch cuideachd, an t-uisge leantainneach agus trom seo a’ gluasad tron dùthaich agus gu dearbh dh’fhaodadh seo buaidh a thoirt air siubhal, chan ann fuar a bhios i a’ faireachdainn ge-tà, an teothachd a’ ruigsinn sia Celsius deug ann an corra àite ach gu dearbh ’s ann gaothach a bhios i, oiteagan làidir gaoithe a’ teannadh faisg air ceithir fichead mìle anns an uair. Oidhche mhath leibh.
A weather forecast
[Joy Dunlop - Presenter] Good evening to you all. Well, it was certainly gloomy today, especially up north and to the west. Although there were spells of sunshine at times to the east. Looking forward to the week ahead, it will be changeable. Wild weather on its way, especially on Tuesday, when the wind really begins to strengthen.
[Joy Dunlop - Presenter] Tonight though, it will be generally be a cloudy night, this rain will be heavy and continuous making its way upwards to reach the Northern Isles. But in general, the dry spells will last, patchy rain to the west and look at the temperature! It won’t be cold at all, although the wind will strengthen.
[Joy Dunlop - Presenter] And so tomorrow morning, for starters, it will be dry but cloudy but this heavy and ongoing rain coming in west and making its way throughout the country and as such, it will be a wet morning for us all at times.
[Joy Dunlop - Presenter] Following that though, there will be good sunny spells to be seen and yet an occasional shower will hang around, especially on the west side of the country. These showers could be wintry on high ground but sunny spells will be seen and the wind will strengthen, especially in the Northern and Western Isles where it will reach gale force or maybe true gale force.
[Joy Dunlop - Presenter] And movingahead to the evening twilight and tomorrow night, the rain and these showers making their way, leaving a dry night in general, but the wind is going to strengthen one more time and as you will see here on Tuesday, very wild weather on its way, it’s wet and also windy and because of this, The Met Office have issued two yellow warnings for gales in these two areas from five o’clock in the morning but it will be windy for us all.
[Joy Dunlop - Presenter] Wet too, this ongoing and heavy rain and moving through the country and certainly this could have an impact on travel, it won’t feel cold though, the temperature reaching sixteen degrees Celsius in some areas but certainly it will be windy, strong gusts of wind coming close to 80 mph. Goodnight to you.
Tuairmse sìde
[Joy Dunlop - Preseantair] Feasgar math dhuibh uile. Uill, abair gur ann gruamach a bha i an-diugh, gu h-àraidh gu tuath agus gu siar. Ged a chunnacas greisean grèine aig amannan gu sear. A’ coimhead air adhart ris an t-seachdain a tha ri teachd agus ’s ann caochlaideach a bhios i. Aimsir fhiadhaich air an t-slighe, gu h-àraidh Dimàirt, nuair a bhios a’ ghaoth a’ sìor neartachadh.
[Joy Dunlop – Preseantair] A-nochd ge-tà, oidhche sgòthach a bhios ann anns a’ chumantas, an t-uisge trom agus leantainneach seo a’ dèanamh a shlighe a-nìos gu ruige na h-eileanan mu thuath. Ach anns an fharsaingeachd, mairidh na turadh, smugraich uisge gu siar agus seallaibh air an teothachd, chan ann fuar a bhios i idir, ged a bhios a’ ghaoth a’ neartachadh.
[Joy Dunlop – Preseantair] ’S mar sin madainn a-màireach, toiseach tòiseachaidh, tioram ach sgòthach a bhios ann ach an t-uisge trom agus leantainneach seo a’ tighinn a-staigh gu siar agus a’ dèanamh a shlighe tron dùthaich air fad is mar sin, madainn fhliuch a bhios ann dhuinn uile aig amannan.
[Joy Dunlop – Preseantair] Air cùlaibh sin ge-tà, chithear greisean matha grèine agus fhathast corra fhras a bhios a’ crochadh gu h-àraidh air taobh siar na dùthcha. Dh’fhaodadh na frasan seo a bhith geamhradail air talamh àrd ach bidh greisean grèine rim faicinn agus neartachaidh a’ ghaoth gu h-àraidh anns na h-eileanan mu thuath agus Siar far an ruigidh neart gèile neo ’s dòcha fìor neart gèile.
[Joy Dunlop – Preseantair] Agus a’ gluasad air adhart gu ciaradh an fheasgair agus an ath-oidhch’, an t-uisge agus na frasan seo a’ dèanamh às, a’ fàgail oidhche thioram anns a’ chumantas ach tha a’ ghaoth a’ dol a neartachadh uair eile agus mar a chì sibh an seo Dimàirt aimsir gu math fiadhaich an t-slighe ’s i fliuch agus cuideachd agus gaothach agus ’s ann air sgàth sin a tha Oifis na Sìde air dà rabhadh bhuidhe a ghairm airson ghèiltean anns an dà sgìre seo bho chòig uairean anns a’ mhadainn ach ’s ann gaothach a bhios i dhuinn uile.
[Joy Dunlop – Preseantair] Fliuch cuideachd, an t-uisge leantainneach agus trom seo a’ gluasad tron dùthaich agus gu dearbh dh’fhaodadh seo buaidh a thoirt air siubhal, chan ann fuar a bhios i a’ faireachdainn ge-tà, an teothachd a’ ruigsinn sia Celsius deug ann an corra àite ach gu dearbh ’s ann gaothach a bhios i, oiteagan làidir gaoithe a’ teannadh faisg air ceithir fichead mìle anns an uair. Oidhche mhath leibh.
A weather forecast
[Joy Dunlop - Presenter] Good evening to you all. Well, it was certainly gloomy today, especially up north and to the west. Although there were spells of sunshine at times to the east. Looking forward to the week ahead, it will be changeable. Wild weather on its way, especially on Tuesday, when the wind really begins to strengthen.
[Joy Dunlop - Presenter] Tonight though, it will be generally be a cloudy night, this rain will be heavy and continuous making its way upwards to reach the Northern Isles. But in general, the dry spells will last, patchy rain to the west and look at the temperature! It won’t be cold at all, although the wind will strengthen.
[Joy Dunlop - Presenter] And so tomorrow morning, for starters, it will be dry but cloudy but this heavy and ongoing rain coming in west and making its way throughout the country and as such, it will be a wet morning for us all at times.
[Joy Dunlop - Presenter] Following that though, there will be good sunny spells to be seen and yet an occasional shower will hang around, especially on the west side of the country. These showers could be wintry on high ground but sunny spells will be seen and the wind will strengthen, especially in the Northern and Western Isles where it will reach gale force or maybe true gale force.
[Joy Dunlop - Presenter] And movingahead to the evening twilight and tomorrow night, the rain and these showers making their way, leaving a dry night in general, but the wind is going to strengthen one more time and as you will see here on Tuesday, very wild weather on its way, it’s wet and also windy and because of this, The Met Office have issued two yellow warnings for gales in these two areas from five o’clock in the morning but it will be windy for us all.
[Joy Dunlop - Presenter] Wet too, this ongoing and heavy rain and moving through the country and certainly this could have an impact on travel, it won’t feel cold though, the temperature reaching sixteen degrees Celsius in some areas but certainly it will be windy, strong gusts of wind coming close to 80 mph. Goodnight to you.