News Naidheachdan
Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.
Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.
Plana leasachaidh ùr air taobh siar Leòdhais
[Innes Rothach – Neach-aithris] 'S iad cothroman cosnaidh agus taighean do dhaoine òg’ prìomh amasan plana leasachaidh a chaidh a dhealbhachadh le deich bailtean air taobh siar Leòdhais.
[Innes Rothach – Neach-aithris] Chaidh beachdan dhaoine o Dhail Mòr gu Gearraidh na h-Aibhne a shireadh airson am plana, agus na coimhearsnachdan an dòchas, le bhith ag obair còmhla, gum bi cothrom nas fheàrr aca air taic-airgid. Tha Eilidh NicLeòid ag aithris.
[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-naidheachd] ’S e Càrlabhagh fear de na deich bailtean a rinn plana eatarra, a chùm maith an ochd ceud duine a tha a’ fuireach an seo. agus cosnaidhean, tha buannachd a bharrachd fhaighinn à turasachd na amas agus sia fichead mìle duine a’ tighinn gach bliadhna a dh’fhaicinn Na Gearranan, Dùn Chàrlabhaigh agus Tursachan Chalanais.
[Coinneach MacIllinnein] Tha sinn a’ faicinn g’ eil barrachd dhaoine tighinn bliadhna air bhliadhna, a’ tighinn gu na rudan a th’ againn ann an sheo. Ach airson a’ cheist ud a fhreagairt, chan eil sinn a’ dèanamh gu leòr. Ach tha sinn an dòchas ri linn an oighreachd agus ri linn is dòcha am plana a tha seo fhèin a chur air chois gum faic sinn tòrr a bharrachd de rudan a’ tighinn air adhart gu h-àraid a thaobh turasachd agus, eil fhios agad, chan e a-mhàin turasachd ri linn far am bi duine a’ tighinn a choimhead air rudan a th’ againn ach gum fuirich daoine anns an sgìre againne airson latha neo dhà neo trì làithean ’s gum faic daoine air obraichean is cosnaidhean fhaighinn ri linn sin.
[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-naidheachd] Tha dà thrian dhen sgìre fo shealbh poblach agus thàinig na diofar bhuidheann coimhearsnachd còmhla airson am plana a dhealbh le Urras Oighreachd Chàrlabhaigh os cionn na h-obrach.
[Dòmhnall MacFhionghain] Really the plan’s about creating a good place to, a great place to live, work and visit. And it’s about creating opportunities for local people, jobs, giving people a chance to live here so about providing a variety of different types of good quality housing and opportunities for people to access land, to access crofts and also develop our assets around tourism, and our natural environment.
[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-naidheachd] Am measg eile, bidh iad a’ sireadh airgead airson an togalach seo ùrachadh ach tha iad ag aithneachadh nach eil e cho furasta agus a bha maoineachadh fhaighinn. Tha beachd gu bheil cothrom nas fheàrr soirbheachadh le bhith tagradh còmhla.
[Sally Reynolds] Tha sinn ann an phase ùr an-dràsta agus an rud a tha mise a’ smaoineachadh, feumaidh a h-uile duine ag obair còmhla, feumaidh a h-uile buidheann ag obair còmhla anns a’ choimhearsnachd. Is e sin a tha cho math mu dheidhinn a’ phlan’, tha e a’ toirt a h-uile duine a-steach agus a h-uile duine ag obair còmhla is chan eil airgead ann mar a bha, ach feumaidh sinn ag obair còmhla is faighinn na pìosan beaga a tha ann fhathast. Tha sinn ag iarraidh daoine òg a’ fuireach ann an seo, ag obair ann an seo agus a bhith toilichte ann an seo.
[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-naidheachd] Bho chionn linntean mòra, thàinig daoine còmhla an seo airson na tursachan an seo ann an Calanais a chur an àirde. A-nis, tha muinntir an àite a’ tighinn còmhla aon uair eile airson coimhearsnachd a stèidheachadh a bhios a’ cheart cho seasmhach. Eilidh NicLeòid, BBC An Là.
A new development plan on the west side of Lewis
[Innes Munro – Anchor] The opportunities for wages and housing for young people are the main priorities of the development plan that was drawn up by ten towns on the west side of Lewis.
[Innes Munro – Anchor] Views of people from Dalmore to Garrynahine were sought for the plan and the communities hope, by working together, that there will be a better chance to receive support funding, Eilidh MacLeod reports.
[Eilidh MacLeod – Journalist] Carloway is one of the ten towns who jointly created the planto maintain the welfare of the 800 people living here. Between Between housing, care for old and young people, and wages, getting more benefits from tourism is the aim and 120,000 come here each year to see the Black Houses, Carloway Broch and Calanish stones.
[Kenny MacLennan] We see that more people come year-on-year, coming to the things we have here. But to answer that question, we aren’t doing enough. But we hope with regards to the estate and regarding, hopefully, setting up this plan that we will see more things coming along especially on the tourism side and, you know, it is not just tourism where people come to look at the things we have but that people will stay in our area for a day or two or three days and people will see that there are jobs and earnings to be made as a result of that.
[Eilidh MacLeod – Journalist] Two thirds of the area are under public ownership and different community groups came together to design the plan with Carloway Estate Trust overseeing the work.
[Donald MacKinnon] Really the plan’s about creating a good place to, a great place to live, work and visit. And it’s about creating opportunities for local people, jobs, giving people a chance to live here so about providing a variety of different types of good quality housing and opportunities for people to access land, to access crofts and also develop our assets around tourism, ans our natural environment.
[Eilidh MacLeod – Journalist] Amongst other things, they will be seeking money to restore this building but they acknowledge that it will not be as easy as it was to get funding. The view is that they will be more successful in receiving funding if they apply together.
[Sally Reynolds] We are in a new phase just now and what I think the thing is that everyone must work together, every group must work together in the community. That is what is so good about the plan, it brings everyone in and everyone working together and there isn’t funding like there was,, but we must work together to get the little bits that are still there. We want young people to live here, work here and be happy here.
[Eilidh MacLeod – Journalist] Centuries ago, people came together here to build these standing stones in Callanish. Now the people of the area come together one more time to ensure the community is established to be just as stable. Eilidh MacLeod, BBC An Là
Plana leasachaidh ùr air taobh siar Leòdhais
[Innes Rothach – Neach-aithris] 'S iad cothroman cosnaidh agus taighean do dhaoine òg’ prìomh amasan plana leasachaidh a chaidh a dhealbhachadh le deich bailtean air taobh siar Leòdhais.
[Innes Rothach – Neach-aithris] Chaidh beachdan dhaoine o Dhail Mòr gu Gearraidh na h-Aibhne a shireadh airson am plana, agus na coimhearsnachdan an dòchas, le bhith ag obair còmhla, gum bi cothrom nas fheàrr aca air taic-airgid. Tha Eilidh NicLeòid ag aithris.
[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-naidheachd] ’S e Càrlabhagh fear de na deich bailtean a rinn plana eatarra, a chùm maith an ochd ceud duine a tha a’ fuireach an seo. agus cosnaidhean, tha buannachd a bharrachd fhaighinn à turasachd na amas agus sia fichead mìle duine a’ tighinn gach bliadhna a dh’fhaicinn Na Gearranan, Dùn Chàrlabhaigh agus Tursachan Chalanais.
[Coinneach MacIllinnein] Tha sinn a’ faicinn g’ eil barrachd dhaoine tighinn bliadhna air bhliadhna, a’ tighinn gu na rudan a th’ againn ann an sheo. Ach airson a’ cheist ud a fhreagairt, chan eil sinn a’ dèanamh gu leòr. Ach tha sinn an dòchas ri linn an oighreachd agus ri linn is dòcha am plana a tha seo fhèin a chur air chois gum faic sinn tòrr a bharrachd de rudan a’ tighinn air adhart gu h-àraid a thaobh turasachd agus, eil fhios agad, chan e a-mhàin turasachd ri linn far am bi duine a’ tighinn a choimhead air rudan a th’ againn ach gum fuirich daoine anns an sgìre againne airson latha neo dhà neo trì làithean ’s gum faic daoine air obraichean is cosnaidhean fhaighinn ri linn sin.
[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-naidheachd] Tha dà thrian dhen sgìre fo shealbh poblach agus thàinig na diofar bhuidheann coimhearsnachd còmhla airson am plana a dhealbh le Urras Oighreachd Chàrlabhaigh os cionn na h-obrach.
[Dòmhnall MacFhionghain] Really the plan’s about creating a good place to, a great place to live, work and visit. And it’s about creating opportunities for local people, jobs, giving people a chance to live here so about providing a variety of different types of good quality housing and opportunities for people to access land, to access crofts and also develop our assets around tourism, and our natural environment.
[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-naidheachd] Am measg eile, bidh iad a’ sireadh airgead airson an togalach seo ùrachadh ach tha iad ag aithneachadh nach eil e cho furasta agus a bha maoineachadh fhaighinn. Tha beachd gu bheil cothrom nas fheàrr soirbheachadh le bhith tagradh còmhla.
[Sally Reynolds] Tha sinn ann an phase ùr an-dràsta agus an rud a tha mise a’ smaoineachadh, feumaidh a h-uile duine ag obair còmhla, feumaidh a h-uile buidheann ag obair còmhla anns a’ choimhearsnachd. Is e sin a tha cho math mu dheidhinn a’ phlan’, tha e a’ toirt a h-uile duine a-steach agus a h-uile duine ag obair còmhla is chan eil airgead ann mar a bha, ach feumaidh sinn ag obair còmhla is faighinn na pìosan beaga a tha ann fhathast. Tha sinn ag iarraidh daoine òg a’ fuireach ann an seo, ag obair ann an seo agus a bhith toilichte ann an seo.
[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-naidheachd] Bho chionn linntean mòra, thàinig daoine còmhla an seo airson na tursachan an seo ann an Calanais a chur an àirde. A-nis, tha muinntir an àite a’ tighinn còmhla aon uair eile airson coimhearsnachd a stèidheachadh a bhios a’ cheart cho seasmhach. Eilidh NicLeòid, BBC An Là.
A new development plan on the west side of Lewis
[Innes Munro – Anchor] The opportunities for wages and housing for young people are the main priorities of the development plan that was drawn up by ten towns on the west side of Lewis.
[Innes Munro – Anchor] Views of people from Dalmore to Garrynahine were sought for the plan and the communities hope, by working together, that there will be a better chance to receive support funding, Eilidh MacLeod reports.
[Eilidh MacLeod – Journalist] Carloway is one of the ten towns who jointly created the planto maintain the welfare of the 800 people living here. Between Between housing, care for old and young people, and wages, getting more benefits from tourism is the aim and 120,000 come here each year to see the Black Houses, Carloway Broch and Calanish stones.
[Kenny MacLennan] We see that more people come year-on-year, coming to the things we have here. But to answer that question, we aren’t doing enough. But we hope with regards to the estate and regarding, hopefully, setting up this plan that we will see more things coming along especially on the tourism side and, you know, it is not just tourism where people come to look at the things we have but that people will stay in our area for a day or two or three days and people will see that there are jobs and earnings to be made as a result of that.
[Eilidh MacLeod – Journalist] Two thirds of the area are under public ownership and different community groups came together to design the plan with Carloway Estate Trust overseeing the work.
[Donald MacKinnon] Really the plan’s about creating a good place to, a great place to live, work and visit. And it’s about creating opportunities for local people, jobs, giving people a chance to live here so about providing a variety of different types of good quality housing and opportunities for people to access land, to access crofts and also develop our assets around tourism, ans our natural environment.
[Eilidh MacLeod – Journalist] Amongst other things, they will be seeking money to restore this building but they acknowledge that it will not be as easy as it was to get funding. The view is that they will be more successful in receiving funding if they apply together.
[Sally Reynolds] We are in a new phase just now and what I think the thing is that everyone must work together, every group must work together in the community. That is what is so good about the plan, it brings everyone in and everyone working together and there isn’t funding like there was,, but we must work together to get the little bits that are still there. We want young people to live here, work here and be happy here.
[Eilidh MacLeod – Journalist] Centuries ago, people came together here to build these standing stones in Callanish. Now the people of the area come together one more time to ensure the community is established to be just as stable. Eilidh MacLeod, BBC An Là