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B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Camain ann an cunnart?

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Allan MacLeòid - Neach-naidheachd] Seo an aon àite dha leithid air feadh an t-saoghail far a bheil neach ag obair làn-thìde a’ dèanamh camain agus ’s e sin a tha a’ fàgail an sgil ann an cunnart.

[Ailean Mac a’ Phearsain] Well its very difficult for us because we can’t keep up the supply just now, so what we would have to do is take on more staff. And unfortunately, there’ s not enough money within the business to take on more staff.

[Allan MacLeòid -Neach-naidheachd] Tha companaidhean eile a’ dèanamh na camain ach le Ailean a’ cruthachadh còrr air mìle caman gach seusan, tha uallach mhòr air.

[Ùisdean MacIllInnein] Chan urrainn dhan an duine ach a bhith ag obair aig an ìre aig a bheil e agus mur h-eil an gnothach eacanomaigeach, feumaidh e a bhith a’ gabhail ùine ann a bhith a’ dèanamh rudan eile airson teachd a-steach a chumail ris fhèin is ris an teaghlach aige. Tha sin cho furasta sa ghabhas, ach dh’fhalbh an latha far an robh daoine air feadh na dùthcha a’ dèanamh camain. Agus tha uidhir de ghèam air camain. Tha a’ ghèam a’ fàs. Tha barrachd bhoireannaich a’ cluich, tha clann òg a’ cluich agus tha sin a’ ciallachadh gu bheil an àireamh de chamain a tha sinn air feum ann am bliadhna a’ dol suas.

[Allan MacLeòid - Neach-naidheachd] Ach, ciamar a dh’fàs a’ chùis a leasachadh?

[Ùisdean MacIllInnein] Chan eil mise a’ faicinn gur e suidheachadh a tha seo a dh’fhàs a leasachadh. Mar a’ cur thu barrachd stòrais ris, mar a dèanar cobhair air an neach agus air a’ bhuidheann a tha gan dèanamh agus tha sin a’ ciallachadh airgead, tha e a’ciallachadh ’s dòcha barrachd dhaoine a bhith ag obair air. ’S e rud a tha feumail mun liosta a tha seo a tha ga chruthachadh gu bheil e a’ tarraing àire anns an fharsaingeachd chun an t-suidheachaidh. Tha fhios aig daoine gu bheil an suidheachadh seo ann. Ach chan eil mise a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil saoghal na camanachd a’ tuigsinn cho buileach cugallach ’s a tha an suidheachadh.

[Ailean Mac a’ Phearsain] It s always been a crofting industry and I think it really needs to wake up to where we are in this particular moment. The cost of materials are going up all the time. And the price of sticks have never went up. If you compare a shinty stick to any other wooden sports instrument, the lowest priced one I could find was a table tennis bat which was priced at £86.

[Allan MacLeòid - Neach-naidheachd] Prìs camain an-dràsta, leth-cheud no trì fichead nòt. A’ cheist a-nis, dè phrìs a dh’fheumas pàigheadh gus an sgil a ghlèidheadh airson na bliadhnaichean ri teachd.



The caman (shinty stick) in danger?

English Beurla

[Allan MacLeod - Reporter] This is the one place of its kind in the world where someone works full-time making shinty sticks and that’s what’s leaving the skill in danger.

[Ailean MacPherson] Well its very difficult for us because we can’t keep up the supply just now, so what we would have to do is take on more staff. And unfortunately, there’ s not enough money within the business to take on more staff.

[Allan MacLeod - Reporter] Other companies do make the sticks but with Allan making more than 1,000 every season, he has great responsibility.

[Hugh Dan MacLennan] The man can only work at the level he does and if it is not an economic business, he must take time making other things to bring in an income for himself and his family. That’s as simple as it can be, but gone are the days when people all over the country were making shinty sticks. And the number of games on sticks. The game is growing. More women are playing, young children are playing and that means that the number of shinty sticks that are required is going up.

[Allan MacLeod - Reporter] But how can the matter be developed?

[Hugh Dan MacLennan] I don’t think this is a situation that can be developed. How you put more resource into it, how you take care of the person and the organisation who are doing them and that means money, it means maybe more people working on it. The thing that is useful about this list that create it is that it brings attention in general to the situation. People know that this situation exists. But I don’t think that the world of shinty understands how precarious the situation is.

[Ailean MacPherson] It s always been a crofting industry and I think it really needs to wake up to where we are in this particular moment. The cost of materials are going up all the time. And the price of sticks have never went up. If you compare a shinty stick to any other wooden sports instrument, the lowest priced one I could find was a table tennis bat which was priced at £86.

Allan MacLeod - Reporter] The price of a shinty stick just now is fifty or sixty pounds. The question now is what price should be paid to save the skill for the years to come.



Camain ann an cunnart?

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Allan MacLeòid - Neach-naidheachd] Seo an aon àite dha leithid air feadh an t-saoghail far a bheil neach ag obair làn-thìde a’ dèanamh camain agus ’s e sin a tha a’ fàgail an sgil ann an cunnart.

[Ailean Mac a’ Phearsain] Well its very difficult for us because we can’t keep up the supply just now, so what we would have to do is take on more staff. And unfortunately, there’ s not enough money within the business to take on more staff.

[Allan MacLeòid -Neach-naidheachd] Tha companaidhean eile a’ dèanamh na camain ach le Ailean a’ cruthachadh còrr air mìle caman gach seusan, tha uallach mhòr air.

[Ùisdean MacIllInnein] Chan urrainn dhan an duine ach a bhith ag obair aig an ìre aig a bheil e agus mur h-eil an gnothach eacanomaigeach, feumaidh e a bhith a’ gabhail ùine ann a bhith a’ dèanamh rudan eile airson teachd a-steach a chumail ris fhèin is ris an teaghlach aige. Tha sin cho furasta sa ghabhas, ach dh’fhalbh an latha far an robh daoine air feadh na dùthcha a’ dèanamh camain. Agus tha uidhir de ghèam air camain. Tha a’ ghèam a’ fàs. Tha barrachd bhoireannaich a’ cluich, tha clann òg a’ cluich agus tha sin a’ ciallachadh gu bheil an àireamh de chamain a tha sinn air feum ann am bliadhna a’ dol suas.

[Allan MacLeòid - Neach-naidheachd] Ach, ciamar a dh’fàs a’ chùis a leasachadh?

[Ùisdean MacIllInnein] Chan eil mise a’ faicinn gur e suidheachadh a tha seo a dh’fhàs a leasachadh. Mar a’ cur thu barrachd stòrais ris, mar a dèanar cobhair air an neach agus air a’ bhuidheann a tha gan dèanamh agus tha sin a’ ciallachadh airgead, tha e a’ciallachadh ’s dòcha barrachd dhaoine a bhith ag obair air. ’S e rud a tha feumail mun liosta a tha seo a tha ga chruthachadh gu bheil e a’ tarraing àire anns an fharsaingeachd chun an t-suidheachaidh. Tha fhios aig daoine gu bheil an suidheachadh seo ann. Ach chan eil mise a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil saoghal na camanachd a’ tuigsinn cho buileach cugallach ’s a tha an suidheachadh.

[Ailean Mac a’ Phearsain] It s always been a crofting industry and I think it really needs to wake up to where we are in this particular moment. The cost of materials are going up all the time. And the price of sticks have never went up. If you compare a shinty stick to any other wooden sports instrument, the lowest priced one I could find was a table tennis bat which was priced at £86.

[Allan MacLeòid - Neach-naidheachd] Prìs camain an-dràsta, leth-cheud no trì fichead nòt. A’ cheist a-nis, dè phrìs a dh’fheumas pàigheadh gus an sgil a ghlèidheadh airson na bliadhnaichean ri teachd.



The caman (shinty stick) in danger?

English Beurla

[Allan MacLeod - Reporter] This is the one place of its kind in the world where someone works full-time making shinty sticks and that’s what’s leaving the skill in danger.

[Ailean MacPherson] Well its very difficult for us because we can’t keep up the supply just now, so what we would have to do is take on more staff. And unfortunately, there’ s not enough money within the business to take on more staff.

[Allan MacLeod - Reporter] Other companies do make the sticks but with Allan making more than 1,000 every season, he has great responsibility.

[Hugh Dan MacLennan] The man can only work at the level he does and if it is not an economic business, he must take time making other things to bring in an income for himself and his family. That’s as simple as it can be, but gone are the days when people all over the country were making shinty sticks. And the number of games on sticks. The game is growing. More women are playing, young children are playing and that means that the number of shinty sticks that are required is going up.

[Allan MacLeod - Reporter] But how can the matter be developed?

[Hugh Dan MacLennan] I don’t think this is a situation that can be developed. How you put more resource into it, how you take care of the person and the organisation who are doing them and that means money, it means maybe more people working on it. The thing that is useful about this list that create it is that it brings attention in general to the situation. People know that this situation exists. But I don’t think that the world of shinty understands how precarious the situation is.

[Ailean MacPherson] It s always been a crofting industry and I think it really needs to wake up to where we are in this particular moment. The cost of materials are going up all the time. And the price of sticks have never went up. If you compare a shinty stick to any other wooden sports instrument, the lowest priced one I could find was a table tennis bat which was priced at £86.

Allan MacLeod - Reporter] The price of a shinty stick just now is fifty or sixty pounds. The question now is what price should be paid to save the skill for the years to come.



air feadh an t-saoghail

all over the world


shinty stick



am-teachd a-steach








anns an fharsaingeachd

in general



fichead nòt

twenty pounds

Remember that after fichead any noun takes the singular form!