News Naidheachdan
Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.
Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.
Fèis nam Beann anns a’ Ghearasdain
[Karen Elder – Preseantair] Nise, tha Fèis nam Beann anns a’ Ghearasdain a’ tòiseachadh an-dràsta fhèin. Seo a còigeamh turas deug a tha i air a bhith anns a’ bhaile. Eadar seo agus deireadh na seachdaine, tha dùil gun tig mu dhusan mìle duine chun a’ Ghearasdain gus òraidean a chluinntinn, a thuilleadh air filmichean, bùithtean-obrach agus taisbeanaidhean fhaicinn. Uill, tha an tè-naidheachd againn, Cara Coburn, anns a’ Ghearasdan an-dràsta dhuinne. Cara, tha mi a’ tuigsinn gu bheil i na turadh a-nis.
[Cara Coburn] Yeah, tha sin ceart. Chan eil an t-uisge air stad. Nise, cha do chuir an t-uisge dragh air muinntir na sgìre idir is iad uile air tighinn a-mach gus taic a thoirt dhan tachartas. Ach mar a tha fios againne, tha an aimsir mar phàirt chudromach den Fhèis agus dha-rìribh cudromach do dhuine sam bith a tha a’ dol a-mach air na beanntan. Nise, còmhla rium an-dràsta, tha Eilidh Sykes, is ise na pàirt dhen gnìomhachasan sgìthidh.
[Cara Coburn] Nise Eilidh, an innis thu beagan dhomh mu dheidhinn dè tha romhainn san Fhèis seo?
[Eilidh Sykes] Uill, dìreach an-dè an oidhche fosglaidh fiadhaich math a bha sin, tha trì oidhcheannan spòrs a-muigh againn, tha oidhche sreap a’ gheamhraidh ’s an uair sin, tha oidhche ruith a tha air a bhith gu math poballach, is an uair sin, tha oidhche air Didòmhnaich, na Best of Banff agus sin far am bi sinn a’ sealltainn uile na filmichean bho air feadh an t-saoghail a bhuannaich aig am Banff Film Festival.
[Cara Coburn] Agus ’s e rud math a th’ ann an seo dhan bhaile, nach eil?
[Eilidh Sykes] ’S e àite gu math làn de spòrs a-muigh agus tha spòrs a-muigh gu math cudromach anns a’ Ghearasdan gu h-àraidh leis a’ sgìtheadh agus Beinn Nibheis cho faisg rinn. ’S mar sin, ’s e deireadh seachdain fiadhaich math a th’ ann airson a h-uile duine a bhith a’ tighinn a-mach agus a’ riochdachadh spòrs a-muigh.
[Cara Coburn] Agus dè tha thu fhèin a’ coimhead air adhart ris a bhith a’ gabhail pàirt ann no a’ dèanamh?
[Eilidh Sykes] Uill, tha oidhcheannan film saor gu bhith ann air feasgar Dhidòmhnaich agus tha sin a’ cur fàilte air an teaghlach is a h-uile duine is tha mi gu math toilichte a chluinntinn gum bi Noel Williams, a’ buannachadh duaisean airson an sàr obair aige leis am Mountain Rescue agus gu h-àraidh the Best of Banff. Tha sin daonnan air leth.
[Cara Coburn] Tapadh leibhse, Eilidh. Nise, mar a tha sinn air cluinntinn bho Eilidh, tha iomadh tachartasan gu bhith ann anns na còig latha a tha romhainn. Nise, na bu thràithe an-diugh, bhruidhinn sinn ri eòlaiche cur-seachadan a-muigh agus seo e an-dràst’.
[Calum MacIlleathain] Chanainn gur h-e rud air leth a th’ ann dhan sgìre. Chuala mi gu bheil còrr is mìle neach ga thàladh dhan sgìre ach a bharrachd air sin mun cuairt A’ Ghearasdain tha coimhearsnachd gu math làidir agad, gu h-àraidh a thaobh streap agus a thaobh mar eisimpleir a’ ruith anns na beanntan, rothaireachd-beinne. Agus dhaibhsan, ’s e fìor deagh rud aig an àm seo den bhliadhna, nuair a tha na h-oidhcheannan fhathast gu math goirid, cruinneachadh le chèile, daoine a thàladh a-staigh, seusan meadhanach sàmhach anns a’ Ghearasdan, gu h-àraidh am-bliadhna leis nach eil mòran sgìthidh a’ dol anns an àite, ’s e cothrom a th’ ann do dhaoine, fiù ’s daoine beagan obair fhaighinn mar phàirt dheth agus cuideachd dìreach beagan spòrs a ghabhail agus a’ coinneachadh ri barrachd dhaoine.
[Cara Coburn] Agus sin agaibh e bhuainne anns a’ Ghearasdan a-nochd às dèidh oidhche fosglaidh, gu math, gu math spòrsail.
[Karen Elder – Preseantair] Tapadh leibhse gu dearbha, Cara, an tè-naidheachd againne, Cara Coburn is i ag aithris o Fheis nam Beann anns a’ Ghearasdan.
The Fort William Mountain Festival
[Karen Elder – Presenter] Now The Fort William Mountain Festival is beginning right now. This is the fifteenth time that it’s been in the town. Between now and the end of the week, it is expected that around 12,000 people will come to Fort William to hear lectures, as well as films, workshops and to see exhibitions. Well, our reporter Cara Coburn is in Fort William just now for us. Cara, I understand that there is a break in the weather now.
[Cara Coburn] Yeah, that’s correct. The rain has not stopped. Now, the rain has not bothered the people of the are and they have all come out to support the event. But as we know, the weather plays an important part of the Festival and is certainly important to anyone who goes out on the mountains. Now with me just now is Eilidh Sykes and she is part of the skiing industry.
[Cara Coburn] Now Eilidh, will you tell me a bit about what’s ahead of us at this festival?
[Eilidh Sykes] Well, last night was just the opening night which was awfully good, we have three nights of outdoor sports, we have a night of winter climbing and then a running night that has been very popular and then on Sunday night, the Best of Banff and that’s where we show all the films from all over the world which won at the Banff Film Festival.
[Cara Coburn] And this is a good thing for the town, isn’t it?
[Eilidh Sykes] It’s a place that’s really full of outdoor sports and outdoor sports are really important in Fort William, especially with skiing and Ben Nevis so close to us. As such, it’s a really good weekend for everyone to come out and do outdoor sports.
[Cara Coburn] And what exactly are you yourself looking forward to take part in or do?
[Eilidh Sykes] Well, there will be free film nights on Sunday evening and that welcomes families and everyone and I’m really happy to hear that Noel Williams who won awards for his great work with the Mountain Rescue and especially Best of Banff. That’s always exceptional.
[Cara Coburn] Thanks Eilidh, Now as we have heard from Eilidh, there are many events happening the next five days ahead of us. Now earlier today we spoke to an expert in outdoor activities and here he is now.
[Calum MacLean] I would say it’s a great thing for the area. I heard that it attracts more than a thousand people to the area but apart from that around Fort William you have a strong community, especially around climbing and for example mountain running, mountain biking. And to them it’s a really great thing at this time of year when the nights are still very short (tha e a’ciallachadh fada an seo!!!), coming together, attracting people in on a quiet season in Fort William, especially this year when there is not a lot of skiing going on in the area, it’s an opportunity for folk, even for people to get some work as part of it and just have a bit of fun and meet more folk.
[Cara Coburn] And that’s all from us in Fort William tonight after the opening night which was really, really fun.
[Karen Elder – Presenter] Thanks, Cara. Cara Coburn, our reporter reporting from The Mountain Festival in Fort William.
Fèis nam Beann anns a’ Ghearasdain
[Karen Elder – Preseantair] Nise, tha Fèis nam Beann anns a’ Ghearasdain a’ tòiseachadh an-dràsta fhèin. Seo a còigeamh turas deug a tha i air a bhith anns a’ bhaile. Eadar seo agus deireadh na seachdaine, tha dùil gun tig mu dhusan mìle duine chun a’ Ghearasdain gus òraidean a chluinntinn, a thuilleadh air filmichean, bùithtean-obrach agus taisbeanaidhean fhaicinn. Uill, tha an tè-naidheachd againn, Cara Coburn, anns a’ Ghearasdan an-dràsta dhuinne. Cara, tha mi a’ tuigsinn gu bheil i na turadh a-nis.
[Cara Coburn] Yeah, tha sin ceart. Chan eil an t-uisge air stad. Nise, cha do chuir an t-uisge dragh air muinntir na sgìre idir is iad uile air tighinn a-mach gus taic a thoirt dhan tachartas. Ach mar a tha fios againne, tha an aimsir mar phàirt chudromach den Fhèis agus dha-rìribh cudromach do dhuine sam bith a tha a’ dol a-mach air na beanntan. Nise, còmhla rium an-dràsta, tha Eilidh Sykes, is ise na pàirt dhen gnìomhachasan sgìthidh.
[Cara Coburn] Nise Eilidh, an innis thu beagan dhomh mu dheidhinn dè tha romhainn san Fhèis seo?
[Eilidh Sykes] Uill, dìreach an-dè an oidhche fosglaidh fiadhaich math a bha sin, tha trì oidhcheannan spòrs a-muigh againn, tha oidhche sreap a’ gheamhraidh ’s an uair sin, tha oidhche ruith a tha air a bhith gu math poballach, is an uair sin, tha oidhche air Didòmhnaich, na Best of Banff agus sin far am bi sinn a’ sealltainn uile na filmichean bho air feadh an t-saoghail a bhuannaich aig am Banff Film Festival.
[Cara Coburn] Agus ’s e rud math a th’ ann an seo dhan bhaile, nach eil?
[Eilidh Sykes] ’S e àite gu math làn de spòrs a-muigh agus tha spòrs a-muigh gu math cudromach anns a’ Ghearasdan gu h-àraidh leis a’ sgìtheadh agus Beinn Nibheis cho faisg rinn. ’S mar sin, ’s e deireadh seachdain fiadhaich math a th’ ann airson a h-uile duine a bhith a’ tighinn a-mach agus a’ riochdachadh spòrs a-muigh.
[Cara Coburn] Agus dè tha thu fhèin a’ coimhead air adhart ris a bhith a’ gabhail pàirt ann no a’ dèanamh?
[Eilidh Sykes] Uill, tha oidhcheannan film saor gu bhith ann air feasgar Dhidòmhnaich agus tha sin a’ cur fàilte air an teaghlach is a h-uile duine is tha mi gu math toilichte a chluinntinn gum bi Noel Williams, a’ buannachadh duaisean airson an sàr obair aige leis am Mountain Rescue agus gu h-àraidh the Best of Banff. Tha sin daonnan air leth.
[Cara Coburn] Tapadh leibhse, Eilidh. Nise, mar a tha sinn air cluinntinn bho Eilidh, tha iomadh tachartasan gu bhith ann anns na còig latha a tha romhainn. Nise, na bu thràithe an-diugh, bhruidhinn sinn ri eòlaiche cur-seachadan a-muigh agus seo e an-dràst’.
[Calum MacIlleathain] Chanainn gur h-e rud air leth a th’ ann dhan sgìre. Chuala mi gu bheil còrr is mìle neach ga thàladh dhan sgìre ach a bharrachd air sin mun cuairt A’ Ghearasdain tha coimhearsnachd gu math làidir agad, gu h-àraidh a thaobh streap agus a thaobh mar eisimpleir a’ ruith anns na beanntan, rothaireachd-beinne. Agus dhaibhsan, ’s e fìor deagh rud aig an àm seo den bhliadhna, nuair a tha na h-oidhcheannan fhathast gu math goirid, cruinneachadh le chèile, daoine a thàladh a-staigh, seusan meadhanach sàmhach anns a’ Ghearasdan, gu h-àraidh am-bliadhna leis nach eil mòran sgìthidh a’ dol anns an àite, ’s e cothrom a th’ ann do dhaoine, fiù ’s daoine beagan obair fhaighinn mar phàirt dheth agus cuideachd dìreach beagan spòrs a ghabhail agus a’ coinneachadh ri barrachd dhaoine.
[Cara Coburn] Agus sin agaibh e bhuainne anns a’ Ghearasdan a-nochd às dèidh oidhche fosglaidh, gu math, gu math spòrsail.
[Karen Elder – Preseantair] Tapadh leibhse gu dearbha, Cara, an tè-naidheachd againne, Cara Coburn is i ag aithris o Fheis nam Beann anns a’ Ghearasdan.
The Fort William Mountain Festival
[Karen Elder – Presenter] Now The Fort William Mountain Festival is beginning right now. This is the fifteenth time that it’s been in the town. Between now and the end of the week, it is expected that around 12,000 people will come to Fort William to hear lectures, as well as films, workshops and to see exhibitions. Well, our reporter Cara Coburn is in Fort William just now for us. Cara, I understand that there is a break in the weather now.
[Cara Coburn] Yeah, that’s correct. The rain has not stopped. Now, the rain has not bothered the people of the are and they have all come out to support the event. But as we know, the weather plays an important part of the Festival and is certainly important to anyone who goes out on the mountains. Now with me just now is Eilidh Sykes and she is part of the skiing industry.
[Cara Coburn] Now Eilidh, will you tell me a bit about what’s ahead of us at this festival?
[Eilidh Sykes] Well, last night was just the opening night which was awfully good, we have three nights of outdoor sports, we have a night of winter climbing and then a running night that has been very popular and then on Sunday night, the Best of Banff and that’s where we show all the films from all over the world which won at the Banff Film Festival.
[Cara Coburn] And this is a good thing for the town, isn’t it?
[Eilidh Sykes] It’s a place that’s really full of outdoor sports and outdoor sports are really important in Fort William, especially with skiing and Ben Nevis so close to us. As such, it’s a really good weekend for everyone to come out and do outdoor sports.
[Cara Coburn] And what exactly are you yourself looking forward to take part in or do?
[Eilidh Sykes] Well, there will be free film nights on Sunday evening and that welcomes families and everyone and I’m really happy to hear that Noel Williams who won awards for his great work with the Mountain Rescue and especially Best of Banff. That’s always exceptional.
[Cara Coburn] Thanks Eilidh, Now as we have heard from Eilidh, there are many events happening the next five days ahead of us. Now earlier today we spoke to an expert in outdoor activities and here he is now.
[Calum MacLean] I would say it’s a great thing for the area. I heard that it attracts more than a thousand people to the area but apart from that around Fort William you have a strong community, especially around climbing and for example mountain running, mountain biking. And to them it’s a really great thing at this time of year when the nights are still very short (tha e a’ciallachadh fada an seo!!!), coming together, attracting people in on a quiet season in Fort William, especially this year when there is not a lot of skiing going on in the area, it’s an opportunity for folk, even for people to get some work as part of it and just have a bit of fun and meet more folk.
[Cara Coburn] And that’s all from us in Fort William tonight after the opening night which was really, really fun.
[Karen Elder – Presenter] Thanks, Cara. Cara Coburn, our reporter reporting from The Mountain Festival in Fort William.