News Naidheachdan
Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.
Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.
Seirbheis cuimhneachaidh Blàr an Somme
[Iain MacIlleathain – Preseantair] Uill chumadh seirbhisean cuimhneachaidh thall ‘s a-bhos an-diugh. Bha mòran dhiubh aig an dearbh mhionaid 's a thòisich an oidhirp. Bha Karen Elder aig a' charragh-cuimhne ann an Inbhir Nis.
[Karen Elder – Neach-aithris] Shèideadh fìdeag. Comharrachadh aig seirbheis cuimhneachaidh an Inbhir Nis air an òrdugh a chaidh a thoirt dha na saighdearan èiridh às na trainnsichean agus a dh’ionnsaigh an nàmhaid 100 bliadhna air ais.
[Karen Elder – Neach-aithris] Chuala na bha an làthair mun a thachair san latha cogaidh a bu mhiosa ann an eachdraidh Bhreatainn. Agus na chosg e chan ann a-mhàin dha airm Bhreatainn ach cuideachd airm na Frainge agus na Gearmailt.
[Paul Wilson] The Battle of the Somme was not only one of the most significant battles of WW1, it was a significant battle throughout military history. It changed not only warfare as they knew it and we know it today tha sort of, you know, the whole of the European sort of area, from that day forward.
[Karen Elder – Neach-aithris] Aig seirbheis an latha an-diugh chaidh cuimhneachadh air Sàirdseant Coinneach Camshron agus Leifteanant Sìm Dòmhnallach, a bhuineadh do dh’ Inbhir Nis. Chaidh cuimhneachadh cuideachd air a’ Prìobhaisd Ùisdean Melvin à Inbhir Narainn. Ach, chan eil iad seo ach triùir a chaill am beatha air a’ chiad latha dhen bhlàr. Bha an t-uabhas eile ann, chan ann a-mhàin à Inbhir Nis ach bho air feadh na Gàidhealtachd, a dh’ eug thairis air an 141 latha.
[Murchadh Peutan] Chan urrainn dhuinn tomhas fhaighinn air na tàlantan a chaill sinn, ri linn gun do chaill sinn na balaich òg a bha sin. Cuimhnich, mòran dhiubh bha iad cho òg, nach robh iad pòsta ‘s cha do dh’ fhàg iad clann. Agus mar sin, tha loidhne na ginean, the line of genes mar a chanas iad, stad e ann an sin fhèin. ‘S cò aig a tha fios dè na tàlantan anns an iomadach raon, dè na tàlantan a chaill sinn.
[Karen Elder – Neach-aithris] Ach mar a sgrìobh am bàrd Dòmhnall Ruadh Chorùna ‘s e aig an Somme, ‘Chan eil sinn uile ach air chuairt mar dhìthein buaile fàs. Bheir siantanan na bliadhna sìos 's cha tog a' ghrian an-àird.’ Karen Elder, BBC An Là.
Battle of the Somme remembrance service
[Iain MacLean – Presenter] Remembrance services were held far and wide today. Many of them of them at the exact moment the battle began. Karen Elder was at the war memorial in Inverness.
[Karen Elder – Reporter] The blowing of the whistle. Being commemorated at a remembrance service in Inverness was the order that was given to soldiers 100 years ago, to climb out of the trenches and attack the enemy.
[Karen Elder – Reporter] Those present heard what took place on Britain’s worst day of war in history. And what it cost not only for the British army but also for the French and German army.
[Paul Wilson] The Battle of the Somme was not only one of the most significant battles of World War One, it was a significant battle throughout military history. It changed not only warfare as they knew it and we know it today tha sort of, you know, the whole of the European sort of area, from that day forward.
[Karen Elder – Reporter] At today’s service Sergeant Kenneth Cameron and Lieutenant Simon MacDonald from Inverness were remembered. Also remembered was Private Hugh Melvin from Nairn. But, these were only three people lost their lives on the first day of the battle. There were a great deal more, not only from Inverness but from across the Highlands, who died over the 141 days.
[Murdo Beaton] It’s difficult to judge the amount of talent we lost, as a result of losing so many young men. Remember, many of them were so young, they were unmarried and had no children. Therefore, the lines of genes as they say, stopped there. And who knows the talents, in various fields, the talents we lost.
[Karen Elder – Reporter] But as the poet Donald MacDonald wrote while at the Somme, “We are all only on a journey like flowers in the deserted cattle fold, that the year’s wind and rain will bring down and that the sun cannot raise them.” Karen Elder, BBC An Là.
Seirbheis cuimhneachaidh Blàr an Somme
[Iain MacIlleathain – Preseantair] Uill chumadh seirbhisean cuimhneachaidh thall ‘s a-bhos an-diugh. Bha mòran dhiubh aig an dearbh mhionaid 's a thòisich an oidhirp. Bha Karen Elder aig a' charragh-cuimhne ann an Inbhir Nis.
[Karen Elder – Neach-aithris] Shèideadh fìdeag. Comharrachadh aig seirbheis cuimhneachaidh an Inbhir Nis air an òrdugh a chaidh a thoirt dha na saighdearan èiridh às na trainnsichean agus a dh’ionnsaigh an nàmhaid 100 bliadhna air ais.
[Karen Elder – Neach-aithris] Chuala na bha an làthair mun a thachair san latha cogaidh a bu mhiosa ann an eachdraidh Bhreatainn. Agus na chosg e chan ann a-mhàin dha airm Bhreatainn ach cuideachd airm na Frainge agus na Gearmailt.
[Paul Wilson] The Battle of the Somme was not only one of the most significant battles of WW1, it was a significant battle throughout military history. It changed not only warfare as they knew it and we know it today tha sort of, you know, the whole of the European sort of area, from that day forward.
[Karen Elder – Neach-aithris] Aig seirbheis an latha an-diugh chaidh cuimhneachadh air Sàirdseant Coinneach Camshron agus Leifteanant Sìm Dòmhnallach, a bhuineadh do dh’ Inbhir Nis. Chaidh cuimhneachadh cuideachd air a’ Prìobhaisd Ùisdean Melvin à Inbhir Narainn. Ach, chan eil iad seo ach triùir a chaill am beatha air a’ chiad latha dhen bhlàr. Bha an t-uabhas eile ann, chan ann a-mhàin à Inbhir Nis ach bho air feadh na Gàidhealtachd, a dh’ eug thairis air an 141 latha.
[Murchadh Peutan] Chan urrainn dhuinn tomhas fhaighinn air na tàlantan a chaill sinn, ri linn gun do chaill sinn na balaich òg a bha sin. Cuimhnich, mòran dhiubh bha iad cho òg, nach robh iad pòsta ‘s cha do dh’ fhàg iad clann. Agus mar sin, tha loidhne na ginean, the line of genes mar a chanas iad, stad e ann an sin fhèin. ‘S cò aig a tha fios dè na tàlantan anns an iomadach raon, dè na tàlantan a chaill sinn.
[Karen Elder – Neach-aithris] Ach mar a sgrìobh am bàrd Dòmhnall Ruadh Chorùna ‘s e aig an Somme, ‘Chan eil sinn uile ach air chuairt mar dhìthein buaile fàs. Bheir siantanan na bliadhna sìos 's cha tog a' ghrian an-àird.’ Karen Elder, BBC An Là.
Battle of the Somme remembrance service
[Iain MacLean – Presenter] Remembrance services were held far and wide today. Many of them of them at the exact moment the battle began. Karen Elder was at the war memorial in Inverness.
[Karen Elder – Reporter] The blowing of the whistle. Being commemorated at a remembrance service in Inverness was the order that was given to soldiers 100 years ago, to climb out of the trenches and attack the enemy.
[Karen Elder – Reporter] Those present heard what took place on Britain’s worst day of war in history. And what it cost not only for the British army but also for the French and German army.
[Paul Wilson] The Battle of the Somme was not only one of the most significant battles of World War One, it was a significant battle throughout military history. It changed not only warfare as they knew it and we know it today tha sort of, you know, the whole of the European sort of area, from that day forward.
[Karen Elder – Reporter] At today’s service Sergeant Kenneth Cameron and Lieutenant Simon MacDonald from Inverness were remembered. Also remembered was Private Hugh Melvin from Nairn. But, these were only three people lost their lives on the first day of the battle. There were a great deal more, not only from Inverness but from across the Highlands, who died over the 141 days.
[Murdo Beaton] It’s difficult to judge the amount of talent we lost, as a result of losing so many young men. Remember, many of them were so young, they were unmarried and had no children. Therefore, the lines of genes as they say, stopped there. And who knows the talents, in various fields, the talents we lost.
[Karen Elder – Reporter] But as the poet Donald MacDonald wrote while at the Somme, “We are all only on a journey like flowers in the deserted cattle fold, that the year’s wind and rain will bring down and that the sun cannot raise them.” Karen Elder, BBC An Là.