News Naidheachdan
Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.
Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.
Cuimhneachan dha Somhairle MacGill-Eain
[Angela NicIlleathain – Preseantair] Chaidh plac a tha a' comharrachadh an ùine a chuir Somhairle MacGill-Eain seachad mar cheannard-sgoile aig Àrd-sgoil a' Phluic, fhoillseachadh an-diugh. 'S iad Comann Eachdraidh na sgìre a chuir am plac an-àirde agus mar a tha Calum MacIlleathain ag aithris, bha gu leòr de sheann sgoilearan Shomhairle am measg na bh’ aig a’ chuirm fhoillseachaidh.
[Calum MacIlleathain – Neach-aithris] Sean agus òg. Chruinnich iomadh neach gus cuimhne a chur air Somhairle MacGill-Eain. Bha cuid de theaghlach, seann cho-obraichean agus seann sgoilearan Àrd-sgoil a' Phluic nuair a bha e aig an stiùir, an làthair an-diugh.
[Màiri Sìne Chaimbeul] Tha mi smaoineachadh gu robh bàidh agus gràdh aig daoine air. ‘S e duine annasach a bh’ ann, duine sònraichte agus mar a bha Neil ag ràdh ron seo cuideachd bha ùidh mhòr aige anns na daoine às a’ bhaile seo agus a h-uile sgoilear a bh’ aig a' sgoil.
[Calum MacIlleathain – Neach-aithris] Dh’ fhoillsich dithis de nigheanan Shomhairle an sanas air an t-seann dachaigh sgoile anns an do dh’ fhuirich an teaghlach nuair a ghluais iad dhan bhaile o chionn 60 bliadhna. ‘S iad Comunn Eachdraidh a’ Phluic a thog an sanas.
[Màiri Sìne Chaimbeul] Ann an Gàidhlig bha e a’ dol air ais chun an 16mh linn agus an 17mh linn, chan e a-mhàin gu robh a’ bhàrdachd aige ach bha fios aige air an eachdraidh gu lèir air cùl na bàrdachd. Bha e deònach gum biodh sinne anns an àrd-sgoil a’ tuigsinn an seòrsa gaoil a bh’ aigesan air na rudan sin.
[Calum MacIlleathain – Neach-aithris] Ged a bha Somhairle ri obair làn-ùine mar Mhaighstir Sgoile, chùm e air a’ sgrìobhadh bàrdachd fhad’s a bha e anns a’ Phloc. Tha loidhne bho Creag Dallaig a’ nochdadh air an t-sanas. Ach, a thuilleadh air Gàidhlig agus sgrìobhadh dàin, b’e iomain a bha dlùth dha chridhe.
[Neil MacRath] The boys were playing shinty out in the field and the ball was struck and it hit the dining room window. It smashed and did some damage, whatever. So all the boys were lined up and Mr MacLean came out and he was asking what had happened and well, I was told this by my brother but other people claimed to be the guy who did it so he stepped forward and put his hand up and said, 'it was me.' And Sorley says, 'Good gracious John. What a fantastic shot that was!' So the broken window was forgotten about and the strength of the shot was all important.
[Calum MacIlleathain – Neach-aithris] Ged a tha bliadhnaichean mòra ann bhon a bha Somhairle MacGill-Eain a’ tàmh anns a’ Ploc, tha deagh chuimhneachain aig mòran san sgìre air fhathast. Calum MacIlleathain, BBC An Là, Am Ploc.
A memorial for Sorley MacLean
[Angela MacLean – Presenter] A plaque paying tribute to the time Sorley MacLean spent as head teacher of Plockton High School was unveiled today. It was erected by the area’s historical society and, as Calum MacLean reports, many of Sorley’s ex-pupils were at the unveiling ceremony.
[Calum MacLean – Reporter] Young and old. Many people gathered to remember Sorley MacLean. Some of his family, former colleagues and former Plockton High School pupils, from the time he was head teacher, were present today.
[Màiri-Sìne Campbell] I think people had love and affection for him. He was an unusual person, a special person and as Neil was saying he had a real interest in the people in this town and in each of the school’s pupils.
[Calum MacLean – Reporter] Two of Sorley’s daughters unveiled the plaque on the old schoolhouse where the family lived when they moved to the town 60 years ago. The plaque was erected by Plockton and District Historical Society.
[Màiri-Sìne Campbell] In Gaelic class he would go back to the 16th and 17th century, he wasn’t just knowledgeable about the poetry, he knew the entire history behind the poems. He was keen to share with us in high school the passion he had for those things.
[Calum MacLean – Reporter] Although Sorley worked full-time as head teacher he kept on writing poetry while he was in Plockton. A line from Creag Dallaig appears on the plaque. But, as well as Gaelic and writing poetry, shinty was close to his heart.
[Neil MacRae] The boys were playing shinty out in the field and the ball was struck and it hit the dining room window. It smashed and did some damage, whatever. So all the boys were lined up and Mr MacLean came out and he was asking what had happened and well, I was told this by my brother but other people claimed to be the guy who did it, so he stepped forward and put his hand up and said, ‘It was me.’ And Sorley says, ‘Good gracious, John. What a fantastic shot that was!’ So the broken window was forgotten about and the strength of the shot was all important.
[Calum MacLean – Reporter] Although it’s been many years since Sorley MacLean stayed in Plockton, many in the area have fond memories of him. Calum MacLean, BBC An Là, in Plockton.
Cuimhneachan dha Somhairle MacGill-Eain
[Angela NicIlleathain – Preseantair] Chaidh plac a tha a' comharrachadh an ùine a chuir Somhairle MacGill-Eain seachad mar cheannard-sgoile aig Àrd-sgoil a' Phluic, fhoillseachadh an-diugh. 'S iad Comann Eachdraidh na sgìre a chuir am plac an-àirde agus mar a tha Calum MacIlleathain ag aithris, bha gu leòr de sheann sgoilearan Shomhairle am measg na bh’ aig a’ chuirm fhoillseachaidh.
[Calum MacIlleathain – Neach-aithris] Sean agus òg. Chruinnich iomadh neach gus cuimhne a chur air Somhairle MacGill-Eain. Bha cuid de theaghlach, seann cho-obraichean agus seann sgoilearan Àrd-sgoil a' Phluic nuair a bha e aig an stiùir, an làthair an-diugh.
[Màiri Sìne Chaimbeul] Tha mi smaoineachadh gu robh bàidh agus gràdh aig daoine air. ‘S e duine annasach a bh’ ann, duine sònraichte agus mar a bha Neil ag ràdh ron seo cuideachd bha ùidh mhòr aige anns na daoine às a’ bhaile seo agus a h-uile sgoilear a bh’ aig a' sgoil.
[Calum MacIlleathain – Neach-aithris] Dh’ fhoillsich dithis de nigheanan Shomhairle an sanas air an t-seann dachaigh sgoile anns an do dh’ fhuirich an teaghlach nuair a ghluais iad dhan bhaile o chionn 60 bliadhna. ‘S iad Comunn Eachdraidh a’ Phluic a thog an sanas.
[Màiri Sìne Chaimbeul] Ann an Gàidhlig bha e a’ dol air ais chun an 16mh linn agus an 17mh linn, chan e a-mhàin gu robh a’ bhàrdachd aige ach bha fios aige air an eachdraidh gu lèir air cùl na bàrdachd. Bha e deònach gum biodh sinne anns an àrd-sgoil a’ tuigsinn an seòrsa gaoil a bh’ aigesan air na rudan sin.
[Calum MacIlleathain – Neach-aithris] Ged a bha Somhairle ri obair làn-ùine mar Mhaighstir Sgoile, chùm e air a’ sgrìobhadh bàrdachd fhad’s a bha e anns a’ Phloc. Tha loidhne bho Creag Dallaig a’ nochdadh air an t-sanas. Ach, a thuilleadh air Gàidhlig agus sgrìobhadh dàin, b’e iomain a bha dlùth dha chridhe.
[Neil MacRath] The boys were playing shinty out in the field and the ball was struck and it hit the dining room window. It smashed and did some damage, whatever. So all the boys were lined up and Mr MacLean came out and he was asking what had happened and well, I was told this by my brother but other people claimed to be the guy who did it so he stepped forward and put his hand up and said, 'it was me.' And Sorley says, 'Good gracious John. What a fantastic shot that was!' So the broken window was forgotten about and the strength of the shot was all important.
[Calum MacIlleathain – Neach-aithris] Ged a tha bliadhnaichean mòra ann bhon a bha Somhairle MacGill-Eain a’ tàmh anns a’ Ploc, tha deagh chuimhneachain aig mòran san sgìre air fhathast. Calum MacIlleathain, BBC An Là, Am Ploc.
A memorial for Sorley MacLean
[Angela MacLean – Presenter] A plaque paying tribute to the time Sorley MacLean spent as head teacher of Plockton High School was unveiled today. It was erected by the area’s historical society and, as Calum MacLean reports, many of Sorley’s ex-pupils were at the unveiling ceremony.
[Calum MacLean – Reporter] Young and old. Many people gathered to remember Sorley MacLean. Some of his family, former colleagues and former Plockton High School pupils, from the time he was head teacher, were present today.
[Màiri-Sìne Campbell] I think people had love and affection for him. He was an unusual person, a special person and as Neil was saying he had a real interest in the people in this town and in each of the school’s pupils.
[Calum MacLean – Reporter] Two of Sorley’s daughters unveiled the plaque on the old schoolhouse where the family lived when they moved to the town 60 years ago. The plaque was erected by Plockton and District Historical Society.
[Màiri-Sìne Campbell] In Gaelic class he would go back to the 16th and 17th century, he wasn’t just knowledgeable about the poetry, he knew the entire history behind the poems. He was keen to share with us in high school the passion he had for those things.
[Calum MacLean – Reporter] Although Sorley worked full-time as head teacher he kept on writing poetry while he was in Plockton. A line from Creag Dallaig appears on the plaque. But, as well as Gaelic and writing poetry, shinty was close to his heart.
[Neil MacRae] The boys were playing shinty out in the field and the ball was struck and it hit the dining room window. It smashed and did some damage, whatever. So all the boys were lined up and Mr MacLean came out and he was asking what had happened and well, I was told this by my brother but other people claimed to be the guy who did it, so he stepped forward and put his hand up and said, ‘It was me.’ And Sorley says, ‘Good gracious, John. What a fantastic shot that was!’ So the broken window was forgotten about and the strength of the shot was all important.
[Calum MacLean – Reporter] Although it’s been many years since Sorley MacLean stayed in Plockton, many in the area have fond memories of him. Calum MacLean, BBC An Là, in Plockton.