News Naidheachdan
Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.
Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.
Clag Phort Rìgh a’ gliongadaich uair eile
[Angela NicIlleathain – Preseantair] Tha fuaim a bha mòran uair gu math eòlach air ri chluinntinn ann am Port Rìgh a-rithist. An dèidh a bhith brist fad ùine mhòr tha clag Eaglais na h-Alba ann am meadhan a' bhaile air a chàradh agus a' gliongadaich uair eile. Agus mar a tha Calum MacIlleathain ag aithris chan fheumar an-diugh ròp mòr a shlaodadh airson a chur a dhol.
[Calum MacIlleathain – Neach-aithris] Meadhan-latha agus clag Eaglais na h-Alba ri chluinntinn a-rithist. Bha cuibhle air a’ ghlag briste agus bha dùil gun cosgadh e an t-uabhas a chàradh. An dèidh rannsachadh chaidh siostam eileagtronaigeach a lorg air an eadar-lìon a chaidh a chur an àite na h-uidheamachd a bha ann roimhe.
[Tormod Bruce] There was a mechanical system, it was a rope which went on to a chain, a sprocket on a wheel and you would go out there in all weathers then you would grab this rope and pull and it would swing the bell and you’d get one dong and then you’d wait and then you’d pull the rope again, another dong, it was quite strenuous pulling that rope. I don’t think they’ll miss it.
[Calum MacIlleathain – Neach-aithris] Tha an clag fhèin 150 bliadhna a dh’aois ach roimhe seo cha robhar ga bhualadh ach air Latha na Sàbaid agus airson tachartasan sònraichte. A-nise thèid a chluinntinn gach uair a thìde eadar naoi sa mhadainn agus ochd uairean san oidhche.
[Lachaidh MacIllìosa] Tha tòrr dhaoine gu h-àraidh mun am seo a bhliadhna, an t-samhradh, tha sìde cho brèagha agus tha daoine nan suidhe meadhan a’ bhaile a-muigh an siud, luchd-turais, agus ‘s e rud a tha a’ còrdadh ris an luchd-turais agus ri muinntir a’ bhaile cuideachd, a bhith a’ cluinntinn clag a’ dol dheth anns an eaglais. Tha seo a’ tachairt ann an iomadh baile beag eile timcheall, ann an Alba agus ann am Breatainn agus ‘s e rud snog a th’ ann agus ‘s e rud a tha a’ toirt seòrsa de chofhurtachd do dhaoine.
[Calum MacIlleathain – Neach-aithris] Tha an siostam eileagtronaigeach cuideachd a’ ciallachadh gun tèid aca air a chleachdadh airson seirbheisean eile leithid bainnsean. Agus tha e feumail cuideachd airson innse dè an uair a tha e. Calum MacIlleathain, BBC An Là nam Port Rìgh aig tri uairean feasgair.
Portree church bell chimes once more
[Angela MacLean – Presenter] A sound that many were once very used to can be heard in Portree again. After being broken for a long time the Church of Scotland bell in the town centre has been repaired and chimes once more. And as Calum MacLean reports, today there’s no need to pull a large rope to get it going.
[Calum MacLean – Reporter] Midday and the Church of Scotland bell can be heard again. A wheel on the bell was broken and it was expected to cost a fortune to repair. After research was carried out an electronic system was found online which was installed, replacing the existing mechanism.
[Norman Bruce] There was a mechanical system, it was a rope which went on to a chain, a sprocket on a wheel and you would go out there in all weathers then you would grab this rope and pull and it would swing the bell and you’d get one dong and then you’d wait and then you’d pull the rope again, another dong, it was quite strenuous pulling that rope. I don’t think they’ll miss it.
[Calum MacLean – Reporter] The bell itself is 150 years old but before now it would only be chimed on a Sunday and for special occasions. Now it can be heard each hour between 9am and 8pm.
[Lachie Gillies] Lots of people around this time of year, summertime, when the weather is good and they can sit out in the town centre there, tourists, they enjoy it, it’s something the tourists and the local town people really enjoy, hearing the church bell ring. This happens in many other little towns close by, in Scotland and in Britain and it’s a nice thing and it gives a sort of comfort to people.
[Calum MacLean – Reporter] The electronic system also means that it can be used for other services such as weddings. It’s useful also for telling the time. Calum MacLean, BBC An Là in Portree at 3pm.
Clag Phort Rìgh a’ gliongadaich uair eile
[Angela NicIlleathain – Preseantair] Tha fuaim a bha mòran uair gu math eòlach air ri chluinntinn ann am Port Rìgh a-rithist. An dèidh a bhith brist fad ùine mhòr tha clag Eaglais na h-Alba ann am meadhan a' bhaile air a chàradh agus a' gliongadaich uair eile. Agus mar a tha Calum MacIlleathain ag aithris chan fheumar an-diugh ròp mòr a shlaodadh airson a chur a dhol.
[Calum MacIlleathain – Neach-aithris] Meadhan-latha agus clag Eaglais na h-Alba ri chluinntinn a-rithist. Bha cuibhle air a’ ghlag briste agus bha dùil gun cosgadh e an t-uabhas a chàradh. An dèidh rannsachadh chaidh siostam eileagtronaigeach a lorg air an eadar-lìon a chaidh a chur an àite na h-uidheamachd a bha ann roimhe.
[Tormod Bruce] There was a mechanical system, it was a rope which went on to a chain, a sprocket on a wheel and you would go out there in all weathers then you would grab this rope and pull and it would swing the bell and you’d get one dong and then you’d wait and then you’d pull the rope again, another dong, it was quite strenuous pulling that rope. I don’t think they’ll miss it.
[Calum MacIlleathain – Neach-aithris] Tha an clag fhèin 150 bliadhna a dh’aois ach roimhe seo cha robhar ga bhualadh ach air Latha na Sàbaid agus airson tachartasan sònraichte. A-nise thèid a chluinntinn gach uair a thìde eadar naoi sa mhadainn agus ochd uairean san oidhche.
[Lachaidh MacIllìosa] Tha tòrr dhaoine gu h-àraidh mun am seo a bhliadhna, an t-samhradh, tha sìde cho brèagha agus tha daoine nan suidhe meadhan a’ bhaile a-muigh an siud, luchd-turais, agus ‘s e rud a tha a’ còrdadh ris an luchd-turais agus ri muinntir a’ bhaile cuideachd, a bhith a’ cluinntinn clag a’ dol dheth anns an eaglais. Tha seo a’ tachairt ann an iomadh baile beag eile timcheall, ann an Alba agus ann am Breatainn agus ‘s e rud snog a th’ ann agus ‘s e rud a tha a’ toirt seòrsa de chofhurtachd do dhaoine.
[Calum MacIlleathain – Neach-aithris] Tha an siostam eileagtronaigeach cuideachd a’ ciallachadh gun tèid aca air a chleachdadh airson seirbheisean eile leithid bainnsean. Agus tha e feumail cuideachd airson innse dè an uair a tha e. Calum MacIlleathain, BBC An Là nam Port Rìgh aig tri uairean feasgair.
Portree church bell chimes once more
[Angela MacLean – Presenter] A sound that many were once very used to can be heard in Portree again. After being broken for a long time the Church of Scotland bell in the town centre has been repaired and chimes once more. And as Calum MacLean reports, today there’s no need to pull a large rope to get it going.
[Calum MacLean – Reporter] Midday and the Church of Scotland bell can be heard again. A wheel on the bell was broken and it was expected to cost a fortune to repair. After research was carried out an electronic system was found online which was installed, replacing the existing mechanism.
[Norman Bruce] There was a mechanical system, it was a rope which went on to a chain, a sprocket on a wheel and you would go out there in all weathers then you would grab this rope and pull and it would swing the bell and you’d get one dong and then you’d wait and then you’d pull the rope again, another dong, it was quite strenuous pulling that rope. I don’t think they’ll miss it.
[Calum MacLean – Reporter] The bell itself is 150 years old but before now it would only be chimed on a Sunday and for special occasions. Now it can be heard each hour between 9am and 8pm.
[Lachie Gillies] Lots of people around this time of year, summertime, when the weather is good and they can sit out in the town centre there, tourists, they enjoy it, it’s something the tourists and the local town people really enjoy, hearing the church bell ring. This happens in many other little towns close by, in Scotland and in Britain and it’s a nice thing and it gives a sort of comfort to people.
[Calum MacLean – Reporter] The electronic system also means that it can be used for other services such as weddings. It’s useful also for telling the time. Calum MacLean, BBC An Là in Portree at 3pm.