News Naidheachdan
Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.
Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.
Seirbheis adhair ùr eadar Inbhir Nis agus Heathrow
[Angela NicIlleathain – Preseantair] Feasgar math. Tòisichidh seirbheis adhair às ùr eadar Inbhir Nis agus port-adhair Heathrow an-ath-bhliadhna. Tha strì mhòr air a bhith a’ dol fad iomadach bliadhna airson an t-seirbheis a chur air dòigh a-rithist. ‘S iad a’ chompanaidh British Airways a bhios ga ruith agus tòisichidh an t-seirbheis anns a’ Chèitean. Le tuilleadh, seo Iain Macaonghais.
[Iain Macaonghais - Neach-aithris] Chan ann an-diugh neo an-dè a thòisich iarrtas airson seirbheis adhair làitheil eadar Inbhir Nis agus port-adhair Heathrow. Ach madainn an-diugh, thàinig dearbhadh bhon chompanaidh British Airways gum bi sin ann a-nis bhon Chèitean anath-bhliadhna.
[Iain Macaonghais - Neach-aithris] Tha faisg air 20 bliadhna a-nis bhon a stad BA le na seirbhisean aca eadar seo air port-adhair Inbhir Nis agus Heathrow. Agus anns an eadar-ama, tha seirbheisean air BMI gu ruige Heathrow agus aig Flybe gu ruige London City air stad cuideachd. Mar sin, tha gu leòr a’ cur fàilte air naidheachd an latha an-diugh.
[An Comh Ailig Greumach] ‘S e deagh naidheachd a tha seo dha Inbhir Nis, dhan Ghàidhealtachd agus ann an dòigh dha Alba air fad agus gu h-àraidh dha daoine a tha fuireach an seo. Tha e toirt dhaibh cothrom siubhal, bheil fhios agad, a-mach às an dùthaich nas fhasa agus uabhasach math cuideachd dha gnìomhachasan luchd-turais. ‘S tha seo a-nis a’ fosgladh an dorais, tha e tòrr nas fhasa dha daoine bho dùthchannan cèine thighinn suas dhan cheann a tuath.
[Drew Hendry BP] It’s fantastic news for the whole of the Highlands. To have Europe’s fastest growing city connected with the UK’s busiest international hub, it’s something we’ve needed for a long time. And after 18 years to find out that British Airways are now reconnecting that route is great news. But the challenge now for British Airways, for the airports and for everyone else and for the UK government is to make sure that these routes are protected and maintained and sustained so that we can build on them over a period of time.
[Iain Macaonghais - Neach-aithris] Bidh an t-itealan a thèid a chleachdadh air an t-seirbheis comasach air 143 a ghiùlain, agus tha BA ag ràdh gum bi seo a’ fosgladh na Gàidhealtachd an dà chuid dha luchd-turais agus luchd-gnothachais. Chaidh togail cuideachd air na cothroman a bhios ann do dhaoine, air a’ Ghàidhealtachd, ceanglaichean a dhèanamh le seirbhisean BA aig tèirmineal a còig aig Heathrow gu ruige còrr is 130 ceann-ùidhe.
[Dàibhidh Byrne] Sin a’ bhuannachd as motha chanainn. Chan ann dìreach mu dheidhinn eadar Lunnainn agus Inbhir Nis a tha seo. ‘S ann mu dheidhinn na lìonra farsaing a th’ aig BA air adhart gu Vancouver ‘s Calgary, air feadh an t-saoghail agus le sin gu bheil e fosgladh. Agus cuideachd ‘s e goireas mu dheidhinn terminal 5 ‘s cho goireasach ‘s a tha e agus cha leig thu leas a bhith stad uair a thìde agus an uair sin dol air adhart gun a bhith dol timcheall ‘s a’ ruith mun cuairt mar sin air adhart, ‘s e gu bheil e uile anns an aon àite.
[Iain Macaonghais - Neach-aithris] Tha BA ag ràdh aig an ìre-sa gum bi a’ chosgais mu £89 airson slighe a Lunnainn agus air ais. Agus le na ceagalaichean ùra a tha ga bhrosnachadh tha a h-uile coltas gum bi fèill mhòr air na tiogaidean sin. Iain Macaonghais, BBC An Là aig port-adhair Inbhir Nis.
A new air service between Inverness and Heathrow
[Angela Maclean – Presenter] Good evening. A new air service between Inverness and Heathrow airport will begin next year. For years there has been an endeavour to reinstate the service. The company British Airways will run the service, which will begin in May. With more, here’s Iain Macinnes.
[Iain Macinnes – Reporter] It wasn’t yesterday that demand for a daily flight service between Inverness and Heathrow airport began. But this morning, confirmation came from the company British Airways that there will now be a service from May next year.
[Iain Macinnes – Reporter] It’s been almost 20 years now since BA stopped their services between here, Inverness Airport, and Heathrow. And in the meantime, BMI services to Heathrow and Flybe’s service to London City have also stopped. Therefore, many people welcome today’s news.
[Cllr Alex Graham] This is good news for Inverness, for the Highlands and in a way for Scotland as a whole and especially for people who live here. It gives them the opportunity, you know, to travel out of the country more easily and it’s really good too for the tourism industry. This now opens the door, it’s a lot easier for people from foreign countries to come to the north.
[Drew Hendry BP] It’s fantastic news for the whole of the Highlands. To have Europe’s fastest growing city connected with the UK’s busiest international hub, it’s something we’ve needed for a long time. And after 18 years to find out that British Airways are now reconnecting that route is great news. But the challenge now for British Airways, for the airports and for everyone else and for the UK government is to make sure that these routes are protected and maintained and sustained so that we can build on them over a period of time.
[Iain Macinnes – Reporter] The plane which will be used on the service has a capacity to carry 143 passengers, and BA say that this will open up the Highlands to both tourists and to business people. The point was raised too about the opportunities it will provide for people in the Highlands to make connections with other BA services at terminal 5 to over 130 destinations.
[Dàibhidh Byrne] That’s the biggest advantage I would say. This isn’t just about going between London and Inverness. It’s about the wide network BA have onwards to Vancouver and Calgary, across the world and what that opens up to people. And also terminal 5 is a very convenient facility and when you have an hour long stopover for example, you don’t have to run around between terminals and such like, everything is in the one place.
[Iain Macinnes – Reporter] BA say at this stage that the price for a return trip to London will be around £89. And with the new connections being made, it’s highly likely there will be a great demand for those tickets. Iain Macinnes, BBC An Là at Inverness Airport.
Seirbheis adhair ùr eadar Inbhir Nis agus Heathrow
[Angela NicIlleathain – Preseantair] Feasgar math. Tòisichidh seirbheis adhair às ùr eadar Inbhir Nis agus port-adhair Heathrow an-ath-bhliadhna. Tha strì mhòr air a bhith a’ dol fad iomadach bliadhna airson an t-seirbheis a chur air dòigh a-rithist. ‘S iad a’ chompanaidh British Airways a bhios ga ruith agus tòisichidh an t-seirbheis anns a’ Chèitean. Le tuilleadh, seo Iain Macaonghais.
[Iain Macaonghais - Neach-aithris] Chan ann an-diugh neo an-dè a thòisich iarrtas airson seirbheis adhair làitheil eadar Inbhir Nis agus port-adhair Heathrow. Ach madainn an-diugh, thàinig dearbhadh bhon chompanaidh British Airways gum bi sin ann a-nis bhon Chèitean anath-bhliadhna.
[Iain Macaonghais - Neach-aithris] Tha faisg air 20 bliadhna a-nis bhon a stad BA le na seirbhisean aca eadar seo air port-adhair Inbhir Nis agus Heathrow. Agus anns an eadar-ama, tha seirbheisean air BMI gu ruige Heathrow agus aig Flybe gu ruige London City air stad cuideachd. Mar sin, tha gu leòr a’ cur fàilte air naidheachd an latha an-diugh.
[An Comh Ailig Greumach] ‘S e deagh naidheachd a tha seo dha Inbhir Nis, dhan Ghàidhealtachd agus ann an dòigh dha Alba air fad agus gu h-àraidh dha daoine a tha fuireach an seo. Tha e toirt dhaibh cothrom siubhal, bheil fhios agad, a-mach às an dùthaich nas fhasa agus uabhasach math cuideachd dha gnìomhachasan luchd-turais. ‘S tha seo a-nis a’ fosgladh an dorais, tha e tòrr nas fhasa dha daoine bho dùthchannan cèine thighinn suas dhan cheann a tuath.
[Drew Hendry BP] It’s fantastic news for the whole of the Highlands. To have Europe’s fastest growing city connected with the UK’s busiest international hub, it’s something we’ve needed for a long time. And after 18 years to find out that British Airways are now reconnecting that route is great news. But the challenge now for British Airways, for the airports and for everyone else and for the UK government is to make sure that these routes are protected and maintained and sustained so that we can build on them over a period of time.
[Iain Macaonghais - Neach-aithris] Bidh an t-itealan a thèid a chleachdadh air an t-seirbheis comasach air 143 a ghiùlain, agus tha BA ag ràdh gum bi seo a’ fosgladh na Gàidhealtachd an dà chuid dha luchd-turais agus luchd-gnothachais. Chaidh togail cuideachd air na cothroman a bhios ann do dhaoine, air a’ Ghàidhealtachd, ceanglaichean a dhèanamh le seirbhisean BA aig tèirmineal a còig aig Heathrow gu ruige còrr is 130 ceann-ùidhe.
[Dàibhidh Byrne] Sin a’ bhuannachd as motha chanainn. Chan ann dìreach mu dheidhinn eadar Lunnainn agus Inbhir Nis a tha seo. ‘S ann mu dheidhinn na lìonra farsaing a th’ aig BA air adhart gu Vancouver ‘s Calgary, air feadh an t-saoghail agus le sin gu bheil e fosgladh. Agus cuideachd ‘s e goireas mu dheidhinn terminal 5 ‘s cho goireasach ‘s a tha e agus cha leig thu leas a bhith stad uair a thìde agus an uair sin dol air adhart gun a bhith dol timcheall ‘s a’ ruith mun cuairt mar sin air adhart, ‘s e gu bheil e uile anns an aon àite.
[Iain Macaonghais - Neach-aithris] Tha BA ag ràdh aig an ìre-sa gum bi a’ chosgais mu £89 airson slighe a Lunnainn agus air ais. Agus le na ceagalaichean ùra a tha ga bhrosnachadh tha a h-uile coltas gum bi fèill mhòr air na tiogaidean sin. Iain Macaonghais, BBC An Là aig port-adhair Inbhir Nis.
A new air service between Inverness and Heathrow
[Angela Maclean – Presenter] Good evening. A new air service between Inverness and Heathrow airport will begin next year. For years there has been an endeavour to reinstate the service. The company British Airways will run the service, which will begin in May. With more, here’s Iain Macinnes.
[Iain Macinnes – Reporter] It wasn’t yesterday that demand for a daily flight service between Inverness and Heathrow airport began. But this morning, confirmation came from the company British Airways that there will now be a service from May next year.
[Iain Macinnes – Reporter] It’s been almost 20 years now since BA stopped their services between here, Inverness Airport, and Heathrow. And in the meantime, BMI services to Heathrow and Flybe’s service to London City have also stopped. Therefore, many people welcome today’s news.
[Cllr Alex Graham] This is good news for Inverness, for the Highlands and in a way for Scotland as a whole and especially for people who live here. It gives them the opportunity, you know, to travel out of the country more easily and it’s really good too for the tourism industry. This now opens the door, it’s a lot easier for people from foreign countries to come to the north.
[Drew Hendry BP] It’s fantastic news for the whole of the Highlands. To have Europe’s fastest growing city connected with the UK’s busiest international hub, it’s something we’ve needed for a long time. And after 18 years to find out that British Airways are now reconnecting that route is great news. But the challenge now for British Airways, for the airports and for everyone else and for the UK government is to make sure that these routes are protected and maintained and sustained so that we can build on them over a period of time.
[Iain Macinnes – Reporter] The plane which will be used on the service has a capacity to carry 143 passengers, and BA say that this will open up the Highlands to both tourists and to business people. The point was raised too about the opportunities it will provide for people in the Highlands to make connections with other BA services at terminal 5 to over 130 destinations.
[Dàibhidh Byrne] That’s the biggest advantage I would say. This isn’t just about going between London and Inverness. It’s about the wide network BA have onwards to Vancouver and Calgary, across the world and what that opens up to people. And also terminal 5 is a very convenient facility and when you have an hour long stopover for example, you don’t have to run around between terminals and such like, everything is in the one place.
[Iain Macinnes – Reporter] BA say at this stage that the price for a return trip to London will be around £89. And with the new connections being made, it’s highly likely there will be a great demand for those tickets. Iain Macinnes, BBC An Là at Inverness Airport.