News Naidheachdan
Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.
Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.
Cumhachd nan tonn an Caolas Tharasaigh
[Anne Lundon – Preseantair] Agus tha dòchas aig Urras Taobh Siar na Hearadh gun tèid aca air cumhachd a chruthachadh bho na tuinn ann an Caolas Tharasaigh. Thòisich obair rannsachaidh bho chionn ghoirid a dh' fhaicinn dè cho freagarrach ‘s a tha an sgìre airson sgeama ath-nuadhachail. Ma shoirbhicheas leotha tha dùil gun tèid an dealan a chleachdadh an dà chuid airson an ionaid coimhearsnachd ùr agus na taighean saora a thèid an togail. Tha tuilleadh aig Ruaraidh Rothach.
[Ruaraidh Rothach – Neach-aithris] Tha Urras Taobh Siar na Hearadh ann an co-bhann ri Albatern, an dùil cumhachd a chruthachadh bho na tuinn ann an Caolas Tharasaigh.
[Murchadh MacAoidh] Tha sinn a’ rannsachadh am faigh sinn cumhachd a Tharasaigh air an tonn airson inneal a chur an sàs airson dealan fhaighinn dhan centre ùr a tha sinn a’ togail. Tha sinn air a bhith a’ bruidhinn ri companaidh ann an Dùn Èideann, Albatern airson rud a chur an sàs ann an sin agus tha sinn dìreach a’ tòiseachadh a’ rannsachadh na cùise a-nise.
[Ruaraidh Rothach – Neach-aithris] Chaidh an t-inneal a dh’ innses do Urras Taobh Siar na Hearadh a bheil e comasach sgeama cumhachd na mara a chur air dòigh anns a’ Chaolas ann an seo, chaidh sin a chur an sàs Disathairne seo chaidh. An-diugh, thathas a’ cur na h-uidheamachd tha clàradh an fhiosrachaidh bhon inneal sin an sàs agus an ceann grunn mhìosan bidh fios aig Urras Taobh Siar na Hearadh a bheil e comasach an sgeama seo a chur air chois.
[Ruaraidh Rothach – Neach-aithris] Tha Arne Vögler a’ cur na h-uidheamachd a tha clàradh an fhiosrachaidh air tìr an sàs aig Sgoil Sheileboist. Ged nach deach an uidheamachd a chur an sàs ach an-diugh fhèin, tha cùisean a’ coimhead fàbharach.
[Arne Vögler] Absolutely I mean this site is relatively open to the Atlantic Ocean but the most predominant way of climate here probably will be more wind driven and it could be a very good combination of swell waves and wind waves that first status’ have indicated that will make it a very good site.
[Ruaraidh Rothach – Neach-aithris] Le cho freagarrach ‘s a tha na h-Eileanan an Iar airson cumhachd a chruthachadh bho na tuinn, carson nach eil barrachd a’ rannsachadh sgeamaichean mar seo?
[Arne Vögler] Wave technology, technology wave power is still is for the renovators. It’s for people that like to try something new, bit more innovative spirit in there. I think the Western Isles are a brilliant place for it actually. There are a lot of, what would you say, shed-based innovative people here that know how to build small things just because they had to do this all the years they didn’t have the ability maybe just to justify the big stuff. There’s a good attitude here actually of people being innovative and making things work with a bit of engineering effort. I think it’s a great place to develop these technologies and wave power on a community scale certainly I can see has a big future.
[Ruaraidh Rothach – Neach-aithris] Tha dòchas gun tèid an cumhachd a thèid a chruthachadh a chleachdadh anns an aon choimhearsnachd a tha an t-Urras a’ togail air an làraich seo agus cuideachd gun tèid uisge teth a chumail ri na taighean saor a tha anns an amharc cuideachd. Leis a h-uile oidhirp a tha an t-urras a’ dèanamh, dè cho dòchasach ‘s a tha iad gun tèid aca air sluagh a thàladh air ais dhan mhachaire?
[Murchadh MacAoidh] Uill tha sinn an dòchas gun dèan sinn rudeigin. Gum bi obraichean an sàs agus sin an rud a mhiannaicheadh sinn, gum bi an obair tha seo, gum bi obraichean ann an àitichean eile ‘s dòcha, gu math nas fhaide air falbh bhon chladach, a-muigh air an Iar ‘s gum faigheadh daoine obair agus gun toir sin daoine air ais dhan àite.
[Ruaraidh Rothach – Neach-aithris] Ruaraidh Rothach, BBC An Là, taobh siar na Hearadh.
Wave power in the Sound of Taransay
[Anne Lundon – Presenter] And West Harris Trust hope to be able to create power from the waves in the Sound of Taransay. Research began recently to see how suitable the area is for a renewable scheme. If they succeed, the electricity is expected to be used for both the new community centre and the low-cost housing which will be built. Roddy Munro has more.
[Roddy Munro – Reporter] The West Harris Trust, in conjunction with Albatern, hope to create power from the waves in the Sound of Taransay.
[Murdo MacKay] We’re researching to see if we can generate energy from the waves to power a device to provide electricity for the new centre we are building. We’ve been in talks with a company in Edinburgh, Albatern, to implement this and we are just beginning to research the issue now.
[Roddy Munro – Reporter] The device which will reveal to the West Harris Trust whether or not a wave energy scheme can be implemented in the Sound here was set up last Saturday. Today, the equipment that records the device’s findings is being set up and in the next few months the West Harris Trust will know if it’s possible to set up this scheme.
[Roddy Munro – Reporter] Arne Vögler is putting the equipment which records the information on land in place at Seilebost School. Although the equipment was only set up today, things are looking favourable.
[Arne Vögler] Absolutely, I mean this site is relatively open to the Atlantic Ocean but the most predominant way of climate here probably will be more wind driven and it could be a very good combination of swell waves and wind waves that first status have indicated that will make it a very good site.
[Roddy Munro – Reporter] Given the suitability of the Western Isles for wave power, why are more people not researching schemes like this?
[Arne Vögler] Wave technology, wave power is still for the real innovators. It’s for people that like to try something new, bit more innovative spirit in there. I think the Western Isles are a brilliant place for that actually. There are a lot of, what would you say, shed-based innovative people here that know how to build small things just because they had to do this all the years they didn’t have the ability maybe just to buy the big stuff. There’s a good attitude here actually of people being innovative and making things work with a bit of engineering effort. I think it’s a great place to develop these technologies and wave power on a community scale certainly I can see has a big future.
[Roddy Munro – Reporter] It’s hoped that the energy created will be used in the community centre the trust is building on this site and also that it will also provide hot water for the planned low-cost housing. With all the efforts being made by the trust, how hopeful are that they will attract people back to the machair?
[Murdo MacKay] Well we hope to achieve something. That jobs will be involved and what we wish for is that this work creates further employment in other areas. Perhaps further away from the shore, to the west and that people get work and that it will bring people back to the area.
[Roddy Munro – Reporter] Roddy Munro, BBC An Là, West Harris.
Cumhachd nan tonn an Caolas Tharasaigh
[Anne Lundon – Preseantair] Agus tha dòchas aig Urras Taobh Siar na Hearadh gun tèid aca air cumhachd a chruthachadh bho na tuinn ann an Caolas Tharasaigh. Thòisich obair rannsachaidh bho chionn ghoirid a dh' fhaicinn dè cho freagarrach ‘s a tha an sgìre airson sgeama ath-nuadhachail. Ma shoirbhicheas leotha tha dùil gun tèid an dealan a chleachdadh an dà chuid airson an ionaid coimhearsnachd ùr agus na taighean saora a thèid an togail. Tha tuilleadh aig Ruaraidh Rothach.
[Ruaraidh Rothach – Neach-aithris] Tha Urras Taobh Siar na Hearadh ann an co-bhann ri Albatern, an dùil cumhachd a chruthachadh bho na tuinn ann an Caolas Tharasaigh.
[Murchadh MacAoidh] Tha sinn a’ rannsachadh am faigh sinn cumhachd a Tharasaigh air an tonn airson inneal a chur an sàs airson dealan fhaighinn dhan centre ùr a tha sinn a’ togail. Tha sinn air a bhith a’ bruidhinn ri companaidh ann an Dùn Èideann, Albatern airson rud a chur an sàs ann an sin agus tha sinn dìreach a’ tòiseachadh a’ rannsachadh na cùise a-nise.
[Ruaraidh Rothach – Neach-aithris] Chaidh an t-inneal a dh’ innses do Urras Taobh Siar na Hearadh a bheil e comasach sgeama cumhachd na mara a chur air dòigh anns a’ Chaolas ann an seo, chaidh sin a chur an sàs Disathairne seo chaidh. An-diugh, thathas a’ cur na h-uidheamachd tha clàradh an fhiosrachaidh bhon inneal sin an sàs agus an ceann grunn mhìosan bidh fios aig Urras Taobh Siar na Hearadh a bheil e comasach an sgeama seo a chur air chois.
[Ruaraidh Rothach – Neach-aithris] Tha Arne Vögler a’ cur na h-uidheamachd a tha clàradh an fhiosrachaidh air tìr an sàs aig Sgoil Sheileboist. Ged nach deach an uidheamachd a chur an sàs ach an-diugh fhèin, tha cùisean a’ coimhead fàbharach.
[Arne Vögler] Absolutely I mean this site is relatively open to the Atlantic Ocean but the most predominant way of climate here probably will be more wind driven and it could be a very good combination of swell waves and wind waves that first status’ have indicated that will make it a very good site.
[Ruaraidh Rothach – Neach-aithris] Le cho freagarrach ‘s a tha na h-Eileanan an Iar airson cumhachd a chruthachadh bho na tuinn, carson nach eil barrachd a’ rannsachadh sgeamaichean mar seo?
[Arne Vögler] Wave technology, technology wave power is still is for the renovators. It’s for people that like to try something new, bit more innovative spirit in there. I think the Western Isles are a brilliant place for it actually. There are a lot of, what would you say, shed-based innovative people here that know how to build small things just because they had to do this all the years they didn’t have the ability maybe just to justify the big stuff. There’s a good attitude here actually of people being innovative and making things work with a bit of engineering effort. I think it’s a great place to develop these technologies and wave power on a community scale certainly I can see has a big future.
[Ruaraidh Rothach – Neach-aithris] Tha dòchas gun tèid an cumhachd a thèid a chruthachadh a chleachdadh anns an aon choimhearsnachd a tha an t-Urras a’ togail air an làraich seo agus cuideachd gun tèid uisge teth a chumail ri na taighean saor a tha anns an amharc cuideachd. Leis a h-uile oidhirp a tha an t-urras a’ dèanamh, dè cho dòchasach ‘s a tha iad gun tèid aca air sluagh a thàladh air ais dhan mhachaire?
[Murchadh MacAoidh] Uill tha sinn an dòchas gun dèan sinn rudeigin. Gum bi obraichean an sàs agus sin an rud a mhiannaicheadh sinn, gum bi an obair tha seo, gum bi obraichean ann an àitichean eile ‘s dòcha, gu math nas fhaide air falbh bhon chladach, a-muigh air an Iar ‘s gum faigheadh daoine obair agus gun toir sin daoine air ais dhan àite.
[Ruaraidh Rothach – Neach-aithris] Ruaraidh Rothach, BBC An Là, taobh siar na Hearadh.
Wave power in the Sound of Taransay
[Anne Lundon – Presenter] And West Harris Trust hope to be able to create power from the waves in the Sound of Taransay. Research began recently to see how suitable the area is for a renewable scheme. If they succeed, the electricity is expected to be used for both the new community centre and the low-cost housing which will be built. Roddy Munro has more.
[Roddy Munro – Reporter] The West Harris Trust, in conjunction with Albatern, hope to create power from the waves in the Sound of Taransay.
[Murdo MacKay] We’re researching to see if we can generate energy from the waves to power a device to provide electricity for the new centre we are building. We’ve been in talks with a company in Edinburgh, Albatern, to implement this and we are just beginning to research the issue now.
[Roddy Munro – Reporter] The device which will reveal to the West Harris Trust whether or not a wave energy scheme can be implemented in the Sound here was set up last Saturday. Today, the equipment that records the device’s findings is being set up and in the next few months the West Harris Trust will know if it’s possible to set up this scheme.
[Roddy Munro – Reporter] Arne Vögler is putting the equipment which records the information on land in place at Seilebost School. Although the equipment was only set up today, things are looking favourable.
[Arne Vögler] Absolutely, I mean this site is relatively open to the Atlantic Ocean but the most predominant way of climate here probably will be more wind driven and it could be a very good combination of swell waves and wind waves that first status have indicated that will make it a very good site.
[Roddy Munro – Reporter] Given the suitability of the Western Isles for wave power, why are more people not researching schemes like this?
[Arne Vögler] Wave technology, wave power is still for the real innovators. It’s for people that like to try something new, bit more innovative spirit in there. I think the Western Isles are a brilliant place for that actually. There are a lot of, what would you say, shed-based innovative people here that know how to build small things just because they had to do this all the years they didn’t have the ability maybe just to buy the big stuff. There’s a good attitude here actually of people being innovative and making things work with a bit of engineering effort. I think it’s a great place to develop these technologies and wave power on a community scale certainly I can see has a big future.
[Roddy Munro – Reporter] It’s hoped that the energy created will be used in the community centre the trust is building on this site and also that it will also provide hot water for the planned low-cost housing. With all the efforts being made by the trust, how hopeful are that they will attract people back to the machair?
[Murdo MacKay] Well we hope to achieve something. That jobs will be involved and what we wish for is that this work creates further employment in other areas. Perhaps further away from the shore, to the west and that people get work and that it will bring people back to the area.
[Roddy Munro – Reporter] Roddy Munro, BBC An Là, West Harris.