News Naidheachdan
Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.
Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.
An Yackydoola ga cur air bhog le muinntir Shiaboist
[Iain MacAonghais - Preseantair] Chaidh bàta a thog muinntir Shiaboist air taobh siar Leòdhais a chur air bhog gu h-oifigeil an-diugh. 'S i a' chiad sgoth a thogadh san sgìre airson grunn bhliadhnaichean agus tha dòchas ann gum faigh gu leòr cothrom tarraing air na ràimh. Seo an treas coimhearsnachd anns na h-Eileanan a rinn an leithid, agus ùidh air feadh na dùthcha ann an iomradh mara a' sìor fhàs. Tha an aithris seo aig Eilidh NicLeòid
[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] Seo am bàta a thog muinntir Shiaboist - sgoth St Isles air an robh mu dheichnear ag obair fad a’ gheamhraidh. ‘S fhuair iad latha brèagha samhraidh airson a baisteadh agus a cur air bhog. ‘S ann leis a’ choimhearsnachd a tha Yackydoola agus tha a h-ainm annasach a’ ceangal mharaichean nan seann làithean ri ginealach an latha an-diugh.
[Etta Mhoireasdan] Bha eathair ann an seo bho chionn, oh, anns na fifties chanainn agus ‘s e Yackydoola an t-ainm a bha oirre agus chaidh òran a dhèanamh. Agus ‘s e an t-òran, ‘s ann a’ dèanamh magadh air an fheadhainn a bha… criutha a bh’ oirre. Bha iad ag innse mu Tharmod an còcaire, bha fear eile na bhosun ‘s dìreach plòidh a bh’ann. Ach bha an t-ainm a’ còrdadh ri daoine agus sin as coireach gun deach a thaghadh. ‘S e a bha chuid mhòr dhen t-shluagh seo ag iarraidh.
[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] Chan eil fhios dè cho fada on a chaidh bàta a thogail ann an Siabost. Tha ceudan mar an tè-sa an-diugh an Alba bhon a thòisich pròiseact, a’ toirt taic do choimhearsnachdan le togail ‘s trèanadh. Do muinntir Shiaboist, taic airgid luach còrr is deich mìle not bho chompanaidh leasachaidh Horsiadar agus stiùireadh bho chluba iomraidh ann an Dùn Èideann.
[Andreas Leslie] They are very, very fortunate because in any way that they can get out on a safe lit or fresh water loch or as you say across here they’ve got the sea. They can also drive 20 minutes and be on the east coast and go rowing on a sheltered loch there. So I think the facilities here are very, good and also they’ve had the ability to look at what other clubs have done and therefore advance rather quickly because we’ve had a lot of innovation over the years.
[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] `S ann airson sgilean togail, sgilean seòlaidh a chailleadh anns an linn seo, ath-bheothachadh, a bha am pròiseact ag amas. Ach bha iad cuideachd a’ sireadh obair far am biodh daoine a’ tarraing còmhla.
[An Comh Ali NicIllinnein] Uill mar a tha sibh a’ faicinn an sluagh a tha seo an-diugh, tha mi smaoineachadh gur e sin a tha a h-uile baile a lùigeadh gun tachair e anns na bailtean aca fhèin agus tha mi creidsinn gur e, ‘s e sin a thathas a’ feuchainn a dhèanamh airson feuchainn ri toirt na coimhearsnachd, toirt a h-uile duine a-mach còmhla. Cha bhi a h-uile latha dhen t-seachdain ach rudan mar seo agus cèilidhean, faidhr mar a b’ àbhaist dha bhith bho chionn bliadhnaichean agus bruidhinn ris an fheadhainn as aosta a tha nar measg an-diugh, tha e còrdadh riutha math dha-rìribh agus tha an òigridh againn cuideachd an-diugh agus tha e math sin fhaicinn.
[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] Agus leis gu bheil e coltach gu bheil a h-uile duine eile sa bhaile faighinn turn innte, tha a’ cheart cho math dhòmhsa mo chothrom fhèin a ghabhail. Eilidh NicLeòid, BBC An Là, Loch a’ Bhaile ann an Siabost.
Shawbost launch Yackydoola
[Iain MacInnes – Presenter] A boat built by the local people of Shawbost was officially launched today. She’s the first skiff to be built in the area for many years and it is hoped that plenty will get the opportunity to row the oars. This is the third community in the islands to undertake something like this, with interest in rowing growing around the country. Eilidh MacLeod has this report.
[Eilidh MacLeod – Reporter] This is the boat the people of Shawbost built – a St Isles skiff which around ten people worked on all winter. And they got a lovely summer’s day for the christening and launch. Yackydoola belongs to the community and the unusual name links the mariners of the olden days with today’s generation.
[Etta Morrison] There was a boat here in, oh, the 50s I would say and her name was Yackydoola and a song was made about her. The song gave an amusing account of the crew. It told of Norman the cook and another man who was a bosun, it was just a little fun. People really liked the name and that’s why it was chosen. It’s what most of the people here wanted.
[Eilidh MacLeod – Reporter] It’s uncertain when a boat was last built here in Shawbost. There are hundreds such as this one today in Scotland since a project began which help to communities with building and assistance. For the people of Shawbost, funding of more than £10,000 from Horshader Community Development and guidance from a rowing club in Edinburgh.
[Andreas Leslie] They are very, very fortunate because in any way that they can get out in a safe lit or fresh water loch or as you say across here they’ve got the sea. They can also drive 20 minutes and be out on the east coast and go rowing on a sheltered loch there. So I think the facilities here are very, very good and also they’ve had the ability to look at what other clubs have done and therefore advance rather quickly because we’ve had a lot of innovation over the years.
[Eilidh MacLeod – Reporter] This project aimed to revive building and sailing skills lost in this century. But it also sought work that would bring people together.
[Cllr Ali MacLennan] Well, you can see from the crowd gathered here today, I think that every village would aspire for this to take place in their own areas and I would say that this is what they are trying to achieve. The opportunity for everyone in a community to work together. It’s not every day of the week things like this will happen but events such as this and ceilidhs, just like happened years ago, the older people in our midst today really enjoy and it’s great to see young people present here today too.
[Eilidh MacLeod – Reporter] And as it would seem that everyone else in the village is getting a turn, I may as well take the opportunity myself. Eilidh MacLeod, BBC An Là, Loch a’ Bhaile in Shawbost.
An Yackydoola ga cur air bhog le muinntir Shiaboist
[Iain MacAonghais - Preseantair] Chaidh bàta a thog muinntir Shiaboist air taobh siar Leòdhais a chur air bhog gu h-oifigeil an-diugh. 'S i a' chiad sgoth a thogadh san sgìre airson grunn bhliadhnaichean agus tha dòchas ann gum faigh gu leòr cothrom tarraing air na ràimh. Seo an treas coimhearsnachd anns na h-Eileanan a rinn an leithid, agus ùidh air feadh na dùthcha ann an iomradh mara a' sìor fhàs. Tha an aithris seo aig Eilidh NicLeòid
[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] Seo am bàta a thog muinntir Shiaboist - sgoth St Isles air an robh mu dheichnear ag obair fad a’ gheamhraidh. ‘S fhuair iad latha brèagha samhraidh airson a baisteadh agus a cur air bhog. ‘S ann leis a’ choimhearsnachd a tha Yackydoola agus tha a h-ainm annasach a’ ceangal mharaichean nan seann làithean ri ginealach an latha an-diugh.
[Etta Mhoireasdan] Bha eathair ann an seo bho chionn, oh, anns na fifties chanainn agus ‘s e Yackydoola an t-ainm a bha oirre agus chaidh òran a dhèanamh. Agus ‘s e an t-òran, ‘s ann a’ dèanamh magadh air an fheadhainn a bha… criutha a bh’ oirre. Bha iad ag innse mu Tharmod an còcaire, bha fear eile na bhosun ‘s dìreach plòidh a bh’ann. Ach bha an t-ainm a’ còrdadh ri daoine agus sin as coireach gun deach a thaghadh. ‘S e a bha chuid mhòr dhen t-shluagh seo ag iarraidh.
[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] Chan eil fhios dè cho fada on a chaidh bàta a thogail ann an Siabost. Tha ceudan mar an tè-sa an-diugh an Alba bhon a thòisich pròiseact, a’ toirt taic do choimhearsnachdan le togail ‘s trèanadh. Do muinntir Shiaboist, taic airgid luach còrr is deich mìle not bho chompanaidh leasachaidh Horsiadar agus stiùireadh bho chluba iomraidh ann an Dùn Èideann.
[Andreas Leslie] They are very, very fortunate because in any way that they can get out on a safe lit or fresh water loch or as you say across here they’ve got the sea. They can also drive 20 minutes and be on the east coast and go rowing on a sheltered loch there. So I think the facilities here are very, good and also they’ve had the ability to look at what other clubs have done and therefore advance rather quickly because we’ve had a lot of innovation over the years.
[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] `S ann airson sgilean togail, sgilean seòlaidh a chailleadh anns an linn seo, ath-bheothachadh, a bha am pròiseact ag amas. Ach bha iad cuideachd a’ sireadh obair far am biodh daoine a’ tarraing còmhla.
[An Comh Ali NicIllinnein] Uill mar a tha sibh a’ faicinn an sluagh a tha seo an-diugh, tha mi smaoineachadh gur e sin a tha a h-uile baile a lùigeadh gun tachair e anns na bailtean aca fhèin agus tha mi creidsinn gur e, ‘s e sin a thathas a’ feuchainn a dhèanamh airson feuchainn ri toirt na coimhearsnachd, toirt a h-uile duine a-mach còmhla. Cha bhi a h-uile latha dhen t-seachdain ach rudan mar seo agus cèilidhean, faidhr mar a b’ àbhaist dha bhith bho chionn bliadhnaichean agus bruidhinn ris an fheadhainn as aosta a tha nar measg an-diugh, tha e còrdadh riutha math dha-rìribh agus tha an òigridh againn cuideachd an-diugh agus tha e math sin fhaicinn.
[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] Agus leis gu bheil e coltach gu bheil a h-uile duine eile sa bhaile faighinn turn innte, tha a’ cheart cho math dhòmhsa mo chothrom fhèin a ghabhail. Eilidh NicLeòid, BBC An Là, Loch a’ Bhaile ann an Siabost.
Shawbost launch Yackydoola
[Iain MacInnes – Presenter] A boat built by the local people of Shawbost was officially launched today. She’s the first skiff to be built in the area for many years and it is hoped that plenty will get the opportunity to row the oars. This is the third community in the islands to undertake something like this, with interest in rowing growing around the country. Eilidh MacLeod has this report.
[Eilidh MacLeod – Reporter] This is the boat the people of Shawbost built – a St Isles skiff which around ten people worked on all winter. And they got a lovely summer’s day for the christening and launch. Yackydoola belongs to the community and the unusual name links the mariners of the olden days with today’s generation.
[Etta Morrison] There was a boat here in, oh, the 50s I would say and her name was Yackydoola and a song was made about her. The song gave an amusing account of the crew. It told of Norman the cook and another man who was a bosun, it was just a little fun. People really liked the name and that’s why it was chosen. It’s what most of the people here wanted.
[Eilidh MacLeod – Reporter] It’s uncertain when a boat was last built here in Shawbost. There are hundreds such as this one today in Scotland since a project began which help to communities with building and assistance. For the people of Shawbost, funding of more than £10,000 from Horshader Community Development and guidance from a rowing club in Edinburgh.
[Andreas Leslie] They are very, very fortunate because in any way that they can get out in a safe lit or fresh water loch or as you say across here they’ve got the sea. They can also drive 20 minutes and be out on the east coast and go rowing on a sheltered loch there. So I think the facilities here are very, very good and also they’ve had the ability to look at what other clubs have done and therefore advance rather quickly because we’ve had a lot of innovation over the years.
[Eilidh MacLeod – Reporter] This project aimed to revive building and sailing skills lost in this century. But it also sought work that would bring people together.
[Cllr Ali MacLennan] Well, you can see from the crowd gathered here today, I think that every village would aspire for this to take place in their own areas and I would say that this is what they are trying to achieve. The opportunity for everyone in a community to work together. It’s not every day of the week things like this will happen but events such as this and ceilidhs, just like happened years ago, the older people in our midst today really enjoy and it’s great to see young people present here today too.
[Eilidh MacLeod – Reporter] And as it would seem that everyone else in the village is getting a turn, I may as well take the opportunity myself. Eilidh MacLeod, BBC An Là, Loch a’ Bhaile in Shawbost.