News Naidheachdan
Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.
Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.
Taisbeanadh air eachdraidh einnseanaraidh Shiorrachd Pheairt
[Màiri Rodgers – Preseantair] Uill b’ àbhaist gu robh gnìomhachasan mar innleadaireachd sloc guail agus sgeamaichean hydro gu math cudromach do shluagh Shiorrachd Pheairt, ach an-diugh chan eil a leithid a dh’obair air fhàgail anns an sgìre. Mar sin thathas air pròiseact sònraichte a stèidheachadh ann an Craoibh, a’ coimhead air beatha agus cuimhneachain dhaoine a bha an sàs ann an leithid a chosnaidhean. Seo Andreas Wolff.
[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] Luchd-ciùil bho Chonservatoire Rìoghail na h-Alba a’ cluich puirt aig an fhosgladh de thaisbeanadh sònraichte air eachdraidh einnseanaraidh Shiorrachd Pheairt ann an Craoibh.
[Mairead Bennett] Tha am pròiseact seo mu dheidhinn luchd-obrach agus bha iad uile ag obair air an t-seòrsa obrach nach eil ann an-diugh agus tha e gu math math duilich do dh’ Alba agus bha sinne bruidhinn ri luchd-obrach a bha ag obair air an t-seòrsa obrach a bha sin. A h-uile seòrsa, mar industry.
[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] Thàinig daoine airson dealbhan fhaicinn air beatha agus obair nach eil againn sna làithean seo - bho brickworks gu rathad-iarainn Calasràid nach eil ann a-nise. Ach a rèir fear a bha na einnseanair san fhactaraidh, dh’fhaodte gur e an coire fhèin a th’ann nach eil obair aca tuilleadh.
[Dougie Reid] That’s the danger, or one of the snags of being an engineer, you engineer yourself out of a job because you constantly look upon a job as challenge, where there's a saying, “there’s got to be an easier way.’” So we make sure that we make the job easier but in the process we sometimes do ourselves out a job.
[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] Thagh na luchd-ciùil òran sònraichte “The Tunnel Tigers.” Chaidh a sgrìobhadh mu mar a chladhaich luchd-obrach sgeama hydro leud cnoc, còrr is 550 troimh de chlach as an tunail taobh a-staigh seachdain. Agus tha a’ bhuidheann airson leabhar a thoirt a-mach a’ coimhead air an eachdraidh.
[Mairead Bennett] Bidh leabhar a’ tighinn a-mach, bithidh agus tha e faisg air deiseil. Leabhar air dìreach engineers fhèin agus seo an t-ainm a th’air – “They taught us skills for life.”
[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] Andreas Wolff, BBC An Là.
An exhibition on Perthshire engineering history
[Màiri Rodgers - Presenter] Industries like mine shaft engineering and hydro schemes used to be important for the community of Perthshire, but today, no work like that is left in the area. Therefore, a special project is being set up in Crieff looking at the life and memories of the people who were involved in this sort of employment. Here is Andreas Wolff.
[Andreas Wolff - Reporter] The musicians of the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland playing a tune at the opening of the special exhibition on the history of Perthshire engineering in Crieff.
[Mairead Bennett] This project is about the workers and they were all doing a job that does not exist today, and that is quite, quite a shame for Scotland. And we were talking with the workers who were working in that sort of job. Every sort of, like industry.
[Andreas Wolff - Reporter] People came to see the pictures of life and work, which we do not have these days - from brickworks to the railroads of Callander, which are not there now. But according to a man who was an engineer in the factory, it might have been their own fault that they do not have work anymore.
[Dougie Reid] That’s tha danger, or one of the snags of being an engineer, you engineer yourself out of a job because you constantly look upon a job as challenge, where you’re saying, “there’s got to be an easier way.’” So we make sure that we make the job easier but in the process we sometimes so ourselves out of a job.
[Andreas Wolff - Reporter] The musicians chose the special song “The Tunnel Tigers.” It was written about how the workers of the hydro scheme mined the length of the hill, more than 550 feet were dug into the tunnel within the week. And the group wants to bring out a book looking at their history.
[Margaret Bennett] A book will be coming out, yes and it is almost finished. A book about the engineers themselves and this is its title - “They taught us skills for life.”
[Andreas Wolff - Reporter] Andreas Wolff, BBC An Là.
Taisbeanadh air eachdraidh einnseanaraidh Shiorrachd Pheairt
[Màiri Rodgers – Preseantair] Uill b’ àbhaist gu robh gnìomhachasan mar innleadaireachd sloc guail agus sgeamaichean hydro gu math cudromach do shluagh Shiorrachd Pheairt, ach an-diugh chan eil a leithid a dh’obair air fhàgail anns an sgìre. Mar sin thathas air pròiseact sònraichte a stèidheachadh ann an Craoibh, a’ coimhead air beatha agus cuimhneachain dhaoine a bha an sàs ann an leithid a chosnaidhean. Seo Andreas Wolff.
[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] Luchd-ciùil bho Chonservatoire Rìoghail na h-Alba a’ cluich puirt aig an fhosgladh de thaisbeanadh sònraichte air eachdraidh einnseanaraidh Shiorrachd Pheairt ann an Craoibh.
[Mairead Bennett] Tha am pròiseact seo mu dheidhinn luchd-obrach agus bha iad uile ag obair air an t-seòrsa obrach nach eil ann an-diugh agus tha e gu math math duilich do dh’ Alba agus bha sinne bruidhinn ri luchd-obrach a bha ag obair air an t-seòrsa obrach a bha sin. A h-uile seòrsa, mar industry.
[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] Thàinig daoine airson dealbhan fhaicinn air beatha agus obair nach eil againn sna làithean seo - bho brickworks gu rathad-iarainn Calasràid nach eil ann a-nise. Ach a rèir fear a bha na einnseanair san fhactaraidh, dh’fhaodte gur e an coire fhèin a th’ann nach eil obair aca tuilleadh.
[Dougie Reid] That’s the danger, or one of the snags of being an engineer, you engineer yourself out of a job because you constantly look upon a job as challenge, where there's a saying, “there’s got to be an easier way.’” So we make sure that we make the job easier but in the process we sometimes do ourselves out a job.
[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] Thagh na luchd-ciùil òran sònraichte “The Tunnel Tigers.” Chaidh a sgrìobhadh mu mar a chladhaich luchd-obrach sgeama hydro leud cnoc, còrr is 550 troimh de chlach as an tunail taobh a-staigh seachdain. Agus tha a’ bhuidheann airson leabhar a thoirt a-mach a’ coimhead air an eachdraidh.
[Mairead Bennett] Bidh leabhar a’ tighinn a-mach, bithidh agus tha e faisg air deiseil. Leabhar air dìreach engineers fhèin agus seo an t-ainm a th’air – “They taught us skills for life.”
[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] Andreas Wolff, BBC An Là.
An exhibition on Perthshire engineering history
[Màiri Rodgers - Presenter] Industries like mine shaft engineering and hydro schemes used to be important for the community of Perthshire, but today, no work like that is left in the area. Therefore, a special project is being set up in Crieff looking at the life and memories of the people who were involved in this sort of employment. Here is Andreas Wolff.
[Andreas Wolff - Reporter] The musicians of the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland playing a tune at the opening of the special exhibition on the history of Perthshire engineering in Crieff.
[Mairead Bennett] This project is about the workers and they were all doing a job that does not exist today, and that is quite, quite a shame for Scotland. And we were talking with the workers who were working in that sort of job. Every sort of, like industry.
[Andreas Wolff - Reporter] People came to see the pictures of life and work, which we do not have these days - from brickworks to the railroads of Callander, which are not there now. But according to a man who was an engineer in the factory, it might have been their own fault that they do not have work anymore.
[Dougie Reid] That’s tha danger, or one of the snags of being an engineer, you engineer yourself out of a job because you constantly look upon a job as challenge, where you’re saying, “there’s got to be an easier way.’” So we make sure that we make the job easier but in the process we sometimes so ourselves out of a job.
[Andreas Wolff - Reporter] The musicians chose the special song “The Tunnel Tigers.” It was written about how the workers of the hydro scheme mined the length of the hill, more than 550 feet were dug into the tunnel within the week. And the group wants to bring out a book looking at their history.
[Margaret Bennett] A book will be coming out, yes and it is almost finished. A book about the engineers themselves and this is its title - “They taught us skills for life.”
[Andreas Wolff - Reporter] Andreas Wolff, BBC An Là.