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B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Sia bliadhna de bhùth na Comraich

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Anne Lundon – Preseantair] Tha bùth air a' Chomraich a' comharrachadh sia bliadhna de sheirbheis dhan choimhearsnachd ann an aon de na sgìrean as iomallaiche an Alba. Tha Alasdair agus Seonag Brown cuideachd air duais fhaighinn airson na bùtha, a tha a' reic cha-mhòr a h-uile rud air a bheil muinntir na sgìre a' cur feum. Mura biodh iad air a' bhùth a ghabhail os làimh cha bhiodh bùth na b' fhaisge na Loch Carrann, còrr is 20 mìle air falbh. Tha Pàdraig MacAmhlaidh ag aithris.

[Pàdraig MacAmhlaidh – Neach-aithris] Seonag Brown agus a h-athair Eòghann a’ cur air dòigh nam pàipearan naidheachd ann am bùth na Comraich. Tha seirbheis dhan choimhearsnachd aig cridhe na tha iad a’ dèanamh agus seo an dearbhadh duais Bùth na Bliadhna bhon Chaidreachas Dhùthchail.

[Pàdraig MacAmhlaidh – Neach-aithris] Ann an sgìre a tha cho iomallach ris a’ Chomraich tha seirbheisean uile gu lèir deatamach agus chan eil seirbheis ann a tha cho bunaiteach ri bùth anns am faigh daoine gnothaichean làitheil. Tha Inbhir Nis uair a thìde air falbh, ‘s e sin ma tha am Bealach fosgailte.

[Pàdraig MacAmhlaidh – Neach-aithris] Ach tha an t-seirbheis seo a’ dol gu math nas fharsainge na dìreach bùth le ceithir ballachan.

[Eoghainn MacCoinnich] Neach sam bith aig a bheil feum air caochladh rudan, as bith dh’ fhaodadh a bhith ann, biadh no rud sam bith mar sin, gas, poca guail na dad sam bith mar sin. Neach sam bith a chuireas fios thuca ann an seo aig a’ bhùth bheir iad thuca e. Bheir iad dhan taigh e ‘s tha Alasdair e fhèin, tha e glè mhath air cobhair a dhèanamh air feadhainn ‘s gu h-àraidh cylindaran gas tha bho cùl Caol Reithe.

[Pàdraig MacAmhlaidh – Neach-aithris] Chan e a-mhàin bùth tha seo ge-tà, seo cuideachd Oifis a’ Phuist agus gu dearbha ‘s iomadh sgìre a tha air an t-seirbheis sin a chall. Tha an seo fosgailte 12 uairean a thìde san t-seachdain, a’ toirt cothrom do dhaoine air diofar ghoireasan.

[Seonag Brown] Uill bidh iad a’ ceannach stampaichean agus bidh iad a’ postadh litrichean agus parsailean agus bidh daoine a’ faighinn airgead a-mach à Oifis a’ Phuist agus a’ pàigheadh airson bills, electricity 's phone bill agus tha sinn a’ dèanamh gift vouchers agus rudan mar siud.

[Pàdraig MacAmhlaidh – Neach-aithris] Le seallaidhean air leth maiseach tha a’ Chomraich an-diugh ainmeil air feadh an t-saoghail, ‘s e tàladh luchd-turais o iomadh dùthaich. Tha iadsan cuideachd a’ cumail na bùtha a’ dol, seach gu bheil measgachadh mòr de nithean rim faotainn innte.

[Eoghainn MacCoinnich] Tha tòrr sluaigh air ais ‘s air adhart às an àite-sa, ‘s tha mòran le miann leotha fhèin a thighinn dhan Chomraich, tha iad air mòran a chluinntinn mu dheidhinn. Caochladh dhòighean air na dealbhan a chaidh a dhèanamh ann a seo ‘s caochladh rudan mar sin air a bheil fhios aig feadhainn. Fiù ann an àitichean fada bhuainn tha fhios aca air iomadh rud mu dheidhinn na Comraich agus tha miann aca rithist air a thighinn agus tha mòran a’ tighinn.

[Pàdraig MacAmhlaidh – Neach-aithris] Sia bliadhna air leth soirbheachail ma-thà ach tha Alasdair Brown mothachail nach fhaod iad stad aige seo, gu feum iad cumail orra putadh air adhart, a’ leasachadh na seirbheis a tha a’ choimhearsnachd a’ faighinn.

[Alasdair Brown] We just have to try and build up every year. We just have to try and add something extra onto the stock and supplies we do. It’s getting to the stage now where we’re trying to think of new ideas to like local products and local products from Torridon Smoked Salmon and stewing honey for their jams and stuff, we try and get local suppliers to supply us with local stuff with what people ask for nowadays.

[Pàdraig MacAmhlaidh – Neach-aithris] Pàdraig MacAmhlaidh, BBC An Là, A’ Chomraich.



Six years of the Applecross shop

English Beurla

[Anne Lundon – Presenter] A shop in Applecross is celebrating six years of service to the community in one of the most remote areas in Scotland. Alasdair and Seonag Brown have also received an award for the shop, which sells almost everything that the people of the area may need. If they hadn’t taken it over there wouldn’t be a shop closer than Loch Carron, almost 20 miles away. Peter MacAulay reports.

[Peter MacAulay – Reporter] Seonag Brown and her father Ewan sorting out the newspapers in the Applecross shop. Service to the community is at the heart of what they do and this is the proof – the Shop of the Year award from the Countryside Alliance.

[Peter MacAulay – Reporter] In areas as remote as Applecross, all services are crucial and there’s no service more fundamental than a shop where people can get daily provisions. Inverness is two hours away and that’s if the Bealach is open.

[Peter MacAulay – Reporter] But this service is more than just a shop with four walls.

[Ewan MacKenzie] Anybody in need of a variety of things, whatever it may be, food or anything like that, gas or a bag of coal. Anybody who gets in touch with the shop they’ll bring it to them. They’ll bring it to the house and Alasdair himself, he is good at helping people and particularly at getting gas cylinders from the back of Kylerhea.

[Peter MacAulay – Reporter] This is not just a shop though; it is also a Post Office, a service that many areas have lost. This one is open 12 hours a week, providing people with different facilities.

[Seonag Brown] Well they buy stamps and they post letters and parcels and people come to get money out of the Post Office, paying bills, electricity and phone bills. We do gift vouchers and things like that.

[Peter MacAulay – Reporter] With outstandingly beautiful scenery, Applecross is famous around the world today, attracting tourists from many countries. They also help keep the shop going as it has a wide variety of things available.

[Ewan MacKenzie] There are lots of people back and forth from this place and there are plenty who wish to come to Applecross, they have heard lots about it in numerous ways such as pictures that have been taken here and many things like that that people know about. Even in far away places they know lots about Applecross and again they wish to visit, and many do.

[Peter MacAulay – Reporter] Six exceptionally successful years then but Alasdair Brown is aware that they can’t stop at that, they need to keep moving forward and developing the service to the community.

[Alasdair Brown] We just have to try and build up every year. We just have to try and add something extra onto the stock and supplies we do. It’s getting to the stage now we’re we’re trying to think of new ideas to like local products and local products from Torridon Smoked Salmon and stewing honey for their jams and stuff, we try and get local supplier to supply us with local stuff with what people ask for nowadays.

[Peter MacAulay – Reporter] Pàdraig MacAulay, BBC An Là, Applecross.



Sia bliadhna de bhùth na Comraich

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Anne Lundon – Preseantair] Tha bùth air a' Chomraich a' comharrachadh sia bliadhna de sheirbheis dhan choimhearsnachd ann an aon de na sgìrean as iomallaiche an Alba. Tha Alasdair agus Seonag Brown cuideachd air duais fhaighinn airson na bùtha, a tha a' reic cha-mhòr a h-uile rud air a bheil muinntir na sgìre a' cur feum. Mura biodh iad air a' bhùth a ghabhail os làimh cha bhiodh bùth na b' fhaisge na Loch Carrann, còrr is 20 mìle air falbh. Tha Pàdraig MacAmhlaidh ag aithris.

[Pàdraig MacAmhlaidh – Neach-aithris] Seonag Brown agus a h-athair Eòghann a’ cur air dòigh nam pàipearan naidheachd ann am bùth na Comraich. Tha seirbheis dhan choimhearsnachd aig cridhe na tha iad a’ dèanamh agus seo an dearbhadh duais Bùth na Bliadhna bhon Chaidreachas Dhùthchail.

[Pàdraig MacAmhlaidh – Neach-aithris] Ann an sgìre a tha cho iomallach ris a’ Chomraich tha seirbheisean uile gu lèir deatamach agus chan eil seirbheis ann a tha cho bunaiteach ri bùth anns am faigh daoine gnothaichean làitheil. Tha Inbhir Nis uair a thìde air falbh, ‘s e sin ma tha am Bealach fosgailte.

[Pàdraig MacAmhlaidh – Neach-aithris] Ach tha an t-seirbheis seo a’ dol gu math nas fharsainge na dìreach bùth le ceithir ballachan.

[Eoghainn MacCoinnich] Neach sam bith aig a bheil feum air caochladh rudan, as bith dh’ fhaodadh a bhith ann, biadh no rud sam bith mar sin, gas, poca guail na dad sam bith mar sin. Neach sam bith a chuireas fios thuca ann an seo aig a’ bhùth bheir iad thuca e. Bheir iad dhan taigh e ‘s tha Alasdair e fhèin, tha e glè mhath air cobhair a dhèanamh air feadhainn ‘s gu h-àraidh cylindaran gas tha bho cùl Caol Reithe.

[Pàdraig MacAmhlaidh – Neach-aithris] Chan e a-mhàin bùth tha seo ge-tà, seo cuideachd Oifis a’ Phuist agus gu dearbha ‘s iomadh sgìre a tha air an t-seirbheis sin a chall. Tha an seo fosgailte 12 uairean a thìde san t-seachdain, a’ toirt cothrom do dhaoine air diofar ghoireasan.

[Seonag Brown] Uill bidh iad a’ ceannach stampaichean agus bidh iad a’ postadh litrichean agus parsailean agus bidh daoine a’ faighinn airgead a-mach à Oifis a’ Phuist agus a’ pàigheadh airson bills, electricity 's phone bill agus tha sinn a’ dèanamh gift vouchers agus rudan mar siud.

[Pàdraig MacAmhlaidh – Neach-aithris] Le seallaidhean air leth maiseach tha a’ Chomraich an-diugh ainmeil air feadh an t-saoghail, ‘s e tàladh luchd-turais o iomadh dùthaich. Tha iadsan cuideachd a’ cumail na bùtha a’ dol, seach gu bheil measgachadh mòr de nithean rim faotainn innte.

[Eoghainn MacCoinnich] Tha tòrr sluaigh air ais ‘s air adhart às an àite-sa, ‘s tha mòran le miann leotha fhèin a thighinn dhan Chomraich, tha iad air mòran a chluinntinn mu dheidhinn. Caochladh dhòighean air na dealbhan a chaidh a dhèanamh ann a seo ‘s caochladh rudan mar sin air a bheil fhios aig feadhainn. Fiù ann an àitichean fada bhuainn tha fhios aca air iomadh rud mu dheidhinn na Comraich agus tha miann aca rithist air a thighinn agus tha mòran a’ tighinn.

[Pàdraig MacAmhlaidh – Neach-aithris] Sia bliadhna air leth soirbheachail ma-thà ach tha Alasdair Brown mothachail nach fhaod iad stad aige seo, gu feum iad cumail orra putadh air adhart, a’ leasachadh na seirbheis a tha a’ choimhearsnachd a’ faighinn.

[Alasdair Brown] We just have to try and build up every year. We just have to try and add something extra onto the stock and supplies we do. It’s getting to the stage now where we’re trying to think of new ideas to like local products and local products from Torridon Smoked Salmon and stewing honey for their jams and stuff, we try and get local suppliers to supply us with local stuff with what people ask for nowadays.

[Pàdraig MacAmhlaidh – Neach-aithris] Pàdraig MacAmhlaidh, BBC An Là, A’ Chomraich.



Six years of the Applecross shop

English Beurla

[Anne Lundon – Presenter] A shop in Applecross is celebrating six years of service to the community in one of the most remote areas in Scotland. Alasdair and Seonag Brown have also received an award for the shop, which sells almost everything that the people of the area may need. If they hadn’t taken it over there wouldn’t be a shop closer than Loch Carron, almost 20 miles away. Peter MacAulay reports.

[Peter MacAulay – Reporter] Seonag Brown and her father Ewan sorting out the newspapers in the Applecross shop. Service to the community is at the heart of what they do and this is the proof – the Shop of the Year award from the Countryside Alliance.

[Peter MacAulay – Reporter] In areas as remote as Applecross, all services are crucial and there’s no service more fundamental than a shop where people can get daily provisions. Inverness is two hours away and that’s if the Bealach is open.

[Peter MacAulay – Reporter] But this service is more than just a shop with four walls.

[Ewan MacKenzie] Anybody in need of a variety of things, whatever it may be, food or anything like that, gas or a bag of coal. Anybody who gets in touch with the shop they’ll bring it to them. They’ll bring it to the house and Alasdair himself, he is good at helping people and particularly at getting gas cylinders from the back of Kylerhea.

[Peter MacAulay – Reporter] This is not just a shop though; it is also a Post Office, a service that many areas have lost. This one is open 12 hours a week, providing people with different facilities.

[Seonag Brown] Well they buy stamps and they post letters and parcels and people come to get money out of the Post Office, paying bills, electricity and phone bills. We do gift vouchers and things like that.

[Peter MacAulay – Reporter] With outstandingly beautiful scenery, Applecross is famous around the world today, attracting tourists from many countries. They also help keep the shop going as it has a wide variety of things available.

[Ewan MacKenzie] There are lots of people back and forth from this place and there are plenty who wish to come to Applecross, they have heard lots about it in numerous ways such as pictures that have been taken here and many things like that that people know about. Even in far away places they know lots about Applecross and again they wish to visit, and many do.

[Peter MacAulay – Reporter] Six exceptionally successful years then but Alasdair Brown is aware that they can’t stop at that, they need to keep moving forward and developing the service to the community.

[Alasdair Brown] We just have to try and build up every year. We just have to try and add something extra onto the stock and supplies we do. It’s getting to the stage now we’re we’re trying to think of new ideas to like local products and local products from Torridon Smoked Salmon and stewing honey for their jams and stuff, we try and get local supplier to supply us with local stuff with what people ask for nowadays.

[Peter MacAulay – Reporter] Pàdraig MacAulay, BBC An Là, Applecross.



a' Chomraich


Loch Carrann


Caidreachas Dùthchail

Countryside Alliance



Caol Reithe


Oifis a’ Phuist

Post Office

