News Naidheachdan
Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.
Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.
An Aimsir le Sarah Cruickshank
[Iain Macaonghais – Preseantair] Sùil air an t-sìde a-nis, còmhla ri Sarah.
[Sarah Cruickshank – Neach-aithris na h-aimsir] Feasgar math dhuibh. Uill aimsir shocair a th’ againn airson nam beagan làithean a tha romhainn co-dhiù agus sinn a’ faicinn gu bheil bruthadh àrd fhathast aig an stiùir, ach seo a dh’adhbhraich gum faca sinn beagan a bharrachd sgòth mu cheann a tuath na dùthcha tron latha an-diugh, gu h-àraidh tarsainn air oisean iar-thuath na dùthcha far a bheil na frasan seo gu bhith leantainn airson na h-oidhche a-nochd. Ach an uair sin, mun àm a ruigeas sinn uairean beaga na maidne tha siud gu bhith sìoladh às. Tron chòrr dhen dùthaich, oidhche an ìre mhath tioram, greisean de dh’iarmailt shoilleir a’ ciallachadh gun tuit i gu mu thimcheall air trì no ceithir Celsius. Ach far a bheil i sgòthach – sia no seachd Celsius agus a’ ghaoth gu bhith lag.
[Sarah Cruickshank – Neach-aithris na h-aimsir] Son a-màireach tha sinn a’ tòiseachadh le dealbh a bhios an ìre mhath tioram, a bharrachd air beagan de fhrasan mu cheann a tuath na dùthcha – tha iad siud gu bhith gluasad suas a dh’ionnsaigh Arcaibh agus Sealtainn mus tòisich iad a’ sìoladh às feasgar a-màireach ach dhan chòrr, latha brèagha grianach a bhios ann air feadh na dùthcha. Mar sin, a’ gabhail sùil air cùisean airson feasgar a-màireach, bidh i faireachdainn glè mhath mu thimcheall air 13 gu ruige 15 Celsius dha sgìrean air taobh siar na dùthcha agus latha gu math nas fheàrr, mu thimcheall air oisean iar-thuath na dùthcha. Ged a thòisicheas i car sgòthach tro mhadainn a-màireach tha còir gum faicear barrachd grèine na th’ air a bhith ann air na làithean a dh’fhalbh.
[Sarah Cruickshank – Neach-aithris na h-aimsir] Beagan de fhrasan fhathast againn tarsainn air Sealtainn ach dhan chòrr de oisean ear-thuath na dùthcha tha cùisean a’ coimhead glè mhath, an teòthachd a’ togail gu mu thimcheall air 18C mu thimcheall air Caolas Mhoireibh, air sgàth gu bheil beagan fasgadh an sin bhon ghaoith a bhios a’ tighinn bhon iar-dheas a-màireach agus tha a’ ghaoth an siud gu bhith ag èirigh tron chòrr dhen fheasgar ach tha i maireachdainn soilleir gu deireadh an latha agus an uair sin tioram airson oidhche Chiadain.
[Sarah Cruickshank – Neach-aithris na h-aimsir] Airson Diardaoin tha sinn a’ faicinn gu bheil bruthadh àrd an seo fhathast aig an stiùir, na h-aghaidhean sin air an iomall mar sin, an aon seòrsa aimsir a-rithist air feadh na dùthcha. Latha brèagha a bhios ann, bidh beagan sgòth a’ tighinn ’s a’ falbh tron latha ach san fharsaingeachd bidh i tioram, fìor chorra fhras tarsainn air na h-eileanan mu thuath agus a-rithist an teòthachd gu bhith togail gu snog anns a’ ghrèin, gu h-àraidh mu thimcheall oisean ear-thuath na dùthcha, 17 fiù ’s 18 Celsius ma dh’fhaoidte ach mar as fhaide siar a thathar bidh beagan a bharrachd sgòth ri fhaicinn agus sin a’ cumail an teòthachd mu thimcheall air 12 no 13C agus oiteagan gaoithe an siud gu bhith tighinn bhon iar-dheas mun àm a ruigeas sinn deireadh na seachdain agus Dihaoine, tha atharrachadh air fàire agus i tionndadh caochlaideach. Oidhche mhath leibh.
The weather with Sarah Cruickshank
[Iain Macinnes – Presenter] A look at the weather now, with Sarah.
[Sarah Cruickshank – Weather Presenter] Good evening to you. Well we have pleasant weather ahead of us for the next few days anyway and we can see there’s predominantly high pressure, but this is why we saw a little more cloud in the north of the country through the day, especially across the north-west where these showers are going continue tonight. But then, by the time we reach the early hours of the morning, they will taper off. Throughout the rest of the county, a relatively dry night, bright spells meaning that the temperature will drop to around three or four Celsius. But where it is cloudy – six or seven Celsius and the wind will be light.
[Sarah Cruickshank – Weather Presenter] For tomorrow, the picture is of a mainly dry start apart from some showers in the north of the county – these will move up towards Orkney and Shetland before they start to peter out tomorrow afternoon but for the rest, a nice sunny day all over the country. Therefore, looking at tomorrow afternoon, the weather will be quite good, around 13 to 15 Celsius in areas in the west of the country and a much better day around the north-west. Although it will begin a little cloudy tomorrow morning it will be sunnier than in previous days.
[Sarah Cruickshank – Weather Presenter] Still some showers across Shetland but for the rest of the north-east of the country things looking quite good, the temperature rising to around 18C around the Moray Firth, due to the area being quite sheltered from the south-west wind and this wind will become stronger throughout the rest of the afternoon but it will remain bright to the end of the day and then dry for Wednesday night.
[Sarah Cruickshank – Weather Presenter] On Thursday we can see there’s still predominantly high pressure, these fronts on the periphery therefore, the same sort of weather again throughout the country. It will be a lovely day, a little cloudy from time to time through the day but in general it will be dry, with some scattered showers across the northern isles and again the temperature will rise pleasantly in sunny areas, especially around the north-east of the country, 17 perhaps 18 Celsius but the further west you are more cloud will be seen. That will keep the temperature at around 12 or 13C and gusts of wind will come from the south-west by the end of the week. There is a change on the horizon on Friday as it becomes unsettled. Goodnight to you.
An Aimsir le Sarah Cruickshank
[Iain Macaonghais – Preseantair] Sùil air an t-sìde a-nis, còmhla ri Sarah.
[Sarah Cruickshank – Neach-aithris na h-aimsir] Feasgar math dhuibh. Uill aimsir shocair a th’ againn airson nam beagan làithean a tha romhainn co-dhiù agus sinn a’ faicinn gu bheil bruthadh àrd fhathast aig an stiùir, ach seo a dh’adhbhraich gum faca sinn beagan a bharrachd sgòth mu cheann a tuath na dùthcha tron latha an-diugh, gu h-àraidh tarsainn air oisean iar-thuath na dùthcha far a bheil na frasan seo gu bhith leantainn airson na h-oidhche a-nochd. Ach an uair sin, mun àm a ruigeas sinn uairean beaga na maidne tha siud gu bhith sìoladh às. Tron chòrr dhen dùthaich, oidhche an ìre mhath tioram, greisean de dh’iarmailt shoilleir a’ ciallachadh gun tuit i gu mu thimcheall air trì no ceithir Celsius. Ach far a bheil i sgòthach – sia no seachd Celsius agus a’ ghaoth gu bhith lag.
[Sarah Cruickshank – Neach-aithris na h-aimsir] Son a-màireach tha sinn a’ tòiseachadh le dealbh a bhios an ìre mhath tioram, a bharrachd air beagan de fhrasan mu cheann a tuath na dùthcha – tha iad siud gu bhith gluasad suas a dh’ionnsaigh Arcaibh agus Sealtainn mus tòisich iad a’ sìoladh às feasgar a-màireach ach dhan chòrr, latha brèagha grianach a bhios ann air feadh na dùthcha. Mar sin, a’ gabhail sùil air cùisean airson feasgar a-màireach, bidh i faireachdainn glè mhath mu thimcheall air 13 gu ruige 15 Celsius dha sgìrean air taobh siar na dùthcha agus latha gu math nas fheàrr, mu thimcheall air oisean iar-thuath na dùthcha. Ged a thòisicheas i car sgòthach tro mhadainn a-màireach tha còir gum faicear barrachd grèine na th’ air a bhith ann air na làithean a dh’fhalbh.
[Sarah Cruickshank – Neach-aithris na h-aimsir] Beagan de fhrasan fhathast againn tarsainn air Sealtainn ach dhan chòrr de oisean ear-thuath na dùthcha tha cùisean a’ coimhead glè mhath, an teòthachd a’ togail gu mu thimcheall air 18C mu thimcheall air Caolas Mhoireibh, air sgàth gu bheil beagan fasgadh an sin bhon ghaoith a bhios a’ tighinn bhon iar-dheas a-màireach agus tha a’ ghaoth an siud gu bhith ag èirigh tron chòrr dhen fheasgar ach tha i maireachdainn soilleir gu deireadh an latha agus an uair sin tioram airson oidhche Chiadain.
[Sarah Cruickshank – Neach-aithris na h-aimsir] Airson Diardaoin tha sinn a’ faicinn gu bheil bruthadh àrd an seo fhathast aig an stiùir, na h-aghaidhean sin air an iomall mar sin, an aon seòrsa aimsir a-rithist air feadh na dùthcha. Latha brèagha a bhios ann, bidh beagan sgòth a’ tighinn ’s a’ falbh tron latha ach san fharsaingeachd bidh i tioram, fìor chorra fhras tarsainn air na h-eileanan mu thuath agus a-rithist an teòthachd gu bhith togail gu snog anns a’ ghrèin, gu h-àraidh mu thimcheall oisean ear-thuath na dùthcha, 17 fiù ’s 18 Celsius ma dh’fhaoidte ach mar as fhaide siar a thathar bidh beagan a bharrachd sgòth ri fhaicinn agus sin a’ cumail an teòthachd mu thimcheall air 12 no 13C agus oiteagan gaoithe an siud gu bhith tighinn bhon iar-dheas mun àm a ruigeas sinn deireadh na seachdain agus Dihaoine, tha atharrachadh air fàire agus i tionndadh caochlaideach. Oidhche mhath leibh.
The weather with Sarah Cruickshank
[Iain Macinnes – Presenter] A look at the weather now, with Sarah.
[Sarah Cruickshank – Weather Presenter] Good evening to you. Well we have pleasant weather ahead of us for the next few days anyway and we can see there’s predominantly high pressure, but this is why we saw a little more cloud in the north of the country through the day, especially across the north-west where these showers are going continue tonight. But then, by the time we reach the early hours of the morning, they will taper off. Throughout the rest of the county, a relatively dry night, bright spells meaning that the temperature will drop to around three or four Celsius. But where it is cloudy – six or seven Celsius and the wind will be light.
[Sarah Cruickshank – Weather Presenter] For tomorrow, the picture is of a mainly dry start apart from some showers in the north of the county – these will move up towards Orkney and Shetland before they start to peter out tomorrow afternoon but for the rest, a nice sunny day all over the country. Therefore, looking at tomorrow afternoon, the weather will be quite good, around 13 to 15 Celsius in areas in the west of the country and a much better day around the north-west. Although it will begin a little cloudy tomorrow morning it will be sunnier than in previous days.
[Sarah Cruickshank – Weather Presenter] Still some showers across Shetland but for the rest of the north-east of the country things looking quite good, the temperature rising to around 18C around the Moray Firth, due to the area being quite sheltered from the south-west wind and this wind will become stronger throughout the rest of the afternoon but it will remain bright to the end of the day and then dry for Wednesday night.
[Sarah Cruickshank – Weather Presenter] On Thursday we can see there’s still predominantly high pressure, these fronts on the periphery therefore, the same sort of weather again throughout the country. It will be a lovely day, a little cloudy from time to time through the day but in general it will be dry, with some scattered showers across the northern isles and again the temperature will rise pleasantly in sunny areas, especially around the north-east of the country, 17 perhaps 18 Celsius but the further west you are more cloud will be seen. That will keep the temperature at around 12 or 13C and gusts of wind will come from the south-west by the end of the week. There is a change on the horizon on Friday as it becomes unsettled. Goodnight to you.