News Naidheachdan
Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.
Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.
Gràineagan Uibhist gan gluasad gu tìr-mòr
[Iain MacIllEathain – Preseantair] Thèid oidhirp a dhèanamh às ùr le Dualchas Nàdair na h-Alba, gràineagan Uibhist air fad a ghluasad gu tìr-mòr. Tha iad an dòchas gun toir seo dìon do dh' eòin grunnachaidh nan Eilean agus tha na h-àireamhan acasan air a bhith a' crìonadh ri linn 's gu bheil na gràineagan ag ithe nan uighean aca. Cosgaidh am pròiseact ùr còig millean not agus bidh e a’ dol thar deich bliadhna. Seo Shona NicDhòmhnaill.
[Shona NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] A dh’aindeoin oidhirp smachd fhaighinn air an àireamh ghràineagan ann an Uibhist bho chionn bhliadhnaichean a-nis, tha gu leòr fhathast ann. A-nis tha Dualchas Nàdair na h-Alba an dòchas pròiseact ùr a chur air bhonn a bheir a h-uile gràineag a th’ann an Uibhist gu tìr-mòr.
[Ùisdean Robastan] Tha cuimhne agam a’ dol air ais gu 2001, thòisich an sgeama seo an toiseach; bha còmhradh fada againn aig Comhairle Choimhearsnachd Uibhist a Tuath mu dheidhinn agus rinneadh gu math soilleir an uair sin beachd na coimhearsnachd fhèin, gu robh sinn an urra gu mòr ri turasachd fhios agad agus gu h-àraidh luchd-turais a bha tighinn a-staigh a choimhead h-eòin. Agus mar sineach bha sinn làn thaiceil dhan sgeama aig an àm ach chan eil e ag obrachadh ‘s dòcha cho math ‘s a dh’ iarramaid ‘s tha iad air sgapadh ann an tòrr sgìrean a-nis.
[Shona NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] An toiseach bhathar a’ marbhadh gach gràineig a bhathar a’ glacadh. Ach, as dèidh iomairt an aghaidh sin, le buidhnean a bha dìon nan gràineag, dh’ atharraich sin agus ‘s ann gan gluasad gu tìr-mòr a thathar bhon uair sin, còrr is dà mhìle dhiubh ann an sia bliadhna.
[Robyn Ireland] Tha sinn gu bhith cumail a’ dol le bhith fuadachadh nan gràineag gu tìr-mòr le sàbhailteachd nan gràineag na phrìomhachas dhan phròiseact sin. Chaidh caochladh roinnean a chur fa chomhair a’ bhùird fuadachadh nan gràineag gu àitichean taobh a-muigh nan roinntean glèidhteachais air neo na gràineagan fhàgail a’ briodachadh.
[Shona NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] Chan eil na gràineagan nàdarra do dh’ Uibhist agus tha fianais ann gu bheil iad ag ithe uighean nan eun ghrunnachaidh a tha neadachadh air a’ mhachaire.
[Pat Holton] They’ve got to come off the island. So let’s do it, let’s get them off. I’m quite happy to take them, I’m quite happy to hold onto them until they’re fit and well and as far as I’m concerned it’s a win win situation for everybody concerned.
[Shona NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] Ma se ‘s gun tig a’ phròiseact a mhaireas deich bliadhna air adhart, thèid 16 obraichean a chruthachadh. Cosgaidh a’ phròiseact mu chòig millean not agus thathar ag amas air tòiseachadh ann an 2017. Shona NicDhòmhnaill, BBC An Là, Uibhist.
Uist hedgehogs moved to the mainland
[Iain Maclean – Presenter] A new effort will be made by Scottish National Heritage to move all the hedgehogs in Uist to the mainland. They hope this will protect the island’s wader birds, numbers of which have been declining as hedgehogs consume their eggs. The new project will cost £5 million and will continue for ten years. Here’s Shona MacDonald.
[Shona MacDonald – Reporter] Despite efforts to control the number of hedgehogs in Uist over the years, there are still plenty there. Scottish National Heritage now hope to set up a new project which will take every hedgehog in Uist to the mainland.
[Hugh Robertson] I remember back in 2001 when this scheme began initially; we had long talks about it at North Uist Community Council and the community’s views were made very clear then, we were dependent on tourism and in particular tourists who came to see the birds. We were therefore in full support of the scheme at the time but it’s not working as well as we perhaps would have liked and they’ve spread in many areas now.
[Shona MacDonald – Reporter] Initially all hedgehogs caught were killed. But, after a campaign against that by a group protecting hedgehogs, that changed and they’ve been moving them to the mainland since then, over 2,000 of them in six years.
[Robyn Ireland] We are going to continue moving the hedgehogs to the mainland with their safety being a priority for this project. Various options were put to the board, move the hedgehogs outside the protected areas or leave them to breed.
[Shona MacDonald – Reporter] Hedgehogs are not native to Uist and there’s evidence that they are eating the eggs of the wader birds nesting on the machair.
[Pat Holton] They’ve got to come off the island. So let’s do it, let’s get them off. I’m quite happy to take them, I’m quite happy to hold onto them until they’re fit and well and as far as I’m concerned it’s a win-win situation for everybody concerned.
[Shona MacDonald – Reporter] If the 10 year project goes ahead, 16 jobs will be created. The project will cost around £5 million and the aim is to begin in 2017. Shona MacDonald, BBC An Là, Uist.
Gràineagan Uibhist gan gluasad gu tìr-mòr
[Iain MacIllEathain – Preseantair] Thèid oidhirp a dhèanamh às ùr le Dualchas Nàdair na h-Alba, gràineagan Uibhist air fad a ghluasad gu tìr-mòr. Tha iad an dòchas gun toir seo dìon do dh' eòin grunnachaidh nan Eilean agus tha na h-àireamhan acasan air a bhith a' crìonadh ri linn 's gu bheil na gràineagan ag ithe nan uighean aca. Cosgaidh am pròiseact ùr còig millean not agus bidh e a’ dol thar deich bliadhna. Seo Shona NicDhòmhnaill.
[Shona NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] A dh’aindeoin oidhirp smachd fhaighinn air an àireamh ghràineagan ann an Uibhist bho chionn bhliadhnaichean a-nis, tha gu leòr fhathast ann. A-nis tha Dualchas Nàdair na h-Alba an dòchas pròiseact ùr a chur air bhonn a bheir a h-uile gràineag a th’ann an Uibhist gu tìr-mòr.
[Ùisdean Robastan] Tha cuimhne agam a’ dol air ais gu 2001, thòisich an sgeama seo an toiseach; bha còmhradh fada againn aig Comhairle Choimhearsnachd Uibhist a Tuath mu dheidhinn agus rinneadh gu math soilleir an uair sin beachd na coimhearsnachd fhèin, gu robh sinn an urra gu mòr ri turasachd fhios agad agus gu h-àraidh luchd-turais a bha tighinn a-staigh a choimhead h-eòin. Agus mar sineach bha sinn làn thaiceil dhan sgeama aig an àm ach chan eil e ag obrachadh ‘s dòcha cho math ‘s a dh’ iarramaid ‘s tha iad air sgapadh ann an tòrr sgìrean a-nis.
[Shona NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] An toiseach bhathar a’ marbhadh gach gràineig a bhathar a’ glacadh. Ach, as dèidh iomairt an aghaidh sin, le buidhnean a bha dìon nan gràineag, dh’ atharraich sin agus ‘s ann gan gluasad gu tìr-mòr a thathar bhon uair sin, còrr is dà mhìle dhiubh ann an sia bliadhna.
[Robyn Ireland] Tha sinn gu bhith cumail a’ dol le bhith fuadachadh nan gràineag gu tìr-mòr le sàbhailteachd nan gràineag na phrìomhachas dhan phròiseact sin. Chaidh caochladh roinnean a chur fa chomhair a’ bhùird fuadachadh nan gràineag gu àitichean taobh a-muigh nan roinntean glèidhteachais air neo na gràineagan fhàgail a’ briodachadh.
[Shona NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] Chan eil na gràineagan nàdarra do dh’ Uibhist agus tha fianais ann gu bheil iad ag ithe uighean nan eun ghrunnachaidh a tha neadachadh air a’ mhachaire.
[Pat Holton] They’ve got to come off the island. So let’s do it, let’s get them off. I’m quite happy to take them, I’m quite happy to hold onto them until they’re fit and well and as far as I’m concerned it’s a win win situation for everybody concerned.
[Shona NicDhòmhnaill – Neach-aithris] Ma se ‘s gun tig a’ phròiseact a mhaireas deich bliadhna air adhart, thèid 16 obraichean a chruthachadh. Cosgaidh a’ phròiseact mu chòig millean not agus thathar ag amas air tòiseachadh ann an 2017. Shona NicDhòmhnaill, BBC An Là, Uibhist.
Uist hedgehogs moved to the mainland
[Iain Maclean – Presenter] A new effort will be made by Scottish National Heritage to move all the hedgehogs in Uist to the mainland. They hope this will protect the island’s wader birds, numbers of which have been declining as hedgehogs consume their eggs. The new project will cost £5 million and will continue for ten years. Here’s Shona MacDonald.
[Shona MacDonald – Reporter] Despite efforts to control the number of hedgehogs in Uist over the years, there are still plenty there. Scottish National Heritage now hope to set up a new project which will take every hedgehog in Uist to the mainland.
[Hugh Robertson] I remember back in 2001 when this scheme began initially; we had long talks about it at North Uist Community Council and the community’s views were made very clear then, we were dependent on tourism and in particular tourists who came to see the birds. We were therefore in full support of the scheme at the time but it’s not working as well as we perhaps would have liked and they’ve spread in many areas now.
[Shona MacDonald – Reporter] Initially all hedgehogs caught were killed. But, after a campaign against that by a group protecting hedgehogs, that changed and they’ve been moving them to the mainland since then, over 2,000 of them in six years.
[Robyn Ireland] We are going to continue moving the hedgehogs to the mainland with their safety being a priority for this project. Various options were put to the board, move the hedgehogs outside the protected areas or leave them to breed.
[Shona MacDonald – Reporter] Hedgehogs are not native to Uist and there’s evidence that they are eating the eggs of the wader birds nesting on the machair.
[Pat Holton] They’ve got to come off the island. So let’s do it, let’s get them off. I’m quite happy to take them, I’m quite happy to hold onto them until they’re fit and well and as far as I’m concerned it’s a win-win situation for everybody concerned.
[Shona MacDonald – Reporter] If the 10 year project goes ahead, 16 jobs will be created. The project will cost around £5 million and the aim is to begin in 2017. Shona MacDonald, BBC An Là, Uist.