News Naidheachdan
Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.
Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.
Oileanaich Gàidhealach air Oilthigh Ghlaschu airson còrr is 500 bliadhna
[Iain MacAonghais – Preseantair] Nise, tha còrr is ceud bliadhna ann bhon stèidhichear cathair Ceilteach aig Oilthigh Ghlaschu, ach tha Gàidheil air a bhith ga fhrithealadh bho chionn còrr air còig cheud bliadhna, ged nach eil e an-còmhnaidh follaiseach gu robh an cànan aig cuid aca. A-nis ge-tà, tha làrach-lìn a' foillseachadh rannsachadh air eachdraidh na Gàidhlig aig an Oilthigh. Tha an aithris seo aig Andreas Wolff.
[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] Chaidh Oilthigh Ghlaschu a stèidheachadh ann an ceithir-ceud-deug caogad ‘s a h-aon agus le sin, ‘s e an ceathramh Oilthigh as sine ann an saoghal na Beurla. Ach, tha eachdraidh Ghàidhlig aige cuideachd.
[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] Tha na h-oileanaich an seo a’ dèanamh deiseil airson nan deuchainnean aca, na measg tha oileanaich ann an Roinn na Ceilteis agus na Gàidhlig. Chaidh an roinn sin a stèidheachadh bho chionn còrr is ceud bliadhna, ach tha eachdraidh na Gàidhlig aig an Oilthigh gu math nas sine na sin.
[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] Tha làrach-lìn ann a-nise a tha ag innse sgeulachd nan Gàidheal a bha a’ frithealadh an Oilthigh.
[An Dr Aonghas MacCoinnich – Oilthigh Ghlaschu] Bha feadhainn aca a bha gu math cliùiteach nan latha fhèin. Chan eil cus fianais orra mar Ghàidheil ge-tà, agus ‘s e sin an rud a tha inntinneach mu dheidhinn a bhith a’ coimhead air eachdraidh nan Gàidheal agus a’ feuchainn ri lorg eachdraidh nan Gàidheal aig an Oilthigh anns na seann linntinn, gu h-àraidh, tha feadhainn aca agus bha iad cho cliùiteach agus gu bheil iad a’ nochdadh anns an Oxford Dictionary of National Biography mar eisimpleir, ach chan eil guth aca gu math tric gu robh Gàidhlig aig na daoine seo.
[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] Tha àite cudromach aig a’ Chomann Oiseanach ann am beatha an Oilthigh. Ann an ochd-ceud-deug trithead ‘s a naoi, mar eisimpleir, chuir iad athchuinge air dòigh gus Ollamh Gàidhlig fhaotainn. Sa latha a th’ ann, tha iad a’ toirt cothroman còmhraidh do dh’oileanaich.
[Shannon Cowie] Gu h-àraidh airson daoine nach eil a’ dèanamh Gàidhlig air sgàth is gu bheil iad a’ cur air, mar, tòrr tachartasan 's urrainn dhomh a bhith a’ dol ann a’ bruidhinn Gàidhlig ri mo charaidean. ‘S e dìreach rud math, mar sòisealta a th’ ann, chan e gu bheil thu ga dhèanamh ann an clas.
[Ceitidh NicDhòmhnaill] Tha sinn uile a’ bruidhinn Gàidhlig agus tha mi a’ smaointinn gu bheil e gu math cudromach a’ cleachdadh a’ chànain ann an suidheachadh mar sin.
[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] Chaidh an Comann a stèidheachadh ann an ochd-ceud-deug trichead ‘s a h-aon. An-diugh, tha mu thrithead ball aca.
[Karen Oakley – Comann Oiseanach Oilthigh Ghlaschu] Tha an Comann air a bhith a’ dol airson cha mhòr dà cheud bliadhna. Is e aon de na Chomainn as aosta, as sine, san Oilthigh, tha sinn a’ tuigsinn. Agus, tha mise a’ smaointinn, mar a tha e an-diugh, tha e a’ toirt cothroman do dhaoine aig a bheil Gàidhlig, Gàidhlig a bhruidhinn ri chèile.
[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] B’ ann ann an dà mhìle ‘s a deich a-mhàin a chaidh Cathair stèidhichte a chruthachadh ann an Gàidhlig. Le sin, tha cuid den bheachd gu bheil suidheachadh a’ chànain aig an Oilthigh nas làidire na bha e riamh. Andreas Wollf, BBC An Là, Glaschu.
Gaelic students at Glasgow university for more than 500 years
[Iain MacInnes – Presenter] It’s over 100 years since a Celtic chair was established at the University of Glasgow. Although Gaels have been attending the university for over 500 years, it wasn’t always obvious that some of them had Gaelic. Now, a website has published research into the history of Gaelic at the University. Andreas Wolff reports.
[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] The University of Glasgow was established in 1451 and is therefore the fourth oldest English language university. But, it has a Gaelic history too.
[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] These students are preparing for their exams, among them are students from the Celtic and Gaelic Department. The department was established over 100 years ago, but the history of Gaelic at the university dates back much further.
[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] There is now a website which tells the story of Gaels who attended the university.
[Dr Angus MacKenze – University of Glasgow] Some were well renowned in their day. There isn’t much evidence of them as Gaels however and that’s what’s interesting about looking at and trying to find the history of Gaels at the university centuries ago, especially as some were so renowned as to appear in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography for example, but there’s often no mention that they had Gaelic.
[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] The Ossianic Society has an important place in the life of the University. In 1839 for example they organised a petition for a Professor of Gaelic. Today, they create opportunities for students to converse.
[Shannon Cowie] Especially for those that don’t study Gaelic as they organise lots of events which I can attend and speak Gaelic to friends. And it’s a good thing, a social event, not a classroom.
[Katie MacDonald] We all speak Gaelic and I think it’s very important to use the language in a situation like that.
[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] The Society was established in 1831. Today, they have around thirty members.
[Karen Oakley – University of Glasgow Ossianic Society] The Society has been in existence for almost 200 years. We understand that it’s one of the oldest in the university. I think, as it is today, that it creates an opportunity for people with Gaelic to speak Gaelic to one another.
[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] The Chair of Gaelic was established in 2010. Some think therefore that the language’s position in the University is stronger than ever. Andreas Wolff, BBC An Là, Glasgow.
Oileanaich Gàidhealach air Oilthigh Ghlaschu airson còrr is 500 bliadhna
[Iain MacAonghais – Preseantair] Nise, tha còrr is ceud bliadhna ann bhon stèidhichear cathair Ceilteach aig Oilthigh Ghlaschu, ach tha Gàidheil air a bhith ga fhrithealadh bho chionn còrr air còig cheud bliadhna, ged nach eil e an-còmhnaidh follaiseach gu robh an cànan aig cuid aca. A-nis ge-tà, tha làrach-lìn a' foillseachadh rannsachadh air eachdraidh na Gàidhlig aig an Oilthigh. Tha an aithris seo aig Andreas Wolff.
[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] Chaidh Oilthigh Ghlaschu a stèidheachadh ann an ceithir-ceud-deug caogad ‘s a h-aon agus le sin, ‘s e an ceathramh Oilthigh as sine ann an saoghal na Beurla. Ach, tha eachdraidh Ghàidhlig aige cuideachd.
[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] Tha na h-oileanaich an seo a’ dèanamh deiseil airson nan deuchainnean aca, na measg tha oileanaich ann an Roinn na Ceilteis agus na Gàidhlig. Chaidh an roinn sin a stèidheachadh bho chionn còrr is ceud bliadhna, ach tha eachdraidh na Gàidhlig aig an Oilthigh gu math nas sine na sin.
[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] Tha làrach-lìn ann a-nise a tha ag innse sgeulachd nan Gàidheal a bha a’ frithealadh an Oilthigh.
[An Dr Aonghas MacCoinnich – Oilthigh Ghlaschu] Bha feadhainn aca a bha gu math cliùiteach nan latha fhèin. Chan eil cus fianais orra mar Ghàidheil ge-tà, agus ‘s e sin an rud a tha inntinneach mu dheidhinn a bhith a’ coimhead air eachdraidh nan Gàidheal agus a’ feuchainn ri lorg eachdraidh nan Gàidheal aig an Oilthigh anns na seann linntinn, gu h-àraidh, tha feadhainn aca agus bha iad cho cliùiteach agus gu bheil iad a’ nochdadh anns an Oxford Dictionary of National Biography mar eisimpleir, ach chan eil guth aca gu math tric gu robh Gàidhlig aig na daoine seo.
[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] Tha àite cudromach aig a’ Chomann Oiseanach ann am beatha an Oilthigh. Ann an ochd-ceud-deug trithead ‘s a naoi, mar eisimpleir, chuir iad athchuinge air dòigh gus Ollamh Gàidhlig fhaotainn. Sa latha a th’ ann, tha iad a’ toirt cothroman còmhraidh do dh’oileanaich.
[Shannon Cowie] Gu h-àraidh airson daoine nach eil a’ dèanamh Gàidhlig air sgàth is gu bheil iad a’ cur air, mar, tòrr tachartasan 's urrainn dhomh a bhith a’ dol ann a’ bruidhinn Gàidhlig ri mo charaidean. ‘S e dìreach rud math, mar sòisealta a th’ ann, chan e gu bheil thu ga dhèanamh ann an clas.
[Ceitidh NicDhòmhnaill] Tha sinn uile a’ bruidhinn Gàidhlig agus tha mi a’ smaointinn gu bheil e gu math cudromach a’ cleachdadh a’ chànain ann an suidheachadh mar sin.
[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] Chaidh an Comann a stèidheachadh ann an ochd-ceud-deug trichead ‘s a h-aon. An-diugh, tha mu thrithead ball aca.
[Karen Oakley – Comann Oiseanach Oilthigh Ghlaschu] Tha an Comann air a bhith a’ dol airson cha mhòr dà cheud bliadhna. Is e aon de na Chomainn as aosta, as sine, san Oilthigh, tha sinn a’ tuigsinn. Agus, tha mise a’ smaointinn, mar a tha e an-diugh, tha e a’ toirt cothroman do dhaoine aig a bheil Gàidhlig, Gàidhlig a bhruidhinn ri chèile.
[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] B’ ann ann an dà mhìle ‘s a deich a-mhàin a chaidh Cathair stèidhichte a chruthachadh ann an Gàidhlig. Le sin, tha cuid den bheachd gu bheil suidheachadh a’ chànain aig an Oilthigh nas làidire na bha e riamh. Andreas Wollf, BBC An Là, Glaschu.
Gaelic students at Glasgow university for more than 500 years
[Iain MacInnes – Presenter] It’s over 100 years since a Celtic chair was established at the University of Glasgow. Although Gaels have been attending the university for over 500 years, it wasn’t always obvious that some of them had Gaelic. Now, a website has published research into the history of Gaelic at the University. Andreas Wolff reports.
[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] The University of Glasgow was established in 1451 and is therefore the fourth oldest English language university. But, it has a Gaelic history too.
[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] These students are preparing for their exams, among them are students from the Celtic and Gaelic Department. The department was established over 100 years ago, but the history of Gaelic at the university dates back much further.
[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] There is now a website which tells the story of Gaels who attended the university.
[Dr Angus MacKenze – University of Glasgow] Some were well renowned in their day. There isn’t much evidence of them as Gaels however and that’s what’s interesting about looking at and trying to find the history of Gaels at the university centuries ago, especially as some were so renowned as to appear in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography for example, but there’s often no mention that they had Gaelic.
[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] The Ossianic Society has an important place in the life of the University. In 1839 for example they organised a petition for a Professor of Gaelic. Today, they create opportunities for students to converse.
[Shannon Cowie] Especially for those that don’t study Gaelic as they organise lots of events which I can attend and speak Gaelic to friends. And it’s a good thing, a social event, not a classroom.
[Katie MacDonald] We all speak Gaelic and I think it’s very important to use the language in a situation like that.
[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] The Society was established in 1831. Today, they have around thirty members.
[Karen Oakley – University of Glasgow Ossianic Society] The Society has been in existence for almost 200 years. We understand that it’s one of the oldest in the university. I think, as it is today, that it creates an opportunity for people with Gaelic to speak Gaelic to one another.
[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] The Chair of Gaelic was established in 2010. Some think therefore that the language’s position in the University is stronger than ever. Andreas Wolff, BBC An Là, Glasgow.