News Naidheachdan
Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.
Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.
Taisbeanadh mu obair an fhir-ealain Albannaich Alasdair Gray
[Iain MacIlleathain – Preseantair] Fosglaidh taisbeanadh ann an Glaschu air an deireadh sheachdain, mu bheatha agus mu obair an fhir-ealain Albannaich Alasdair Gray. Gheibh daoine cothrom còrr air ceud pìos bhuaithe fhaicinn aig gailearaidh a’ Khelvingrove sa bhaile. Tha e mar phàirt de thachartasan eile air feadh a’ bhaile airson a bheatha aig ceithir fichead a chomharrachadh. Seo Alasdair Friseal.
[Alasdair Friseal – Neach-aithris] ‘S ann freagarrach a tha e gur ann aig Gailearaidh a’ Khelvingrove a tha taisbeanadh Alasdair Gray a’ gabhail àite. B’ ann an seo a chaidh ùidh a thogail ann an ealain agus thug e an stoidhle sin leis nuair a dh'fhàs e nas sine agus a thòisich e aig Sgoil Ealain Ghlaschu. Tha grunn phìosan anns an taisbeanadh, de sgrìobhaichean agus luchd-ealain eile agus pìos a rinn e le charaidean agus a theaghlach, tòrr dhiubh bhon chruinneachadh phrìobhaideach aige.
[Iseabail Mhoireach] Tha an stoidhle aige, tha e uabhasach fhèin, ‘s e stoidhle gu math àraidh a th’ ann. Tha e furasta gu leòr an obair aig Alasdair Gray aithneachadh bhon stoidhle aige, tha seòrsa, uill, rudeigin coltach ri cartoon. Tha e a’ cleachdadh loidhne, tha e uabhasach measail air a bhith cleachdadh loidhne agus tha stoidhle peantaidh aige gu math còmhnard agus làidir tha mi smaoineachadh.
[Alasdair Friseal – Neach-aithris] Ach bha greis ann gus an d’ fhuair obair an inbhe a th’ aige an-diugh.
[Alasdair Gray] My early years, both my writing and my painting were equally uninteresting or unsaleable. Undoubtedly the books, except insofar as I designed the covers or illustrated them, were better known than my mural paintings or portraits or other work.
[Alasdair Friseal – Neach-aithris] Chithear tòrr dhen obair ealain a chruthaich e cuideachd anns na seachdadan, nuair a chaidh dreuchd neach clàraidh ealain baile Ghlaschu a bhuileachadh air.
[Iseabail Mhoireach] Chan eil fhios agam dè cho fad ‘s a bha e ann ach tha fhios agam gun do rinn e an t-uabhas obrach nuair a bha e ag obair aig taigh-tasgaidh tasgaidh Glasgow Green dha Elspeth King an sin. Bidh e uabhasach fhèin inntinneach an obair sin fhaicinn.
[Alasdair Friseal – Neach-aithris] Tha an taisbeanadh a’ fosgladh gu h-oifigeil a-màireach agus tha e mar phàirt de thaisbeanadh nas fharsainge air obair Alasdair Gray aig làraichean eile air feadh a’ bhaile. Alasdair Friseal, BBC An Là, Glaschu.
An exhibition about the work of the artist Alasdair Gray
[Iain Maclean – Presenter] An exhibition will open in Glasgow at the weekend about the life and work of the Scottish artist Alasdair Gray. People will get the opportunity to see more than a hundred pieces of his work at the Kelvingrove Art Gallery in town. It’s part of a number of other events taking place in the city to celebrate his 80th birthday. Here’s Alasdair Fraser.
[Alasdair Fraser – Reporter] It’s appropriate that Alasdair Gray’s exhibition is held at the Kelvingrove Art Gallery. It was here he developed an interest in art and he continued with that style as he got older and began at the Glasgow School of Art. There are many pieces in the exhibition, of writers and other artists and a piece he did of his friends and family, a lot of them from his own private collection.
[Ishbel Murray] His style, it’s very, it’s a very distinct style. It’s easy enough to recognise Alasdair Gray’s work from his style, as it’s, in a way, similar to a cartoon. His use of line, he’s very fond of the use of line and his style of painting is very smooth and strong, I think.
[Alasdair Fraser – Reporter] But it took time for his work to gain the reputation it has today.
[Alasdair Gray] As above.
[Alasdair Fraser – Reporter] A lot of work he created in the 70s will be on display too, when the career of the city’s art curator had an impact on him.
[Ishbel Murray] I don’t know how long he was there but I do know that he did a lot of work whilst working for Elspeth King at the People’s Palace of Art. It’ll be very interesting to see those pieces.
[Alasdair Fraser – Reporter] The exhibition officially opens tomorrow and it is part of a wider exhibition of Alasdair Gray’s work, taking place in other venues across the city. Alasdair Fraser, BBC An Là, Glasgow.
Taisbeanadh mu obair an fhir-ealain Albannaich Alasdair Gray
[Iain MacIlleathain – Preseantair] Fosglaidh taisbeanadh ann an Glaschu air an deireadh sheachdain, mu bheatha agus mu obair an fhir-ealain Albannaich Alasdair Gray. Gheibh daoine cothrom còrr air ceud pìos bhuaithe fhaicinn aig gailearaidh a’ Khelvingrove sa bhaile. Tha e mar phàirt de thachartasan eile air feadh a’ bhaile airson a bheatha aig ceithir fichead a chomharrachadh. Seo Alasdair Friseal.
[Alasdair Friseal – Neach-aithris] ‘S ann freagarrach a tha e gur ann aig Gailearaidh a’ Khelvingrove a tha taisbeanadh Alasdair Gray a’ gabhail àite. B’ ann an seo a chaidh ùidh a thogail ann an ealain agus thug e an stoidhle sin leis nuair a dh'fhàs e nas sine agus a thòisich e aig Sgoil Ealain Ghlaschu. Tha grunn phìosan anns an taisbeanadh, de sgrìobhaichean agus luchd-ealain eile agus pìos a rinn e le charaidean agus a theaghlach, tòrr dhiubh bhon chruinneachadh phrìobhaideach aige.
[Iseabail Mhoireach] Tha an stoidhle aige, tha e uabhasach fhèin, ‘s e stoidhle gu math àraidh a th’ ann. Tha e furasta gu leòr an obair aig Alasdair Gray aithneachadh bhon stoidhle aige, tha seòrsa, uill, rudeigin coltach ri cartoon. Tha e a’ cleachdadh loidhne, tha e uabhasach measail air a bhith cleachdadh loidhne agus tha stoidhle peantaidh aige gu math còmhnard agus làidir tha mi smaoineachadh.
[Alasdair Friseal – Neach-aithris] Ach bha greis ann gus an d’ fhuair obair an inbhe a th’ aige an-diugh.
[Alasdair Gray] My early years, both my writing and my painting were equally uninteresting or unsaleable. Undoubtedly the books, except insofar as I designed the covers or illustrated them, were better known than my mural paintings or portraits or other work.
[Alasdair Friseal – Neach-aithris] Chithear tòrr dhen obair ealain a chruthaich e cuideachd anns na seachdadan, nuair a chaidh dreuchd neach clàraidh ealain baile Ghlaschu a bhuileachadh air.
[Iseabail Mhoireach] Chan eil fhios agam dè cho fad ‘s a bha e ann ach tha fhios agam gun do rinn e an t-uabhas obrach nuair a bha e ag obair aig taigh-tasgaidh tasgaidh Glasgow Green dha Elspeth King an sin. Bidh e uabhasach fhèin inntinneach an obair sin fhaicinn.
[Alasdair Friseal – Neach-aithris] Tha an taisbeanadh a’ fosgladh gu h-oifigeil a-màireach agus tha e mar phàirt de thaisbeanadh nas fharsainge air obair Alasdair Gray aig làraichean eile air feadh a’ bhaile. Alasdair Friseal, BBC An Là, Glaschu.
An exhibition about the work of the artist Alasdair Gray
[Iain Maclean – Presenter] An exhibition will open in Glasgow at the weekend about the life and work of the Scottish artist Alasdair Gray. People will get the opportunity to see more than a hundred pieces of his work at the Kelvingrove Art Gallery in town. It’s part of a number of other events taking place in the city to celebrate his 80th birthday. Here’s Alasdair Fraser.
[Alasdair Fraser – Reporter] It’s appropriate that Alasdair Gray’s exhibition is held at the Kelvingrove Art Gallery. It was here he developed an interest in art and he continued with that style as he got older and began at the Glasgow School of Art. There are many pieces in the exhibition, of writers and other artists and a piece he did of his friends and family, a lot of them from his own private collection.
[Ishbel Murray] His style, it’s very, it’s a very distinct style. It’s easy enough to recognise Alasdair Gray’s work from his style, as it’s, in a way, similar to a cartoon. His use of line, he’s very fond of the use of line and his style of painting is very smooth and strong, I think.
[Alasdair Fraser – Reporter] But it took time for his work to gain the reputation it has today.
[Alasdair Gray] As above.
[Alasdair Fraser – Reporter] A lot of work he created in the 70s will be on display too, when the career of the city’s art curator had an impact on him.
[Ishbel Murray] I don’t know how long he was there but I do know that he did a lot of work whilst working for Elspeth King at the People’s Palace of Art. It’ll be very interesting to see those pieces.
[Alasdair Fraser – Reporter] The exhibition officially opens tomorrow and it is part of a wider exhibition of Alasdair Gray’s work, taking place in other venues across the city. Alasdair Fraser, BBC An Là, Glasgow.