FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

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B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Farpais nan Rugbaidh Sevens ann an Glaschu

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Calum Dòmhnallach - Preseantair] Feasgar math. Bidh farpais nan Rugbaidh Sevens a’ tachairt ann an Glaschu air an deireadh sheachdain. ‘S iad na h-All Blacks a th’aig bàrr na buidhne agus dìreach earrainn ri dhol anns an fharpais. Tha dùil ri còig mìle neach gach latha, ann an Scotstoun, airson na sgiobaidhean fhaicinn ach, mar a tha Iain MacDiarmaid ag aithis, fhuair clann bho Sgoil Ghàidhlig Ghlaschu cothrom fàilte shònraichte a chur orra an-diugh.

[Clann] Seas suas àrd. Seas a-mach. Bruidhnibh Gàidhlig.

[Iain MacDiarmaid – Neach-aithris] Rabhadh Gàidhlig ann an seadh Haka na Maori. ‘S ann do chluicheadairean na h-All Blacks a bha e agus iad a’ tadhal air an sgoil. Tha iad ann air thoiseach air farpais na rugbaidh sevens air an deireadh sheachdain agus an dòchas beagan ùidh a thogail am measg òigridh na h-Alba

[Gillies Kaka] It probably doesn’t get more Scottish than Gaelic so I think it’s a good opportunity to come to these kids and stuff like that and bring rugby here.

[Iain MacDiarmaid – Neach-aithris] Agus as dèidh blasad de chultar nan Gàidheal fhuair sgioba rugbaidh na sgoile cothrom trèanadh le triùir dhe na cluicheadairean.

[Aonghas] Bha e uabhasach math, an team as fheàrr anns an t-saoghal a th’ann anns na smuaintean agamsa.

[Iain MacDiarmaid – Neach-aithris] Le seachdnar anns gach sgioba agus seachd mionaidean anns gach leth ‘s e gèam luath a th’ann. Bithear a’ cluich aig diofar làraichean air feadh an t-saoghail agus le dìreach dheireadh sheachdain ri dhol ‘s iad na h-All Blacks a th’aig bàrr na buidhne.

[Gillies Kaka] We’ll be hoping to go one better than last year, we tripped up in the final so it’ll be good to come here and get a win and then maybe cement a lead.

[Iain MacDiarmaid – Neach-aithris] Aig ceann eile na còig sgioba deug tha Alba san dàrna àite deug.

[Gillies Kaka] They keep getting better, we played them in Hong Kong and we struggled against them so hopefully home crowd and stuff like that they’ll go a bit better.

[Iain MacDiarmaid – Neach-aithris] As dèidh coinneachadh riutha agus cluich còmhla riutha tha cuid am beachd a dhol ann.

[Aonghas] Tha mi a’ dol gu na sevens.

[Iain MacDiarmaid – Neach-aithris] tha thu coimhead air adhart ris?

[Aonghas] A’ coimhead air iadsan.

[Iain MacDiarmaid – Neach-aithris] ris a chuireas tu taic na h- All Blacks no Alba?

[Aonghas] Na h-All Blacks oir tha an Dadaidh agam bhon Sealan Nuadh.

[Shona] Chòrd e rium gu mòr, bha e gu math spòrsail ag ionnsachadh agus bha e math a bhith an aghaidh nan All Blacks. ‘S e cothrom math a bh’ann.

[Clann] Cùm Gàidhlig làidir. Bithibh moiteil às ur cànan. Bruidhnibh Gàidhlig.

[Iain MacDiarmaid – Neach-aithris] Iain MacDiarmaid, BBC An Là, Glaschu.



The Rugby Sevens in Glasgow

English Beurla

[Calum MacDonald - Presenter] Good afternoon. The Rugby Sevens are taking place in Glasgow at the weekend. It’s the All Blacks who are at the top of the table with only two stages left in the competition. A crowd of five thousand are expected to watch the teams play each day in Scotstoun but, as John McDiarmid reports, children from Sgoil Ghàidhlig Ghlaschu had to the opportunity to give them a special welcome today.

[Children] Stand up tall. Stand out. Speak Gaelic.

[John McDiarmid – Reporter] A Gaelic warning in the style of the Maori Haka. It was for the All Black players as they visited the school. They visit ahead of the Rugby Sevens at the weekend in the hope of raising interest amongst the youth of Scotland.

[Gillies Kaka] It probably doesn’t get more Scottish than Gaelic so I think it’s a good opportunity to come to these kids and stuff like that and bring rugby here.

[John McDiarmid – Reporter] After a taste of Highland culture the school rugby team got a chance to train with three of the players.

[Angus] It was really good, they are the best team in the world in my opinion.

[John McDiarmid – Reporter] With seven in each team and seven minutes in each half, it’s a quick game. They play at different grounds all over the world and with only two weeks to go it’s the All Blacks who are at the top of the group.

[Gillies Kaka] We’ll be hoping to go one better than last year, we tripped up in the final so it’ll be good to come here and get a win and then maybe cement a lead.

[John McDiarmid – Reporter] At the opposite end of the 15 teams are Scotland in 12th place.

[Gillies Kaka] They keep getting better, we played them in Hong Kong and we struggled against them so hopefully home crowd and stuff like that they’ll go a bit better.

[John McDiarmid – Reporter] After meeting them and playing with them many intend to go.

[Angus] I am going to the sevens.

[John McDiarmid – Reporter] What are you looking forward to?

[Angus] Watching them.

[John McDiarmid – Reporter] Who will you support – the All Blacks or Scotland?

[Angus] The All Blacks because my Daddy is from New Zealand.

[Shona] I really enjoyed it, it was really fun to learn about and it was good against the All Blacks. It was a really good opportunity.

[Children] Keep Gaelic strong. Be proud of your language. Speak Gaelic.

[John McDiarmid – Reporter] Iain MacDiarmid, BBC An Là, Glasgow.



Farpais nan Rugbaidh Sevens ann an Glaschu

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Calum Dòmhnallach - Preseantair] Feasgar math. Bidh farpais nan Rugbaidh Sevens a’ tachairt ann an Glaschu air an deireadh sheachdain. ‘S iad na h-All Blacks a th’aig bàrr na buidhne agus dìreach earrainn ri dhol anns an fharpais. Tha dùil ri còig mìle neach gach latha, ann an Scotstoun, airson na sgiobaidhean fhaicinn ach, mar a tha Iain MacDiarmaid ag aithis, fhuair clann bho Sgoil Ghàidhlig Ghlaschu cothrom fàilte shònraichte a chur orra an-diugh.

[Clann] Seas suas àrd. Seas a-mach. Bruidhnibh Gàidhlig.

[Iain MacDiarmaid – Neach-aithris] Rabhadh Gàidhlig ann an seadh Haka na Maori. ‘S ann do chluicheadairean na h-All Blacks a bha e agus iad a’ tadhal air an sgoil. Tha iad ann air thoiseach air farpais na rugbaidh sevens air an deireadh sheachdain agus an dòchas beagan ùidh a thogail am measg òigridh na h-Alba

[Gillies Kaka] It probably doesn’t get more Scottish than Gaelic so I think it’s a good opportunity to come to these kids and stuff like that and bring rugby here.

[Iain MacDiarmaid – Neach-aithris] Agus as dèidh blasad de chultar nan Gàidheal fhuair sgioba rugbaidh na sgoile cothrom trèanadh le triùir dhe na cluicheadairean.

[Aonghas] Bha e uabhasach math, an team as fheàrr anns an t-saoghal a th’ann anns na smuaintean agamsa.

[Iain MacDiarmaid – Neach-aithris] Le seachdnar anns gach sgioba agus seachd mionaidean anns gach leth ‘s e gèam luath a th’ann. Bithear a’ cluich aig diofar làraichean air feadh an t-saoghail agus le dìreach dheireadh sheachdain ri dhol ‘s iad na h-All Blacks a th’aig bàrr na buidhne.

[Gillies Kaka] We’ll be hoping to go one better than last year, we tripped up in the final so it’ll be good to come here and get a win and then maybe cement a lead.

[Iain MacDiarmaid – Neach-aithris] Aig ceann eile na còig sgioba deug tha Alba san dàrna àite deug.

[Gillies Kaka] They keep getting better, we played them in Hong Kong and we struggled against them so hopefully home crowd and stuff like that they’ll go a bit better.

[Iain MacDiarmaid – Neach-aithris] As dèidh coinneachadh riutha agus cluich còmhla riutha tha cuid am beachd a dhol ann.

[Aonghas] Tha mi a’ dol gu na sevens.

[Iain MacDiarmaid – Neach-aithris] tha thu coimhead air adhart ris?

[Aonghas] A’ coimhead air iadsan.

[Iain MacDiarmaid – Neach-aithris] ris a chuireas tu taic na h- All Blacks no Alba?

[Aonghas] Na h-All Blacks oir tha an Dadaidh agam bhon Sealan Nuadh.

[Shona] Chòrd e rium gu mòr, bha e gu math spòrsail ag ionnsachadh agus bha e math a bhith an aghaidh nan All Blacks. ‘S e cothrom math a bh’ann.

[Clann] Cùm Gàidhlig làidir. Bithibh moiteil às ur cànan. Bruidhnibh Gàidhlig.

[Iain MacDiarmaid – Neach-aithris] Iain MacDiarmaid, BBC An Là, Glaschu.



The Rugby Sevens in Glasgow

English Beurla

[Calum MacDonald - Presenter] Good afternoon. The Rugby Sevens are taking place in Glasgow at the weekend. It’s the All Blacks who are at the top of the table with only two stages left in the competition. A crowd of five thousand are expected to watch the teams play each day in Scotstoun but, as John McDiarmid reports, children from Sgoil Ghàidhlig Ghlaschu had to the opportunity to give them a special welcome today.

[Children] Stand up tall. Stand out. Speak Gaelic.

[John McDiarmid – Reporter] A Gaelic warning in the style of the Maori Haka. It was for the All Black players as they visited the school. They visit ahead of the Rugby Sevens at the weekend in the hope of raising interest amongst the youth of Scotland.

[Gillies Kaka] It probably doesn’t get more Scottish than Gaelic so I think it’s a good opportunity to come to these kids and stuff like that and bring rugby here.

[John McDiarmid – Reporter] After a taste of Highland culture the school rugby team got a chance to train with three of the players.

[Angus] It was really good, they are the best team in the world in my opinion.

[John McDiarmid – Reporter] With seven in each team and seven minutes in each half, it’s a quick game. They play at different grounds all over the world and with only two weeks to go it’s the All Blacks who are at the top of the group.

[Gillies Kaka] We’ll be hoping to go one better than last year, we tripped up in the final so it’ll be good to come here and get a win and then maybe cement a lead.

[John McDiarmid – Reporter] At the opposite end of the 15 teams are Scotland in 12th place.

[Gillies Kaka] They keep getting better, we played them in Hong Kong and we struggled against them so hopefully home crowd and stuff like that they’ll go a bit better.

[John McDiarmid – Reporter] After meeting them and playing with them many intend to go.

[Angus] I am going to the sevens.

[John McDiarmid – Reporter] What are you looking forward to?

[Angus] Watching them.

[John McDiarmid – Reporter] Who will you support – the All Blacks or Scotland?

[Angus] The All Blacks because my Daddy is from New Zealand.

[Shona] I really enjoyed it, it was really fun to learn about and it was good against the All Blacks. It was a really good opportunity.

[Children] Keep Gaelic strong. Be proud of your language. Speak Gaelic.

[John McDiarmid – Reporter] Iain MacDiarmid, BBC An Là, Glasgow.



deireadh sheachdain










