News Naidheachdan
Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.
Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.
Clann-sgoile a’ dròbhadh a’ chruidh
[Iain MacIlleathain - Preseantair] Nise, fhuair clann bho Bhun-sgoil Achadh na Creige anns an Òban cothrom faighinn a-mach mu dhròbhaireachd an-diugh. Tha seo mar phàirt de phròiseact san robh iomadach sgoil an sàs roimhe, ach b’ e seo a' chiad uair a fhuair clann an cothrom crodh a dhròbhadh sìos an rathad iad fhèin. Bha clasaichean Beurla agus Gàidhlig a' gabhail pàirt ann agus tha Andreas Wolff ag aithris.
[Andreas Wolff - Neach-aithris] Crodh Gàidhealach a’ fàgail tuathanas faisg air an Òban. Ach an turas seo, ‘s iad clann-sgoile a tha gan dròbhadh suas an rathad. Bha seo mar phàirt den phròiseact a rinn iad air eachdraidh nan dròbhairean. Saoil an robh eagal orra ro na beathaichean?
[Clann] Aig an toiseach, beag rud beag, aig toiseach, ach bha iadsan a’ dol gu math luath. Agus bha e nas fheàrr na bha mi a’ smaointinn.
[Andreas Wolff - Neach-aithris] Tha am pròiseact seo a’ toirt cothrom do chlann-sgoile ionnsachadh mu dhròbhaireachd. Chaidh a dhealbhachadh an toiseach ann am Beurla ach tha e a-nis ri fhaotainn sa Ghàidhlig cuideachd. B’ e seo a’ chiad uair a bha a’ chlann iad fhèin a’ dròbhadh a’ chruidh ged-thà. Bha sàbhailteachd air aire an fheadhainn a bha a’ stiùireadh a’ phròiseict.
[Eòin MacLeòid] Tha iad gu math cunnartach a chionn ‘s ma tha mise an seo leam fhèin, mi fhèin agus an gille, Raghnall, tha iad cho socair gus an tig duine sam bith mun chuairt, tha iad an uair sin a’ dol neònach agus an-diugh bha iad glè mhath. Fhuair sinn a-mach bhon fheadhainn ann an seo agus bha iad math, bha iad socair math.
[Boireanach] Bha an dròbhair a bha seo agus ‘s e Rob Òg?? an t-ainm a bh’ air agus bha e fuireach shuas faisg air Dàil Màilidh. A bheil fios agaibh ca’ Dàil Màilidh?
[Clann] Tha
[Andreas Wolff - Neach-aithris] Mar a bh’ aig dròbhairean sna seann-làithean, shuidh iad sìos ag innse sgeulachdan as dèidh dhaibh an ceann-uidhe a ruighinn. Thadhail am pròiseact air sgoiltean air feadh na h-Alba.
[Dr Joyce Gilbert] What we did was wanting to work with schools that would be interested in exploring drove routes in their area.
[Sally Harkness] You see, Joyce and I have been working together for quite some time so she knows about the virtues of the storyline approach which was developed at Jordanhill many years ago, and has reinvented itself because of the Curriculum for Excellence. So I got the good job of researching then droving and writing up a topic that could be used in Primary schools.
[Andreas Wolff - Neach-aithris] Ged nach robh ceòl aca, chuir iad crìoch air an là le dannsa san t-sabhal. Andreas Wolff, BBC An Là, An t-Òban.
Schoolchildren drove cattle
[Iain MacLean - Presenter] Now, children from Rockfield School in Oban got the chance to find out about droving today. This is part of the project which has involved loads of school and this was the first time that the children got the chance to drove cattle down the road themselves. English and Gaelic classes were taking part and Andreas Wolff reports.
[Andreas Wolff - Reporter] Highland cattle leaving a farm near Oban. But this time, it’s schoolchildren who are droving up the road. This is part of a project that they did on history of droving. Were they frightened of the beasts?
[Children] At first, a wee but, at first, but they were going quite fast. And it was better I think.
[Andreas Wolff - Reporter] The project offers schoolchildren the chance to learn about droving. It was designed first in English but you can now get it in Gaelic too. This was the first time that the children were droving cattle themselves. Safety was the concern of the people who were in charge of the project.
[Jonathon MacLeod] They are very dangerous as most of the time it’s me myself and the boy, Ronald, they are so quiet until someone comes round, they then go a bit strange and today they were very good. We found out from others here and they were good, they were very good.
[Woman] There was a drover and his name was Young Rob and he stayed up near Dalmally. Do you know where Dalmally is?
[Andreas Wolff - Reporter] As the drovers did in the olden days, she sat down to tell stories after they arrived at the destination. The project has been in schools all over Scotland.
[Dr Joyce Gilbert] What we did was wanting to work with schools that would be interested in exploring drove routes in their area.
[Sally Harkness] You see, Joyce and I have been working together for quite some time so she knows about the virtues of the storyline approach which was developed at Jordanhill many years ago, and has reinvented itself because of the Curriculum for Excellence. So I got the good job of researching then droving and writing up a topic that could be used in Primary schools.
[Andreas Wolff - Reporter] Although there was no music, they ended their day with a dance at the barn. Andreas Wolff, BBC An Là, Oban.
Clann-sgoile a’ dròbhadh a’ chruidh
[Iain MacIlleathain - Preseantair] Nise, fhuair clann bho Bhun-sgoil Achadh na Creige anns an Òban cothrom faighinn a-mach mu dhròbhaireachd an-diugh. Tha seo mar phàirt de phròiseact san robh iomadach sgoil an sàs roimhe, ach b’ e seo a' chiad uair a fhuair clann an cothrom crodh a dhròbhadh sìos an rathad iad fhèin. Bha clasaichean Beurla agus Gàidhlig a' gabhail pàirt ann agus tha Andreas Wolff ag aithris.
[Andreas Wolff - Neach-aithris] Crodh Gàidhealach a’ fàgail tuathanas faisg air an Òban. Ach an turas seo, ‘s iad clann-sgoile a tha gan dròbhadh suas an rathad. Bha seo mar phàirt den phròiseact a rinn iad air eachdraidh nan dròbhairean. Saoil an robh eagal orra ro na beathaichean?
[Clann] Aig an toiseach, beag rud beag, aig toiseach, ach bha iadsan a’ dol gu math luath. Agus bha e nas fheàrr na bha mi a’ smaointinn.
[Andreas Wolff - Neach-aithris] Tha am pròiseact seo a’ toirt cothrom do chlann-sgoile ionnsachadh mu dhròbhaireachd. Chaidh a dhealbhachadh an toiseach ann am Beurla ach tha e a-nis ri fhaotainn sa Ghàidhlig cuideachd. B’ e seo a’ chiad uair a bha a’ chlann iad fhèin a’ dròbhadh a’ chruidh ged-thà. Bha sàbhailteachd air aire an fheadhainn a bha a’ stiùireadh a’ phròiseict.
[Eòin MacLeòid] Tha iad gu math cunnartach a chionn ‘s ma tha mise an seo leam fhèin, mi fhèin agus an gille, Raghnall, tha iad cho socair gus an tig duine sam bith mun chuairt, tha iad an uair sin a’ dol neònach agus an-diugh bha iad glè mhath. Fhuair sinn a-mach bhon fheadhainn ann an seo agus bha iad math, bha iad socair math.
[Boireanach] Bha an dròbhair a bha seo agus ‘s e Rob Òg?? an t-ainm a bh’ air agus bha e fuireach shuas faisg air Dàil Màilidh. A bheil fios agaibh ca’ Dàil Màilidh?
[Clann] Tha
[Andreas Wolff - Neach-aithris] Mar a bh’ aig dròbhairean sna seann-làithean, shuidh iad sìos ag innse sgeulachdan as dèidh dhaibh an ceann-uidhe a ruighinn. Thadhail am pròiseact air sgoiltean air feadh na h-Alba.
[Dr Joyce Gilbert] What we did was wanting to work with schools that would be interested in exploring drove routes in their area.
[Sally Harkness] You see, Joyce and I have been working together for quite some time so she knows about the virtues of the storyline approach which was developed at Jordanhill many years ago, and has reinvented itself because of the Curriculum for Excellence. So I got the good job of researching then droving and writing up a topic that could be used in Primary schools.
[Andreas Wolff - Neach-aithris] Ged nach robh ceòl aca, chuir iad crìoch air an là le dannsa san t-sabhal. Andreas Wolff, BBC An Là, An t-Òban.
Schoolchildren drove cattle
[Iain MacLean - Presenter] Now, children from Rockfield School in Oban got the chance to find out about droving today. This is part of the project which has involved loads of school and this was the first time that the children got the chance to drove cattle down the road themselves. English and Gaelic classes were taking part and Andreas Wolff reports.
[Andreas Wolff - Reporter] Highland cattle leaving a farm near Oban. But this time, it’s schoolchildren who are droving up the road. This is part of a project that they did on history of droving. Were they frightened of the beasts?
[Children] At first, a wee but, at first, but they were going quite fast. And it was better I think.
[Andreas Wolff - Reporter] The project offers schoolchildren the chance to learn about droving. It was designed first in English but you can now get it in Gaelic too. This was the first time that the children were droving cattle themselves. Safety was the concern of the people who were in charge of the project.
[Jonathon MacLeod] They are very dangerous as most of the time it’s me myself and the boy, Ronald, they are so quiet until someone comes round, they then go a bit strange and today they were very good. We found out from others here and they were good, they were very good.
[Woman] There was a drover and his name was Young Rob and he stayed up near Dalmally. Do you know where Dalmally is?
[Andreas Wolff - Reporter] As the drovers did in the olden days, she sat down to tell stories after they arrived at the destination. The project has been in schools all over Scotland.
[Dr Joyce Gilbert] What we did was wanting to work with schools that would be interested in exploring drove routes in their area.
[Sally Harkness] You see, Joyce and I have been working together for quite some time so she knows about the virtues of the storyline approach which was developed at Jordanhill many years ago, and has reinvented itself because of the Curriculum for Excellence. So I got the good job of researching then droving and writing up a topic that could be used in Primary schools.
[Andreas Wolff - Reporter] Although there was no music, they ended their day with a dance at the barn. Andreas Wolff, BBC An Là, Oban.