News Naidheachdan
Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.
Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.
Plana ùr aig an taigh-tasgaidh Chille Mhàrtainn
[Iain MacIlleathain - Preseantair] Nise, bho chionn deich bliadhna, bha Taigh-tasgaidh Chille Mhàrtainn ann an Earra-Ghàidheal ann an cunnart dùnadh. Bha Cathair a’ bhaile Mhuinntir Dhail Riata aig Dunadd faisg air làimh aig aon àm ‘s a tha còrr air ochd ceud làrach eachdraidheil agus gu dearbh ro-eachdraidheil anns a’ ghleann. An-diugh, tha plana aig an taigh-tasgaidh luach sia gu leth millean not an togalach a th’ ann a leudachadh. Seo Andreas Wolff.
[Andreas Wolff –Neach-aithris] A’ dèanamh biadh Lochlannach, sin na bha fa-near do chlann-sgoile nuair a thadhail iad air Taigh-tasgaidh Chille Mhàrtainn ann am meadhan Earra-Ghàidheil. Saoil dè cho furasta ‘s a tha e a bhith nad Lochlannach?
[Clann] We cooked flatbread, we cooked stew, vegetable stew which had cooked green beans, carrots cut in quarters and leeks and lamb.
[Andreas Wolff –Neach-aithris] Bha na Lochlannaich na Cruinnich agus na Gàidheil uile a’ fuireach sa cheàrn seo de dh’Alba. ‘S cinnteach nach robh an seòrsa bìdh blasta seo aca ro thric.
[Andreas Wolff –Neach-aithris] Tha daoine air a bhith a’ fuireach anns a’ ghleann seo fad mhìltean de bhliadhnaichean agus dh'fhàg iad còrr is ochd-ceud làrach eachdraidheil agus ro-eachdraidheil, a’ fàgail gur e seo aon dha na h-àiteachan as cudromaiche ann an eachdraidh na h-Alba.
[Cairistìona Litster] Tha mòran seann chlachan anns a’ ghleann seo. Tha sinn faisg air Dunadd far an robh na seann rìghrean air an crùineadh agus thàinig Calum Cille gus an àite seo.
[Andreas Wolff –Neach-aithris] Deich bliadhna air ais, bha Taigh-tasgaidh Chille Mhàrtainn ann an cunnart dùnadh. Ach a-nise, tha stuth gu leòr aca ri thaisbeanadh bho air feadh Earra-Ghàidheil.
[Dtr Sharon Wbb ] I quite often joke that I have to share my office with eighteen other people and I’m the only one who’s alive in there, because we have developed these huge collections of material, including human skeletal material that we have run out of spaces to put them, essentially. Collection storage’s full and we also have some really important artefacts that we would like to be able to show people
[Andreas Wolff –Neach-aithris] Tha an seòmar-clas cuideachd air fàs ro bheag. Le sin, tha planaichean luach sia gu leth millean not aca a-nise gus leudachadh a thoirt air an togalach.
[Clann] As a homework challenge we had four weeks to make our own Viking costume. And if you were a Viking warrior, you had to make, like a helmet, a shield and a sword or an axe. And you weren’t to go out and buy stuff just for the costume.
[Andreas Wolff –Neach-aithris] ‘S e togalach ìosal a bhios ann agus tha e coltach gum bi e bàidheil dhan àrainneachd. Chuir iad iarrtas dhan Chrannchur Nàiseanta agus tha iad an dòchas gum bi an togalach ùr deiseil ann an dà mhìle agus a h-ochd-deug. Andreas Wolff, BBC An Là, Cille Mhàrtainn.
A new plan for the Kilmartin Museum
[Iain MacLean - Presenter] Now about ten years ago, The Kilmartin Museum in Argyle was in danger of closing. The throne of the people of Dalriata at Dunadd was close at one time and there is more than eight hundred historic and indeed prehistoric sites in the glen. Today the museum has a plan worth six and a half million pounds to extend the building. Here’s Andreas Wolff.
[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] Making Viking food, this was undertaken by school children when they visited Kilmartin Museum in the middle of Argyll. How easy is it to be a Viking?
[Children] We cooked flatbread, we cooked stew, vegetable stew which had cooked green beans, carrots cut in quarters and leeks and lamb.
[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] The Vikings, the Picts and the Gaels all live in this corner of Scotland. It’s a certainty that they did not have this type of tasty food to often.
[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] People have lived in this glen for thousands of years and they left more than eight hundred historic and prehistoric sites, meaning that this is one of the most important places in Scotland’s history.
[Christina Litster] There are many old stones in this glen. We are close to Dunadd where they old kings were crowned and St Columba came here.
[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] Ten years ago the Kilmartin Museum was in danger of closing. But now, they have enough items to exhibit from all over Argyll.
[Dr Sharon Webb ] I quite often joke that I have to share my office with eighteen other people and I’m the only one who’s alive in there, because we have developed these huge collections of material, including human skeletal material that we have run out of spaces to put them, essentially. Collection storage’s full and we also have some really important artefacts that we would like to be able to show people
[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] The classroom is far too small. With that, the plans are worth six and a half million pounds now to expand the building.
[Children] As a homework challenge we had four weeks to make our own Viking costume. And if you were a Viking warrior, you had to make, like a helmet, a shield and a sword or an axe. And you weren’t to go out and buy stuff just for the costume.
[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] It’ll be a low building and it would appear that it will be environment-friendly. They put in a request to the National Lottery and we hope that the new building in 2018. Andreas Wolff, BBC An Là, Kilmartin.
Plana ùr aig an taigh-tasgaidh Chille Mhàrtainn
[Iain MacIlleathain - Preseantair] Nise, bho chionn deich bliadhna, bha Taigh-tasgaidh Chille Mhàrtainn ann an Earra-Ghàidheal ann an cunnart dùnadh. Bha Cathair a’ bhaile Mhuinntir Dhail Riata aig Dunadd faisg air làimh aig aon àm ‘s a tha còrr air ochd ceud làrach eachdraidheil agus gu dearbh ro-eachdraidheil anns a’ ghleann. An-diugh, tha plana aig an taigh-tasgaidh luach sia gu leth millean not an togalach a th’ ann a leudachadh. Seo Andreas Wolff.
[Andreas Wolff –Neach-aithris] A’ dèanamh biadh Lochlannach, sin na bha fa-near do chlann-sgoile nuair a thadhail iad air Taigh-tasgaidh Chille Mhàrtainn ann am meadhan Earra-Ghàidheil. Saoil dè cho furasta ‘s a tha e a bhith nad Lochlannach?
[Clann] We cooked flatbread, we cooked stew, vegetable stew which had cooked green beans, carrots cut in quarters and leeks and lamb.
[Andreas Wolff –Neach-aithris] Bha na Lochlannaich na Cruinnich agus na Gàidheil uile a’ fuireach sa cheàrn seo de dh’Alba. ‘S cinnteach nach robh an seòrsa bìdh blasta seo aca ro thric.
[Andreas Wolff –Neach-aithris] Tha daoine air a bhith a’ fuireach anns a’ ghleann seo fad mhìltean de bhliadhnaichean agus dh'fhàg iad còrr is ochd-ceud làrach eachdraidheil agus ro-eachdraidheil, a’ fàgail gur e seo aon dha na h-àiteachan as cudromaiche ann an eachdraidh na h-Alba.
[Cairistìona Litster] Tha mòran seann chlachan anns a’ ghleann seo. Tha sinn faisg air Dunadd far an robh na seann rìghrean air an crùineadh agus thàinig Calum Cille gus an àite seo.
[Andreas Wolff –Neach-aithris] Deich bliadhna air ais, bha Taigh-tasgaidh Chille Mhàrtainn ann an cunnart dùnadh. Ach a-nise, tha stuth gu leòr aca ri thaisbeanadh bho air feadh Earra-Ghàidheil.
[Dtr Sharon Wbb ] I quite often joke that I have to share my office with eighteen other people and I’m the only one who’s alive in there, because we have developed these huge collections of material, including human skeletal material that we have run out of spaces to put them, essentially. Collection storage’s full and we also have some really important artefacts that we would like to be able to show people
[Andreas Wolff –Neach-aithris] Tha an seòmar-clas cuideachd air fàs ro bheag. Le sin, tha planaichean luach sia gu leth millean not aca a-nise gus leudachadh a thoirt air an togalach.
[Clann] As a homework challenge we had four weeks to make our own Viking costume. And if you were a Viking warrior, you had to make, like a helmet, a shield and a sword or an axe. And you weren’t to go out and buy stuff just for the costume.
[Andreas Wolff –Neach-aithris] ‘S e togalach ìosal a bhios ann agus tha e coltach gum bi e bàidheil dhan àrainneachd. Chuir iad iarrtas dhan Chrannchur Nàiseanta agus tha iad an dòchas gum bi an togalach ùr deiseil ann an dà mhìle agus a h-ochd-deug. Andreas Wolff, BBC An Là, Cille Mhàrtainn.
A new plan for the Kilmartin Museum
[Iain MacLean - Presenter] Now about ten years ago, The Kilmartin Museum in Argyle was in danger of closing. The throne of the people of Dalriata at Dunadd was close at one time and there is more than eight hundred historic and indeed prehistoric sites in the glen. Today the museum has a plan worth six and a half million pounds to extend the building. Here’s Andreas Wolff.
[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] Making Viking food, this was undertaken by school children when they visited Kilmartin Museum in the middle of Argyll. How easy is it to be a Viking?
[Children] We cooked flatbread, we cooked stew, vegetable stew which had cooked green beans, carrots cut in quarters and leeks and lamb.
[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] The Vikings, the Picts and the Gaels all live in this corner of Scotland. It’s a certainty that they did not have this type of tasty food to often.
[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] People have lived in this glen for thousands of years and they left more than eight hundred historic and prehistoric sites, meaning that this is one of the most important places in Scotland’s history.
[Christina Litster] There are many old stones in this glen. We are close to Dunadd where they old kings were crowned and St Columba came here.
[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] Ten years ago the Kilmartin Museum was in danger of closing. But now, they have enough items to exhibit from all over Argyll.
[Dr Sharon Webb ] I quite often joke that I have to share my office with eighteen other people and I’m the only one who’s alive in there, because we have developed these huge collections of material, including human skeletal material that we have run out of spaces to put them, essentially. Collection storage’s full and we also have some really important artefacts that we would like to be able to show people
[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] The classroom is far too small. With that, the plans are worth six and a half million pounds now to expand the building.
[Children] As a homework challenge we had four weeks to make our own Viking costume. And if you were a Viking warrior, you had to make, like a helmet, a shield and a sword or an axe. And you weren’t to go out and buy stuff just for the costume.
[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] It’ll be a low building and it would appear that it will be environment-friendly. They put in a request to the National Lottery and we hope that the new building in 2018. Andreas Wolff, BBC An Là, Kilmartin.