News Naidheachdan
Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.
Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.
Cuideam mòr air geallaidhean mu chùram chloinne
[Eilidh NicAsgaill] Nis, nuair a chaidh Pàipear Geal an Riaghaltais fhoillseachadh air a’ mhìos-sa chaidh, chaidh cuideam mòr a chur air geallaidhean mu chùram chloinne am measg eile. Chaidh an tè-naidheachd phoilitigeach againne, Iona NicRisnidh gu cròileagan Phartaig a bhruidhinn ri cuid dhe na pàrantan.
[Iona NicRisnidh - Neach-aithris] Le deich uairean fichead de chùram chloinne an-asgaidh do chlann fo aois-sgoile, an tiodhlac a tha an Riaghaltas SNP a’ gealltainn do phàrantan ma bhòtas iad airson neo-eisimeileachd anns an Fhoghar. Thog na Pàrtaidhean Dùbhlanach ceist ged-thà carson a bha iad a’ feitheamh cho fada airson an tiodhlac a thoirt seachad. Ge bith cuin a thig32059 e ged-thà, chan eil ceist nach biodh e na fhaochadh do phàrantan agus airgead gu math teann.
[Nan NicDhòmhnaill] Tha mortgages ann ‘s a h-uile càil cho daor. Tha paidhir bhròg dha leanabh cho daor. Tha a h-uile càil cho daor ‘s cha dèan aon chosnadh a’ chùis an-diugh.
[Iona NicRisnidh - Neach-aithris] Dèidh na pàrantan seo, tha buannachdan mòra ann an lùib chròileagan.
[Boireannach] Bidh sinn a’ tighinn dà là san t-seachdain ‘s tha e math a bhith a’ coinneachadh còmhla ri pàrantan eile le Gàidhlig agus pàrantan a tha ag iarraidh ionnsachadh.
[Duine] Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil e cudromach airson na cloinne agus cuideachd airson nam pàrantan.
[Boireannach] Buidheann air leth feumail, soirbheachail a tha seo, tha e uabhasach math a bhith a’ faighinn còmhla le pàrantan eile agus gu bheil a’ chlann a’ faighinn cothrom cluich còmhla agus anns a’ Ghàidhlig, tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig agus ‘s e spòrs a th’ ann.
[Iona NicRisnidh - Neach-aithris] Agus nuair a bhios obair seachad a-nochd, tha fhios aige càit’ an tèid e airson beagan fois.
[Bodach na Nollaige] Is caomh leam a dhol suas dha na h-Eileanan an Iar ann an Alba agus a dh’ fhaicinn co ris a tha e coltach. Tha iad ag ràdh gu bheil iad uabhasach brèagha.
[Iona NicRisnidh - Neach-aithris] Iona NicRisnidh, BBC An Là.
Pressure on promises about childcare
[Eilidh Macaskill] Now when the Government’s White Paper was published last month, a lot of weight was put on the promises about childcare, amongst other things. Our politics reporter, Iona Macritchie, went to Partick Playgroup went to speak to many of the parents.
[Iona MacRitchie - Reporter] With thirty hours of free childcare for children under school age, the present that the SNP Government are promising to parents if they vote for independence in the autumn. The opposition parties raised the question as to why they were waiting so long to give this present. Whenever it comes, though, there is no question that it will be a relief to parents with money being so tight.
[Nan MacDonald] There are mortgages and everything is so expensive. A pair of shoes for a baby are so expensive. Everything is so expensive and one wage won’t do the business today.
[Iona MacRitchie - Reporter] The opinion of parents is that there are many benefits of playgroup.
[Woman] We come two days in the week and it is good to meet with other parents with Gaelic and parents that want to learn it.
[Man] I think that it is important for the children and for the parents.
[Woman] It is a very useful, successful group, it is really good to get together with other parents and that the children get the chance to play together in Gaelic, through the medium of Gaelic and it’s fun.
[Iona MacRitchie - Reporter] And when the work is over tonight, he knows where he wants to go for a bit of peace.
[Santa Claus] I would like to go to the Western Isles in Scotland and see what they are like/ They say that they are awfully pretty.
[Iona MacRitchie - Reporter] Iona MacRitchie, BBC An Là.
Cuideam mòr air geallaidhean mu chùram chloinne
[Eilidh NicAsgaill] Nis, nuair a chaidh Pàipear Geal an Riaghaltais fhoillseachadh air a’ mhìos-sa chaidh, chaidh cuideam mòr a chur air geallaidhean mu chùram chloinne am measg eile. Chaidh an tè-naidheachd phoilitigeach againne, Iona NicRisnidh gu cròileagan Phartaig a bhruidhinn ri cuid dhe na pàrantan.
[Iona NicRisnidh - Neach-aithris] Le deich uairean fichead de chùram chloinne an-asgaidh do chlann fo aois-sgoile, an tiodhlac a tha an Riaghaltas SNP a’ gealltainn do phàrantan ma bhòtas iad airson neo-eisimeileachd anns an Fhoghar. Thog na Pàrtaidhean Dùbhlanach ceist ged-thà carson a bha iad a’ feitheamh cho fada airson an tiodhlac a thoirt seachad. Ge bith cuin a thig32059 e ged-thà, chan eil ceist nach biodh e na fhaochadh do phàrantan agus airgead gu math teann.
[Nan NicDhòmhnaill] Tha mortgages ann ‘s a h-uile càil cho daor. Tha paidhir bhròg dha leanabh cho daor. Tha a h-uile càil cho daor ‘s cha dèan aon chosnadh a’ chùis an-diugh.
[Iona NicRisnidh - Neach-aithris] Dèidh na pàrantan seo, tha buannachdan mòra ann an lùib chròileagan.
[Boireannach] Bidh sinn a’ tighinn dà là san t-seachdain ‘s tha e math a bhith a’ coinneachadh còmhla ri pàrantan eile le Gàidhlig agus pàrantan a tha ag iarraidh ionnsachadh.
[Duine] Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil e cudromach airson na cloinne agus cuideachd airson nam pàrantan.
[Boireannach] Buidheann air leth feumail, soirbheachail a tha seo, tha e uabhasach math a bhith a’ faighinn còmhla le pàrantan eile agus gu bheil a’ chlann a’ faighinn cothrom cluich còmhla agus anns a’ Ghàidhlig, tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig agus ‘s e spòrs a th’ ann.
[Iona NicRisnidh - Neach-aithris] Agus nuair a bhios obair seachad a-nochd, tha fhios aige càit’ an tèid e airson beagan fois.
[Bodach na Nollaige] Is caomh leam a dhol suas dha na h-Eileanan an Iar ann an Alba agus a dh’ fhaicinn co ris a tha e coltach. Tha iad ag ràdh gu bheil iad uabhasach brèagha.
[Iona NicRisnidh - Neach-aithris] Iona NicRisnidh, BBC An Là.
Pressure on promises about childcare
[Eilidh Macaskill] Now when the Government’s White Paper was published last month, a lot of weight was put on the promises about childcare, amongst other things. Our politics reporter, Iona Macritchie, went to Partick Playgroup went to speak to many of the parents.
[Iona MacRitchie - Reporter] With thirty hours of free childcare for children under school age, the present that the SNP Government are promising to parents if they vote for independence in the autumn. The opposition parties raised the question as to why they were waiting so long to give this present. Whenever it comes, though, there is no question that it will be a relief to parents with money being so tight.
[Nan MacDonald] There are mortgages and everything is so expensive. A pair of shoes for a baby are so expensive. Everything is so expensive and one wage won’t do the business today.
[Iona MacRitchie - Reporter] The opinion of parents is that there are many benefits of playgroup.
[Woman] We come two days in the week and it is good to meet with other parents with Gaelic and parents that want to learn it.
[Man] I think that it is important for the children and for the parents.
[Woman] It is a very useful, successful group, it is really good to get together with other parents and that the children get the chance to play together in Gaelic, through the medium of Gaelic and it’s fun.
[Iona MacRitchie - Reporter] And when the work is over tonight, he knows where he wants to go for a bit of peace.
[Santa Claus] I would like to go to the Western Isles in Scotland and see what they are like/ They say that they are awfully pretty.
[Iona MacRitchie - Reporter] Iona MacRitchie, BBC An Là.