FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

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B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Thadhail a’ Ghruffalo air an Rubha

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Iain MacAonghais - Preseantair] Nise, tha na h-Eileanan an Iar cleachdte gu leòr ri bhith a' faicinn luchd-tadhail tron bhliadhna, ach ann an sgìre an Rubha an-diugh, thadhail cuideigin gu math sònraichte. Bidh mòran agaibh eòlach air a' Ghruffalo, agus ged a tha gu leòr ag ràdh nach eil leithid de rud ann, chan e sin a bh' ann de sgoilearan an Rubha an-diugh. Bha ùghdar an leabhair, Julia Donaldson, air chuairt sna h-eileanan mar phàirt de dh'fhèis leabhraichean "Faclan" mar a tha Catriona NicIlleathain ag aithris.

[Catriona NicIlleathain – Neach-aithris] Tha a’ Ghruffalo, mar as trice, a’ fuireach ann an coille. Ach an-diugh, thàinig e fhèin agus a charaidean dhan an Rubha airson coinneachadh ri sgoilearan na sgìre.

[Julia Donaldson] It’s always lovely meeting your readers and especially because I get them to act out the stories, so it’s lovely to see how a little child from Lewis will be the hen in A Squash and a Squeeze. I’ve been doing this story called The Magic Paintbrush and I got the children to act the villagers and Malcolm, my husband, he acts the wicked emperor and he got some wonderful children to be his bad followers.

[Catriona NicIlleathain – Neach-aithris] Cha robh teagamh sam bith ann mu dheidhinn cho math ‘s a chòrd an ri na sgoilearan.

[Alice] Chòrd e riumsa gu mòr nuair a bha iad a’ dèanamh mar actadh a-mach às na leabhraichean aca, bha e gu math èibhinn.

[Catriona NicIlleathain – Neach-aithris] Agus na leabhraichean a tha a’ còrdadh riutsa? na leabhraichean aig Julia a th’ agadsa?

[Joanna] An Gruffalo agus A Squash and a Squeeze.

[Catriona NicIlleathain – Neach-aithris] A thuilleadh air tòrr spòrs is fealla-dhà, bha cothrom aig na sgoilearan an Gruffalo a chluinntinn ann an Gàidhlig, bhon an dearbh fhear a rinn an eadar-theangachadh.

[Tormod Caimbeul] Chòrd e uabhasach math rium a bhith a’ cur sin ann an Gàidhlig. Tha e gu math furasta an sgrìobhadh aice a thionndadh gu Gàidhlig. Agus dhà no trì dhe na leabhraichean. Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil a’ mhòr-chuid dhe na leabhraichean a fhuair mi bha sin na thoileachas dhomh dìreach gan cur ann an Gàidhlig, ‘s a fuaim a th’ aige, ‘s a siubhail a th’ ann, cuideachd.

[Catriona NicIlleathain – Neach-aithris] A dh’aindeoin gu bheil i air ceud agus ceithir fichead pìos obrach fhoillseachadh mu-thràth, dh’ inns Julia Donaldson an-diugh gu bheil i an-dràsta ag obair air leabhar ùr eile agus bidh sin deiseil an ath bhliadhna. Catriona NicIlleathain, BBC An Là, Sgoil an Rubha.



The Gruffalo visted Point

English Beurla

[Iain MacInnes - Presenter] Now, the Western Isles are well used to having visitors through the years, but in Point today, somebody very special visited. Many of you will know the Gruffalo and although many say that such a thing does not exist, that was not the case for the pupils of Point today. The author of the book, Julia Donaldson, was on tour in the islands as part of the book festival “Faclan” as Catriona MacLean reports.

[Catriona MacLean – Reporter] Most of the time, the Gruffalo lives in the forest. But today, he came and his friends to Point to meet the pupils of the area.

[Julia Donaldson] It’s always lovely meeting your readers and especially because I get them to act out the stories, so it’s lovely to see how a little child from Lewis will be the hen in A Squash and a Squeeze. I’ve been doing this story called The Magic Paintbrush and I got the children to act the villagers and Malcolm, my husband, he acts the wicked emperor and he got some wonderful children to be his bad followers.

[Catriona MacLean – Reporter] there was no doubt that the day was enjoyed by the pupils.

[Alice] I liked it when they were acting out of their books, it was very funny.

[Catriona MacLean – Reporter] And what books did you enjoy? And what books of Julia’s do you have?

[Joanna] The Gruffalo and A Squash and a Squeeze.

[Catriona MacLean – Reporter] In addition to fun and games, there was an opportunity to hear The Gruffalo in Gaelic, from the very man who did the translation.

[Norman Campbell] I really enjoyed putting it into Gaelic. It is very easy to translate her work into Gaelic. And two or three of her books. I think that the majority of the books that I got, it gave me joy to translate them into Gaelic, the sound that they have, there is fluidity there too.

[Catriona MacLean – Reporter] In spite of 180 pieces of work she has done already, Julia Donaldson said that she is working on a new book just now and that will be ready next year. Catriona MacLean, BBC An Là, Point School.



Thadhail a’ Ghruffalo air an Rubha

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Iain MacAonghais - Preseantair] Nise, tha na h-Eileanan an Iar cleachdte gu leòr ri bhith a' faicinn luchd-tadhail tron bhliadhna, ach ann an sgìre an Rubha an-diugh, thadhail cuideigin gu math sònraichte. Bidh mòran agaibh eòlach air a' Ghruffalo, agus ged a tha gu leòr ag ràdh nach eil leithid de rud ann, chan e sin a bh' ann de sgoilearan an Rubha an-diugh. Bha ùghdar an leabhair, Julia Donaldson, air chuairt sna h-eileanan mar phàirt de dh'fhèis leabhraichean "Faclan" mar a tha Catriona NicIlleathain ag aithris.

[Catriona NicIlleathain – Neach-aithris] Tha a’ Ghruffalo, mar as trice, a’ fuireach ann an coille. Ach an-diugh, thàinig e fhèin agus a charaidean dhan an Rubha airson coinneachadh ri sgoilearan na sgìre.

[Julia Donaldson] It’s always lovely meeting your readers and especially because I get them to act out the stories, so it’s lovely to see how a little child from Lewis will be the hen in A Squash and a Squeeze. I’ve been doing this story called The Magic Paintbrush and I got the children to act the villagers and Malcolm, my husband, he acts the wicked emperor and he got some wonderful children to be his bad followers.

[Catriona NicIlleathain – Neach-aithris] Cha robh teagamh sam bith ann mu dheidhinn cho math ‘s a chòrd an ri na sgoilearan.

[Alice] Chòrd e riumsa gu mòr nuair a bha iad a’ dèanamh mar actadh a-mach às na leabhraichean aca, bha e gu math èibhinn.

[Catriona NicIlleathain – Neach-aithris] Agus na leabhraichean a tha a’ còrdadh riutsa? na leabhraichean aig Julia a th’ agadsa?

[Joanna] An Gruffalo agus A Squash and a Squeeze.

[Catriona NicIlleathain – Neach-aithris] A thuilleadh air tòrr spòrs is fealla-dhà, bha cothrom aig na sgoilearan an Gruffalo a chluinntinn ann an Gàidhlig, bhon an dearbh fhear a rinn an eadar-theangachadh.

[Tormod Caimbeul] Chòrd e uabhasach math rium a bhith a’ cur sin ann an Gàidhlig. Tha e gu math furasta an sgrìobhadh aice a thionndadh gu Gàidhlig. Agus dhà no trì dhe na leabhraichean. Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil a’ mhòr-chuid dhe na leabhraichean a fhuair mi bha sin na thoileachas dhomh dìreach gan cur ann an Gàidhlig, ‘s a fuaim a th’ aige, ‘s a siubhail a th’ ann, cuideachd.

[Catriona NicIlleathain – Neach-aithris] A dh’aindeoin gu bheil i air ceud agus ceithir fichead pìos obrach fhoillseachadh mu-thràth, dh’ inns Julia Donaldson an-diugh gu bheil i an-dràsta ag obair air leabhar ùr eile agus bidh sin deiseil an ath bhliadhna. Catriona NicIlleathain, BBC An Là, Sgoil an Rubha.



The Gruffalo visted Point

English Beurla

[Iain MacInnes - Presenter] Now, the Western Isles are well used to having visitors through the years, but in Point today, somebody very special visited. Many of you will know the Gruffalo and although many say that such a thing does not exist, that was not the case for the pupils of Point today. The author of the book, Julia Donaldson, was on tour in the islands as part of the book festival “Faclan” as Catriona MacLean reports.

[Catriona MacLean – Reporter] Most of the time, the Gruffalo lives in the forest. But today, he came and his friends to Point to meet the pupils of the area.

[Julia Donaldson] It’s always lovely meeting your readers and especially because I get them to act out the stories, so it’s lovely to see how a little child from Lewis will be the hen in A Squash and a Squeeze. I’ve been doing this story called The Magic Paintbrush and I got the children to act the villagers and Malcolm, my husband, he acts the wicked emperor and he got some wonderful children to be his bad followers.

[Catriona MacLean – Reporter] there was no doubt that the day was enjoyed by the pupils.

[Alice] I liked it when they were acting out of their books, it was very funny.

[Catriona MacLean – Reporter] And what books did you enjoy? And what books of Julia’s do you have?

[Joanna] The Gruffalo and A Squash and a Squeeze.

[Catriona MacLean – Reporter] In addition to fun and games, there was an opportunity to hear The Gruffalo in Gaelic, from the very man who did the translation.

[Norman Campbell] I really enjoyed putting it into Gaelic. It is very easy to translate her work into Gaelic. And two or three of her books. I think that the majority of the books that I got, it gave me joy to translate them into Gaelic, the sound that they have, there is fluidity there too.

[Catriona MacLean – Reporter] In spite of 180 pieces of work she has done already, Julia Donaldson said that she is working on a new book just now and that will be ready next year. Catriona MacLean, BBC An Là, Point School.





An Rubha






