News Naidheachdan
Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.
Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.
A' toirt sùil air Murt na h-Apainn
[Iain MacAonghais - Preseantair] Nise, ‘s e fear dhe na cùisean murt as ainmeile a bh’ ann, ann an Alba a-riamh, Murt na h-Apainn. ‘S tha a’ cheist fhathast gun fhreagairt ged-thà cò dha-rìribh a mharbh Cailean Ruadh Caimbeul ann an seachd ceud deug leth-cheud ‘s a dhà? Chaidh Seumas a' Ghlinne a chrochadh air a shon, ach b’ e Ailean Breac Stiùbhart a bha fo amharas. A-raoir cho-dhùin an luchd-èisteachd aig tachartas anns a’ Ghearastan gun robh an dithis sin neoichiontach. Tha Andreas Wolff a’ togail na sgeòil.
[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] Tha bothan ann an Gleann Durar, faisg air an Apainn, air a bheil Taigh Sheumais a’ Ghlinne. Is coltach gun robh Seumas Stiùbhart a’ fuireach faisg air an seo. Chaidh a chrochadh ann an seachd ceud deug leth-cheud ‘s a dhà airson cuideachadh a thoirt dhan duine a mhuirt Cailean Ruadh Caimbeul. An-dè, thadhail eòlaichean air na h-àiteachan a tha ceangailte ri Murt na h-Apainn.
[An t-Àrd Oll. Seumas Mac An t-Sealgair] James was the foster father of Allan Stewart, Allan Breck Stewart, who was the person who was named by the investigators and by the authorities and at the trial as the perpetrator of the crime, the man who had pulled the trigger. Of course Allan, long before the trial was held, was safely away in France.
[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] Ach tha e coltach gu bheil fianais ann cò rinn am murt.
[An t-Òll. Dòmhnall Uilleam Stiùbhart] Tha sinn uabhasach fortanach gun robh fear Iain Mac an Deòir gun robh e a’ dol timcheall na Gàidhealtachd, mu mheadhan na Naoidheamh Linn Deug, is bhiodh e a’ cruinneachadh sgeulachdan eachdraidheil. Fear de na daoine ris an do bhruidhinn e anns an Apainn, ‘s e fear Iain Òg MacColla, à làrach Baile Chaolais, mar a chanas sinn ris an-diugh. Dh’ inns Iain MacColla dha gur e a rinn am murt, fear Dòmhnall Stiùbhart.
[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] Thadhail na h-eòlaichean air làrach a’ mhuirt fhèin, faisg air Baile Chaolais cuideachd.
[An t-Àrd Oll Dàibhidh Barclay] We’d try and think “How was this crime actually committed? How would you set out to commit this crime?” And I think you’d run up to somebody and shoot them from close range, with or without a musket. Interesting that I presume pistols were also available, a pistol would be much more sensible.
[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] Air an oidhche rinn iad sgrùdadh air an fhianais. Dh’ fhoillsich iad dealbh de dh’ Ailean Breac a chaidh a dhèanamh le coimpiutair a rèir an fhiosrachaidh sgrìobhte a tha ri fhaotainn.
[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] Chuala an luchd-èisteachd an seo a-nochd mura b’ e agus gun robh Ailean Breac Stiùbhart air fhaotainn ciontach agus e gun a bhith an-làthair aig a’ chùirt gun do mhurt e Cailean Ruadh, cha bhiodh Seumas a’ Ghlinne air binn-bàis fhaotainn idir airson a bhith ga cuideachadh agus bha an luchd-èisteachd air fad dhen bheachd nach robh fianais sam bith ann gur e Ailean Breac a mhurt Cailean Ruadh. Andreas Wolff, BBC An Là, An Gearastan.
A look at the Appin Murder
[Iain MacInnes - Presenter] Now, one of the most famous murder cases ever, in Scotland, the Appin Murder. The unanswered question remains who murdered Colin Roy Campbell an 1752? James of the Glen was hung for it, but it was Allan Breck Stewart who was under suspicion. Last night, the audience at an event in Fort William concluded that that duo were not innocent. Andreas Wolff picks up the story.
[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] There is a bothy in Glen Durar, near Appin, which is known as the House of James of the Glen. It appears that James of the Glen lived near here. He was hung in 1752 for aiding somebody in murdering Colin Roy Campbell. Yesterday experts visited the areas connected with The Appin Murder.
[Professor Jim Hunter] James was the foster father of Allan, Allan Stewart, Allan Breck Stewart, who was the person who was named by the investigators and by the authorities and at the trial as the perpetrator of the crime, the man who had pulled the trigger. Of course Allan, long before the trial was held, was safely away in France.
[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] But it appears that there is evidence about who did the murder.
[Dr Donald William Stewart] We are very fortunate that there was Iain MacKindewar that was going round the Highlands, about the middle of the Nineteenth Century and he would collect historical stories. One of those he spoke to was in Appin, he was Young Iain MacColl from near Ballachulish, as we call it today. Iain MacColl told him who did the murder, one Donald Stewart.
[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] The experts visited the site of the murder itself, near Ballachuilish itself, too.
[Professor David Barclay] We’d try and think “How was this crime actually committed? How would you set out to commit this crime?” And I think you’d run up to somebody and shoot them from close range, with or without a musket. Interesting that I presume pistols were also available, a pistol would be much more sensible.
[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] At night, they examined the evidence. They published a photo of what Allan Breck which was done on computer based on written information.
[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] The audience here heard tonight if Allan Breck Stewart was, or was not found guilty tonight and he was not present in court that he murdered Colin Roy, James of the Glen would not have got the death sentence at all for assisting him and the whole audience were of the opinion that there was no evidence that Allan Stewart committed the murder of Colin Roy. Andreas Wolff, BBC An Là, Fort William.
A' toirt sùil air Murt na h-Apainn
[Iain MacAonghais - Preseantair] Nise, ‘s e fear dhe na cùisean murt as ainmeile a bh’ ann, ann an Alba a-riamh, Murt na h-Apainn. ‘S tha a’ cheist fhathast gun fhreagairt ged-thà cò dha-rìribh a mharbh Cailean Ruadh Caimbeul ann an seachd ceud deug leth-cheud ‘s a dhà? Chaidh Seumas a' Ghlinne a chrochadh air a shon, ach b’ e Ailean Breac Stiùbhart a bha fo amharas. A-raoir cho-dhùin an luchd-èisteachd aig tachartas anns a’ Ghearastan gun robh an dithis sin neoichiontach. Tha Andreas Wolff a’ togail na sgeòil.
[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] Tha bothan ann an Gleann Durar, faisg air an Apainn, air a bheil Taigh Sheumais a’ Ghlinne. Is coltach gun robh Seumas Stiùbhart a’ fuireach faisg air an seo. Chaidh a chrochadh ann an seachd ceud deug leth-cheud ‘s a dhà airson cuideachadh a thoirt dhan duine a mhuirt Cailean Ruadh Caimbeul. An-dè, thadhail eòlaichean air na h-àiteachan a tha ceangailte ri Murt na h-Apainn.
[An t-Àrd Oll. Seumas Mac An t-Sealgair] James was the foster father of Allan Stewart, Allan Breck Stewart, who was the person who was named by the investigators and by the authorities and at the trial as the perpetrator of the crime, the man who had pulled the trigger. Of course Allan, long before the trial was held, was safely away in France.
[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] Ach tha e coltach gu bheil fianais ann cò rinn am murt.
[An t-Òll. Dòmhnall Uilleam Stiùbhart] Tha sinn uabhasach fortanach gun robh fear Iain Mac an Deòir gun robh e a’ dol timcheall na Gàidhealtachd, mu mheadhan na Naoidheamh Linn Deug, is bhiodh e a’ cruinneachadh sgeulachdan eachdraidheil. Fear de na daoine ris an do bhruidhinn e anns an Apainn, ‘s e fear Iain Òg MacColla, à làrach Baile Chaolais, mar a chanas sinn ris an-diugh. Dh’ inns Iain MacColla dha gur e a rinn am murt, fear Dòmhnall Stiùbhart.
[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] Thadhail na h-eòlaichean air làrach a’ mhuirt fhèin, faisg air Baile Chaolais cuideachd.
[An t-Àrd Oll Dàibhidh Barclay] We’d try and think “How was this crime actually committed? How would you set out to commit this crime?” And I think you’d run up to somebody and shoot them from close range, with or without a musket. Interesting that I presume pistols were also available, a pistol would be much more sensible.
[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] Air an oidhche rinn iad sgrùdadh air an fhianais. Dh’ fhoillsich iad dealbh de dh’ Ailean Breac a chaidh a dhèanamh le coimpiutair a rèir an fhiosrachaidh sgrìobhte a tha ri fhaotainn.
[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] Chuala an luchd-èisteachd an seo a-nochd mura b’ e agus gun robh Ailean Breac Stiùbhart air fhaotainn ciontach agus e gun a bhith an-làthair aig a’ chùirt gun do mhurt e Cailean Ruadh, cha bhiodh Seumas a’ Ghlinne air binn-bàis fhaotainn idir airson a bhith ga cuideachadh agus bha an luchd-èisteachd air fad dhen bheachd nach robh fianais sam bith ann gur e Ailean Breac a mhurt Cailean Ruadh. Andreas Wolff, BBC An Là, An Gearastan.
A look at the Appin Murder
[Iain MacInnes - Presenter] Now, one of the most famous murder cases ever, in Scotland, the Appin Murder. The unanswered question remains who murdered Colin Roy Campbell an 1752? James of the Glen was hung for it, but it was Allan Breck Stewart who was under suspicion. Last night, the audience at an event in Fort William concluded that that duo were not innocent. Andreas Wolff picks up the story.
[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] There is a bothy in Glen Durar, near Appin, which is known as the House of James of the Glen. It appears that James of the Glen lived near here. He was hung in 1752 for aiding somebody in murdering Colin Roy Campbell. Yesterday experts visited the areas connected with The Appin Murder.
[Professor Jim Hunter] James was the foster father of Allan, Allan Stewart, Allan Breck Stewart, who was the person who was named by the investigators and by the authorities and at the trial as the perpetrator of the crime, the man who had pulled the trigger. Of course Allan, long before the trial was held, was safely away in France.
[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] But it appears that there is evidence about who did the murder.
[Dr Donald William Stewart] We are very fortunate that there was Iain MacKindewar that was going round the Highlands, about the middle of the Nineteenth Century and he would collect historical stories. One of those he spoke to was in Appin, he was Young Iain MacColl from near Ballachulish, as we call it today. Iain MacColl told him who did the murder, one Donald Stewart.
[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] The experts visited the site of the murder itself, near Ballachuilish itself, too.
[Professor David Barclay] We’d try and think “How was this crime actually committed? How would you set out to commit this crime?” And I think you’d run up to somebody and shoot them from close range, with or without a musket. Interesting that I presume pistols were also available, a pistol would be much more sensible.
[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] At night, they examined the evidence. They published a photo of what Allan Breck which was done on computer based on written information.
[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] The audience here heard tonight if Allan Breck Stewart was, or was not found guilty tonight and he was not present in court that he murdered Colin Roy, James of the Glen would not have got the death sentence at all for assisting him and the whole audience were of the opinion that there was no evidence that Allan Stewart committed the murder of Colin Roy. Andreas Wolff, BBC An Là, Fort William.