News Naidheachdan
Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.
Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.
Deich bliadhna bho dh' fhosgail na dorsan aig Ionad Dualchais na Comraich
[Alasdair Friseil - Preseantair] Nise, tha Ionad Dualchais no taigh-tasgaidh na Comraich a' comharrachadh deich bliadhna bho dh' fhosgail iad na dorsan. Tha iad air a bhith air leth soirbheachail fad na h-ùine sin le grunn nithean inntinneach bho na seann làithean anns an sgìre gan taisbeanadh, ach gu h-àraidh, a' chuibhle shnìomh - rud a bha uaireigin bitheanta air a' Chomraich. Tha Padraig MacAmhlaigh ag aithris.
[Padraig MacAmhlaigh – Neach-aithris] Tha a' Chomraich air atharrachadh gu mòr, eadhon mu mheadhan an Fhicheadamh Linn. Seann chleachdaidhean air a dhol à bith, cuid dhiubh nach till. Ach co-dhiù, rinn muinntir na sgìre cinnteach gun deach an eachdraidh aca a ghleidheadh.
[Padraig MacAmhlaigh – Neach-aithris] Tha Ionad Dualchais na Comraich air a bhith fosgailte dìreach deich bliadhna. Thar na h-ùine sin, tha mìltean dhaoine air a dhol tro na dorsan – dà mhìle dhiubh am-bliadhna fhèin. Tha dualchas làidir an seo agus aig cridhe an dualchais sin, tha a' chuibhle shnìomh.
[Padraig MacAmhlaigh – Neach-aithris] Air sgàth na h-oidhirp a rinn a’ choimhearsnachd, tha seann sgilean, leithid snìomh fhathast san fhollais.
[Gòrdan Camshron] Tha feadhainn fhathast anns an sgìre a tha ga dhèanamh mar chur-seachad agus tha feadhainn fhathast ga dhèanamh mar ghnìomhachas cuideachd air a’ chost a Tuath. Tha teaghlach an sin a tha ag obair gu dlùth ri clòimh is rudan mar sin, snìomh agus tha na sgilean sin againne fhathast anns a’ choimhearsnachd, tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil e gu math cudromach gu bheil sinne mar bhuidheann a’ cur taic riutha.
[Padraig MacAmhlaigh – Neach-aithris] Tha Mairead Pheutan air a bhith a’ snìomh an seo bho dh’ fhosgail an t-ionad, a’ sealltainn do shean is òg ciamar bu chòir a dhèanamh, cur-seachad a tha fìor chòrdadh rithe.
[Mairead Pheutan] It’s absolutely wonderful, thank you very much. In the winter it keeps me going because I wash little bits of fleece and I put them out to dry and I do a little bit of dyeing too, so that keeps me going and then I knit little things too, but it’s the summertime. In the winter, we’re all schizophrenics, I think. There’s the winter life and there’s the summer life, like your winter palace and your summer palace, so it’s always interesting.
[Padraig MacAmhlaigh – Neach-aithris] Agus ciamar a chòrd e ris a’ chaileig seo bho cheann a Deas Shasainn?
[Katie] It’s really interesting learning about all the wool and stuff coming from Scotland. Learning how to actually do it instead of like the machineries, learning how they used to do it.
[Gòrdan Camshron] Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil e gu math cudromach oir tha ise a’ tàladh uiread de dhaoine dhan taigh-tasgaidh, dhan Ionad dualchais a tha seo agus chì thu gu bheil an uiread a’ gabhail tlachd às na tha i a’ dèanamh. Tha e cuideachd cudromach gu bheil daoine a’ faicinn rudan mar seo a tha traidiseanta a bhuineas dhan a sgìre gu bheil cuideigin fhathast comasach na sgilean sin a chur an gnìomh.
[Padraig MacAmhlaigh – Neach-aithris] Padraig MacAmhlaigh, BBC An Là, A’ Chomraich.
Ten years since the Applecross Heritage Centre opened
[Alasdair Fraser - Presenter] Now the Heritage Centre, or Applecross Museum celebrates ten years since its doors opened. They have been very successful in that time exhibiting many interesting things from the old days in that area, but especially the spinning wheel – something that was once common in Applecross. Peter MacAulay reports.
[Peter MacAulay – Reporter] Applecross has changed greatly, about the middle in the Twentieth Cetury. Old ways that have gone out of use, many that won’t return. But anyway, the people of the area are sure that they will preserve their history.
[Peter MacAulay – Reporter] The Applecross Heritage Centre has been open for just ten years. Through that time, thousands have gone through the doors, two thousand this year itself. There is a strong heritage here and at the heart of that heritage the spinning wheel.
[Peter MacAulay – Reporter] Due to the effort made by the community, old skills, like spinning are still evident.
[Gordon Cameron] There are still some in the area who do this as a hobby and some still do it as a business too on the North coast. The family there work closely with tweed and things like that, spinning and those skills are still with us in the community, I think that it is very important that we, as a group, are supporting them.
[Peter MacAulay – Reporter] Margret Beaton has been spinning here since the centre opened, demonstrating to old and young how to do it, a hobby that she really enjoys.
[Margaret Beaton] It’s absolutely wonderful, thank you very much. In the winter it keeps me going because I wash little bits of fleece and I put them out to dry and I do a little bit of dyeing too, so that keeps me going and then I knit little things too, but it’s the summertime. In the winter, we’re all schizophrenics, I think. There’s the winter life and there’s the summer life, like your winter palace and your summer palace, so it’s always interesting.
[Peter MacAulay – Reporter] And how did the young girl from the south of England enjoy it?
[Katie] It’s really interesting learning about all the wool and stuff coming from Scotland. Learning how to actually do it instead of like the machineries, learning how they used to do it.
[Gordon Cameron] I think it is really important as she is attracting a number of people to the museum to the Heritage Centre here and you’ll see that there is a number who take delight from what she is doing. It is also important that people see things like this that are traditional to their area and that people are still competent in putting those skills to good use.
[Peter MacAulay – Reporter] Peter MacAulay, BBC An Là, Applecross.
Deich bliadhna bho dh' fhosgail na dorsan aig Ionad Dualchais na Comraich
[Alasdair Friseil - Preseantair] Nise, tha Ionad Dualchais no taigh-tasgaidh na Comraich a' comharrachadh deich bliadhna bho dh' fhosgail iad na dorsan. Tha iad air a bhith air leth soirbheachail fad na h-ùine sin le grunn nithean inntinneach bho na seann làithean anns an sgìre gan taisbeanadh, ach gu h-àraidh, a' chuibhle shnìomh - rud a bha uaireigin bitheanta air a' Chomraich. Tha Padraig MacAmhlaigh ag aithris.
[Padraig MacAmhlaigh – Neach-aithris] Tha a' Chomraich air atharrachadh gu mòr, eadhon mu mheadhan an Fhicheadamh Linn. Seann chleachdaidhean air a dhol à bith, cuid dhiubh nach till. Ach co-dhiù, rinn muinntir na sgìre cinnteach gun deach an eachdraidh aca a ghleidheadh.
[Padraig MacAmhlaigh – Neach-aithris] Tha Ionad Dualchais na Comraich air a bhith fosgailte dìreach deich bliadhna. Thar na h-ùine sin, tha mìltean dhaoine air a dhol tro na dorsan – dà mhìle dhiubh am-bliadhna fhèin. Tha dualchas làidir an seo agus aig cridhe an dualchais sin, tha a' chuibhle shnìomh.
[Padraig MacAmhlaigh – Neach-aithris] Air sgàth na h-oidhirp a rinn a’ choimhearsnachd, tha seann sgilean, leithid snìomh fhathast san fhollais.
[Gòrdan Camshron] Tha feadhainn fhathast anns an sgìre a tha ga dhèanamh mar chur-seachad agus tha feadhainn fhathast ga dhèanamh mar ghnìomhachas cuideachd air a’ chost a Tuath. Tha teaghlach an sin a tha ag obair gu dlùth ri clòimh is rudan mar sin, snìomh agus tha na sgilean sin againne fhathast anns a’ choimhearsnachd, tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil e gu math cudromach gu bheil sinne mar bhuidheann a’ cur taic riutha.
[Padraig MacAmhlaigh – Neach-aithris] Tha Mairead Pheutan air a bhith a’ snìomh an seo bho dh’ fhosgail an t-ionad, a’ sealltainn do shean is òg ciamar bu chòir a dhèanamh, cur-seachad a tha fìor chòrdadh rithe.
[Mairead Pheutan] It’s absolutely wonderful, thank you very much. In the winter it keeps me going because I wash little bits of fleece and I put them out to dry and I do a little bit of dyeing too, so that keeps me going and then I knit little things too, but it’s the summertime. In the winter, we’re all schizophrenics, I think. There’s the winter life and there’s the summer life, like your winter palace and your summer palace, so it’s always interesting.
[Padraig MacAmhlaigh – Neach-aithris] Agus ciamar a chòrd e ris a’ chaileig seo bho cheann a Deas Shasainn?
[Katie] It’s really interesting learning about all the wool and stuff coming from Scotland. Learning how to actually do it instead of like the machineries, learning how they used to do it.
[Gòrdan Camshron] Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil e gu math cudromach oir tha ise a’ tàladh uiread de dhaoine dhan taigh-tasgaidh, dhan Ionad dualchais a tha seo agus chì thu gu bheil an uiread a’ gabhail tlachd às na tha i a’ dèanamh. Tha e cuideachd cudromach gu bheil daoine a’ faicinn rudan mar seo a tha traidiseanta a bhuineas dhan a sgìre gu bheil cuideigin fhathast comasach na sgilean sin a chur an gnìomh.
[Padraig MacAmhlaigh – Neach-aithris] Padraig MacAmhlaigh, BBC An Là, A’ Chomraich.
Ten years since the Applecross Heritage Centre opened
[Alasdair Fraser - Presenter] Now the Heritage Centre, or Applecross Museum celebrates ten years since its doors opened. They have been very successful in that time exhibiting many interesting things from the old days in that area, but especially the spinning wheel – something that was once common in Applecross. Peter MacAulay reports.
[Peter MacAulay – Reporter] Applecross has changed greatly, about the middle in the Twentieth Cetury. Old ways that have gone out of use, many that won’t return. But anyway, the people of the area are sure that they will preserve their history.
[Peter MacAulay – Reporter] The Applecross Heritage Centre has been open for just ten years. Through that time, thousands have gone through the doors, two thousand this year itself. There is a strong heritage here and at the heart of that heritage the spinning wheel.
[Peter MacAulay – Reporter] Due to the effort made by the community, old skills, like spinning are still evident.
[Gordon Cameron] There are still some in the area who do this as a hobby and some still do it as a business too on the North coast. The family there work closely with tweed and things like that, spinning and those skills are still with us in the community, I think that it is very important that we, as a group, are supporting them.
[Peter MacAulay – Reporter] Margret Beaton has been spinning here since the centre opened, demonstrating to old and young how to do it, a hobby that she really enjoys.
[Margaret Beaton] It’s absolutely wonderful, thank you very much. In the winter it keeps me going because I wash little bits of fleece and I put them out to dry and I do a little bit of dyeing too, so that keeps me going and then I knit little things too, but it’s the summertime. In the winter, we’re all schizophrenics, I think. There’s the winter life and there’s the summer life, like your winter palace and your summer palace, so it’s always interesting.
[Peter MacAulay – Reporter] And how did the young girl from the south of England enjoy it?
[Katie] It’s really interesting learning about all the wool and stuff coming from Scotland. Learning how to actually do it instead of like the machineries, learning how they used to do it.
[Gordon Cameron] I think it is really important as she is attracting a number of people to the museum to the Heritage Centre here and you’ll see that there is a number who take delight from what she is doing. It is also important that people see things like this that are traditional to their area and that people are still competent in putting those skills to good use.
[Peter MacAulay – Reporter] Peter MacAulay, BBC An Là, Applecross.