FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

News Naidheachdan

B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Barrachd luchd-siubhail a’ tighinn chun na Gàidhealtachd air soithichean mòra turasachd

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Angela NicIlleathain - Preseantair] Tha barrachd luchd-siubhail a’ tighinn chun na Gàidhealtachd am-bliadhna air soithichean mòra turasachd na thàinig a-riamh roimhe. ‘S e Inbhir Ghòrdain am prìomh phort gu bheil iad a’ tighinn agus tha na h-àireamhan suas fichead per cent ann an sin air a’ bhliadhna an-uiridh. Tha sin a’ toirt spionnadh mòr do dh’ eaconomaidh Inbhir Ghòrdain fhèin agus dhan Ghàidhealtachd, anns an fharsaingeachd. Agus tha coltas gur ann a’ sìor-fhàs a bhios an gnìomhachas. Tha Dòmhnall Moireasdan ag aithris.

[Dòmhnall Moireasdan – Neach-aithris] Tha gnìomhachas nan loidhnearan turasachd air a bhith a’ fàs air a’ Ghàidhealtachd bho chionn bliadhnaichean. Ach tha na h-àireamhan a-nise smaoineachail leis cho mòr ‘s a tha na soithichean fhèin a’ fàs. Tha i seo a’ dèanamh godan do thaighean a’ bhaile. Tha dùil ri faisg air ceud mìle neach-siubhail ann an Inbhir Gòrdain am-bliadhna suas fichead sa cheud.

[Dòmhnall Moireasdan – Neach-aithris] mhòr a tha a-staigh an-diugh, An Aida Stella, buinidh i dhan chompanaidh Gearmailteach, Aida. Tha còrr air trì-fichead ‘s a deich mìle tunna innte. ‘S tha i an seo a’ giùlain còrr air mìle ‘s trì ceud neach-siubhail.

[Dòmhnall Moireasdan – Neach-aithris] Tha feadhainn nas motha na seo a’ tighinn cuideachd le trì mìle gu leth neach-siubhail. ‘S e meud nan loidhnearan ùra ‘s na tha iad a’ gabhail air bòrd a tha a’ toirt buannachd mhòr dhan Ghàidhealtachd.

[Capt Iain Dunderdale] I think it’s because the liners every year are getting bigger. Each liner is carrying more people on board and we’ve had some very big liners this year. For example, Queen Mary 2 has been in. In general, each of the ships is bringing more passengers and they’re here pretty frequently.

[Dòmhnall Moireasdan – Neach-aithris] Tha fàilte mhòr ga chur orra agus buannachdan eaconamach ga thoirt asta. Tha iad airson siubhail a dh’fhaicinnnan rudan àbhaisteach, Loch Nis, caistealan agus àrainneach na tìre.

[Neach-turais] We want Loch Ness scene in the Highlands, We want the castle scene, De Schlösser, and we want the land scene.

[Dòmhnall Moireasdan – Neach-aithris] Chan eil aig soitheach, ach aig port mar as trice. Tha mòran de na tha air bòrd ri siubhail fad is farsaing, ach chan eil a h-uile duine agus tha sin na bhuannachd do dh’ eaconomaidh Inbhir Ghòrdain fhèin.

[Seoras Carson] Those that don’t take any of the tours, we try to encourage them to get involved in Invergordon, take in a bit of the local history through the museum. We have a mural trail where we encourage them to take that as well. Maybe go to the golf club, have a game of golf, go to the bowling club, have a game of bowls. Meet them and greet them and entertain them for the day.

[Dòmhnall Moireasdan – Neach-aithris] Tha muinntir a’ bhaile a’ gabhail a h-uile cothrom. Ag iarraidh do dhealbh a thogail ri taobh am Ferrari agam? Tha gu leòr a’ pàigheadh airson sin a dhèanamh. Pàigh barrachd agus gheibh thu spin ann. Leis na h-àireamhan a’ sìor dol an àirde, tha companaidhean bhusaichean, ‘s leithid thaighean-staile a’ faicinn buannachd mhòr anns na soithichean anns an àm ri teachd. Agus coileanaidh iad a’ chuid mhòr a gheallas iad. Ceart gu leòr a bhith a’ gealltainn Nessie do Ghearmailtich a-màireach, nuair a tha fhios agad gu bheil iad a’ seòladh a-nochd fhèin. Ach is coma leotha, tha e coltach, cumaidh iad a’ tighinn. Dòmhnall Moireasdan, BBC An Là, Inbhir Ghòrdain.



More travellers are coming to the Highlands in big cruise liners

English Beurla

[Angela MacLean - Presenter] More tourists are coming to the Highlands this year on big tourist ships than have ever came before. Invergordon is the main port that they come to and their numbers have increased by 20 per cent this year. This has invigorated the economy of Invergordon itself and of the Highlands in general. And it would appear that this industry is growing. Donald Morrison reports.

[Donald Morrison – Reporter] The industry in tourist liners has been growing in the Highlands for years. But the numbers are amazing as the ships are growing. This one is making a mockery of the houses of the town. It is expected that there will be one hundred thousand tourists in Invergordon this year, a rise of 20 per cent.

[Donald Morrison – Reporter] The big one that is in today, The Aida Stella, she belongs to the German company, Aida. She weighs more than ten thousand tonnes. And she carries more than two thousand, three hundred tourists.

[Donald Morrison – Reporter] Bigger ones than this also come with three thousand five hundred tourists. It’s the size of the new liners and what they take on board that brings a big gain to the Highlands.

[Capt Ian Dunderdale] I think it’s because the liners every year are getting bigger. Each liner is carrying more people on board and we’ve had some very big liners this year. For example, Queen MaryII has been in. In general, each of the ships is bringing more passengers and they’re here pretty frequently.

[Donald Morrison – Reporter] They give them a warm welcome and the economic bonuses they bring with them. They want to travel to see the usual things, Loch Ness, castles and the environment of the land.

[Tourist] We want Loch Ness scene in the Highlands, We want the castle scene, De Schlösser, and we want the land scene.

[Donald Morrison – Reporter] The ship is only at port for a day, more often than not. Many who are on board want to travel far and wide, but not everyone does and that is a bonus to the economy of Invergordon itself.

[George Carson] Those that don’t take any of the tours, we try to encourage them to get involved in Invergordon, take in a bit of the local history through the museum. We have a mural trail where we encourage them to take that as well. Maybe go to the golf club, have a game of golf, go to the bowling club, have a game of bowls. Meet them and greet them and entertain them for the day.

[Donald Morrison – Reporter] The people of the town are grabbing every opportunity. Want a picture beside my Ferrari? Plenty pay to do that. Pay a bit more and you can have a spin in it. With the numbers growing in size, bus companies, and the likes of distilleries are seeing future advantages. And many will fulfil what they promise. It’s quite alright to promise Nessie to Germans tomorrow, when you know that they are sailing tonight. But they could not care less, it would seem, they will keep coming. Donald Morrison, BBC An Là, Invergordon.



Barrachd luchd-siubhail a’ tighinn chun na Gàidhealtachd air soithichean mòra turasachd

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Angela NicIlleathain - Preseantair] Tha barrachd luchd-siubhail a’ tighinn chun na Gàidhealtachd am-bliadhna air soithichean mòra turasachd na thàinig a-riamh roimhe. ‘S e Inbhir Ghòrdain am prìomh phort gu bheil iad a’ tighinn agus tha na h-àireamhan suas fichead per cent ann an sin air a’ bhliadhna an-uiridh. Tha sin a’ toirt spionnadh mòr do dh’ eaconomaidh Inbhir Ghòrdain fhèin agus dhan Ghàidhealtachd, anns an fharsaingeachd. Agus tha coltas gur ann a’ sìor-fhàs a bhios an gnìomhachas. Tha Dòmhnall Moireasdan ag aithris.

[Dòmhnall Moireasdan – Neach-aithris] Tha gnìomhachas nan loidhnearan turasachd air a bhith a’ fàs air a’ Ghàidhealtachd bho chionn bliadhnaichean. Ach tha na h-àireamhan a-nise smaoineachail leis cho mòr ‘s a tha na soithichean fhèin a’ fàs. Tha i seo a’ dèanamh godan do thaighean a’ bhaile. Tha dùil ri faisg air ceud mìle neach-siubhail ann an Inbhir Gòrdain am-bliadhna suas fichead sa cheud.

[Dòmhnall Moireasdan – Neach-aithris] mhòr a tha a-staigh an-diugh, An Aida Stella, buinidh i dhan chompanaidh Gearmailteach, Aida. Tha còrr air trì-fichead ‘s a deich mìle tunna innte. ‘S tha i an seo a’ giùlain còrr air mìle ‘s trì ceud neach-siubhail.

[Dòmhnall Moireasdan – Neach-aithris] Tha feadhainn nas motha na seo a’ tighinn cuideachd le trì mìle gu leth neach-siubhail. ‘S e meud nan loidhnearan ùra ‘s na tha iad a’ gabhail air bòrd a tha a’ toirt buannachd mhòr dhan Ghàidhealtachd.

[Capt Iain Dunderdale] I think it’s because the liners every year are getting bigger. Each liner is carrying more people on board and we’ve had some very big liners this year. For example, Queen Mary 2 has been in. In general, each of the ships is bringing more passengers and they’re here pretty frequently.

[Dòmhnall Moireasdan – Neach-aithris] Tha fàilte mhòr ga chur orra agus buannachdan eaconamach ga thoirt asta. Tha iad airson siubhail a dh’fhaicinnnan rudan àbhaisteach, Loch Nis, caistealan agus àrainneach na tìre.

[Neach-turais] We want Loch Ness scene in the Highlands, We want the castle scene, De Schlösser, and we want the land scene.

[Dòmhnall Moireasdan – Neach-aithris] Chan eil aig soitheach, ach aig port mar as trice. Tha mòran de na tha air bòrd ri siubhail fad is farsaing, ach chan eil a h-uile duine agus tha sin na bhuannachd do dh’ eaconomaidh Inbhir Ghòrdain fhèin.

[Seoras Carson] Those that don’t take any of the tours, we try to encourage them to get involved in Invergordon, take in a bit of the local history through the museum. We have a mural trail where we encourage them to take that as well. Maybe go to the golf club, have a game of golf, go to the bowling club, have a game of bowls. Meet them and greet them and entertain them for the day.

[Dòmhnall Moireasdan – Neach-aithris] Tha muinntir a’ bhaile a’ gabhail a h-uile cothrom. Ag iarraidh do dhealbh a thogail ri taobh am Ferrari agam? Tha gu leòr a’ pàigheadh airson sin a dhèanamh. Pàigh barrachd agus gheibh thu spin ann. Leis na h-àireamhan a’ sìor dol an àirde, tha companaidhean bhusaichean, ‘s leithid thaighean-staile a’ faicinn buannachd mhòr anns na soithichean anns an àm ri teachd. Agus coileanaidh iad a’ chuid mhòr a gheallas iad. Ceart gu leòr a bhith a’ gealltainn Nessie do Ghearmailtich a-màireach, nuair a tha fhios agad gu bheil iad a’ seòladh a-nochd fhèin. Ach is coma leotha, tha e coltach, cumaidh iad a’ tighinn. Dòmhnall Moireasdan, BBC An Là, Inbhir Ghòrdain.



More travellers are coming to the Highlands in big cruise liners

English Beurla

[Angela MacLean - Presenter] More tourists are coming to the Highlands this year on big tourist ships than have ever came before. Invergordon is the main port that they come to and their numbers have increased by 20 per cent this year. This has invigorated the economy of Invergordon itself and of the Highlands in general. And it would appear that this industry is growing. Donald Morrison reports.

[Donald Morrison – Reporter] The industry in tourist liners has been growing in the Highlands for years. But the numbers are amazing as the ships are growing. This one is making a mockery of the houses of the town. It is expected that there will be one hundred thousand tourists in Invergordon this year, a rise of 20 per cent.

[Donald Morrison – Reporter] The big one that is in today, The Aida Stella, she belongs to the German company, Aida. She weighs more than ten thousand tonnes. And she carries more than two thousand, three hundred tourists.

[Donald Morrison – Reporter] Bigger ones than this also come with three thousand five hundred tourists. It’s the size of the new liners and what they take on board that brings a big gain to the Highlands.

[Capt Ian Dunderdale] I think it’s because the liners every year are getting bigger. Each liner is carrying more people on board and we’ve had some very big liners this year. For example, Queen MaryII has been in. In general, each of the ships is bringing more passengers and they’re here pretty frequently.

[Donald Morrison – Reporter] They give them a warm welcome and the economic bonuses they bring with them. They want to travel to see the usual things, Loch Ness, castles and the environment of the land.

[Tourist] We want Loch Ness scene in the Highlands, We want the castle scene, De Schlösser, and we want the land scene.

[Donald Morrison – Reporter] The ship is only at port for a day, more often than not. Many who are on board want to travel far and wide, but not everyone does and that is a bonus to the economy of Invergordon itself.

[George Carson] Those that don’t take any of the tours, we try to encourage them to get involved in Invergordon, take in a bit of the local history through the museum. We have a mural trail where we encourage them to take that as well. Maybe go to the golf club, have a game of golf, go to the bowling club, have a game of bowls. Meet them and greet them and entertain them for the day.

[Donald Morrison – Reporter] The people of the town are grabbing every opportunity. Want a picture beside my Ferrari? Plenty pay to do that. Pay a bit more and you can have a spin in it. With the numbers growing in size, bus companies, and the likes of distilleries are seeing future advantages. And many will fulfil what they promise. It’s quite alright to promise Nessie to Germans tomorrow, when you know that they are sailing tonight. But they could not care less, it would seem, they will keep coming. Donald Morrison, BBC An Là, Invergordon.



Inbhir Ghòrdain








