News Naidheachdan
Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.
Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.
1450 bliadhna ann bho thàinig Calum Cille chun an Eilein Idhe
[Iain MacIlleathain - Preseantair] Nise, thadhail Ceann-suidhe na h-Èireann, Mìcheal Higgins, air Eilean Idhe aig an deireadh-sheachdain agus iadsan a’ comharrachadh gu bheil mìle, ceithir cheud is leth-cheud bliadhna ann bho thàinig Calum Cille chun an Eilein. Thathar a’ smaoineachadh gur e Calum Cille a thug Crìosdaidheachd gu Alba an toiseach. Aig an deireadh-sheachdain ma-thà, chaidh seirbheis eacumainigeach a chumail ann an Abaid an Eilein. Chaidh Andreas Wolff ann dhuinne.
[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] Thadhail Ceann-suidhe na h-Èireann, Mìcheal Higgins air Eilean Idhe far a bheil iad a' comharrachadh gu bheil mìle, ceithir cheud is leth-cheud bliadhna ann bho thàinig an Naomh Calum Cille dhan eilean an toiseach.
[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] Thathar a' saoilsinn gur esan a thug an creideamh Crìosdail agus a' Ghàidhlig a dh'Alba. Chuir mi a’ cheist air Maighstir Higgins an robh e dhen bheachd gun robh na ceanglaichean eadar an dà dhùthaich fhathast cudromach san latha an-diugh?
[Mìcheal Higgins] There are opportunities that flow from the proximity of the two countries. But one of the ones. Some of the areas that I would myself twenty years ago when I was Minister for Culture, I think that are very important are in relation to what, are now called the creative industries.
[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] A bharrachd air diofar òraidean, fhuair an ceann-suidhe cothrom beagan fhaotainn a-mach mu bheul-aithris na sgìre.
[Màiri NicArtair] Innsidh mi dha gun robh dlùth… gu bheil Port Eilein dlùth air Port Ronan agus gur e Port Adhamhnan an t-ainm a th’ air agus tha sin ag innse dhuinn cho cudromach ‘s a bha Abaid Adhamhnan aig an àm.
[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] Bha buidheann às Èireann ag ùrnaigh fhad ‘s a bha iad a’ cuairteachadh tobar taobh a-muigh na h-Abaid. Agus chualas iomradh air cleachdaidhean ceangailte ris an Naomh.
[Flòraidh NicNèill] Lus Chaluim Chille. Nam faigheadh tu e gun sireadh gun iarraidh, bha e na bheannachadh mòr, agus 's e lus beag buidhe, dìreach mar gum biodh rionnag bheag.
[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] Aig seirbheis eacumainigeach anns an Abaid, chualas guthan Albannach, cho math ri Èireannach, Caitligeach agus Pròstanach. Ach, cha robh a h-uile duine cinnteach mun cheangal a bh’aig Naomh Chaluim Chille agus Crìosdaidheachd.
[Aonghas MacNeacail] Dh’ fhàg e Doire, àite nan Darroch, ann an Èirinn an Tuath agus thàinig e gu Eilean Idhe, agus ‘s e eilean air cuimhneachadh air craobh eile. Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh, chan eil fhios ‘am an robh e air tighinn dhan Chreideamh Chrìosdaidh, nuair a thàinig e an seo, ach bha an t-seann chreideamh, gu h-àraidh, bha e follaiseach gun robh an t-seann chreideamh agus a’ chumhachd a bh’ aig craobhan anns an seann creideamh an làthair.
[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] Chualas sailm gan seinn ann an Gaelige cuideachd. Tha Eilean Idhe air a bhith gu math trang am-bliadhna agus a’ choimhearsnachd Chrìosdail air an eilean a’ comharrachadh seachdad ‘s a chòig bliadhna bhon a chaidh a stèidheachadh cuideachd. Andreas Wolff, BBC An Là, Eilean Idhe.
1450 years since St Columba came to Iona
[Iain MacLean - Presenter] Now, the President of Ireland, Michael Higgins, visited the Isle of Iona at the weekend as they were celebrating that 1450 years have passed since St Columba came to the island. It is thought that it was Columba who first brought Christianity to Scotland. At the weekend then, there was an ecumenical service kept in the island’s Abbey. Andreas Wolff went for us.
[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] The President of Ireland, Michael Higgins, visited the Isle of Iona at the weekend as they were celebrating that 1450 years have passed since St Columba came to the island.
[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] It is thought that it was himself who brought the Christian faith and Gaelic to Scotland. I put the question to Michael Higgins and asked if he was of the opinion that the links between the two countries are still as important today?
[Mìcheal Higgins] There are opportunities that flow from the proximity of the two countries. But one of the ones. Some of the areas that I would myself twenty years ago when I was Minister for Culture, I think that are very important are in relation to what, are now called the creative industries.
[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] As well as different lectures, the President got the opportunity find out about oral history of the area.
[Màiri MacArthur] I told him that there was, that Port Ellen was close to Port Ronan and it Port Adamnan was the name it was given and that tells us how important Adamnan’s Abbey was at the time.
[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] A group from Ireland were praying as they were going around the well outside the abbey. And a report could be heard of customs connected with the saint.
[Flora MacNèill] St John’s Wort. If you found this when you weren’t looking for it, it was a big blessing, it’s a small yellow plant, just like a little yellow star.
[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] At an ecumenical service in the Abbey. Scottish voices could be heard just as well as Irish, Catholic and Protestant. But, not everyone was sure about the link between St Columba and Christianity.
[Aonghas MacNeacail] He left Derry, the place of the Darrochs, in Northern Ireland and he came to the island of Iona, and it’s an island that evokes a different tree. I think, I don’t know if he came to the Christian faith, when he came here, but the old religion, especially, it was clear that the old faith and the power that the trees had in the old religion that was involved.
[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] Psalms could be heard in Irish too. The Isle of Iona has been very busy this year and the Christian community on the island is celebration the 75 years since it was set up too. Andreas Wolff, BBC An Là, Iona.
1450 bliadhna ann bho thàinig Calum Cille chun an Eilein Idhe
[Iain MacIlleathain - Preseantair] Nise, thadhail Ceann-suidhe na h-Èireann, Mìcheal Higgins, air Eilean Idhe aig an deireadh-sheachdain agus iadsan a’ comharrachadh gu bheil mìle, ceithir cheud is leth-cheud bliadhna ann bho thàinig Calum Cille chun an Eilein. Thathar a’ smaoineachadh gur e Calum Cille a thug Crìosdaidheachd gu Alba an toiseach. Aig an deireadh-sheachdain ma-thà, chaidh seirbheis eacumainigeach a chumail ann an Abaid an Eilein. Chaidh Andreas Wolff ann dhuinne.
[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] Thadhail Ceann-suidhe na h-Èireann, Mìcheal Higgins air Eilean Idhe far a bheil iad a' comharrachadh gu bheil mìle, ceithir cheud is leth-cheud bliadhna ann bho thàinig an Naomh Calum Cille dhan eilean an toiseach.
[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] Thathar a' saoilsinn gur esan a thug an creideamh Crìosdail agus a' Ghàidhlig a dh'Alba. Chuir mi a’ cheist air Maighstir Higgins an robh e dhen bheachd gun robh na ceanglaichean eadar an dà dhùthaich fhathast cudromach san latha an-diugh?
[Mìcheal Higgins] There are opportunities that flow from the proximity of the two countries. But one of the ones. Some of the areas that I would myself twenty years ago when I was Minister for Culture, I think that are very important are in relation to what, are now called the creative industries.
[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] A bharrachd air diofar òraidean, fhuair an ceann-suidhe cothrom beagan fhaotainn a-mach mu bheul-aithris na sgìre.
[Màiri NicArtair] Innsidh mi dha gun robh dlùth… gu bheil Port Eilein dlùth air Port Ronan agus gur e Port Adhamhnan an t-ainm a th’ air agus tha sin ag innse dhuinn cho cudromach ‘s a bha Abaid Adhamhnan aig an àm.
[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] Bha buidheann às Èireann ag ùrnaigh fhad ‘s a bha iad a’ cuairteachadh tobar taobh a-muigh na h-Abaid. Agus chualas iomradh air cleachdaidhean ceangailte ris an Naomh.
[Flòraidh NicNèill] Lus Chaluim Chille. Nam faigheadh tu e gun sireadh gun iarraidh, bha e na bheannachadh mòr, agus 's e lus beag buidhe, dìreach mar gum biodh rionnag bheag.
[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] Aig seirbheis eacumainigeach anns an Abaid, chualas guthan Albannach, cho math ri Èireannach, Caitligeach agus Pròstanach. Ach, cha robh a h-uile duine cinnteach mun cheangal a bh’aig Naomh Chaluim Chille agus Crìosdaidheachd.
[Aonghas MacNeacail] Dh’ fhàg e Doire, àite nan Darroch, ann an Èirinn an Tuath agus thàinig e gu Eilean Idhe, agus ‘s e eilean air cuimhneachadh air craobh eile. Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh, chan eil fhios ‘am an robh e air tighinn dhan Chreideamh Chrìosdaidh, nuair a thàinig e an seo, ach bha an t-seann chreideamh, gu h-àraidh, bha e follaiseach gun robh an t-seann chreideamh agus a’ chumhachd a bh’ aig craobhan anns an seann creideamh an làthair.
[Andreas Wolff – Neach-aithris] Chualas sailm gan seinn ann an Gaelige cuideachd. Tha Eilean Idhe air a bhith gu math trang am-bliadhna agus a’ choimhearsnachd Chrìosdail air an eilean a’ comharrachadh seachdad ‘s a chòig bliadhna bhon a chaidh a stèidheachadh cuideachd. Andreas Wolff, BBC An Là, Eilean Idhe.
1450 years since St Columba came to Iona
[Iain MacLean - Presenter] Now, the President of Ireland, Michael Higgins, visited the Isle of Iona at the weekend as they were celebrating that 1450 years have passed since St Columba came to the island. It is thought that it was Columba who first brought Christianity to Scotland. At the weekend then, there was an ecumenical service kept in the island’s Abbey. Andreas Wolff went for us.
[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] The President of Ireland, Michael Higgins, visited the Isle of Iona at the weekend as they were celebrating that 1450 years have passed since St Columba came to the island.
[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] It is thought that it was himself who brought the Christian faith and Gaelic to Scotland. I put the question to Michael Higgins and asked if he was of the opinion that the links between the two countries are still as important today?
[Mìcheal Higgins] There are opportunities that flow from the proximity of the two countries. But one of the ones. Some of the areas that I would myself twenty years ago when I was Minister for Culture, I think that are very important are in relation to what, are now called the creative industries.
[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] As well as different lectures, the President got the opportunity find out about oral history of the area.
[Màiri MacArthur] I told him that there was, that Port Ellen was close to Port Ronan and it Port Adamnan was the name it was given and that tells us how important Adamnan’s Abbey was at the time.
[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] A group from Ireland were praying as they were going around the well outside the abbey. And a report could be heard of customs connected with the saint.
[Flora MacNèill] St John’s Wort. If you found this when you weren’t looking for it, it was a big blessing, it’s a small yellow plant, just like a little yellow star.
[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] At an ecumenical service in the Abbey. Scottish voices could be heard just as well as Irish, Catholic and Protestant. But, not everyone was sure about the link between St Columba and Christianity.
[Aonghas MacNeacail] He left Derry, the place of the Darrochs, in Northern Ireland and he came to the island of Iona, and it’s an island that evokes a different tree. I think, I don’t know if he came to the Christian faith, when he came here, but the old religion, especially, it was clear that the old faith and the power that the trees had in the old religion that was involved.
[Andreas Wolff – Reporter] Psalms could be heard in Irish too. The Isle of Iona has been very busy this year and the Christian community on the island is celebration the 75 years since it was set up too. Andreas Wolff, BBC An Là, Iona.