News Naidheachdan
Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.
Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.
Ceud bliadhna on a chaidh an Loidse a' Chaoil a stèidheachadh
[Iain MacAonghais - Preseantair] Nise, bha Saor-Chlachairean bho air feadh na h-Alba an làthair ann an Caol Loch Aillse Disathairne 's tha iad a' comharrachadh ceud bliadhna on a chaidh an loidse a stèidheachadh ann an sin. Tha eachdraidh inntinneach aig Loidse a' Chaoil, gu h-àraidh leis an dlùth-cheangal a bh' aca ris a' Chabhlach Rìoghail tro chogaidhean mòra na 20mh Linne. Tha Pàdraig MacAmhlaidh ag aithris às a' Chaol.
[Padraig MacAmhlaidh – Neach-aithris] Tha iad air a moladh agus tha iad air malachadh, ach tha aon nì cinnteach, tha Saor-Chlachaireachd slàn fallain ann an iomadh baile beag Gàidhealach. Bha a-riamh cliù aig Saor-Chlachairean airson carthannas agus tha Loidse a' Chaoil moiteil às na tha i fhèin a’ dèanamh dhan fheadhainn a tha feumach.
[Eanraig MacAonghais] Tha i uabhasach cudromach sa choimhearsnachd a chionn ma bhios coinneamh aca, bidh iad a’ trusadh airgead agus bidh iad an uair sin a’ toirt an airgid sin a-mach airson daoine nach eil cho math dheth ‘s a tha iad fhèin. Mar eisimpleir, an-uiridh thug iad còig ceud not gu Crossroads Care ann an Caol Acainn agus thug iad còig ceud not do Nursaichean Mhic a’ Mhaoilein anns a’ Chaol anns an seo fhèin. Agus a barrachd air an sin, bidh iad a’ toirt airgead thall ‘s a bhos do charthannas is rudan mar sin cuideachd.
[Ronnie Miller] What we do is helping people. That can be in a tangible way by direct aid. In other words, money, or it can be by supporting people who need support. We also offer something that people can participate in. It’s very difficult to explain what freemasonry is until you’re a part of it, but the fraternal aspect of it, being with other people rather than sitting at home watching TV or videos.
[Pàdraig MacAmhlaidh – Neach-aithris] Ged a bha mòran do bhuill na Loidse air falbh tron Dàrna Cogadh, ‘s ann a thàinig fàs air Loidse a' Chaoil aig an àm sin. Bha sin air sgàth ‘s gur e Port den Chabhlach Rìoghail a bh’ anns a’ Chaol agus seo far am biodh seòladairean a’ dol dhan Loidse, seach gun robh iad air falbh bho na loidseachan aca fhèin.
[Pàdraig MacAmhlaidh – Neach-aithris] Seo cumhaichean a fhuair Loidse a’ Chaoil bho chriutha soithich a bha an-sàs ann an obair dhìomhair eadar Innis Tìle agus na h-Eileanan Fàrothach.
[Eanraig MacAonghais] Bha i a’ cur sìos mèinnichean agus bha na seòladairean a bh’ oirre, bha iad a’ cleachdadh na loidse a bha seo agus mar chuimhneachan oirre dh’ fhàg iad an dà phìos fiodh an sin leis na chuir iad plaque oirre. Agus is ann mar chuimhneachan air an t-soitheach a bha sin.
[Pàdraig MacAmhlaidh – Neach-aithris] Chan ann tric a tha camara telebhisein a’ faighinn a-steach do Loidse Shaor-Chlachairean, a’ fàgail gu bheil cuid amharasach mun dìomhaireachd a tha a’ cuairteachadh gnothaich. Ach canaidh Saor-Chlachairean gur e maitheas a’ bhunait a th’ aca.
[Eanraig MacAonghais] A dh’ aindeoin dè tha daoine a’ smaoineachadh. ‘S ann air a’ Bhìoball, tha a h-uile càil a tha stèidhichte mu dheidhinn nan Clachairean. Tha am Bìoball fosgailte aig a h-uile coinneamh a th’ againne agus nuair a tha sinn a’ dèanamh càil ‘s ann air a’ Bhìoball a tha a h-uile càil air a dhèanadh.
[Padraig MacAmhlaidh – Neach-aithris] Padraig MacAmhlaidh, BBC An Là, Caol Loch Aillse.
100 years since Kyle Lodge was established
[Iain MacInnes - Preseanter] Now, Freemasons from all over Scotland were in Kyle of Lochalsh on Saturday. They were commemorating 100 years since the lodge was established there. There is an interesting history at the Kyle Lodge, especially with the close link they made with The Royal Navy through the wars of the 20th Century. Peter MacAulay reports from Kyle.
[Peter MacAulay – Reporter] They have been praised and cursed, but one for certain, Freemasons are fit and well in many a small Highland town. They have always had a reputation for charity and Kyle Lodge are proud of the things they do themselves for those in need.
[Henry MacInnes] It is awfully important in the community as if they have a meeting, this will raise money and they will then donate that money to people who are not so well off as themselves. For example, last year, they gave £500 to crossroads Care in Kyleakin and they gave £500 to the MacMillan Nurses here in Kyle itself. And, in addition to this, they give money abroad to charity and things like that too.
[Ronnie Miller] What we do is helping people. That can be in a tangible way by direct aid. In other words, money, or it can be by supporting people who need support. We also offer something that people can participate in. It’s very difficult to explain what freemasonry is until you’re a part of it, but the fraternal aspect of it, being with other people rather than sitting at home watching TV or videos.
[Peter MacAulay – Reporter] Although many of the members of the Lodge were away through the Second World War, that’s the time when the Kyle Lodge grew. That was because the Royal Navy’s Port was in Kyle and this is where the sailors would go to the Lodge, as they were away from their own Lodges.
[Peter MacAulay – Reporter] This is a memorial that the Kyle Lodge received from the crew of a ship that was involved in a secret mission between Iceland and the Faroe Islands.
[Henry MacInnes] She was planting mines and the sailors who were on-board, they were using the Lodge and as a souvenir, they left two pieces of wood here and they put a plaque on it. And it is like a memorial of that ship.
[Peter MacAulay – Reporter] It’s not very often that a television camera is allowed inside a Freemasons’ Lodge, which leaves many concerned about the secrecy that surrounds their matters. But the Freemasons would say that they are based on good.
[Henry MacInnes] In spite of what people think, it is upon the Bible that everything is based about the Masons. The Bible is open at every meeting that we have when we are doing anything, it is on the Bible that everything we do is based.
[Peter MacAulay – Reporter] Peter MacAulay, BBC An Là, Kyle of Lochalsh.
Ceud bliadhna on a chaidh an Loidse a' Chaoil a stèidheachadh
[Iain MacAonghais - Preseantair] Nise, bha Saor-Chlachairean bho air feadh na h-Alba an làthair ann an Caol Loch Aillse Disathairne 's tha iad a' comharrachadh ceud bliadhna on a chaidh an loidse a stèidheachadh ann an sin. Tha eachdraidh inntinneach aig Loidse a' Chaoil, gu h-àraidh leis an dlùth-cheangal a bh' aca ris a' Chabhlach Rìoghail tro chogaidhean mòra na 20mh Linne. Tha Pàdraig MacAmhlaidh ag aithris às a' Chaol.
[Padraig MacAmhlaidh – Neach-aithris] Tha iad air a moladh agus tha iad air malachadh, ach tha aon nì cinnteach, tha Saor-Chlachaireachd slàn fallain ann an iomadh baile beag Gàidhealach. Bha a-riamh cliù aig Saor-Chlachairean airson carthannas agus tha Loidse a' Chaoil moiteil às na tha i fhèin a’ dèanamh dhan fheadhainn a tha feumach.
[Eanraig MacAonghais] Tha i uabhasach cudromach sa choimhearsnachd a chionn ma bhios coinneamh aca, bidh iad a’ trusadh airgead agus bidh iad an uair sin a’ toirt an airgid sin a-mach airson daoine nach eil cho math dheth ‘s a tha iad fhèin. Mar eisimpleir, an-uiridh thug iad còig ceud not gu Crossroads Care ann an Caol Acainn agus thug iad còig ceud not do Nursaichean Mhic a’ Mhaoilein anns a’ Chaol anns an seo fhèin. Agus a barrachd air an sin, bidh iad a’ toirt airgead thall ‘s a bhos do charthannas is rudan mar sin cuideachd.
[Ronnie Miller] What we do is helping people. That can be in a tangible way by direct aid. In other words, money, or it can be by supporting people who need support. We also offer something that people can participate in. It’s very difficult to explain what freemasonry is until you’re a part of it, but the fraternal aspect of it, being with other people rather than sitting at home watching TV or videos.
[Pàdraig MacAmhlaidh – Neach-aithris] Ged a bha mòran do bhuill na Loidse air falbh tron Dàrna Cogadh, ‘s ann a thàinig fàs air Loidse a' Chaoil aig an àm sin. Bha sin air sgàth ‘s gur e Port den Chabhlach Rìoghail a bh’ anns a’ Chaol agus seo far am biodh seòladairean a’ dol dhan Loidse, seach gun robh iad air falbh bho na loidseachan aca fhèin.
[Pàdraig MacAmhlaidh – Neach-aithris] Seo cumhaichean a fhuair Loidse a’ Chaoil bho chriutha soithich a bha an-sàs ann an obair dhìomhair eadar Innis Tìle agus na h-Eileanan Fàrothach.
[Eanraig MacAonghais] Bha i a’ cur sìos mèinnichean agus bha na seòladairean a bh’ oirre, bha iad a’ cleachdadh na loidse a bha seo agus mar chuimhneachan oirre dh’ fhàg iad an dà phìos fiodh an sin leis na chuir iad plaque oirre. Agus is ann mar chuimhneachan air an t-soitheach a bha sin.
[Pàdraig MacAmhlaidh – Neach-aithris] Chan ann tric a tha camara telebhisein a’ faighinn a-steach do Loidse Shaor-Chlachairean, a’ fàgail gu bheil cuid amharasach mun dìomhaireachd a tha a’ cuairteachadh gnothaich. Ach canaidh Saor-Chlachairean gur e maitheas a’ bhunait a th’ aca.
[Eanraig MacAonghais] A dh’ aindeoin dè tha daoine a’ smaoineachadh. ‘S ann air a’ Bhìoball, tha a h-uile càil a tha stèidhichte mu dheidhinn nan Clachairean. Tha am Bìoball fosgailte aig a h-uile coinneamh a th’ againne agus nuair a tha sinn a’ dèanamh càil ‘s ann air a’ Bhìoball a tha a h-uile càil air a dhèanadh.
[Padraig MacAmhlaidh – Neach-aithris] Padraig MacAmhlaidh, BBC An Là, Caol Loch Aillse.
100 years since Kyle Lodge was established
[Iain MacInnes - Preseanter] Now, Freemasons from all over Scotland were in Kyle of Lochalsh on Saturday. They were commemorating 100 years since the lodge was established there. There is an interesting history at the Kyle Lodge, especially with the close link they made with The Royal Navy through the wars of the 20th Century. Peter MacAulay reports from Kyle.
[Peter MacAulay – Reporter] They have been praised and cursed, but one for certain, Freemasons are fit and well in many a small Highland town. They have always had a reputation for charity and Kyle Lodge are proud of the things they do themselves for those in need.
[Henry MacInnes] It is awfully important in the community as if they have a meeting, this will raise money and they will then donate that money to people who are not so well off as themselves. For example, last year, they gave £500 to crossroads Care in Kyleakin and they gave £500 to the MacMillan Nurses here in Kyle itself. And, in addition to this, they give money abroad to charity and things like that too.
[Ronnie Miller] What we do is helping people. That can be in a tangible way by direct aid. In other words, money, or it can be by supporting people who need support. We also offer something that people can participate in. It’s very difficult to explain what freemasonry is until you’re a part of it, but the fraternal aspect of it, being with other people rather than sitting at home watching TV or videos.
[Peter MacAulay – Reporter] Although many of the members of the Lodge were away through the Second World War, that’s the time when the Kyle Lodge grew. That was because the Royal Navy’s Port was in Kyle and this is where the sailors would go to the Lodge, as they were away from their own Lodges.
[Peter MacAulay – Reporter] This is a memorial that the Kyle Lodge received from the crew of a ship that was involved in a secret mission between Iceland and the Faroe Islands.
[Henry MacInnes] She was planting mines and the sailors who were on-board, they were using the Lodge and as a souvenir, they left two pieces of wood here and they put a plaque on it. And it is like a memorial of that ship.
[Peter MacAulay – Reporter] It’s not very often that a television camera is allowed inside a Freemasons’ Lodge, which leaves many concerned about the secrecy that surrounds their matters. But the Freemasons would say that they are based on good.
[Henry MacInnes] In spite of what people think, it is upon the Bible that everything is based about the Masons. The Bible is open at every meeting that we have when we are doing anything, it is on the Bible that everything we do is based.
[Peter MacAulay – Reporter] Peter MacAulay, BBC An Là, Kyle of Lochalsh.