News Naidheachdan
Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.
Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.
Cùrsaichean ann an sgilean saor-bhàta
[Innes Rothach - Preseantair] Nise, ciamar a chòrdadh e ribh soitheach a thogail dhuibh fhèin no do chuideigin eile. Uill, ma tha ùidh agaibh ann an leithid de phròiseact, bu chòir dhuibh dèanamh air Glaschu. Oir airson a’ chiad uair riamh, tha am pròiseact coimhearsnachd, Galgael, gu bhith a’ teagaisg sgilean saor-bhàta do dhuine sam bith a tha airson an ionnsachadh. Tha tuilleadh aig Catriona NicFhionghain.
[Catriona NicFhionghain – Neach-aithris] Bha Glaschu riamh ainmeil air feadh an t-saoghail airson a bhith a’ togail bhàtaichean. ‘S e bùth-obrach an t-saoghail a bh’ aca air aig aon àm. San là an-diugh, chan eil Abhainn Chluaidh cho trang sin, ach ma tha thusa ann an Glaschu agus airson ionnsachadh mu ciamar a thogas tu sgoth thu fhèin, gabhaidh sin a dhèanamh.
[Catriona NicFhionghain – Neach-aithris] Tha a’ bhuidheann coimhearsnachd, Galgael, air a bhith a’ ruith an seo ann an Govan ann an Glaschu o naochad ‘s a seachd. Tha a’ bhuidheann a’ toirt cothroman do dhaoine ann am prògraman sònraichte, sgilean fiodha ionnsachadh, ach tha iad a-nis airson an t-seirbheis aca a leudachadh airson duine sam bith a tha airson cùrsa ùr a ghabhail.
[Daibhidh Eyre] Tha sinne ann an Oxfam a’ smaoineachadh gur e seòrsa modail a tha seo a tha stèidhte ann an coimhearsnachd agus ag obair tro a bhith a’ cruthachadh coimhearsnachd ùr. Tha iad air cùrsaichean ùra a chur air dòigh a bhios a’ toirt cothrom do dhuine sam bith aig a bheil ùidh bàtaichean a thogail agus sin rud gu math ùr. Roimhe seo, b’ e dìreach daoine a bha a’ tighinn tro na prògraman aig Galgael a bhiodh a’ faighinn cothrom air sin, ach nise, tha e gu bhith fosgailte do dhuine sam bith a tha deònach pàigheadh airson na cùrsaichean sin a dhèanamh.
[Catriona NicFhionghain – Neach-aithris] ‘S e saor-bhàtaichean a th’ ann am Ben Duffin agus ‘s esan a bhios a’ ruith nan cùrsaichean a tha a’ tòiseachadh sa Mhàrt agus a-rithist san Dàmhair.
[Ben Duffin] And our first course is going to be on lofting, which is the art of laying down the lines of a boat, to full size before you build a boat. Our second course is going to be on making the half hull models, so learning to pick up from the lines that you’ve drawn and make a model of the boat and accurately representing the lines of the boat that you have drawn and finally we are going to do a weekend on spar making, which is mats and oars and yards. Long thin, round, things basically.
[Catriona NicFhionghain – Neach-aithris] Gu cinnteach, cha togar bàta ann an deireadh-sheachdain, ach bithear an dùil ‘s an dòchas gun seòl an sgoth seo co-dhiù, air bhàrr nan tonn, là brèagha air choreigin. Catriona NicFhionghain, BBC An Là
Courses in boat joinery
[Innes Munro - Presenter] Now, how would you enjoy building a boat for yourself, or for someone else? Well, if you have an interest in such as project, you should make your way to Glasgow. Because for the first time, the community project, Galgael, is going to teach boatbuilding skills to anyone who wants to learn them. Catriona Mackinnon has more.
[Catriona Mackinnon – Reporter] Glasgow was always famous all over the world for shipbuilding. It was known as the workshop of the world at one time. Today, the River Clyde is not as busy, but if you are in Glasgow and you want to learn to build a boat yourself, you can do it.
[Catriona Mackinnon – Reporter] The community group, Galgael has been running in Govan in Glasgow since (19)97. The group is offering opportunities to people who are on a special programme the chance to learn wood skills, but they are now want to broaden the service to anyone who wants to take a new course.
[David Eyre] At Oxfam, we think this is a sort of model and this is based in the community and work through creating a new community. They have set up new courses that will give an opportunity for anyone who has an interest in boats and that is a good thing. Before this, it was just people who were coming through the Galgael programme who had this opportunity, but now, it is open to anyone who is willing to pay to do those courses.
[Catriona Mackinnon – Reporter] Ben Duffin is a boat carpenter and it’ll be himself who’ll run the courses that will start in March and again in October
[Ben Duffin] And our first course is going to be on lofting, which is the art of laying down the lines of a boat to full size before you build a boat. Our second course is going to be on making the half hull models, so learning to pick up from the lines that you’ve drawn and make a model of the boat and accurately representing the lines of the boat that you have drawn and finally we are going to do a weekend on spar making, which is mats and oars and yards. Long thin, round, things basically.
[Catriona Mackinnon – Reporter] Certainly, you can never build a book in a weekend, but there is hope that this boat will sail on the crest of a wave on some bright day. Catriona Mackinnon, BBC An Là.
Cùrsaichean ann an sgilean saor-bhàta
[Innes Rothach - Preseantair] Nise, ciamar a chòrdadh e ribh soitheach a thogail dhuibh fhèin no do chuideigin eile. Uill, ma tha ùidh agaibh ann an leithid de phròiseact, bu chòir dhuibh dèanamh air Glaschu. Oir airson a’ chiad uair riamh, tha am pròiseact coimhearsnachd, Galgael, gu bhith a’ teagaisg sgilean saor-bhàta do dhuine sam bith a tha airson an ionnsachadh. Tha tuilleadh aig Catriona NicFhionghain.
[Catriona NicFhionghain – Neach-aithris] Bha Glaschu riamh ainmeil air feadh an t-saoghail airson a bhith a’ togail bhàtaichean. ‘S e bùth-obrach an t-saoghail a bh’ aca air aig aon àm. San là an-diugh, chan eil Abhainn Chluaidh cho trang sin, ach ma tha thusa ann an Glaschu agus airson ionnsachadh mu ciamar a thogas tu sgoth thu fhèin, gabhaidh sin a dhèanamh.
[Catriona NicFhionghain – Neach-aithris] Tha a’ bhuidheann coimhearsnachd, Galgael, air a bhith a’ ruith an seo ann an Govan ann an Glaschu o naochad ‘s a seachd. Tha a’ bhuidheann a’ toirt cothroman do dhaoine ann am prògraman sònraichte, sgilean fiodha ionnsachadh, ach tha iad a-nis airson an t-seirbheis aca a leudachadh airson duine sam bith a tha airson cùrsa ùr a ghabhail.
[Daibhidh Eyre] Tha sinne ann an Oxfam a’ smaoineachadh gur e seòrsa modail a tha seo a tha stèidhte ann an coimhearsnachd agus ag obair tro a bhith a’ cruthachadh coimhearsnachd ùr. Tha iad air cùrsaichean ùra a chur air dòigh a bhios a’ toirt cothrom do dhuine sam bith aig a bheil ùidh bàtaichean a thogail agus sin rud gu math ùr. Roimhe seo, b’ e dìreach daoine a bha a’ tighinn tro na prògraman aig Galgael a bhiodh a’ faighinn cothrom air sin, ach nise, tha e gu bhith fosgailte do dhuine sam bith a tha deònach pàigheadh airson na cùrsaichean sin a dhèanamh.
[Catriona NicFhionghain – Neach-aithris] ‘S e saor-bhàtaichean a th’ ann am Ben Duffin agus ‘s esan a bhios a’ ruith nan cùrsaichean a tha a’ tòiseachadh sa Mhàrt agus a-rithist san Dàmhair.
[Ben Duffin] And our first course is going to be on lofting, which is the art of laying down the lines of a boat, to full size before you build a boat. Our second course is going to be on making the half hull models, so learning to pick up from the lines that you’ve drawn and make a model of the boat and accurately representing the lines of the boat that you have drawn and finally we are going to do a weekend on spar making, which is mats and oars and yards. Long thin, round, things basically.
[Catriona NicFhionghain – Neach-aithris] Gu cinnteach, cha togar bàta ann an deireadh-sheachdain, ach bithear an dùil ‘s an dòchas gun seòl an sgoth seo co-dhiù, air bhàrr nan tonn, là brèagha air choreigin. Catriona NicFhionghain, BBC An Là
Courses in boat joinery
[Innes Munro - Presenter] Now, how would you enjoy building a boat for yourself, or for someone else? Well, if you have an interest in such as project, you should make your way to Glasgow. Because for the first time, the community project, Galgael, is going to teach boatbuilding skills to anyone who wants to learn them. Catriona Mackinnon has more.
[Catriona Mackinnon – Reporter] Glasgow was always famous all over the world for shipbuilding. It was known as the workshop of the world at one time. Today, the River Clyde is not as busy, but if you are in Glasgow and you want to learn to build a boat yourself, you can do it.
[Catriona Mackinnon – Reporter] The community group, Galgael has been running in Govan in Glasgow since (19)97. The group is offering opportunities to people who are on a special programme the chance to learn wood skills, but they are now want to broaden the service to anyone who wants to take a new course.
[David Eyre] At Oxfam, we think this is a sort of model and this is based in the community and work through creating a new community. They have set up new courses that will give an opportunity for anyone who has an interest in boats and that is a good thing. Before this, it was just people who were coming through the Galgael programme who had this opportunity, but now, it is open to anyone who is willing to pay to do those courses.
[Catriona Mackinnon – Reporter] Ben Duffin is a boat carpenter and it’ll be himself who’ll run the courses that will start in March and again in October
[Ben Duffin] And our first course is going to be on lofting, which is the art of laying down the lines of a boat to full size before you build a boat. Our second course is going to be on making the half hull models, so learning to pick up from the lines that you’ve drawn and make a model of the boat and accurately representing the lines of the boat that you have drawn and finally we are going to do a weekend on spar making, which is mats and oars and yards. Long thin, round, things basically.
[Catriona Mackinnon – Reporter] Certainly, you can never build a book in a weekend, but there is hope that this boat will sail on the crest of a wave on some bright day. Catriona Mackinnon, BBC An Là.