News Naidheachdan
Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.
Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.
Ròidean Ratharsair ann an droch staid
[Màiri Rodgers - Preseantair] Uill, tha ròidean Ratharsair ann an staid cho truagh, ’s gur dòcha nach fhad gus nach gabh cuid aca an cleachdadh. Sin a rèir muinntir Ratharsair fhèin. Nam measg, tha fear dhe na ròidean as ainmeile air a’ Ghàidhealtachd, Rathad Chaluim, air ainmeachadh mar urram dhan fhear a thog e le làmhan fhèin. Tha ìmpidh a-nis ga chur air Comhairle na Gàidhealtachd obair càraidh a dhèanamh, cho luath ‘s a ghabhas. Tha an aithris seo aig Eilidh NicLeòid.
[John Willie Mac’Illiosa] Tha thu a’ seachnadh tuill fad an t-siubhail, gu h-àraidh an rathad a tha seo, a’ dol gu tuath agus ceann deas an eilein cuideachd a’ dol dhan fheàrna, tha e an aon rud.
[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] John Willie Mac’Illiosa ga mo thoirt sgrìob air slighean Ratharsair. Tha iad nan adhbhar dragh agus cunnartach a rèir mòran. Tuill a’ dèanamh milleadh air carbadan agus b’ fheudar fear a thoirt gu ospadal an samhradh-sa chaidh, as dèidh dha tuiteam far a’ bhike aige.
[John Willie Mac’Illiosa] Bhiodh e fada na b’ fheàrr nam biodh daoine san àite, ged nach biodh ann ach, can, duine no dithis part-ùine a bhiodh a’ cumail sùil air an rathad agus nam biodh dad sam bith a bhiodh feumach air a dhèanamh gun dhèanadh iad e. Bha rathad fada, fada nas fheàrr nuair a bha daoine a’ cumail sùil air ròidean an seo fhèin… tha trì òirlich de dh’uisge ann an sin, ach tha siud nas… tha mi a’ creidsinn gu bheil sia òirlich… bho sin. Coimhead taobh eile an rathaid mhòr a th’ ann an sin, tha an aon rud ann an sin. Uisge a’ tighinn air gu h-àrd ann an sin. Uisge a’ tighinn air an rathad mhòr, ‘s e a’ sruthadh a-nuas. Chan eil dòigh air a sheachnadh.
[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] Chan eil ach beagan agus dà mhìle anns an rathad a thog Calum MacLeòid nach maireann, ach ‘s e pàirt mhòr de dh’eachdraidh Ratharsair a th’ann
[Roger Hutchison] Is it sentimental? I mean tell that to the people that have their cars towed off the road down to the ferry. Is it sentimental? Tell it to the people who depend upon tourism for a livelihood in this region. Is it sentimental? No, it’s not sentimental. It’s just a practical asset. It’s the service that every community should be entitled to.
[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] Chan e a-mhàin gu bheil na h-eileanaich a’ gearain mun a’ bhuaidh a th’ aig droch staid nan ròidean orra fhèin. Tha cuid aca is e a’ dèanamh dragh dhaibh mun chron a dh’fhaodadh a bhith air a dhèanamh air turasachd.
[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] Ann an sgrùdadh ionadail, thuirt cha mhòr an dàrna leth de luchd-turais nach tilleadh iad air sgàth nan ròidean. Sgrìobh a’ chomhairle choimhearsnachd gun ùghdarras ionadail ag iarraidh fuasgladh.
[Rebecca NicAoidh] Tha e eudhon doirbh dhan charbad-ghiùlain rathad a dhèanamh, a dh’ ionnsaigh a’ claidh le staid an rathaid. Tha sinn a’ dol air ais gu seann làithean nuair a dh’ fheumadh daoine a’ chiste a ghiùlain iad fhèin.
[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] ‘S e ceum air adhart ged-tà, tha muinntir an eilein ag iarraidh. Thuirt Comhairle na Gàidhealtachd gum beachdachadh iad air obair-càraidh, aon uair ‘s gun tèid buidseatan a rèiteach. Eilidh NicLeòid, BBC An Là, Ratharsair.
Raasay's roads are in a bad state
[Mairi Rodgers - Presenter] Well, the roads in Raasay are in such a bad state that it maybe won’t be long until many of them cannot be used. That is according to the people of Raasay themselves. Amongst them is one of the most famous roads in the Highlands, Calum’s Road, named in his honour as he built it with his own hands. Calls have been made to Highland Council to do repair work, as quickly as possible. This report from Eilidh MacLeod.
[John Willie Gillies] You are avoiding holes all the time, especially on this road going north and the south end of the island too, going to Fearns, it’s the same way.
[Eilidh MacLeod - Reporter] John Willie Gillies taking me on a trip on the roads on Raasay. They are a reason for concern and dangerous, according to many. Holes are doing damage to vehicles and a person had to be taken to hospital last summer, after he fell from his bike.
[John Willie Gillies] It would be far better if there were people in the place, although there would be no more than, say, one or two people part-time keeping an eye on the road and if anything needed to be done, they would do it. Tha road was much, much better when there were people keeping an eye on the roads here… there’s three inches of water there, but that is… I think that is six inches… from there. Look at the other side of the big road there, it is flowing out. There is no way of avoiding it.
[Eilidh MacLeod - Reporter] There is just over two miles of road that the late Calum MacLeod built, but it’s a big part of Raasay’s history.
[Roger Hutchison] Is it sentimental? I mean tell that to the people that have their cars towed off the road down to the ferry. Is it sentimental? Tell it to the people who depend upon tourism for a livelihood in this region. Is it sentimental? No, it’s not sentimental. It’s just a practical asset. It’s the service that every community should be entitled to.
[Eilidh MacLeod - Reporter] The islanders are not only complaining about the effect that the bad state of the roads have on them. Many of them are concerned about the damage it could do to tourism.
[Eilidh MacLeod - Reporter] In a local study, over half of tourists said that they would not return due to the roads. The community council wrote to local trust requesting a solution.
[Rebecca MacKay] It is very difficult for the hearses to travel the road, to get to the graveyard with the state of the road. We are going back to the olden days when people had to carry the coffin themselves.
[Eilidh MacLeod - Reporter] It is a step forward, though, that the people of the island want. Highland Council said that they will consider repair work when the budgets have been settled. Eilidh MacLeod, BBC An Là, Raasay.
Ròidean Ratharsair ann an droch staid
[Màiri Rodgers - Preseantair] Uill, tha ròidean Ratharsair ann an staid cho truagh, ’s gur dòcha nach fhad gus nach gabh cuid aca an cleachdadh. Sin a rèir muinntir Ratharsair fhèin. Nam measg, tha fear dhe na ròidean as ainmeile air a’ Ghàidhealtachd, Rathad Chaluim, air ainmeachadh mar urram dhan fhear a thog e le làmhan fhèin. Tha ìmpidh a-nis ga chur air Comhairle na Gàidhealtachd obair càraidh a dhèanamh, cho luath ‘s a ghabhas. Tha an aithris seo aig Eilidh NicLeòid.
[John Willie Mac’Illiosa] Tha thu a’ seachnadh tuill fad an t-siubhail, gu h-àraidh an rathad a tha seo, a’ dol gu tuath agus ceann deas an eilein cuideachd a’ dol dhan fheàrna, tha e an aon rud.
[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] John Willie Mac’Illiosa ga mo thoirt sgrìob air slighean Ratharsair. Tha iad nan adhbhar dragh agus cunnartach a rèir mòran. Tuill a’ dèanamh milleadh air carbadan agus b’ fheudar fear a thoirt gu ospadal an samhradh-sa chaidh, as dèidh dha tuiteam far a’ bhike aige.
[John Willie Mac’Illiosa] Bhiodh e fada na b’ fheàrr nam biodh daoine san àite, ged nach biodh ann ach, can, duine no dithis part-ùine a bhiodh a’ cumail sùil air an rathad agus nam biodh dad sam bith a bhiodh feumach air a dhèanamh gun dhèanadh iad e. Bha rathad fada, fada nas fheàrr nuair a bha daoine a’ cumail sùil air ròidean an seo fhèin… tha trì òirlich de dh’uisge ann an sin, ach tha siud nas… tha mi a’ creidsinn gu bheil sia òirlich… bho sin. Coimhead taobh eile an rathaid mhòr a th’ ann an sin, tha an aon rud ann an sin. Uisge a’ tighinn air gu h-àrd ann an sin. Uisge a’ tighinn air an rathad mhòr, ‘s e a’ sruthadh a-nuas. Chan eil dòigh air a sheachnadh.
[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] Chan eil ach beagan agus dà mhìle anns an rathad a thog Calum MacLeòid nach maireann, ach ‘s e pàirt mhòr de dh’eachdraidh Ratharsair a th’ann
[Roger Hutchison] Is it sentimental? I mean tell that to the people that have their cars towed off the road down to the ferry. Is it sentimental? Tell it to the people who depend upon tourism for a livelihood in this region. Is it sentimental? No, it’s not sentimental. It’s just a practical asset. It’s the service that every community should be entitled to.
[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] Chan e a-mhàin gu bheil na h-eileanaich a’ gearain mun a’ bhuaidh a th’ aig droch staid nan ròidean orra fhèin. Tha cuid aca is e a’ dèanamh dragh dhaibh mun chron a dh’fhaodadh a bhith air a dhèanamh air turasachd.
[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] Ann an sgrùdadh ionadail, thuirt cha mhòr an dàrna leth de luchd-turais nach tilleadh iad air sgàth nan ròidean. Sgrìobh a’ chomhairle choimhearsnachd gun ùghdarras ionadail ag iarraidh fuasgladh.
[Rebecca NicAoidh] Tha e eudhon doirbh dhan charbad-ghiùlain rathad a dhèanamh, a dh’ ionnsaigh a’ claidh le staid an rathaid. Tha sinn a’ dol air ais gu seann làithean nuair a dh’ fheumadh daoine a’ chiste a ghiùlain iad fhèin.
[Eilidh NicLeòid – Neach-aithris] ‘S e ceum air adhart ged-tà, tha muinntir an eilein ag iarraidh. Thuirt Comhairle na Gàidhealtachd gum beachdachadh iad air obair-càraidh, aon uair ‘s gun tèid buidseatan a rèiteach. Eilidh NicLeòid, BBC An Là, Ratharsair.
Raasay's roads are in a bad state
[Mairi Rodgers - Presenter] Well, the roads in Raasay are in such a bad state that it maybe won’t be long until many of them cannot be used. That is according to the people of Raasay themselves. Amongst them is one of the most famous roads in the Highlands, Calum’s Road, named in his honour as he built it with his own hands. Calls have been made to Highland Council to do repair work, as quickly as possible. This report from Eilidh MacLeod.
[John Willie Gillies] You are avoiding holes all the time, especially on this road going north and the south end of the island too, going to Fearns, it’s the same way.
[Eilidh MacLeod - Reporter] John Willie Gillies taking me on a trip on the roads on Raasay. They are a reason for concern and dangerous, according to many. Holes are doing damage to vehicles and a person had to be taken to hospital last summer, after he fell from his bike.
[John Willie Gillies] It would be far better if there were people in the place, although there would be no more than, say, one or two people part-time keeping an eye on the road and if anything needed to be done, they would do it. Tha road was much, much better when there were people keeping an eye on the roads here… there’s three inches of water there, but that is… I think that is six inches… from there. Look at the other side of the big road there, it is flowing out. There is no way of avoiding it.
[Eilidh MacLeod - Reporter] There is just over two miles of road that the late Calum MacLeod built, but it’s a big part of Raasay’s history.
[Roger Hutchison] Is it sentimental? I mean tell that to the people that have their cars towed off the road down to the ferry. Is it sentimental? Tell it to the people who depend upon tourism for a livelihood in this region. Is it sentimental? No, it’s not sentimental. It’s just a practical asset. It’s the service that every community should be entitled to.
[Eilidh MacLeod - Reporter] The islanders are not only complaining about the effect that the bad state of the roads have on them. Many of them are concerned about the damage it could do to tourism.
[Eilidh MacLeod - Reporter] In a local study, over half of tourists said that they would not return due to the roads. The community council wrote to local trust requesting a solution.
[Rebecca MacKay] It is very difficult for the hearses to travel the road, to get to the graveyard with the state of the road. We are going back to the olden days when people had to carry the coffin themselves.
[Eilidh MacLeod - Reporter] It is a step forward, though, that the people of the island want. Highland Council said that they will consider repair work when the budgets have been settled. Eilidh MacLeod, BBC An Là, Raasay.