News Naidheachdan
Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.
Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.
Cruthadair-dealain ann an Grimisiadair
[Innes Rothach - Presentair] Tha cumhachd Hydro air a bhith sna naidheachdan air an t-seachdain-sa le Comhairle na Gàidhealtachd ag aontachadh ri sgeama mhòr os cionn Loch Lòchaidh. A-nis, tha sgeama beagan nas lugha a’ cruthachadh dealan ann an Sgìre nan Loch ann an Leòdhas far a bheil teaghlach air pròiseact Hydro pearsanta a leasachadh ann an Grimisiadair. Thèid a chleachdadh airson cumhachd a chumail ri taigh a tha iad a’ togail anns an sgìre agus tha iad an dòchas gum pàigh e air a shon fhèin ann an beagan bhliadhnaichean. Seo Aonghas Dòmhnallach.
[Aonghas Dòmhnallach – Neach-aithris] Tha Kenny MacArtair a’ toirt bùrn à trì lochan às a’ mhòintich leth-mhìle air falbh bhon taigh tro phìob a chuir e fhèin dhan talamh gu cruthadair-dealain a tha còig meatair fichead nas ìsle. Tha neart gu leòr ann an sruth a’ bhùirn airson eadar còig is deich kilowatt dealain a chruthachadh.
[Kenny MacArtair (mac)] Our abstraction licence is for eighty litres a second. The turbine is using sixty litres a second, so I am going to leave the rest in the river. I had to get a professional survey done, you know, to make sure it was feasible, a feasibility study, so it’s only been running a week and it’s been at full power and we haven’t had a huge amount of rain since so, no, I’m quietly confident.
[Aonghas Dòmhnallach – Neach-aithris] Tha e air toirt còig bliadhna a thoirt gun an ìre sa agus bha cuid ann a bha a’ smaoineachadh nach obraicheadh e dha. Ged a tha an dearbhachadh ann dhaibh leis a’ chiad dealan ga chruthachadh an t-seachdain sa.
[Kenny MacArtair (athair)] Bha mi a’ smaoineachadh gun robh e às a chiall! ‘S e leis an fhìrinn innse dhut! Cha do smaoinich mi gun obraicheadh an rud ceart idir, ach, bha mi ceàrr! Agus tha mi glè thoilichte gun d’ fhuair e air a h-uile càil a dhèanamh cho math ‘s a rinn e. Bha tòrr obrach ann bho thòisich e, iomadach oidhche ag obair air is là. Ach bha e feumail dha gum b’ urrainn dha fhein an digger obrachadh agus na h-innealan aige fhèin a bhith aige agus bha sin feumail.
[Kenny MacArtair (mac)] Probably in total between forty-five and fifty thousand for the payback. If we have flow like this, or our normal flow, I reckon five years and then the rest is hopefully paying for our mortgage, or going some way to paying for some of our mortgage, so yeah, it makes it worthwhile!
[Aonghas Dòmhnallach – Neach-aithris] Tha buannachdan na chòis, oir coinnichidh e ri feuman dealain is teas an taighe agus còrr.
[Kenny MacArtair (mac)] We’re just building a new house just now, so hoping it’s going to run all our heating and our domestic hot water, a couple of big water storage tanks, you know, just store it as heat, the hot water. In the winter, it will run the whole house and the rest will go to the grid.
[Murchadh Moireach – Eòlaiche] Fhios agad, 's e rud nuair a chuireas tu an sàs an t-innealeachd, tha e agad airson bliadhnaichean mòra agus chì thu sin ann an Hydro schemes mhòra, rudan a chaidh a chur an sàs às-dèidh a’ chogaidh, tha iad fhathast ann an sin. Ma chuireas tu an sàs turbines is rud anns a’ mhuir, feumaidh thu a bhith gan cur ann às ùr.
[Aonghas Dòmhnallach – Neach-aithris] Ach tha cruth na talmhainn a’ ciallachadh ged a tha cothroman ann nach urrainn dhan h-uile duine an aon rud a dhèanamh.
[Murchadh Moireach – Eòlaiche] Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gur e a dh’fheumte coimhead ris, ‘s e pump storage, gum bithear ga chleachdadh a’ dol an dàimh ri rudan eile mar crainn-gaoithe agus cumhachd na mara agus a’ cleachdadh na cumhachd sin nuair nach b’urrainn dhut a chleachdadh airson a grid, a bhith ga chleachdadh airson pumpadh a’ bhùirn, son gum bi am bùrn agad airson hydro nuair a bhiodh sin cothromach.
[Aonghas Dòmhnallach – Neach-aithris] Eisimpleir eile air ciamar a ghabhas buannachd a thoirt à aimsir nan Eilean. Aonghas Dòmhnallach, BBC An La, ann an Grimisiadar.
An energy generator in Grimshader
[Innes Munro - Presenter] Hydro power has been in the news this week with Highland Council agreeing to a big scheme above Loch Lochy. Now a slightly smaller scheme is generating electricity in Lochs in Lewis where a family have developed a private Hydro project in Grimshader. It will be used for power in the house they have built in the area and they hope that it will pay for itself in a few years. Here’s Angus MacDonald.
[Angus MacDonald – Reporter] Kenny MacArthur has been taking water from three lochs, in the moors, half a mile to his house through a pipe that he put in the ground to an electricity generator that is five metres below. There is enough force in the current of the water for between five and ten Kilowatts of electricity to be generated.
[Kenny MacArthur (Jnr)] Our abstraction licence is for eighty litres a second. The turbine is using sixty litres a second, so I am going to leave the rest in the river. I had to get a professional survey done, you know, to make sure it was feasible, a feasibility study, so it’s only been running a week and it’s been at full power and we haven’t had a huge amount of rain since, so, no, I’m quietly confident.
[Angus MacDonald – Reporter] It has taken five years to get to this stage and there are many who thought that this would not work for him. Although, there is proof for them with the first electricity having been generated this week.
[Kenny MacArthur (Snr)] I thought he was off his head! That’s the truth! I did not think that it would work correctly at all, but I was wrong! And I am very happy that the got everything to work as well as he did. There was a lot of work since he started, lots of nights at work and days. But it was useful to him that he got this digger to work and his own machines and that was vital.
[Kenny MacArthur (Jnr)] Probably in total between forty-five and fifty thousand for the payback. If we have flow like this, or our normal flow, I reckon five years sad the rest is hopefully paying for our mortgage, or going some way to paying for our mortgage, so yeah, it makes it worthwhile!
[Angus MacDonald – Reporter] There are advantages, and it will meet the electricity needs and heat the house, and more.
[Kenny MacArthur (Jnr)] We’re just building a new house just now, so hoping it’s going to run all our heating and our domestic hot water, a couple of big hot water storage tanks, you know, just store it as heat, the water. In the winter, it will run the whole house and the rest will go to the grid.
[Murdo Murray – Expert] Do you know, when you put in the machinery, it is with you for years, and you see that with big hydro schemes. Things that were set up after the war, they are still there. If you put the turbines and something in the sea, you have to put them in as new.
[Angus MacDonald – Reporter] But the shape of the land means that although there are opportunities, not everyone can do the same thing.
[Murdo Murray – Expert] I think it is necessary to look at pump storage, so it can be used in conjunction with other things like wind turbines and power of the sea and using that power, or you can use it for the grid. Use it for pumping the water, so that the water is with you for hydro when you need it
[Angus MacDonald – Reporter] Another example of how profits can be made from the weather of the islands. Angus MacDonald BBC An Là, in Grimshader.
Cruthadair-dealain ann an Grimisiadair
[Innes Rothach - Presentair] Tha cumhachd Hydro air a bhith sna naidheachdan air an t-seachdain-sa le Comhairle na Gàidhealtachd ag aontachadh ri sgeama mhòr os cionn Loch Lòchaidh. A-nis, tha sgeama beagan nas lugha a’ cruthachadh dealan ann an Sgìre nan Loch ann an Leòdhas far a bheil teaghlach air pròiseact Hydro pearsanta a leasachadh ann an Grimisiadair. Thèid a chleachdadh airson cumhachd a chumail ri taigh a tha iad a’ togail anns an sgìre agus tha iad an dòchas gum pàigh e air a shon fhèin ann an beagan bhliadhnaichean. Seo Aonghas Dòmhnallach.
[Aonghas Dòmhnallach – Neach-aithris] Tha Kenny MacArtair a’ toirt bùrn à trì lochan às a’ mhòintich leth-mhìle air falbh bhon taigh tro phìob a chuir e fhèin dhan talamh gu cruthadair-dealain a tha còig meatair fichead nas ìsle. Tha neart gu leòr ann an sruth a’ bhùirn airson eadar còig is deich kilowatt dealain a chruthachadh.
[Kenny MacArtair (mac)] Our abstraction licence is for eighty litres a second. The turbine is using sixty litres a second, so I am going to leave the rest in the river. I had to get a professional survey done, you know, to make sure it was feasible, a feasibility study, so it’s only been running a week and it’s been at full power and we haven’t had a huge amount of rain since so, no, I’m quietly confident.
[Aonghas Dòmhnallach – Neach-aithris] Tha e air toirt còig bliadhna a thoirt gun an ìre sa agus bha cuid ann a bha a’ smaoineachadh nach obraicheadh e dha. Ged a tha an dearbhachadh ann dhaibh leis a’ chiad dealan ga chruthachadh an t-seachdain sa.
[Kenny MacArtair (athair)] Bha mi a’ smaoineachadh gun robh e às a chiall! ‘S e leis an fhìrinn innse dhut! Cha do smaoinich mi gun obraicheadh an rud ceart idir, ach, bha mi ceàrr! Agus tha mi glè thoilichte gun d’ fhuair e air a h-uile càil a dhèanamh cho math ‘s a rinn e. Bha tòrr obrach ann bho thòisich e, iomadach oidhche ag obair air is là. Ach bha e feumail dha gum b’ urrainn dha fhein an digger obrachadh agus na h-innealan aige fhèin a bhith aige agus bha sin feumail.
[Kenny MacArtair (mac)] Probably in total between forty-five and fifty thousand for the payback. If we have flow like this, or our normal flow, I reckon five years and then the rest is hopefully paying for our mortgage, or going some way to paying for some of our mortgage, so yeah, it makes it worthwhile!
[Aonghas Dòmhnallach – Neach-aithris] Tha buannachdan na chòis, oir coinnichidh e ri feuman dealain is teas an taighe agus còrr.
[Kenny MacArtair (mac)] We’re just building a new house just now, so hoping it’s going to run all our heating and our domestic hot water, a couple of big water storage tanks, you know, just store it as heat, the hot water. In the winter, it will run the whole house and the rest will go to the grid.
[Murchadh Moireach – Eòlaiche] Fhios agad, 's e rud nuair a chuireas tu an sàs an t-innealeachd, tha e agad airson bliadhnaichean mòra agus chì thu sin ann an Hydro schemes mhòra, rudan a chaidh a chur an sàs às-dèidh a’ chogaidh, tha iad fhathast ann an sin. Ma chuireas tu an sàs turbines is rud anns a’ mhuir, feumaidh thu a bhith gan cur ann às ùr.
[Aonghas Dòmhnallach – Neach-aithris] Ach tha cruth na talmhainn a’ ciallachadh ged a tha cothroman ann nach urrainn dhan h-uile duine an aon rud a dhèanamh.
[Murchadh Moireach – Eòlaiche] Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gur e a dh’fheumte coimhead ris, ‘s e pump storage, gum bithear ga chleachdadh a’ dol an dàimh ri rudan eile mar crainn-gaoithe agus cumhachd na mara agus a’ cleachdadh na cumhachd sin nuair nach b’urrainn dhut a chleachdadh airson a grid, a bhith ga chleachdadh airson pumpadh a’ bhùirn, son gum bi am bùrn agad airson hydro nuair a bhiodh sin cothromach.
[Aonghas Dòmhnallach – Neach-aithris] Eisimpleir eile air ciamar a ghabhas buannachd a thoirt à aimsir nan Eilean. Aonghas Dòmhnallach, BBC An La, ann an Grimisiadar.
An energy generator in Grimshader
[Innes Munro - Presenter] Hydro power has been in the news this week with Highland Council agreeing to a big scheme above Loch Lochy. Now a slightly smaller scheme is generating electricity in Lochs in Lewis where a family have developed a private Hydro project in Grimshader. It will be used for power in the house they have built in the area and they hope that it will pay for itself in a few years. Here’s Angus MacDonald.
[Angus MacDonald – Reporter] Kenny MacArthur has been taking water from three lochs, in the moors, half a mile to his house through a pipe that he put in the ground to an electricity generator that is five metres below. There is enough force in the current of the water for between five and ten Kilowatts of electricity to be generated.
[Kenny MacArthur (Jnr)] Our abstraction licence is for eighty litres a second. The turbine is using sixty litres a second, so I am going to leave the rest in the river. I had to get a professional survey done, you know, to make sure it was feasible, a feasibility study, so it’s only been running a week and it’s been at full power and we haven’t had a huge amount of rain since, so, no, I’m quietly confident.
[Angus MacDonald – Reporter] It has taken five years to get to this stage and there are many who thought that this would not work for him. Although, there is proof for them with the first electricity having been generated this week.
[Kenny MacArthur (Snr)] I thought he was off his head! That’s the truth! I did not think that it would work correctly at all, but I was wrong! And I am very happy that the got everything to work as well as he did. There was a lot of work since he started, lots of nights at work and days. But it was useful to him that he got this digger to work and his own machines and that was vital.
[Kenny MacArthur (Jnr)] Probably in total between forty-five and fifty thousand for the payback. If we have flow like this, or our normal flow, I reckon five years sad the rest is hopefully paying for our mortgage, or going some way to paying for our mortgage, so yeah, it makes it worthwhile!
[Angus MacDonald – Reporter] There are advantages, and it will meet the electricity needs and heat the house, and more.
[Kenny MacArthur (Jnr)] We’re just building a new house just now, so hoping it’s going to run all our heating and our domestic hot water, a couple of big hot water storage tanks, you know, just store it as heat, the water. In the winter, it will run the whole house and the rest will go to the grid.
[Murdo Murray – Expert] Do you know, when you put in the machinery, it is with you for years, and you see that with big hydro schemes. Things that were set up after the war, they are still there. If you put the turbines and something in the sea, you have to put them in as new.
[Angus MacDonald – Reporter] But the shape of the land means that although there are opportunities, not everyone can do the same thing.
[Murdo Murray – Expert] I think it is necessary to look at pump storage, so it can be used in conjunction with other things like wind turbines and power of the sea and using that power, or you can use it for the grid. Use it for pumping the water, so that the water is with you for hydro when you need it
[Angus MacDonald – Reporter] Another example of how profits can be made from the weather of the islands. Angus MacDonald BBC An Là, in Grimshader.