News Naidheachdan
Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.
Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.
Sgoiltean coille ann an Obar Itheachan
[Innes Rothach – Presentair] Chaidh teisteanasan a thoirt do chlann bho Ionad Ghàidhlig Bùnsgoil Ghlinn Urchadain as dèidh dhaibh pàirt a ghabhail ann an sreath de leasanan mu àrainneachd na coille. Dh’ionnsaich na h-òganaich mu na craobhan a tha a’ fàs agus na beathaichean a tha a’ tighinn beò ann an coilltean na h-Alba agus tha dòchas ann a-nise gun gabh barrachd de na clasaichean-coille a chumail tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig. Tha Iain MacIlleathain ag aithris à Coille Obar Itheachan ri taobh Loch Nis.
[Iain MacIlleathain – neach-aithris] Airson dhà no trì uairean a thìde gach Diardaoin, bha clann bho Prìomh a h-aon, a dhà, ‘s a trì bho Bhun-sgoil Ghlinne Urchadain a’ tighinn a choille choimhearsnachd, Obar Itheachain airson sgoil choille tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig
[Anna Nic a’ Phì – Bhun-sgoil Ghlinn Urchadain] Uill, bha mi a’ smaoineachadh gur e cothrom math a bh’ ann dhan chloinn a bhith ag ionnsachadh mu dheidhinn an àite anns a bheil iad a’ fuireach agus na beathaichean ‘s na craobhan a tha timcheall orra ann an seo, ann an Obar Itheachan.
[Iain MacIlleathain – neach-aithris] Thàinig am beachd airson sgoiltean coille às na dùthchannan Lochlannach a Bhreatainn anns na naochadan. Tha iad ag amas, am measg eile, air clann a mhisneachadh. Cha robh càil a dhì-mhisneachd air a’ chloinn an-dè.
[Iain MacIlleathain – neach-aithris] Inns dhomh mu bheathaichean, dè seòrsa beathaichean a’ fuireach 's a choille?
[A’ Chlann] Sionnach, broc, damhan-allaidh, seangan, feòrag ruadh, cailleach oidhche, feòrag ruadh.
[Iain MacIlleathain – neach-aithris] agus am faca sibh feòrag ruadh?
[A’ Chlann] chan fhaca … chan fhaca.
[Iain MacIlleathain – neach-aithris] Agus am faca sibh damhan-allaidh?
[A’ Chlann] Chunnaic! Chunnaic! Chunnaic! Dubh agus rud beag buidhe.
[Iain MacIlleathain – neach-aithris] Agus an robh e mòr?
[A’ Chlann] Chan eil! Bha e beag! Rud beag! Rud beag!
[Iain MacIlleathain – neach-aithris] Agus an robh ochd casan mòra, fada air?
[A’ Chlann] Tha! Tha! Tha! Bha!
[Iain MacIlleathain – neach-aithris] Thàinig an sgeama paidhleit bhon robh a’ chùrsa a’ ruith gu ceann an-dè. Airson sin a chomharrachadh, fhuair a’ chlann teisteanasan airson an cuid saothair.
[Boireannach] ... Agus bidh postair cuideachd ... feòrag ruadh.
[An Comh Drew Hendry – Comhairle na Gàidhealtachd] I think it’s wonderful that our children are being encouraged to learn Gaelic in the open air. It’s a fabulous facility and the kids have been absolutely terrific. I think we’ve got to get children out into the open air and we’ve got to get children interacting with the language more directly and I think this is a wonderful combination, so I would hope to see more of this going ahead, yeah.
[Iain MacIlleathain – neach-aithris] ‘S iad Urras Coille Obar Itheachain a bha a’ ruith a’ chùrsa agus tha iad an dòchas a-nis airgead fhaighinn airson a chumail a-rithist. Bhiodh iarraidh air cuideachd.
[Anna Nic a' Phì – Bhun-sgoil Ghlinn Urchadain] Tha mi a’smaoineachadh gum biodh is bhiodh sinn airson gum biodh e fosgailte dhan a h-uile clas a dhèanamh.
[Iain MacIlleathain – neach-aithris] Chòrdadh sin ris a’ chlann, chan eil dà dhòigh air. Bhuam-sa Iain MacIlleathain agus bhon a’ chlann cuideachd:
[A’ Chlann] Mar sin leibh! Mar sin leibh! Mar sin leibh! Mar sin leibh!
Forest schools in Abriachan
[Innes Munro – Presenter] Certificates were given to children after they took part in a series of lessons about the environment of the forest. The youngsters learned about the trees that grow and the creatures that live in the forests of Scotland and there is now hope that more forest classes will be held trough the medium of Gaelic. Iain MacLean reports from Abriachan Forest, beside Loch Ness.
[Iain MacLean – Reporter] For two to three hours every Thursday, children from Primary one, two and three from Glenurquhart Primary School come to the community forest, Abriachan Forest for forest school, through the medium of Gaelic.
[Anne MacPhee – Glenurquhart Primary School] Well, I thought it was a good opportunity for the children to be learning about the area in which they live and the creatures and trees that are around them here, in Abriachan.
[Iain MacLean – Reporter] The idea for forest schools travelled from Scandinavian countries to Britain in the nineties. They aim, amongst other things, to embolden children. There was nothing shy about the children yesterday.
[Iain MacLean – Reporter] Tell me about creatures, what types of creatures live in the forest?
[The Children] Fox, badger, spider, ant, red squirrel, owl, red squirrel.
[Iain MacLean – Reporter] And did you see a red squirrel?
[The Children] We didn’t see any … We didn’t see any.
[Iain MacLean – Reporter] And did you see a spider?
[The Children We did see one! We did see one! We did see one! Black and a wee bit yellow.
[Iain MacLean – Reporter] And was it big?
[The Children] No! It was small! A wee thing! A wee thing!
[Iain MacLean – Reporter] And did it have eight big, long, legs?
[The Children] Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!
[Iain MacLean – Reporter] The pilot scheme that ran the course came to an end yesterday. To commemorate this, the children received certificates for all their work.
[Woman] ... And there is a poster too ... a red squirrel.
[Councillor Drew Hendry – Highland Council] I think it’s wonderful that our children are being encouraged to learn Gaelic in the open air. It’s a fabulous facility and the kids have been absolutely terrific. I think we’ve got to get children out into the open air and we’ve got to get children interacting with the language more directly and I think this is a wonderful combination, so I would hope to see more of this going ahead, yeah.
[Iain MacLean – Reporter] Abriachan Forest Trust ran the course and they hope to raise money now to run it again. There would be demand for it too.
[Anne MacPhee – Glenurquhart Primary School] It think there would be and we would want it to be open to all classes.
[Iain MacLean – Reporter] This would please the children, there are no two ways about it. From me, Iain MacLean and from the children too:
[The Children] Goodbye! Goodbye! Goodbye!
Sgoiltean coille ann an Obar Itheachan
[Innes Rothach – Presentair] Chaidh teisteanasan a thoirt do chlann bho Ionad Ghàidhlig Bùnsgoil Ghlinn Urchadain as dèidh dhaibh pàirt a ghabhail ann an sreath de leasanan mu àrainneachd na coille. Dh’ionnsaich na h-òganaich mu na craobhan a tha a’ fàs agus na beathaichean a tha a’ tighinn beò ann an coilltean na h-Alba agus tha dòchas ann a-nise gun gabh barrachd de na clasaichean-coille a chumail tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig. Tha Iain MacIlleathain ag aithris à Coille Obar Itheachan ri taobh Loch Nis.
[Iain MacIlleathain – neach-aithris] Airson dhà no trì uairean a thìde gach Diardaoin, bha clann bho Prìomh a h-aon, a dhà, ‘s a trì bho Bhun-sgoil Ghlinne Urchadain a’ tighinn a choille choimhearsnachd, Obar Itheachain airson sgoil choille tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig
[Anna Nic a’ Phì – Bhun-sgoil Ghlinn Urchadain] Uill, bha mi a’ smaoineachadh gur e cothrom math a bh’ ann dhan chloinn a bhith ag ionnsachadh mu dheidhinn an àite anns a bheil iad a’ fuireach agus na beathaichean ‘s na craobhan a tha timcheall orra ann an seo, ann an Obar Itheachan.
[Iain MacIlleathain – neach-aithris] Thàinig am beachd airson sgoiltean coille às na dùthchannan Lochlannach a Bhreatainn anns na naochadan. Tha iad ag amas, am measg eile, air clann a mhisneachadh. Cha robh càil a dhì-mhisneachd air a’ chloinn an-dè.
[Iain MacIlleathain – neach-aithris] Inns dhomh mu bheathaichean, dè seòrsa beathaichean a’ fuireach 's a choille?
[A’ Chlann] Sionnach, broc, damhan-allaidh, seangan, feòrag ruadh, cailleach oidhche, feòrag ruadh.
[Iain MacIlleathain – neach-aithris] agus am faca sibh feòrag ruadh?
[A’ Chlann] chan fhaca … chan fhaca.
[Iain MacIlleathain – neach-aithris] Agus am faca sibh damhan-allaidh?
[A’ Chlann] Chunnaic! Chunnaic! Chunnaic! Dubh agus rud beag buidhe.
[Iain MacIlleathain – neach-aithris] Agus an robh e mòr?
[A’ Chlann] Chan eil! Bha e beag! Rud beag! Rud beag!
[Iain MacIlleathain – neach-aithris] Agus an robh ochd casan mòra, fada air?
[A’ Chlann] Tha! Tha! Tha! Bha!
[Iain MacIlleathain – neach-aithris] Thàinig an sgeama paidhleit bhon robh a’ chùrsa a’ ruith gu ceann an-dè. Airson sin a chomharrachadh, fhuair a’ chlann teisteanasan airson an cuid saothair.
[Boireannach] ... Agus bidh postair cuideachd ... feòrag ruadh.
[An Comh Drew Hendry – Comhairle na Gàidhealtachd] I think it’s wonderful that our children are being encouraged to learn Gaelic in the open air. It’s a fabulous facility and the kids have been absolutely terrific. I think we’ve got to get children out into the open air and we’ve got to get children interacting with the language more directly and I think this is a wonderful combination, so I would hope to see more of this going ahead, yeah.
[Iain MacIlleathain – neach-aithris] ‘S iad Urras Coille Obar Itheachain a bha a’ ruith a’ chùrsa agus tha iad an dòchas a-nis airgead fhaighinn airson a chumail a-rithist. Bhiodh iarraidh air cuideachd.
[Anna Nic a' Phì – Bhun-sgoil Ghlinn Urchadain] Tha mi a’smaoineachadh gum biodh is bhiodh sinn airson gum biodh e fosgailte dhan a h-uile clas a dhèanamh.
[Iain MacIlleathain – neach-aithris] Chòrdadh sin ris a’ chlann, chan eil dà dhòigh air. Bhuam-sa Iain MacIlleathain agus bhon a’ chlann cuideachd:
[A’ Chlann] Mar sin leibh! Mar sin leibh! Mar sin leibh! Mar sin leibh!
Forest schools in Abriachan
[Innes Munro – Presenter] Certificates were given to children after they took part in a series of lessons about the environment of the forest. The youngsters learned about the trees that grow and the creatures that live in the forests of Scotland and there is now hope that more forest classes will be held trough the medium of Gaelic. Iain MacLean reports from Abriachan Forest, beside Loch Ness.
[Iain MacLean – Reporter] For two to three hours every Thursday, children from Primary one, two and three from Glenurquhart Primary School come to the community forest, Abriachan Forest for forest school, through the medium of Gaelic.
[Anne MacPhee – Glenurquhart Primary School] Well, I thought it was a good opportunity for the children to be learning about the area in which they live and the creatures and trees that are around them here, in Abriachan.
[Iain MacLean – Reporter] The idea for forest schools travelled from Scandinavian countries to Britain in the nineties. They aim, amongst other things, to embolden children. There was nothing shy about the children yesterday.
[Iain MacLean – Reporter] Tell me about creatures, what types of creatures live in the forest?
[The Children] Fox, badger, spider, ant, red squirrel, owl, red squirrel.
[Iain MacLean – Reporter] And did you see a red squirrel?
[The Children] We didn’t see any … We didn’t see any.
[Iain MacLean – Reporter] And did you see a spider?
[The Children We did see one! We did see one! We did see one! Black and a wee bit yellow.
[Iain MacLean – Reporter] And was it big?
[The Children] No! It was small! A wee thing! A wee thing!
[Iain MacLean – Reporter] And did it have eight big, long, legs?
[The Children] Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!
[Iain MacLean – Reporter] The pilot scheme that ran the course came to an end yesterday. To commemorate this, the children received certificates for all their work.
[Woman] ... And there is a poster too ... a red squirrel.
[Councillor Drew Hendry – Highland Council] I think it’s wonderful that our children are being encouraged to learn Gaelic in the open air. It’s a fabulous facility and the kids have been absolutely terrific. I think we’ve got to get children out into the open air and we’ve got to get children interacting with the language more directly and I think this is a wonderful combination, so I would hope to see more of this going ahead, yeah.
[Iain MacLean – Reporter] Abriachan Forest Trust ran the course and they hope to raise money now to run it again. There would be demand for it too.
[Anne MacPhee – Glenurquhart Primary School] It think there would be and we would want it to be open to all classes.
[Iain MacLean – Reporter] This would please the children, there are no two ways about it. From me, Iain MacLean and from the children too:
[The Children] Goodbye! Goodbye! Goodbye!