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Watch Gaelic Coimhead Gàidhlig

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Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Na briosgaidean parmesan aig Fraoch Nic an Deòir

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Fraoch] Tha seo fiadhaich math. ’S iad gus a bhith, briosgaidean a th’ annta agus tha iad fiadhaich math airson ithe nuair a tha thu ag òl glainne fìona no drama no rudeigin grinn ro àm dìnnearach, tha fhios agad. ’S e rud fiadhaich soirbh a th’ ann a-rithist. Trì unnsa flùir, trì de chàise, trì de dh’ìm. ’S e parmesan. Rinn mi e aon trup – cha robh parmesan agam agus tha parmesan beagan daor – agus dh’fheuch mi aon trup dìreach le, tha fhios agad, càise dhearg agus bha e glè mhath. Cha robh dìreach an uiread de bhlas dheth ach bha e glè mhath. Cha robh stuth ceàrr air agus dhèanadh e an gnothach, ach ma tha parmesan agad tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil e car nas fheàrr na dìreach cheddar.

[Fraoch] Uill tha thu dìreach a’ taomadh seo a-staigh an seo.

[Màiri] Flùr plèan?

[Fraoch] Flùr plèan. An càise a-staigh an sin agus tha mise cuideachd a’ cur a-staigh beagan nutmeg a chionn tha mise a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil seo a’ tarraing às a’ bhlas de chàise. Agus corra uair cuideachd tha mi a’ cur a-staigh beagan mustard a chionn tha sin, tha fhios agad, tha mustard fiadhaich math le suidheachan càise agus tha mise a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil seo a’ tarraing a-mach a’ bhlas cuideachd. Dìreach rud beag ma tha thu gus a bhith a’ cur piobar ann no rudeigin, tha fhios agad.

[Màiri] Bhiodh seo freagarrach mar sheòrsa canape beag, nach biodh?

[Fraoch] Bhiodh, bhiodh. Dhèanadh iad... Tha mi gan dèanamh corra uair nuair a tha thu a’ cur, abair, crowdie no rud air mullach sin agus pìos beag iasg smocte no rudeigin agus tha e a’ dìreach gasta. Ach co-dhiù, chì thu dìreach cho soirbh ’s a tha seo.

[Fraoch] Tha seo car bog.

[Màiri] Beag air bheag tha Fraoch a’ measgachadh a-staigh nan cnapan ime.

[Fraoch] Agus tha thu dìreach... Tha thu dìreach ga dhèanamh gus an tig e còmhla. Sin agad a-nis. Nis, tha e caran bog.

[Màiri] Ciamar a tha fhios agaibh a-nis gu bheil e deiseil? Dè...?

[Fraoch] Uill tha an stuth... Uill chì thu tha...

[Màiri] Tha e dìreach a’ tighinn uile còmhla ann an aon, mar gum biodh, ann an aon bhall.

[Fraoch] Fhios agad, chan eil... Dìreach gus an tig e còmhla ann an làmh mar sin. Agus le sin tha thu a’ dol ga roiligeadh suas ach the secret - dèan seo.

[Fraoch] Tha seo coltach ri playdough nuair a bha sinn aig an sgoil. Tha iad sin car, dìreach, mun size cheart. Right tha mi dìreach a’ roiligeadh sin suas mar sin agus cuiridh mi anns an reothadair e airson deich mionaidean no cairteal na h-uarachach gum bi e cruaidh agus bidh e soirbh a ghearradh suas. Uill tha sin gu math soirbh.

[Màiri] Uill tha e a’ coimhead furasta.

[Fraoch] Trì mionaidean.

[Màiri] Tha e a’ coimhead furasta nuair a nì sibhse e.

[Fraoch] Uill, chan e mise a rinn e, ‘s e am beathach sin a rinn e. Fàgaidh sinn siud a-staigh an sin agus sin agad e.

[Màiri] Tha sibh dìreach gan gearradh ann an greimeannan beaga.

[Fraoch] Tha.

[Màiri] ’S am bi sibh a’ dèanamh seo tric nuair a bhios daoine a’ tighinn thugaibh airson drama no glainne fìona?

[Fraoch] Bithidh, bithidh, a chionn, tha fhios agad, chan eil mi a’ gleidheadh rudan mur an robh a-staigh anns an taigh a chionn nuair a tionndas mi dheth thèid e tioram so ithe mi fhèin sin so ithe ma tha iad a’ laighe mun chuairt. Leis sin ma tha fhios a’m gu bheil cuideigin a’ tighinn, tha mi dìreach a’ ruith don frids, a-mach leis a’ chàise, an t-ìm agus am flùr agus ann an còig mionaidean tha iad agad.

[Màiri] Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh cuideachd tha e doirbh rudan a lorg anns a’ bhùtha tha freagarrach, you know, ma tha daoine a’ tighinn thugad airson glainne fìona. Dè bheir thu dhaibh a bharrachd air càise?

[Fraoch] ’S e agus tha iad a’mothachadh , uill tha mise a’ mothachadh gum bi iad-san a’ smaoineachadh gun robh, gun do rinn thu rudeigin dhaibh, tha fhios agad, gun robh, ’s e. Agus ’s toigh leamsa sin. Agus tha e fiadhaich soirbh cuimhneachadh air an reasabaidh seo a chionn ’s e dìreach equal quantities den ìm ’s den chàise ’s am flùr. Agus le sin an aon rud a dh’fheumas tu dhèanamh dìreach mus cuir thu iad a-staigh dhan àmhainn airson fuine dìreach... agus tha sin gan cumail rèidh.

[Màiri] Tha e iongantach cho furasta ’s a bha e a dhèanamh agus cho luath ’s a bha seo agus tha suas ri lethcheud briosgaid bheag agaibh.

[Fraoch] Tha. Tha sin ceart. Feitheamh gus am faigh thu blas den seo. Cha mhair iad còig mionaidean.

[Màiri] Feuchaidh sinn sin an-dràsta còmhla ris a’ ghlainne fìona againn. Tha seo a’ coimhead math.

[Fraoch] Uill tha mi an dòchas gu bheil. Uill chan eil iad bog agus tha iad blasta. Gabhaidh sinn fear eile leis an fhìon.

[Màiri] Sgoinneil. Slàinte.

[Fraoch] Slàinte mhath.

[Fraoch] Uill tha sin glè mhath, nach eil?

[Màiri] Tha iad a’ còrdadh riumsa.

Chaidh am prògram seo, Fuine, a chraoladh an toiseach ann an 2013. Le taing do Caledonia TV.



Heather Dewar’s parmesan shortbread

English Beurla

[Heather] This is really good. They are going to be biscuits and they are really good for eating when you are drinking a glass of wine or a dram or something nice before dinner time, you know. It is a really easy thing again. Three ounces of flour, three of cheese, three of butter. It is parmesan. I made it once – I did not have parmesan and parmesan is a wee bit expensive – and I tried it once just with, you know, red cheese and it was very good. There was nothing wrong with it and it would do, but if you have parmesan I think that it is somewhat better than just cheddar.

[Heather] Well you just pour this into here.

[Mairi] Plain flour?

[Heather] Plain flour. The cheese into that and I also add a wee bit of nutmeg because I think that this draws out the flavour of cheese. And occasionally too I add a wee bit of mustard because that, you know, mustard is really good with cheese and I think that this draws out the flavour too. Just a wee bit if you are going to be adding pepper or something, you know.

[Mairi] This would be suitable as a sort of wee canape, would it not?

[Heather] Yes, it would. They would do... I make them occasionally when you put, say, crowdie or something on top of that and a wee piece of smoked fish or something and it looks splendid. But anyway, you can see just how easy this is.

[Heather] This is quite soft.

[Mairi] Little by little Heather mixes in the lumps of butter.

[Heather] And you just... You just do it until it comes together. That’s it now. Now, it is quite soft.

[Mairi] How do you know now that it is ready? What...?

[Heather] Well the mixture is... Well you can see...

[Mairi] It just all comes together in one, as it were, in one ball.

[Heather] You know, there is not... Just until it comes together in your hand like this. And with that you are going to roll it up but the secret – do this.

[Heather] This is like playdough when we were at school. They are, just, about the right size. Right I am just rolling that up and I will put it in the freezer for ten minutes or quarter of an hour so that it is firm and it will be easy to cut up. Well that is very easy.

[Mairi] Well it looks easy.

[Heather] Three minutes.

[Mairi] It looks easy when you make it.

[Heather] Well, I didn’t do it. The beast did it. We will leave that in there and that’s it.

[Mairi] You are just cutting them in small bites.

[Heather] I am.

[Mairi] And do you make this often when people are coming to you for a dram or a glass of wine?

[Heather] Yes, I do because, you know, I do not keep things as as soon as I turned it off and they dried I would eat it. With that if I know that someone is coming, I just run to the fridge, out with the cheese, the butter and the flour and in five minutes you have them.

[Mairi] I think also it is difficult to find things that are suitable in the shop, you know, if people are coming to you for a glass of wine. What can you give them apart from cheese?

[Heather] Yes and they notice, well I notice that they think that, that you made something for them, you know, that, yes. And I like that. And it is really easy to remember this recipe because it is just equal quantities of the butter and of the cheese and the flour. And with that the one thing that you must do just before you put them into the oven for baking just... and that keeps them level.

[Mairi] It is surprising how easy it was to make it and how quick this was and you have up to fifty wee biscuits.

[Heather] I do. That is correct. Wait until you get a taste of this. They do not last five minutes.

[Mairi] We will try that just now with our glass of wine. This looks good.

[Heather] Well I hope so. Well they are not soft and they are tasty. We’

[Mairi] Brilliant. Cheers.

[Heather] Cheers.

[Heather] Well that is very good, is it not?

[Mairi] I like them.

This programme, Fuine, was first broadcast in 2013. Courtesy of Caledonia TV



Na briosgaidean parmesan aig Fraoch Nic an Deòir

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Fraoch] Tha seo fiadhaich math. ’S iad gus a bhith, briosgaidean a th’ annta agus tha iad fiadhaich math airson ithe nuair a tha thu ag òl glainne fìona no drama no rudeigin grinn ro àm dìnnearach, tha fhios agad. ’S e rud fiadhaich soirbh a th’ ann a-rithist. Trì unnsa flùir, trì de chàise, trì de dh’ìm. ’S e parmesan. Rinn mi e aon trup – cha robh parmesan agam agus tha parmesan beagan daor – agus dh’fheuch mi aon trup dìreach le, tha fhios agad, càise dhearg agus bha e glè mhath. Cha robh dìreach an uiread de bhlas dheth ach bha e glè mhath. Cha robh stuth ceàrr air agus dhèanadh e an gnothach, ach ma tha parmesan agad tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil e car nas fheàrr na dìreach cheddar.

[Fraoch] Uill tha thu dìreach a’ taomadh seo a-staigh an seo.

[Màiri] Flùr plèan?

[Fraoch] Flùr plèan. An càise a-staigh an sin agus tha mise cuideachd a’ cur a-staigh beagan nutmeg a chionn tha mise a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil seo a’ tarraing às a’ bhlas de chàise. Agus corra uair cuideachd tha mi a’ cur a-staigh beagan mustard a chionn tha sin, tha fhios agad, tha mustard fiadhaich math le suidheachan càise agus tha mise a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil seo a’ tarraing a-mach a’ bhlas cuideachd. Dìreach rud beag ma tha thu gus a bhith a’ cur piobar ann no rudeigin, tha fhios agad.

[Màiri] Bhiodh seo freagarrach mar sheòrsa canape beag, nach biodh?

[Fraoch] Bhiodh, bhiodh. Dhèanadh iad... Tha mi gan dèanamh corra uair nuair a tha thu a’ cur, abair, crowdie no rud air mullach sin agus pìos beag iasg smocte no rudeigin agus tha e a’ dìreach gasta. Ach co-dhiù, chì thu dìreach cho soirbh ’s a tha seo.

[Fraoch] Tha seo car bog.

[Màiri] Beag air bheag tha Fraoch a’ measgachadh a-staigh nan cnapan ime.

[Fraoch] Agus tha thu dìreach... Tha thu dìreach ga dhèanamh gus an tig e còmhla. Sin agad a-nis. Nis, tha e caran bog.

[Màiri] Ciamar a tha fhios agaibh a-nis gu bheil e deiseil? Dè...?

[Fraoch] Uill tha an stuth... Uill chì thu tha...

[Màiri] Tha e dìreach a’ tighinn uile còmhla ann an aon, mar gum biodh, ann an aon bhall.

[Fraoch] Fhios agad, chan eil... Dìreach gus an tig e còmhla ann an làmh mar sin. Agus le sin tha thu a’ dol ga roiligeadh suas ach the secret - dèan seo.

[Fraoch] Tha seo coltach ri playdough nuair a bha sinn aig an sgoil. Tha iad sin car, dìreach, mun size cheart. Right tha mi dìreach a’ roiligeadh sin suas mar sin agus cuiridh mi anns an reothadair e airson deich mionaidean no cairteal na h-uarachach gum bi e cruaidh agus bidh e soirbh a ghearradh suas. Uill tha sin gu math soirbh.

[Màiri] Uill tha e a’ coimhead furasta.

[Fraoch] Trì mionaidean.

[Màiri] Tha e a’ coimhead furasta nuair a nì sibhse e.

[Fraoch] Uill, chan e mise a rinn e, ‘s e am beathach sin a rinn e. Fàgaidh sinn siud a-staigh an sin agus sin agad e.

[Màiri] Tha sibh dìreach gan gearradh ann an greimeannan beaga.

[Fraoch] Tha.

[Màiri] ’S am bi sibh a’ dèanamh seo tric nuair a bhios daoine a’ tighinn thugaibh airson drama no glainne fìona?

[Fraoch] Bithidh, bithidh, a chionn, tha fhios agad, chan eil mi a’ gleidheadh rudan mur an robh a-staigh anns an taigh a chionn nuair a tionndas mi dheth thèid e tioram so ithe mi fhèin sin so ithe ma tha iad a’ laighe mun chuairt. Leis sin ma tha fhios a’m gu bheil cuideigin a’ tighinn, tha mi dìreach a’ ruith don frids, a-mach leis a’ chàise, an t-ìm agus am flùr agus ann an còig mionaidean tha iad agad.

[Màiri] Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh cuideachd tha e doirbh rudan a lorg anns a’ bhùtha tha freagarrach, you know, ma tha daoine a’ tighinn thugad airson glainne fìona. Dè bheir thu dhaibh a bharrachd air càise?

[Fraoch] ’S e agus tha iad a’mothachadh , uill tha mise a’ mothachadh gum bi iad-san a’ smaoineachadh gun robh, gun do rinn thu rudeigin dhaibh, tha fhios agad, gun robh, ’s e. Agus ’s toigh leamsa sin. Agus tha e fiadhaich soirbh cuimhneachadh air an reasabaidh seo a chionn ’s e dìreach equal quantities den ìm ’s den chàise ’s am flùr. Agus le sin an aon rud a dh’fheumas tu dhèanamh dìreach mus cuir thu iad a-staigh dhan àmhainn airson fuine dìreach... agus tha sin gan cumail rèidh.

[Màiri] Tha e iongantach cho furasta ’s a bha e a dhèanamh agus cho luath ’s a bha seo agus tha suas ri lethcheud briosgaid bheag agaibh.

[Fraoch] Tha. Tha sin ceart. Feitheamh gus am faigh thu blas den seo. Cha mhair iad còig mionaidean.

[Màiri] Feuchaidh sinn sin an-dràsta còmhla ris a’ ghlainne fìona againn. Tha seo a’ coimhead math.

[Fraoch] Uill tha mi an dòchas gu bheil. Uill chan eil iad bog agus tha iad blasta. Gabhaidh sinn fear eile leis an fhìon.

[Màiri] Sgoinneil. Slàinte.

[Fraoch] Slàinte mhath.

[Fraoch] Uill tha sin glè mhath, nach eil?

[Màiri] Tha iad a’ còrdadh riumsa.

Chaidh am prògram seo, Fuine, a chraoladh an toiseach ann an 2013. Le taing do Caledonia TV.



Heather Dewar’s parmesan shortbread

English Beurla

[Heather] This is really good. They are going to be biscuits and they are really good for eating when you are drinking a glass of wine or a dram or something nice before dinner time, you know. It is a really easy thing again. Three ounces of flour, three of cheese, three of butter. It is parmesan. I made it once – I did not have parmesan and parmesan is a wee bit expensive – and I tried it once just with, you know, red cheese and it was very good. There was nothing wrong with it and it would do, but if you have parmesan I think that it is somewhat better than just cheddar.

[Heather] Well you just pour this into here.

[Mairi] Plain flour?

[Heather] Plain flour. The cheese into that and I also add a wee bit of nutmeg because I think that this draws out the flavour of cheese. And occasionally too I add a wee bit of mustard because that, you know, mustard is really good with cheese and I think that this draws out the flavour too. Just a wee bit if you are going to be adding pepper or something, you know.

[Mairi] This would be suitable as a sort of wee canape, would it not?

[Heather] Yes, it would. They would do... I make them occasionally when you put, say, crowdie or something on top of that and a wee piece of smoked fish or something and it looks splendid. But anyway, you can see just how easy this is.

[Heather] This is quite soft.

[Mairi] Little by little Heather mixes in the lumps of butter.

[Heather] And you just... You just do it until it comes together. That’s it now. Now, it is quite soft.

[Mairi] How do you know now that it is ready? What...?

[Heather] Well the mixture is... Well you can see...

[Mairi] It just all comes together in one, as it were, in one ball.

[Heather] You know, there is not... Just until it comes together in your hand like this. And with that you are going to roll it up but the secret – do this.

[Heather] This is like playdough when we were at school. They are, just, about the right size. Right I am just rolling that up and I will put it in the freezer for ten minutes or quarter of an hour so that it is firm and it will be easy to cut up. Well that is very easy.

[Mairi] Well it looks easy.

[Heather] Three minutes.

[Mairi] It looks easy when you make it.

[Heather] Well, I didn’t do it. The beast did it. We will leave that in there and that’s it.

[Mairi] You are just cutting them in small bites.

[Heather] I am.

[Mairi] And do you make this often when people are coming to you for a dram or a glass of wine?

[Heather] Yes, I do because, you know, I do not keep things as as soon as I turned it off and they dried I would eat it. With that if I know that someone is coming, I just run to the fridge, out with the cheese, the butter and the flour and in five minutes you have them.

[Mairi] I think also it is difficult to find things that are suitable in the shop, you know, if people are coming to you for a glass of wine. What can you give them apart from cheese?

[Heather] Yes and they notice, well I notice that they think that, that you made something for them, you know, that, yes. And I like that. And it is really easy to remember this recipe because it is just equal quantities of the butter and of the cheese and the flour. And with that the one thing that you must do just before you put them into the oven for baking just... and that keeps them level.

[Mairi] It is surprising how easy it was to make it and how quick this was and you have up to fifty wee biscuits.

[Heather] I do. That is correct. Wait until you get a taste of this. They do not last five minutes.

[Mairi] We will try that just now with our glass of wine. This looks good.

[Heather] Well I hope so. Well they are not soft and they are tasty. We’

[Mairi] Brilliant. Cheers.

[Heather] Cheers.

[Heather] Well that is very good, is it not?

[Mairi] I like them.

This programme, Fuine, was first broadcast in 2013. Courtesy of Caledonia TV