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Watch Gaelic Coimhead Gàidhlig

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Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Na bonnaich bheaga Yorkshire aig Seonag Nic a’ Ghobhainn

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Màiri] A Sheonag a-nis, na greimeannan beaga a tha seo a bhiodh math nam biodh duine a’ tighinn thugaibh airson drama no ...

[Seonag] ’S e, dìreach rud beag a ghabhadh ithe ro làimh no còmhla ri drama no rudeigin mar sin.

[Màiri] Innis dhuinn dè tha sibh a’ dol a dhèanamh ma-thà.

[Seonag] Uill chan eil mi ach a’ dol a dhèanamh mar gum biodh tu a’ dèanamh Yorkshire puddings mar as àbhaist ach tha mi gan dèanamh beag agus tha mi a’ dol a chur annta sausages ann am feadhainn dhiubh le rud beag pickle agus pìos feòla anns an fheadhainn eile le horseradish sauce. Dìreach bìdeag de roast beef no rudeigin mar sin. Ach ’s e stèig bheag a rinn mise. Bhruich mi e agus tha thu ga dhèanamh, chan eil thu ga dhèanamh, tha thu ga fhàgail gu math rare airson ’s gum bi e caran pinc anns a’ mheadhan.

[Seonag] So feuchaidh sinn air na Yorkshire puddings an-dràsta co-dhiù. Chan eil tomhas idir agamsa air an seo. Cha bhi mi ach gan dèanamh. Bidh mi a’ cur dà ugh agus trì no ceithir a spàinean. So tha thu ga thomhas. Tha thu a’ gabhail tuairmse nuair a tha thu ga dhèanamh ’s a’ cur bainne ann. So tha eagal orm nach urrainn ... ach dìreach an dòigh, ge bith dè an dòigh as àbhaist dhut a bhith a’ dèanamh Yorkshire puddings.

[Màiri] Agus tha ola agaibh an-dràsta a’ teasachadh san àmhainn.

[Seonag] Tha, anns an tiona. Feumaidh tu an ola a bhith uabhasach teth anns na tionaichean mus cuir thu ann an gnothach no tha sin a’ fàs, an uair sin èirighidh iad nas fheàrr.

[Màiri] Tha e an-còmhnaidh math rudan ùra fhaicinn, dìreach greimeannan beaga a dh’fhaodadh a bhith agad nan tigeadh duine a chèilidh.

[Seonag] Uill ’s iomadh rud a dh’fhaodadh tu a dhèanamh ach tha seo furasta ’s tha e caran diofrach. ’S toigh leam e, Dh’fheuch mi e turas no dhà mu thràth Tha e dìreach rud beag diofrach on àbhaist.

[Màiri] Faodaidh tu an dèanamh a-rithist ro làimh ...

[Seonag] Dh’fhaodadh tu sin.

[Màiri] ... no an cumail anns am freezer.

[Seonag] Uill tha iad a’ cumail gu math sa freezer. Cumaidh iad uabhasach math ann, Yorkshire puddings.

[Seonag] So siud a-nis.

[Seonag] Dìreach gan lìonadh letheach. Na lìon suas iad idir.

[Màiri] Agus mur a bheil an ola teth gu leòr, dè thachras?

[Seonag] Uill chan èirich iad ’s dòcha cho mòr.

[Màiri] Cho furasta an ceannachd a-nis sa bhùth cuideachd, nach eil?

[Seonag] A bheil? Am bi thu gan ceannachd?

[Màiri] Cha bu chòir dhomh a bhith ag aideachadh gum bi.

[Seonag] Right so tha an àmhainn cho teth ’s a thig i agus.

[Màiri] Dè cho fada?

[Seonag] Deich mionaidean.

[Seonag] Ma tha pìos mòr feòla agad tha sin alright ach dìreach bìdeag beag stèig mar seo, fillet steak a th’ agam an seo an-dràsta, agus ga ghearradh uabhasach tana agus cha leig e leas a bhith cho, faodaidh tu barrachd bruich a thoirt dha ma tha thu airson.

[Màiri] Cha chreid mi nach fheumainn-sa barrachd bruich a thoirt dha.

[Seonag] Cha toigh leat idir mar seo e?

[Màiri] Dhèanainn math nan ithinn mar sin e.

[Seonag] ’S toigh leam fhìn mar seo e. Ach ga ghearradh meadhanach math tana a chionn ’s chan eil thu ach a’ cur pìos beag dheth ann an siud còmhla ri sabhs agus mar a tha mi ag ràdh chan eil ann ach grèim làn do bheòil.

[Seonag] So a-nis tha an sabhs a tha seo agam. ’Se horseradish a tha seo agus dìreach rud beag de mhayonnaise agus rud beag de dh’uachdar còmhla ris a chionn ’s tha horseradish leis fhèin gu math làidir. So tha thu dìreach a’ cur rud beag dheth ann an siud. Agus tha na pìosan a tha seo caran mòr so feumaidh tu dìreach an gearradh gus an tig iad am broinn an rud.

[Màiri] Coimhead sin, cho snog ’s a tha sin.

[Seonag] Tha e gu math blasta cuideachd. Nis, tha feadhainn eile agam ann an seo agus tha mi a’ dol a chur sausages annta.

[Màiri] Dh’fhaodadh tu fiu ’s filling sam bith a chur annta, nach fhaodadh?

[Seonag] Dh’fhaodadh tu rud sam bith a chur annta ach dìreach air sailleabh gur e Yorkshire puddings ’s e a dh’fhag gun robh mi a’ cur anroast beef ann. Agus nis tha am fear-sa agam, dìreach pickle sam bith a chòrdas riut fhèin. Agus cuir ann...

[Màiri] Sausage.

[Seonag] ... sausage air a ghearradh beag no even ma tha sausages bheaga agad.

[Màiri] Coimhead cho snog ’s a tha iad a’ coimhead.

[Seonag] Tha iad glè bhlasta. A bheil thu ag iarraidh tè?

[Màiri] ’S toigh leam an size.

[Seonag] ’S e. Tha e dìreach mar a bha mi ag ràdh, làn do bheòil. Sin a th’ ann.

[Màiri] Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gum bi seo math còmhla ri glainne fìon.

[Seonag] Chòrdadh seo ris a’ chloinn cuideachd. Bhiodh seo math son, eil fhios agad, parties cloinne mur eil iad ag iarraidh mòran ri ithe seach a bhith ag ithe rudan milis fad an t-siubhail. Còrdaidh seo ri clann. So a bheil thu fhèin a’ dol a dh’fheuchainn tè?

[Màiri] Cha chreid mi nach fheum mi. Tha iad a’ coimhead cho math.

[Seonag] So feuch tè dhiubh siud ma-thà. Dè do bharail?

[Màiri] Seo sausage agus pickle?

[Seonag] Sausage agus pickle a tha sin so feuch i.

[Màiri] Cho aotrom ’s a tha iad.

[Seonag] Nach eil? Tha. Tha iad math.

[Màiri] Math fhèin.

Chaidh am prògram seo, Fuine, a chraoladh an toiseach ann an 2013. Le taing do Caledonia TV.



Seonag Smith’s Mini Yorkshire Puddings

English Beurla

[Màiri] Now Seonag, these wee morsels that would be good if someone was coming to yours for a dram.

[Seonag] Yes, just a wee thing to eat beforehand or with a dram or something like that.

[Màiri] Tell us what you are going to do then.

[Seonag] Well I’m just going to make it like you would a normal Yorkshire pudding but I’m making them small and I’m going to put sausages in some of them with a little bit of pickle and a piece of meat in the other ones with horseradish sauce. Just a wee bit of roast beef or something like that. But it’s a wee steak that I did. I cooked it and you make it, you don’t make it, you leave it quite rare so that it’ll be a little bit pink in the middle.

[Seonag] So we’ll try the Yorkshire puddings just now anyway. I don’t have measurements for this at all. I just make them. I put two eggs and three or four spoons. So you measure it. You estimate when you’re making it and put milk in it. So I’m afraid that I can’t ... but just the way, however you would normally make Yorkshire puddings.

[Màiri] And you have oil heating in the oven just now.

[Seonag] Yes, in the tin. You must have the oil terribly hot in the tins before you put in the mixture or that increases, then they’ll rise better.

[Màiri] It’s always good to see new things, just wee morsels that you could have if someone came to visit.

[Seonag] Well there are many things that you could do but this is easy and it’s a bit different. I like it. I’ve tried it once or twice already.It’s just a bit different from the usual.

[Màiri] You could make them again beforehand...

[Seonag] You could.

[Màiri] ...or keep them in the freezer?

[Seonag] Well they keep well in the freezer. They’ll keep very well there, Yorkshire puddings.

[Seonag] So there now.

[Seonag] Just filling them halfway. Don’t fill them up at all.

[Màiri] And if the oil isn’t hot enough, what happens?

[Seonag] Well they won’t rise maybe as well.

[Màiri] So easy to buy them now in the shop, isn’t it?

[Seonag] Is it? Do you buy them?

[Màiri] I shouldn’t be admitting that I do.

[Seonag] Right so the oven is as hot as it will go and...

[Màiri] How long?

[Seonag] Ten minutes.

[Seonag] If you have a big piece of meat that’s alright but just a wee bit of steak like this, I have fillet steak here just now, and cut it very thinly and you don’t need to be so... you can cook it for longer if you want.

[Màiri] I think that I’d need to cook it more.

[Seonag] You don’t like it like this at all?

[Màiri] I’d do well to eat it like that.

[Seonag] I like it like this myself. But cut it quite thinly because you’re only putting a wee piece of it in there along with sauce and as I say it’s only a mouthful.

[Seonag] So now I have this sauce. This is horseradish and just a wee bit of mayonnaise and a wee bit of cream with it since horseradish by itself is very strong. So you just put a wee bit of it there. And these pieces are a bit big so you must just cut it until they fit inside the thing.

[Màiri] Look at that, how nice that is.

[Seonag] It’s very tasty too. Now, I have other ones here and I’m going to put sausages in them.

[Màiri] You could even put any filling in them, couldn’t you?

[Seonag] You could put anything in them but just because they’re Yorkshire puddings that’s why I put the roast beef in. And now I have this one, just any pickle that you like yourself. And put in ...

[Màiri] Sausage.

[Seonag] ... sausage cut small or even if you have small sausages.

[Màiri] Look at how nice they look.

[Seonag] They are very tasty. Do you want one?

[Màiri] I like the size.

[Seonag] Yes. It’s just as I was saying, a mouthful. That’s what it is.

[Màiri] I think that this’ll be nice with a glass of wine.

[Seonag] The children would enjoy this as well. This would be good for, you know, children’s parties if they don’t want a lot to eat instead of eating sweet things all the time. Children will like this. So are you going to try one yourself?

[Màiri] I think that I’ll have to. They look so good.

[Seonag] So try one of those then. What do you think?

[Màiri] This is sausage and pickle?

[Seonag] That’s sausage and pickle so try it.

[Màiri] They’re so light.

[Seonag] Aren’t they? Yes. They are good.

[Màiri] Very good.

This programme, Fuine, was first broadcast in 2013. Courtesy of Caledonia TV



Na bonnaich bheaga Yorkshire aig Seonag Nic a’ Ghobhainn

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Màiri] A Sheonag a-nis, na greimeannan beaga a tha seo a bhiodh math nam biodh duine a’ tighinn thugaibh airson drama no ...

[Seonag] ’S e, dìreach rud beag a ghabhadh ithe ro làimh no còmhla ri drama no rudeigin mar sin.

[Màiri] Innis dhuinn dè tha sibh a’ dol a dhèanamh ma-thà.

[Seonag] Uill chan eil mi ach a’ dol a dhèanamh mar gum biodh tu a’ dèanamh Yorkshire puddings mar as àbhaist ach tha mi gan dèanamh beag agus tha mi a’ dol a chur annta sausages ann am feadhainn dhiubh le rud beag pickle agus pìos feòla anns an fheadhainn eile le horseradish sauce. Dìreach bìdeag de roast beef no rudeigin mar sin. Ach ’s e stèig bheag a rinn mise. Bhruich mi e agus tha thu ga dhèanamh, chan eil thu ga dhèanamh, tha thu ga fhàgail gu math rare airson ’s gum bi e caran pinc anns a’ mheadhan.

[Seonag] So feuchaidh sinn air na Yorkshire puddings an-dràsta co-dhiù. Chan eil tomhas idir agamsa air an seo. Cha bhi mi ach gan dèanamh. Bidh mi a’ cur dà ugh agus trì no ceithir a spàinean. So tha thu ga thomhas. Tha thu a’ gabhail tuairmse nuair a tha thu ga dhèanamh ’s a’ cur bainne ann. So tha eagal orm nach urrainn ... ach dìreach an dòigh, ge bith dè an dòigh as àbhaist dhut a bhith a’ dèanamh Yorkshire puddings.

[Màiri] Agus tha ola agaibh an-dràsta a’ teasachadh san àmhainn.

[Seonag] Tha, anns an tiona. Feumaidh tu an ola a bhith uabhasach teth anns na tionaichean mus cuir thu ann an gnothach no tha sin a’ fàs, an uair sin èirighidh iad nas fheàrr.

[Màiri] Tha e an-còmhnaidh math rudan ùra fhaicinn, dìreach greimeannan beaga a dh’fhaodadh a bhith agad nan tigeadh duine a chèilidh.

[Seonag] Uill ’s iomadh rud a dh’fhaodadh tu a dhèanamh ach tha seo furasta ’s tha e caran diofrach. ’S toigh leam e, Dh’fheuch mi e turas no dhà mu thràth Tha e dìreach rud beag diofrach on àbhaist.

[Màiri] Faodaidh tu an dèanamh a-rithist ro làimh ...

[Seonag] Dh’fhaodadh tu sin.

[Màiri] ... no an cumail anns am freezer.

[Seonag] Uill tha iad a’ cumail gu math sa freezer. Cumaidh iad uabhasach math ann, Yorkshire puddings.

[Seonag] So siud a-nis.

[Seonag] Dìreach gan lìonadh letheach. Na lìon suas iad idir.

[Màiri] Agus mur a bheil an ola teth gu leòr, dè thachras?

[Seonag] Uill chan èirich iad ’s dòcha cho mòr.

[Màiri] Cho furasta an ceannachd a-nis sa bhùth cuideachd, nach eil?

[Seonag] A bheil? Am bi thu gan ceannachd?

[Màiri] Cha bu chòir dhomh a bhith ag aideachadh gum bi.

[Seonag] Right so tha an àmhainn cho teth ’s a thig i agus.

[Màiri] Dè cho fada?

[Seonag] Deich mionaidean.

[Seonag] Ma tha pìos mòr feòla agad tha sin alright ach dìreach bìdeag beag stèig mar seo, fillet steak a th’ agam an seo an-dràsta, agus ga ghearradh uabhasach tana agus cha leig e leas a bhith cho, faodaidh tu barrachd bruich a thoirt dha ma tha thu airson.

[Màiri] Cha chreid mi nach fheumainn-sa barrachd bruich a thoirt dha.

[Seonag] Cha toigh leat idir mar seo e?

[Màiri] Dhèanainn math nan ithinn mar sin e.

[Seonag] ’S toigh leam fhìn mar seo e. Ach ga ghearradh meadhanach math tana a chionn ’s chan eil thu ach a’ cur pìos beag dheth ann an siud còmhla ri sabhs agus mar a tha mi ag ràdh chan eil ann ach grèim làn do bheòil.

[Seonag] So a-nis tha an sabhs a tha seo agam. ’Se horseradish a tha seo agus dìreach rud beag de mhayonnaise agus rud beag de dh’uachdar còmhla ris a chionn ’s tha horseradish leis fhèin gu math làidir. So tha thu dìreach a’ cur rud beag dheth ann an siud. Agus tha na pìosan a tha seo caran mòr so feumaidh tu dìreach an gearradh gus an tig iad am broinn an rud.

[Màiri] Coimhead sin, cho snog ’s a tha sin.

[Seonag] Tha e gu math blasta cuideachd. Nis, tha feadhainn eile agam ann an seo agus tha mi a’ dol a chur sausages annta.

[Màiri] Dh’fhaodadh tu fiu ’s filling sam bith a chur annta, nach fhaodadh?

[Seonag] Dh’fhaodadh tu rud sam bith a chur annta ach dìreach air sailleabh gur e Yorkshire puddings ’s e a dh’fhag gun robh mi a’ cur anroast beef ann. Agus nis tha am fear-sa agam, dìreach pickle sam bith a chòrdas riut fhèin. Agus cuir ann...

[Màiri] Sausage.

[Seonag] ... sausage air a ghearradh beag no even ma tha sausages bheaga agad.

[Màiri] Coimhead cho snog ’s a tha iad a’ coimhead.

[Seonag] Tha iad glè bhlasta. A bheil thu ag iarraidh tè?

[Màiri] ’S toigh leam an size.

[Seonag] ’S e. Tha e dìreach mar a bha mi ag ràdh, làn do bheòil. Sin a th’ ann.

[Màiri] Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gum bi seo math còmhla ri glainne fìon.

[Seonag] Chòrdadh seo ris a’ chloinn cuideachd. Bhiodh seo math son, eil fhios agad, parties cloinne mur eil iad ag iarraidh mòran ri ithe seach a bhith ag ithe rudan milis fad an t-siubhail. Còrdaidh seo ri clann. So a bheil thu fhèin a’ dol a dh’fheuchainn tè?

[Màiri] Cha chreid mi nach fheum mi. Tha iad a’ coimhead cho math.

[Seonag] So feuch tè dhiubh siud ma-thà. Dè do bharail?

[Màiri] Seo sausage agus pickle?

[Seonag] Sausage agus pickle a tha sin so feuch i.

[Màiri] Cho aotrom ’s a tha iad.

[Seonag] Nach eil? Tha. Tha iad math.

[Màiri] Math fhèin.

Chaidh am prògram seo, Fuine, a chraoladh an toiseach ann an 2013. Le taing do Caledonia TV.



Seonag Smith’s Mini Yorkshire Puddings

English Beurla

[Màiri] Now Seonag, these wee morsels that would be good if someone was coming to yours for a dram.

[Seonag] Yes, just a wee thing to eat beforehand or with a dram or something like that.

[Màiri] Tell us what you are going to do then.

[Seonag] Well I’m just going to make it like you would a normal Yorkshire pudding but I’m making them small and I’m going to put sausages in some of them with a little bit of pickle and a piece of meat in the other ones with horseradish sauce. Just a wee bit of roast beef or something like that. But it’s a wee steak that I did. I cooked it and you make it, you don’t make it, you leave it quite rare so that it’ll be a little bit pink in the middle.

[Seonag] So we’ll try the Yorkshire puddings just now anyway. I don’t have measurements for this at all. I just make them. I put two eggs and three or four spoons. So you measure it. You estimate when you’re making it and put milk in it. So I’m afraid that I can’t ... but just the way, however you would normally make Yorkshire puddings.

[Màiri] And you have oil heating in the oven just now.

[Seonag] Yes, in the tin. You must have the oil terribly hot in the tins before you put in the mixture or that increases, then they’ll rise better.

[Màiri] It’s always good to see new things, just wee morsels that you could have if someone came to visit.

[Seonag] Well there are many things that you could do but this is easy and it’s a bit different. I like it. I’ve tried it once or twice already.It’s just a bit different from the usual.

[Màiri] You could make them again beforehand...

[Seonag] You could.

[Màiri] ...or keep them in the freezer?

[Seonag] Well they keep well in the freezer. They’ll keep very well there, Yorkshire puddings.

[Seonag] So there now.

[Seonag] Just filling them halfway. Don’t fill them up at all.

[Màiri] And if the oil isn’t hot enough, what happens?

[Seonag] Well they won’t rise maybe as well.

[Màiri] So easy to buy them now in the shop, isn’t it?

[Seonag] Is it? Do you buy them?

[Màiri] I shouldn’t be admitting that I do.

[Seonag] Right so the oven is as hot as it will go and...

[Màiri] How long?

[Seonag] Ten minutes.

[Seonag] If you have a big piece of meat that’s alright but just a wee bit of steak like this, I have fillet steak here just now, and cut it very thinly and you don’t need to be so... you can cook it for longer if you want.

[Màiri] I think that I’d need to cook it more.

[Seonag] You don’t like it like this at all?

[Màiri] I’d do well to eat it like that.

[Seonag] I like it like this myself. But cut it quite thinly because you’re only putting a wee piece of it in there along with sauce and as I say it’s only a mouthful.

[Seonag] So now I have this sauce. This is horseradish and just a wee bit of mayonnaise and a wee bit of cream with it since horseradish by itself is very strong. So you just put a wee bit of it there. And these pieces are a bit big so you must just cut it until they fit inside the thing.

[Màiri] Look at that, how nice that is.

[Seonag] It’s very tasty too. Now, I have other ones here and I’m going to put sausages in them.

[Màiri] You could even put any filling in them, couldn’t you?

[Seonag] You could put anything in them but just because they’re Yorkshire puddings that’s why I put the roast beef in. And now I have this one, just any pickle that you like yourself. And put in ...

[Màiri] Sausage.

[Seonag] ... sausage cut small or even if you have small sausages.

[Màiri] Look at how nice they look.

[Seonag] They are very tasty. Do you want one?

[Màiri] I like the size.

[Seonag] Yes. It’s just as I was saying, a mouthful. That’s what it is.

[Màiri] I think that this’ll be nice with a glass of wine.

[Seonag] The children would enjoy this as well. This would be good for, you know, children’s parties if they don’t want a lot to eat instead of eating sweet things all the time. Children will like this. So are you going to try one yourself?

[Màiri] I think that I’ll have to. They look so good.

[Seonag] So try one of those then. What do you think?

[Màiri] This is sausage and pickle?

[Seonag] That’s sausage and pickle so try it.

[Màiri] They’re so light.

[Seonag] Aren’t they? Yes. They are good.

[Màiri] Very good.

This programme, Fuine, was first broadcast in 2013. Courtesy of Caledonia TV