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Watch Gaelic Coimhead Gàidhlig

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Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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A’ chèic churrain aig Joey NicAsgaill

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Màiri] Joey seo a-nis a’ chèic, an rud milis, as fheàrr leamsa. Tha mi a’ coimhead air adhart ris gu mòr.

[Joey] Uill tha mi an dòchas gun còrd i riut nuair a bhios i deiseil. ’S tòisichidh sinn, tha sinn a’ dol a chur seo air a’ chanastair gus nach steig i air a’ chanastair agus nach loisg i.

[Màiri] Tha sibhse air duaisean fhaighinn airson na cèic currain agaibh, nach eil?

[Joey] Tha, tha mi air duais fhaighinn airson, uair no dhà airson sin.

[Màiri] Feumaidh gu bheil i math ma-thà.

[Joey] Uill tha i, tha i a’ còrdadh ris a h-uile duine a tha ga gabhail.

[Joey] ’S cuiridh sinn am pàipear innte.

[Màiri] ’S tha sibh air ìm, flùr agus pàipear a chur anns an tiona.

[Joey] Tha mi air ìm ’s flùr ’s pàipear a chur air an tiona. Sin mar a chaidh mise a theagaisg airson sin a dhèanamh. Tha ochd unnsaichean flùir,self-raising flour, agam ann an seo agus tha spàin teatha cinnamon agus baking soda agam ann an sin. Tha sin a’ dol a-steach.

[Màiri] Spàin tì dhan dà chuid?

[Joey] Spàin teatha dhan dà chuid.

[Joey] Tha i furasta a dèanamh. Cha leig thu leas electric mixer no càil. Dìreach. Agus seo siùcar donn. Nis tha sin agam air a chur tron t-sìoltachan bhon bidh mi a’ faighinn uaireannan mur a cuir thu tron t-sìoltachan e gum bi cnapan ann. Fhios agad so tha mi air a chur tron t-sìoltachan.

[Màiri] Bidh mise a’ dèanamh cèic currain ach cha bhi mi, cha do smaoinich mi air siùcar a-nis a chur tron t-sìoltachan. ’S e tip ùr a tha sin dhomh.

[Joey] Agus dà unnsa chopped walnuts. Bidh mi a’ cur sin ann cuideachd. Agus an curran, grated, ochd unnsaichean.

[Màiri] Chì thu cèic currain gu math tric ma thèid thu suas son cofaidh gu cafaidh sam bith. Tha i a’ fàs gu math bitheanta, nach eil?

[Joey] Tha, tha, tha. Chocolate cake agus carrot cake . Sin na dhà a chì thu gu math tric.

[Màiri] Agus ann an dòigh tha seo gu math fallain cuideachd.

[Joey] O tha, tha. Nise tha dà ugh agam ann an seo. Tha iad air am bualadh ’s air a ... agus seven fluid ounces de dh’ola.

[Màiri] Dè seòrsa ola a tha sibh a’ cleachdadh?

[Joey] Sunflower oil. ’S dìreach a-nise.

[Màiri] Cuin a thòisich sibh air fuine an toiseach? Eil sibh air a bhith a’ fuine o bha sibh òg?

[Joey] Uill chaidh mi a Dhuncraig nuair a dh’fhàg mi an sgoil agus rinn mi dà bhliadhna ann an sin ach a h-uile càil a dh’ionnsaich mise an sin tha mi a’ creidsinn nach eil càil a dh’fheum ann an-diugh, g’ eil e gu tur eadar-dhealaichte ris mar a tha a h-uile càil ga ionnsachadh an-diugh. Bha mo mhàthair, bhiodh i a’ bèicearachd. Bha a h-uile duine againn really a’ bèicearachd.

[Màiri] Dè seòrsa rudan? Rudan plàin, rudan traidiseanta?

[Joey] Bhiodh mo mhàthair a’ dèanamh duf. Bha i math air duf ’s bhiodh i a’ dèanamh sgonaichean ’s pancakes, aran-coirce ’s aran-eòrna.

[Màiri] Agus tha mi a’ cluintinn gu bheil sibhse fìor mhath air an duf cuideachd.

[Joey] Uill tha, tha mi air duf, Sin a-nise, deiseil.

[Màiri] Bidh sibh a’ dèanamh duf airson fèill àiteachais?

[Joey] Bithidh, bithidh. Rinn mi, na trì bliadhna mu dheireadh rinn mi duf agus fhuair mi first prize air a shon. So bha sin alright. Bidh a h-uile duine an uair sin a’ clamoraigeadh ga h-iarraidh.

[Màiri] ’S e duine fortanach a th’ anns an duine agaibh ma-thà.

[Joey] Ò tha esan glè dhèidheil air rud milis.

[Màiri] Cò nach eil?

[Joey] Uill. So sin a-nise an carrot cake ann an sin. ’S tha i ...

[Màiri] Dè cho fada san àmhainn?

[Joey] Uill tha mise a’ toirt dhi uair an uaireadair.

[Màiri] Agus dè seòrsa teas? Feumaidh nach eil e ro àrd?

[Joey] One eighty.

[Màiri] Seo a-nis am frosting, Joey. Agus innsibh dhomh, dè th’ anns a’ bhobhla?

[Joey] Tha mi a’ cur leth-phacaid de Philadelphia ’s bidh mi ga phronnadh sìos an toiseach. Tha an icing cho messy ’s bidh mi ga phronnadh sìos le icing. Bidh mi a’ cur icing ann gus an tèid e chun an tigheid a tha mi ag iarraidh.

[Màiri] Dè na chuir sibh ann de dh’icing sugar?

[Joey] Uill tha mi dìreach…

[Màiri] Tha deagh chuid a’ dol ann, nach eil?

[Joey] Tha, ò tha. Tha e feumach air tòrr icing. Tha faisg air pacaid icing a’ dol dhan ... an dèidh dhut a dhèanamh.

[Màiri] Agus chan eil sibh ach a’ cur siùcar an lùib na càise gu math socair.

[Joey] Uhuh uhuh.

[Màiri] Dè na rudan as fheàrr leibh a bhith a’ bèicearcachd, dè na .

[Joey] Uill bidh mi a’ dèanamh sultana cake. Tha i gu math furasta a dèanamh agus ’s caomh leis an duine agam i. Bidh mi a’ dèanamh sin ’s bidh mi a’ dèanamh chocolate sponge, gu h-àraidh nuair a tha a’ chlann aig an taigh à Glaschu. Tha iad an-còmhnaidh ag èigheach ag iarraidh chocolate cake.

[Màiri] Cuiridh mi geall nach mair a’ chèic fada.

[Joey] Cha mhair. ’S e an fhìrinn a tha sin. Agus aig àm na Nollaig bidh mi a’ dèanamh nan rich fruitcakes. Bidh mi a’ dèanamh sin. Mar a thuirt mi, bidh mi a’ dèanamh duf ’s seo fhèin. Chan aithne dhomh sgonaichean no pancakes. Chan eil mi math air an dèanamh idir. ’S bha mo mhàthair, bha i math orra.

[Màiri] Chan eil mi a’ creidsinn sin a-nist.

[Joey] Òchan, no chan eil mi math orra idir.

[Màiri] Tha e neònach seo nach eil? Tha cuid de dhaoine math air aon rud ’s ...

[Joey] Uhuh, tha ‘’S e sin mar a bhios. Tha cuimhne agam, bha mo mhàthair, bha i math air sgonaichean ’s pancakes a dhèanamh ’s bha antaidh agam agus bha i math air sgonaichean a dhèanamh ach cha b’ aithne dhi pancakes a dhèanamh idir. Cha robh i glè mhath air na pancakes idir. A h-uile Disathairne, bhiodh i a’ dèanamh sgonaichean ’s pancakes ’s aran-coirce. ’S bhiodh i an uair sin a’ dèanamh ìm ’s gruth. ‘’S bhiodh i a’ glèidheadh a’ blàthaich airson an ìm a dhèanamh.

[Joey] Nise nuair a thig e tiugh bidh mi a’ cur ann am mix . Bidh mi ga dhèanamh, mixigeadh ann an seo.

[Màiri] Carson a tha sibh a’ cleachdadh am mixer a-nise?

[Joey] Uill tha e ga dheanamh, nì e nas mine e. Fhios agad, chan fhaigh mise really air a dhèanamh mìn leis an fhorc mar sin ann. Seall a-nise, tha sin mar fondant frosting.

[Màiri] Dh’fhaodadh tu cuideachd a’ chèic a dhèanamh eadar ... ann an dà thiona nas lugha, nach fhaodadh?, Feadhainn chruinn ’s frosting anns a’ mheadhan?

[Joey] Dh’fhaodadh, dh’fhaodadh. An fheadhainn chruinn, nuair a nì mi cruinn iad bidh mi a’ dèanamh sin. Bidh mi a’ cur am frosting dhan mheadhan.

[Joey] Feuchaidh sinn a’ chèic a-nise ...

[Màiri] Seo a-nis.

[Joey] ... ach am faic sinn cò ris a tha i coltach.

[Màiri] Uill tha i a’ coimhead math co-dhiù.

[Joey] Tha mi ’n dòchas. A bheil thu ag iarraidh pìos mòr dhi?

[Màiri] Chan eil, pìos beag. Tha mi a’ toirt a chreidsinn orm fhèin gu bheil seo fallain ach tha mi a’ smaoineachadh an dèidh am f rosting a chur air nach eil.

[Màiri] Top marks mar a chanas iad, nach e?

[Joey] Very good.

Chaidh am prògram seo, Fuine, a chraoladh an toiseach ann an 2013. Le taing do Caledonia TV.



Joey MacAskill’s carrot cake

English Beurla

[Màiri] Joey, now this cake is my favourite sweet thing. I am really looking forward to it.

[Joey] Well I hope that you enjoy it when it is ready. And we will start, we are going to put this on the tin so that it doesn’t stick to the tin and so it does not burn.

[Màiri] You have won prizes for your carrot cake, haven’t you?

[Joey] Yes, I have won a prize for, one or two for that.

[Màiri] It must be good then.

[Joey] Well it is. Everyone who tries it enjoys it.

[Joey] And we will put paper in.

[Màiri] And you have put butter, flour and paper in the tin.

[Joey] I have put butter and flour and paper in the tin. That is how I was taught to do that. I have eight ounces of flour, self-raising flour, here and a teaspoon of cinnamon and baking soda there. That goes in.

[Màiri] A teaspoon of each?

[Joey] A teaspoon of each.

[Joey] It is easy to make. You do not need an electric mixer or anything. And this is brown sugar. Now I have got that put through the sieve since I find sometimes that if you do not put it through the sieve that there are lumps in it. You know so I have put it through the sieve.

[Màiri] I make carrot cake but I do not, now I did not think of putting sugar through the sieve. That is a new tip for me.

[Joey] And two ounces of chopped walnuts. I put that in too. And the carrot, grated, eight ounces.

[Màiri] You very often see carrot cake if you go up for a coffee to any café. It is becoming very common, isn’t it?

[Joey] Yes, yes, yes. Chocolate cake and carrot cake. That is the two that you see very often.

[Màiri] And in a way this is very healthy as well.

[Joey: Oh yes, yes. Now I have two eggs here. They have been beaten and have been ... and seven fluid ounces of oil.

[Màiri] What sort of oil do you use?

[Joey] Sunflower oil. And just now.

[Màiri] When did you start baking initially? Have you been baking since you were young?

[Joey] Well I went to Duncraigwhen I left school and I did two years there but everything that I learnt there I suppose that there’s no use in it nowadays, that it is completely different to how everything is taught today. My mother was, my mother wouldbake. All of us baked really.

[Màiri] What sort of things? Plain things, traditional things or ...?

[Joey] My mother would make duff. She was good at duff and she would make scones and panckaes, oatcakes and barley bread.

[Màiri] And I hear that you are extremely good at duff as well.

[Joey] Well yes, I have duff. There now, ready.

[Màiri] You make duff for the argicultural show or ...?

[Joey] Yes, yes. I made it. The last three years I made duff and I got first prize for it. So that was alright. Everyone is then clamouring to get it.

[Màiri] Your husband is a lucky man then.

[Joey] Oh he is very fond of sweet things.

[Màiri] Who isn’t?

[Joey] Well. So that is the carrot cake there. And it is.

[Màiri] How long in the oven?

[Joey] Well I give it an hour.

[Màiri] And what sort of heat? It must not be too high?

[Joey] One eighty.

[Mairi] Now then the frosting, Joey. And tell me, what’s in the bowl?

[Joey] I put half a packet of Philadelphia and I mash it down first. The icing is so messy and I mash it down with icing. I add icing until it goes to the thickness that I want.

[Màiri] How much icing sugar did you put in?

[Joey] Well I just.

[Màiri] There is a fair bit going in, is there not?

[Joey] Yes, oh yes. It needs lots of icing. There is close to a packet of icing going into after you have made it.

[Màiri] And you are just put sugar in with the cheese very gently.

[Joey] Uhuh uhuh.

[Màiri] What are your favourite things to bake, what are the?

[Joey] Well I make a sultana cake. It is very easy to make and my husband likes it. I make that and I make a chocolate sponge, especially when the children are at home form Glasgow. They are always shouting wanting chocolate cake.

[Màiri] I bet that the cake doesn’t last long.

[Joey] It won’t. That is the truth. And at Christmas time I make the rich fruitcakes. I make that. As I said, I make duff and this itself. I do not know how to make scones or pancakes. I am not good at making them at all. And my mother, she as good at them.

[Màiri] I do not believe that now.

[Joey] Oh no ... I am not good at them at all.

[Màiri] This is strange isn’t it? Some people are good at one thing and.

[Joey] Uhuh, yes. That is how it is. I remember, my mother was, she was good at making scones and pancakes and I had an auntie and she was good at making scones but she could not make pancakes at all. She was not very good at the pancakes at all. Every Saturday, she would make scones and pancakes, and oatcakes. And she would then make the butter and the crowdie. And she would keep the buttermilk to make the butter.

[Joey] Now when it becomes thick I put in the mix. I make it, mixing in this.

[Màiri] Why are you using the mixer now?

[Joey] Well it makes it, it will make it finer. You know, I cannot really get it fine with the fork like that at all. Look now, which is like fondant icing.

[Màiri] You could also make the cake between, in two smaller tins, couldn’t you? Round ones with frosting in the middle?

[Joey] You could, you could. The round ones, when I make them round I do that, I put the frosting into the middle.

[Joey] We will try the cake now ...

[Màiri] Well then.

[Joey] ... to see what it is like.

[Màiri] Well it looks good anyway.

[Joey] I hope so. Do you want a big piece of it?

[Màiri] No, a small piece. I am pretending to myself that this is healthy but I think after putting the frosting onthat it is not.

[Màiri] Top marks as they say, isn’t it?

[Joey] Very good.

This programme, Fuine, was first broadcast in 2013. Courtesy of Caledonia TV



A’ chèic churrain aig Joey NicAsgaill

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Màiri] Joey seo a-nis a’ chèic, an rud milis, as fheàrr leamsa. Tha mi a’ coimhead air adhart ris gu mòr.

[Joey] Uill tha mi an dòchas gun còrd i riut nuair a bhios i deiseil. ’S tòisichidh sinn, tha sinn a’ dol a chur seo air a’ chanastair gus nach steig i air a’ chanastair agus nach loisg i.

[Màiri] Tha sibhse air duaisean fhaighinn airson na cèic currain agaibh, nach eil?

[Joey] Tha, tha mi air duais fhaighinn airson, uair no dhà airson sin.

[Màiri] Feumaidh gu bheil i math ma-thà.

[Joey] Uill tha i, tha i a’ còrdadh ris a h-uile duine a tha ga gabhail.

[Joey] ’S cuiridh sinn am pàipear innte.

[Màiri] ’S tha sibh air ìm, flùr agus pàipear a chur anns an tiona.

[Joey] Tha mi air ìm ’s flùr ’s pàipear a chur air an tiona. Sin mar a chaidh mise a theagaisg airson sin a dhèanamh. Tha ochd unnsaichean flùir,self-raising flour, agam ann an seo agus tha spàin teatha cinnamon agus baking soda agam ann an sin. Tha sin a’ dol a-steach.

[Màiri] Spàin tì dhan dà chuid?

[Joey] Spàin teatha dhan dà chuid.

[Joey] Tha i furasta a dèanamh. Cha leig thu leas electric mixer no càil. Dìreach. Agus seo siùcar donn. Nis tha sin agam air a chur tron t-sìoltachan bhon bidh mi a’ faighinn uaireannan mur a cuir thu tron t-sìoltachan e gum bi cnapan ann. Fhios agad so tha mi air a chur tron t-sìoltachan.

[Màiri] Bidh mise a’ dèanamh cèic currain ach cha bhi mi, cha do smaoinich mi air siùcar a-nis a chur tron t-sìoltachan. ’S e tip ùr a tha sin dhomh.

[Joey] Agus dà unnsa chopped walnuts. Bidh mi a’ cur sin ann cuideachd. Agus an curran, grated, ochd unnsaichean.

[Màiri] Chì thu cèic currain gu math tric ma thèid thu suas son cofaidh gu cafaidh sam bith. Tha i a’ fàs gu math bitheanta, nach eil?

[Joey] Tha, tha, tha. Chocolate cake agus carrot cake . Sin na dhà a chì thu gu math tric.

[Màiri] Agus ann an dòigh tha seo gu math fallain cuideachd.

[Joey] O tha, tha. Nise tha dà ugh agam ann an seo. Tha iad air am bualadh ’s air a ... agus seven fluid ounces de dh’ola.

[Màiri] Dè seòrsa ola a tha sibh a’ cleachdadh?

[Joey] Sunflower oil. ’S dìreach a-nise.

[Màiri] Cuin a thòisich sibh air fuine an toiseach? Eil sibh air a bhith a’ fuine o bha sibh òg?

[Joey] Uill chaidh mi a Dhuncraig nuair a dh’fhàg mi an sgoil agus rinn mi dà bhliadhna ann an sin ach a h-uile càil a dh’ionnsaich mise an sin tha mi a’ creidsinn nach eil càil a dh’fheum ann an-diugh, g’ eil e gu tur eadar-dhealaichte ris mar a tha a h-uile càil ga ionnsachadh an-diugh. Bha mo mhàthair, bhiodh i a’ bèicearachd. Bha a h-uile duine againn really a’ bèicearachd.

[Màiri] Dè seòrsa rudan? Rudan plàin, rudan traidiseanta?

[Joey] Bhiodh mo mhàthair a’ dèanamh duf. Bha i math air duf ’s bhiodh i a’ dèanamh sgonaichean ’s pancakes, aran-coirce ’s aran-eòrna.

[Màiri] Agus tha mi a’ cluintinn gu bheil sibhse fìor mhath air an duf cuideachd.

[Joey] Uill tha, tha mi air duf, Sin a-nise, deiseil.

[Màiri] Bidh sibh a’ dèanamh duf airson fèill àiteachais?

[Joey] Bithidh, bithidh. Rinn mi, na trì bliadhna mu dheireadh rinn mi duf agus fhuair mi first prize air a shon. So bha sin alright. Bidh a h-uile duine an uair sin a’ clamoraigeadh ga h-iarraidh.

[Màiri] ’S e duine fortanach a th’ anns an duine agaibh ma-thà.

[Joey] Ò tha esan glè dhèidheil air rud milis.

[Màiri] Cò nach eil?

[Joey] Uill. So sin a-nise an carrot cake ann an sin. ’S tha i ...

[Màiri] Dè cho fada san àmhainn?

[Joey] Uill tha mise a’ toirt dhi uair an uaireadair.

[Màiri] Agus dè seòrsa teas? Feumaidh nach eil e ro àrd?

[Joey] One eighty.

[Màiri] Seo a-nis am frosting, Joey. Agus innsibh dhomh, dè th’ anns a’ bhobhla?

[Joey] Tha mi a’ cur leth-phacaid de Philadelphia ’s bidh mi ga phronnadh sìos an toiseach. Tha an icing cho messy ’s bidh mi ga phronnadh sìos le icing. Bidh mi a’ cur icing ann gus an tèid e chun an tigheid a tha mi ag iarraidh.

[Màiri] Dè na chuir sibh ann de dh’icing sugar?

[Joey] Uill tha mi dìreach…

[Màiri] Tha deagh chuid a’ dol ann, nach eil?

[Joey] Tha, ò tha. Tha e feumach air tòrr icing. Tha faisg air pacaid icing a’ dol dhan ... an dèidh dhut a dhèanamh.

[Màiri] Agus chan eil sibh ach a’ cur siùcar an lùib na càise gu math socair.

[Joey] Uhuh uhuh.

[Màiri] Dè na rudan as fheàrr leibh a bhith a’ bèicearcachd, dè na .

[Joey] Uill bidh mi a’ dèanamh sultana cake. Tha i gu math furasta a dèanamh agus ’s caomh leis an duine agam i. Bidh mi a’ dèanamh sin ’s bidh mi a’ dèanamh chocolate sponge, gu h-àraidh nuair a tha a’ chlann aig an taigh à Glaschu. Tha iad an-còmhnaidh ag èigheach ag iarraidh chocolate cake.

[Màiri] Cuiridh mi geall nach mair a’ chèic fada.

[Joey] Cha mhair. ’S e an fhìrinn a tha sin. Agus aig àm na Nollaig bidh mi a’ dèanamh nan rich fruitcakes. Bidh mi a’ dèanamh sin. Mar a thuirt mi, bidh mi a’ dèanamh duf ’s seo fhèin. Chan aithne dhomh sgonaichean no pancakes. Chan eil mi math air an dèanamh idir. ’S bha mo mhàthair, bha i math orra.

[Màiri] Chan eil mi a’ creidsinn sin a-nist.

[Joey] Òchan, no chan eil mi math orra idir.

[Màiri] Tha e neònach seo nach eil? Tha cuid de dhaoine math air aon rud ’s ...

[Joey] Uhuh, tha ‘’S e sin mar a bhios. Tha cuimhne agam, bha mo mhàthair, bha i math air sgonaichean ’s pancakes a dhèanamh ’s bha antaidh agam agus bha i math air sgonaichean a dhèanamh ach cha b’ aithne dhi pancakes a dhèanamh idir. Cha robh i glè mhath air na pancakes idir. A h-uile Disathairne, bhiodh i a’ dèanamh sgonaichean ’s pancakes ’s aran-coirce. ’S bhiodh i an uair sin a’ dèanamh ìm ’s gruth. ‘’S bhiodh i a’ glèidheadh a’ blàthaich airson an ìm a dhèanamh.

[Joey] Nise nuair a thig e tiugh bidh mi a’ cur ann am mix . Bidh mi ga dhèanamh, mixigeadh ann an seo.

[Màiri] Carson a tha sibh a’ cleachdadh am mixer a-nise?

[Joey] Uill tha e ga dheanamh, nì e nas mine e. Fhios agad, chan fhaigh mise really air a dhèanamh mìn leis an fhorc mar sin ann. Seall a-nise, tha sin mar fondant frosting.

[Màiri] Dh’fhaodadh tu cuideachd a’ chèic a dhèanamh eadar ... ann an dà thiona nas lugha, nach fhaodadh?, Feadhainn chruinn ’s frosting anns a’ mheadhan?

[Joey] Dh’fhaodadh, dh’fhaodadh. An fheadhainn chruinn, nuair a nì mi cruinn iad bidh mi a’ dèanamh sin. Bidh mi a’ cur am frosting dhan mheadhan.

[Joey] Feuchaidh sinn a’ chèic a-nise ...

[Màiri] Seo a-nis.

[Joey] ... ach am faic sinn cò ris a tha i coltach.

[Màiri] Uill tha i a’ coimhead math co-dhiù.

[Joey] Tha mi ’n dòchas. A bheil thu ag iarraidh pìos mòr dhi?

[Màiri] Chan eil, pìos beag. Tha mi a’ toirt a chreidsinn orm fhèin gu bheil seo fallain ach tha mi a’ smaoineachadh an dèidh am f rosting a chur air nach eil.

[Màiri] Top marks mar a chanas iad, nach e?

[Joey] Very good.

Chaidh am prògram seo, Fuine, a chraoladh an toiseach ann an 2013. Le taing do Caledonia TV.



Joey MacAskill’s carrot cake

English Beurla

[Màiri] Joey, now this cake is my favourite sweet thing. I am really looking forward to it.

[Joey] Well I hope that you enjoy it when it is ready. And we will start, we are going to put this on the tin so that it doesn’t stick to the tin and so it does not burn.

[Màiri] You have won prizes for your carrot cake, haven’t you?

[Joey] Yes, I have won a prize for, one or two for that.

[Màiri] It must be good then.

[Joey] Well it is. Everyone who tries it enjoys it.

[Joey] And we will put paper in.

[Màiri] And you have put butter, flour and paper in the tin.

[Joey] I have put butter and flour and paper in the tin. That is how I was taught to do that. I have eight ounces of flour, self-raising flour, here and a teaspoon of cinnamon and baking soda there. That goes in.

[Màiri] A teaspoon of each?

[Joey] A teaspoon of each.

[Joey] It is easy to make. You do not need an electric mixer or anything. And this is brown sugar. Now I have got that put through the sieve since I find sometimes that if you do not put it through the sieve that there are lumps in it. You know so I have put it through the sieve.

[Màiri] I make carrot cake but I do not, now I did not think of putting sugar through the sieve. That is a new tip for me.

[Joey] And two ounces of chopped walnuts. I put that in too. And the carrot, grated, eight ounces.

[Màiri] You very often see carrot cake if you go up for a coffee to any café. It is becoming very common, isn’t it?

[Joey] Yes, yes, yes. Chocolate cake and carrot cake. That is the two that you see very often.

[Màiri] And in a way this is very healthy as well.

[Joey: Oh yes, yes. Now I have two eggs here. They have been beaten and have been ... and seven fluid ounces of oil.

[Màiri] What sort of oil do you use?

[Joey] Sunflower oil. And just now.

[Màiri] When did you start baking initially? Have you been baking since you were young?

[Joey] Well I went to Duncraigwhen I left school and I did two years there but everything that I learnt there I suppose that there’s no use in it nowadays, that it is completely different to how everything is taught today. My mother was, my mother wouldbake. All of us baked really.

[Màiri] What sort of things? Plain things, traditional things or ...?

[Joey] My mother would make duff. She was good at duff and she would make scones and panckaes, oatcakes and barley bread.

[Màiri] And I hear that you are extremely good at duff as well.

[Joey] Well yes, I have duff. There now, ready.

[Màiri] You make duff for the argicultural show or ...?

[Joey] Yes, yes. I made it. The last three years I made duff and I got first prize for it. So that was alright. Everyone is then clamouring to get it.

[Màiri] Your husband is a lucky man then.

[Joey] Oh he is very fond of sweet things.

[Màiri] Who isn’t?

[Joey] Well. So that is the carrot cake there. And it is.

[Màiri] How long in the oven?

[Joey] Well I give it an hour.

[Màiri] And what sort of heat? It must not be too high?

[Joey] One eighty.

[Mairi] Now then the frosting, Joey. And tell me, what’s in the bowl?

[Joey] I put half a packet of Philadelphia and I mash it down first. The icing is so messy and I mash it down with icing. I add icing until it goes to the thickness that I want.

[Màiri] How much icing sugar did you put in?

[Joey] Well I just.

[Màiri] There is a fair bit going in, is there not?

[Joey] Yes, oh yes. It needs lots of icing. There is close to a packet of icing going into after you have made it.

[Màiri] And you are just put sugar in with the cheese very gently.

[Joey] Uhuh uhuh.

[Màiri] What are your favourite things to bake, what are the?

[Joey] Well I make a sultana cake. It is very easy to make and my husband likes it. I make that and I make a chocolate sponge, especially when the children are at home form Glasgow. They are always shouting wanting chocolate cake.

[Màiri] I bet that the cake doesn’t last long.

[Joey] It won’t. That is the truth. And at Christmas time I make the rich fruitcakes. I make that. As I said, I make duff and this itself. I do not know how to make scones or pancakes. I am not good at making them at all. And my mother, she as good at them.

[Màiri] I do not believe that now.

[Joey] Oh no ... I am not good at them at all.

[Màiri] This is strange isn’t it? Some people are good at one thing and.

[Joey] Uhuh, yes. That is how it is. I remember, my mother was, she was good at making scones and pancakes and I had an auntie and she was good at making scones but she could not make pancakes at all. She was not very good at the pancakes at all. Every Saturday, she would make scones and pancakes, and oatcakes. And she would then make the butter and the crowdie. And she would keep the buttermilk to make the butter.

[Joey] Now when it becomes thick I put in the mix. I make it, mixing in this.

[Màiri] Why are you using the mixer now?

[Joey] Well it makes it, it will make it finer. You know, I cannot really get it fine with the fork like that at all. Look now, which is like fondant icing.

[Màiri] You could also make the cake between, in two smaller tins, couldn’t you? Round ones with frosting in the middle?

[Joey] You could, you could. The round ones, when I make them round I do that, I put the frosting into the middle.

[Joey] We will try the cake now ...

[Màiri] Well then.

[Joey] ... to see what it is like.

[Màiri] Well it looks good anyway.

[Joey] I hope so. Do you want a big piece of it?

[Màiri] No, a small piece. I am pretending to myself that this is healthy but I think after putting the frosting onthat it is not.

[Màiri] Top marks as they say, isn’t it?

[Joey] Very good.

This programme, Fuine, was first broadcast in 2013. Courtesy of Caledonia TV