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Watch Gaelic Coimhead Gàidhlig

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Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Am piotsa-sgona aig Màiri

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Màiri] Chan e rudan milis a-mhàin a nì thu leis a’ chloinn. Dè mu dheidhinn piotsa? Luath, furasta agus ’s e a chòrdas riutha.

[Màiri] Tha na pizzas seo a tha mi a’ dèanamh, tha mi gan dèanamh ann an dòigh nas luaithe, nas fhasa tha mise a’ faireachdainn seach a bhith a’ dèanamh bonn piotsa anns an dòigh thraidiseanta coltach ri aran. Tha mise ga dhèanamh coltach ri sgonaichean ann an seo. Tha e luath. Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gur e biadh gu math fallain a tha seo. Uill tha mise ga chleachdadh na bhiadh fallain co-dhiù. Faodaidh tu ge bith dè tha thu ag iarraidh a chleachdadh agus cuideachd ma tha rud as toigh le aon duine nach toigh leis an duine eile, ma nì thu piotsa beag dhan chloinn faodaidh gach duine aca roghnachadh dè tha iad ag iarraidh air a’ phiotsa.

[Màiri] Tha an-dràsta, tha ochd unnsaichean flùir agam, flùr self-raising, rud beag salainn agus dà unnsa ime agus tha mi a’ dol a chur sin an lùib a chèile agus an uair sin a’ dol a chur ceithir unnsaichean bainne an lùib sin.

[Màiri] Tha mi dìreach a’ suathadh an ime ’s an fhlùir ’s an salainn a-nis an lùib a chèile. Chì sibh a-nis gu bheil e air tighinn còmhla ann an sin. A’ coimhead gu math cothromach, mìn agus an lùib sin tha mi a’ dol a chur dìreach drùthag bheag bhainne.

[Màiri] ’S e gun chus bainne a chur ann aig an aon àm, dìreach a dhèanamh air do shocair, dìreach gus an tòisich a h-uile sìon air tighinn còmhla. Sin a-nis.

[Màiri] Tha mi a’ dol gam fàgail gu math beag.

[Màiri] Tha seo, chanainn, tha seo gu math freagarrach, can nam biodh pàrtaidh agad, ’s chan fheumadh tu ach càise ’s tomàto tha mi cinnteach airson rudeigin sìmplidh a chòrdadh ris a h-uile duine. Bidh mise gu math tric a’ cur cearc, cnapan beaga circe air agus sweetcorn agus uaireannan eile hama, balgan-buachrach còmhla ris an hama. ’S toigh leis a’ chloinn sin. Nise, tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil sin a’ coimhead gu math cute, nach eil, airson an fheadhainn bheaga. So sin am bonn. Cuiridh mi air na treidhichean iad agus an uair sin tòisichidh sinn, obraichidh mi a-mach dè tha mi a’ dol a chur orra.

[Màiri] Sin sinn.

[Màiri] Tha mise air sabhs tomàto a dhèanamh suas airson a chur air muin nam bases. Cheannaicheadh tu seo gu math furasta anns a’ bhùth. Airson ùine a shàbhaladh cha leig thu leas a dhèanamh thu fhèin ach tomatoes, uinneanan, garlic agus basil. Sin na tha mi air a chur ann agus dìreach air a chur còmhla. So rud beag air gach piotsa.

[Màiri] Pìosan beaga circe. A dhà aca. Agus rud beag uinnein dearg, dìreach airson a bhith nas fhallaine buileach. Càise ann an seo. Parma ham . Tha seo math – bheir e orra, ’s dòcha, rudan fheuchainn nach fheuchadh iad mur a biodh e air bàrr piotsa. Mozerella.

[Màiri] Seo iad a-nis deiseil airson a dhol dhan àmhainn agus chanainn teas ceud agus ceithir fichead airson suas ri fichead mionaid. Cha toir iad mòran nas fhaide na sin.

[Màiri] Tha iad seo deiseil. Fàileadh math asta co-dhiù. ’S dòcha nach eil iad a’ coimhead cho brèagha ’s a bhithinn ag iarraidh.

[Màiri] Tha iad a’ coimhead glè mhath. Agus mar a bha mi ag ràdh, deagh dhòigh a tha seo air toirt air clann lusan agus tòrr rudan a tha math dhaibh ithe. Tha seo, ’s dòcha nach eil e a’ coimhead buileach mar a bhiodh piotsa airson inbheach, ach tha e làn lusan agus biadh fallain. Dhòmhsa co-dhiù ’s e sin an rud as cudromaiche a thaobh biadh na cloinne.

Chaidh am prògram seo, Fuine, a chraoladh an toiseach ann an 2013. Le taing do Caledonia TV.



Mairi’s scone-based pizza

English Beurla

[Mairi] It is not just sweet things that you can make with children. What about pizza? Fast, easy and they certainly enjoy it.

[Mairi] These pizzas that I make, I make them in a faster, easier way I feel instead of making a pizza base in the traditional way like bread. I make them like scones here. It is fast. I think that this is very healthy food. Well I use it as a healthy food anyway. You may use whatever you want and also if there is something that one person likes but the other person doesn’t, if you make a wee pizza for the children each one of them can decide what they want on the pizza.

[Mairi] Just now, I have eight ounces of flour, self-raising flour, a wee bit of salt and two ounces of butter and I am going to mix that together and then going to mix four ounces of milk into that.

[Mairi] I am just rubbing the butter and the flour and the salt now into one another. You can see now that it has come together in there. Looks very even, fine and into that I am going to add just a wee glug of milk.

[Mairi] Don’t add too much milk at once, just do it gently, just until everything starts coming together. There now.

[Mairi] I am going to leave them very small.

[Mairi] This is, I would say, this is very suitable, say if you had a party, and you would only need cheese and tomato I am sure for something simple that everyone would like. I often put chicken, wee bits of chicken, on it and sweetcorn and other times ham, mushroom with the ham. The children like that. Now, I think that that looks very cute, doesn’t it, for the little ones. So that is the base. I will put them on the trays and then we will start, I will work out what I am going to put on them.

[Mairi] That is us.

[Mairi] I have made up a tomato sauce to put on top of the bases. You could easily buy this in the shop. To save time you yourself don’t need to bother making it but tomatoes, onions, garlic and basil. That is what I have put in and just mixed together. So a wee bit on each pizza.

[Mairi] Wee bits of chicken. The two of them. And a wee bit of red onion, just to be even healthier. Cheese here. Parma ham. This is good – it makes them, maybe, try things that they would not try if it were not on top of a pizza. Mozerella.

[Mairi] These are now ready to go into the oven and I would say a heat of one hundred and eighty for up to twenty minutes. They will not take much longer than that.

[Mairi] These are ready. A good smell from them anyway. Maybe they don’t look as nice as I would want.

[Mairi] They look very good. And as I was saying, this is a good way to make children eat vegetables and lots of things that are good for them. This is, maybe it doesn’t look like a pizza for an adult would, but it is full of vegetables and healthy food. For me at least that is the most important thing with regards children’s food.

This programme, Fuine, was first broadcast in 2013. Courtesy of Caledonia TV



Am piotsa-sgona aig Màiri

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Màiri] Chan e rudan milis a-mhàin a nì thu leis a’ chloinn. Dè mu dheidhinn piotsa? Luath, furasta agus ’s e a chòrdas riutha.

[Màiri] Tha na pizzas seo a tha mi a’ dèanamh, tha mi gan dèanamh ann an dòigh nas luaithe, nas fhasa tha mise a’ faireachdainn seach a bhith a’ dèanamh bonn piotsa anns an dòigh thraidiseanta coltach ri aran. Tha mise ga dhèanamh coltach ri sgonaichean ann an seo. Tha e luath. Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gur e biadh gu math fallain a tha seo. Uill tha mise ga chleachdadh na bhiadh fallain co-dhiù. Faodaidh tu ge bith dè tha thu ag iarraidh a chleachdadh agus cuideachd ma tha rud as toigh le aon duine nach toigh leis an duine eile, ma nì thu piotsa beag dhan chloinn faodaidh gach duine aca roghnachadh dè tha iad ag iarraidh air a’ phiotsa.

[Màiri] Tha an-dràsta, tha ochd unnsaichean flùir agam, flùr self-raising, rud beag salainn agus dà unnsa ime agus tha mi a’ dol a chur sin an lùib a chèile agus an uair sin a’ dol a chur ceithir unnsaichean bainne an lùib sin.

[Màiri] Tha mi dìreach a’ suathadh an ime ’s an fhlùir ’s an salainn a-nis an lùib a chèile. Chì sibh a-nis gu bheil e air tighinn còmhla ann an sin. A’ coimhead gu math cothromach, mìn agus an lùib sin tha mi a’ dol a chur dìreach drùthag bheag bhainne.

[Màiri] ’S e gun chus bainne a chur ann aig an aon àm, dìreach a dhèanamh air do shocair, dìreach gus an tòisich a h-uile sìon air tighinn còmhla. Sin a-nis.

[Màiri] Tha mi a’ dol gam fàgail gu math beag.

[Màiri] Tha seo, chanainn, tha seo gu math freagarrach, can nam biodh pàrtaidh agad, ’s chan fheumadh tu ach càise ’s tomàto tha mi cinnteach airson rudeigin sìmplidh a chòrdadh ris a h-uile duine. Bidh mise gu math tric a’ cur cearc, cnapan beaga circe air agus sweetcorn agus uaireannan eile hama, balgan-buachrach còmhla ris an hama. ’S toigh leis a’ chloinn sin. Nise, tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil sin a’ coimhead gu math cute, nach eil, airson an fheadhainn bheaga. So sin am bonn. Cuiridh mi air na treidhichean iad agus an uair sin tòisichidh sinn, obraichidh mi a-mach dè tha mi a’ dol a chur orra.

[Màiri] Sin sinn.

[Màiri] Tha mise air sabhs tomàto a dhèanamh suas airson a chur air muin nam bases. Cheannaicheadh tu seo gu math furasta anns a’ bhùth. Airson ùine a shàbhaladh cha leig thu leas a dhèanamh thu fhèin ach tomatoes, uinneanan, garlic agus basil. Sin na tha mi air a chur ann agus dìreach air a chur còmhla. So rud beag air gach piotsa.

[Màiri] Pìosan beaga circe. A dhà aca. Agus rud beag uinnein dearg, dìreach airson a bhith nas fhallaine buileach. Càise ann an seo. Parma ham . Tha seo math – bheir e orra, ’s dòcha, rudan fheuchainn nach fheuchadh iad mur a biodh e air bàrr piotsa. Mozerella.

[Màiri] Seo iad a-nis deiseil airson a dhol dhan àmhainn agus chanainn teas ceud agus ceithir fichead airson suas ri fichead mionaid. Cha toir iad mòran nas fhaide na sin.

[Màiri] Tha iad seo deiseil. Fàileadh math asta co-dhiù. ’S dòcha nach eil iad a’ coimhead cho brèagha ’s a bhithinn ag iarraidh.

[Màiri] Tha iad a’ coimhead glè mhath. Agus mar a bha mi ag ràdh, deagh dhòigh a tha seo air toirt air clann lusan agus tòrr rudan a tha math dhaibh ithe. Tha seo, ’s dòcha nach eil e a’ coimhead buileach mar a bhiodh piotsa airson inbheach, ach tha e làn lusan agus biadh fallain. Dhòmhsa co-dhiù ’s e sin an rud as cudromaiche a thaobh biadh na cloinne.

Chaidh am prògram seo, Fuine, a chraoladh an toiseach ann an 2013. Le taing do Caledonia TV.



Mairi’s scone-based pizza

English Beurla

[Mairi] It is not just sweet things that you can make with children. What about pizza? Fast, easy and they certainly enjoy it.

[Mairi] These pizzas that I make, I make them in a faster, easier way I feel instead of making a pizza base in the traditional way like bread. I make them like scones here. It is fast. I think that this is very healthy food. Well I use it as a healthy food anyway. You may use whatever you want and also if there is something that one person likes but the other person doesn’t, if you make a wee pizza for the children each one of them can decide what they want on the pizza.

[Mairi] Just now, I have eight ounces of flour, self-raising flour, a wee bit of salt and two ounces of butter and I am going to mix that together and then going to mix four ounces of milk into that.

[Mairi] I am just rubbing the butter and the flour and the salt now into one another. You can see now that it has come together in there. Looks very even, fine and into that I am going to add just a wee glug of milk.

[Mairi] Don’t add too much milk at once, just do it gently, just until everything starts coming together. There now.

[Mairi] I am going to leave them very small.

[Mairi] This is, I would say, this is very suitable, say if you had a party, and you would only need cheese and tomato I am sure for something simple that everyone would like. I often put chicken, wee bits of chicken, on it and sweetcorn and other times ham, mushroom with the ham. The children like that. Now, I think that that looks very cute, doesn’t it, for the little ones. So that is the base. I will put them on the trays and then we will start, I will work out what I am going to put on them.

[Mairi] That is us.

[Mairi] I have made up a tomato sauce to put on top of the bases. You could easily buy this in the shop. To save time you yourself don’t need to bother making it but tomatoes, onions, garlic and basil. That is what I have put in and just mixed together. So a wee bit on each pizza.

[Mairi] Wee bits of chicken. The two of them. And a wee bit of red onion, just to be even healthier. Cheese here. Parma ham. This is good – it makes them, maybe, try things that they would not try if it were not on top of a pizza. Mozerella.

[Mairi] These are now ready to go into the oven and I would say a heat of one hundred and eighty for up to twenty minutes. They will not take much longer than that.

[Mairi] These are ready. A good smell from them anyway. Maybe they don’t look as nice as I would want.

[Mairi] They look very good. And as I was saying, this is a good way to make children eat vegetables and lots of things that are good for them. This is, maybe it doesn’t look like a pizza for an adult would, but it is full of vegetables and healthy food. For me at least that is the most important thing with regards children’s food.

This programme, Fuine, was first broadcast in 2013. Courtesy of Caledonia TV