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Watch Gaelic Coimhead Gàidhlig

B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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A' càradh seann bhòrd

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Donnie] A fine day today to sit in the garden and have a cup of tea, but after the winter that we’ve had this table looks quite scruffy.

[Donnie] But it isn't totally ready for the dump yet.

[Donnie] It is still falling apart. My goodness! The leg has gone.

[Donnie] Well there isn't much wrong with the legs. With a little paint and a screw they will be as good as they ever were..

[Donnie] The first thing is to take the top off the legs.

[Donnie] Or the three that are left!

[Donnie] I am going to cut three pieces at maybe a metre to go across to keep it together. Just like that. And other pieces going over that. And they are just here. Just like that. And I am going to leave them, these ones, quite long and just cut them again.

[Donnie] The first thing that I will do, I am going to cut these here at a metre.

[Donnie] My saw has a protective shield. If not you will need to wear safety glasses.

[Donnie] And the final piece.

[Donnie] I am lying the pieces of wood on the ground and I am working upside down. The top first and then the support pieces.

[Donnie] The other pieces go like this.

[Donnie] The table will be one point six metres and in the centre I am going to put one piece across.

[Donnie] I am now going to put these spacers just between the boards. Just like this. You use these when you build any decking because the rain must go down between the boards.

[Donnie] I am going to use this square to be quite certain that it will be square in the centre at least. It's not that bad.

[Donnie] I am putting a hole in the wood first so that the wood doesn't split when the screw goes through it.

[Donnie] And if you want to see more DIY le Donnie, why not visit our website - bbc.co.uk/diyledonnie

[Donnie] And I am now ready to cut the sides.

[Donnie] I am going to put a spacer back in here and say there and now this will be as square as possible and everything will be just level.

[Donnie] We just have to do a little sanding with sand paper and a coat or two of varnish.

[Donnie] There you have it. As good as a table from any shop and it only cost twenty pounds for the decking and half a tin of paint. What would be good now is a fine cup of tea!

[Donnie] Hey lad, the coasters!

Chaidh am prògram seo, DIY Le Donnie, a chraoladh an toiseach ann an 2014. Le taing do BBC Gàidhlig.



Repairing an old table

English Beurla

[Donaidh] Deagh latha ann an-diugh airson a bhith a' suidhe anns a' ghàrradh a' gabhail cupa tì, ach às dèidh a' gheamhraidh a bh' againn tha am bòrd seo a' coimhead caran robach.

[Donaidh] Ach chan eil e buileach deiseil airson an dump fhathast.

[Donaidh] Tha e a' tuiteam às a chèile fhathast. Mo chreach 's a thàinig! Dh'fhalbh a’ chas.

[Donaidh] Uill chan eil mòran ceàrr air na casan. Le beagan peant agus sgriutha bidh iad cho math 's a bha iad riamh.

[Donaidh] A' chiad rud 's e am mullach a thoirt far nan casan.

[Donaidh] No na trì a tha air fhàgail!

[Donaidh] Tha mi a' dol a ghearradh trì pìosan aig 's dòcha meatair airson a dhol tarsaing airson a chumail ri chèile. Dìreach mar siud. Agus pìosan eile a' dol mun cuairt an siud. Agus tha iad dìreach an seo. Dìreach mar sin. Agus tha mi a' dol gam fàgail, an fheadhainn seo, caran fada agus a' dol gan gearradh dìreach a-rithist.

[Donaidh] A' chiad rud a nì mi, tha mi a' dol a ghearradh iad seo aig meatair.

[Donaidh] Tha sgrion-dìon air an t-sàbh agamsa. Mur h-eil feumaidh tu speuclairean sàbhailteachd a chur ort.

[Donaidh] Agus am pìos mu dheireadh.

[Donaidh] Tha mi a' laighe nam pìosan fiodha air an talamh agus tha mi ag obair bun os cionn. Am mullach an toiseach agus an uair sin na pìosan taice.

[Donaidh] Tha na pìosan eile a' dol mar seo.

[Donaidh] Tha am bòrd gu bhith one point six meatair agus anns a' mheadhan tha mi a' dol a chur aon phìos tarsaing.

[Donaidh] Tha mi a-nis a' dol a chur nan spacers a tha seo dìreach eadar na bùird. Dìreach mar seo. Bidh thu a' cleachdadh iad seo nuair a tha thu a’ dèanamh decking sam bith air sgàth gum feum an t-uisge a dhol shìos eadar na bùird.

[Donaidh] Tha mi a' dol a chleachdadh an square a tha seo airson a bhith caran cinnteach gum bi e square anns a' mheadhan co-dhiù. Chan eil e cho dona sin.

[Donaidh] Tha mi a' cur toll anns an fhiodh an toiseach air sgàth 's nach bi am fiodh a' splutadh nuair a thèid an sgriutha troimhe.

[Donaidh] Agus ma tha sibh airson barrachd DIY le Donnie fhaicinn, nach tadhail sibh air an làraich-lìn againn - bbc.co.uk/diyledonnie

[Donaidh] Agus tha mi a-nis deiseil airson gearradh nan cliathaichean.

[Donaidh] Tha mi a' dol a chur spacer air ais an seo agus can siud agus a-nis bidh seo dìreach cho square 's a ghabhas agus bidh a h-uile càil dìreach rèidh.

[Donaidh] Chan eil againn a-nis ach beagan sandadh a dhèanamh le pàipear gainmhich, agus còta no dhà de bhàirnis.

[Donaidh] Sin agad e. Deiseil. Cho math ri bòrd à bùth sam bith 's cha do chosg e ach fichead not airson an decking agus leth-tiona peant. 'S e a bhiodh math a-nis ach deagh chupa tì!

[Donaidh] Haoidh a bhalaich, na coasters!

This programme, DIY Le Donnie, was first broadcast in 2014. Courtesy of BBC Gàidhlig



A' càradh seann bhòrd

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Donnie] A fine day today to sit in the garden and have a cup of tea, but after the winter that we’ve had this table looks quite scruffy.

[Donnie] But it isn't totally ready for the dump yet.

[Donnie] It is still falling apart. My goodness! The leg has gone.

[Donnie] Well there isn't much wrong with the legs. With a little paint and a screw they will be as good as they ever were..

[Donnie] The first thing is to take the top off the legs.

[Donnie] Or the three that are left!

[Donnie] I am going to cut three pieces at maybe a metre to go across to keep it together. Just like that. And other pieces going over that. And they are just here. Just like that. And I am going to leave them, these ones, quite long and just cut them again.

[Donnie] The first thing that I will do, I am going to cut these here at a metre.

[Donnie] My saw has a protective shield. If not you will need to wear safety glasses.

[Donnie] And the final piece.

[Donnie] I am lying the pieces of wood on the ground and I am working upside down. The top first and then the support pieces.

[Donnie] The other pieces go like this.

[Donnie] The table will be one point six metres and in the centre I am going to put one piece across.

[Donnie] I am now going to put these spacers just between the boards. Just like this. You use these when you build any decking because the rain must go down between the boards.

[Donnie] I am going to use this square to be quite certain that it will be square in the centre at least. It's not that bad.

[Donnie] I am putting a hole in the wood first so that the wood doesn't split when the screw goes through it.

[Donnie] And if you want to see more DIY le Donnie, why not visit our website - bbc.co.uk/diyledonnie

[Donnie] And I am now ready to cut the sides.

[Donnie] I am going to put a spacer back in here and say there and now this will be as square as possible and everything will be just level.

[Donnie] We just have to do a little sanding with sand paper and a coat or two of varnish.

[Donnie] There you have it. As good as a table from any shop and it only cost twenty pounds for the decking and half a tin of paint. What would be good now is a fine cup of tea!

[Donnie] Hey lad, the coasters!

Chaidh am prògram seo, DIY Le Donnie, a chraoladh an toiseach ann an 2014. Le taing do BBC Gàidhlig.



Repairing an old table

English Beurla

[Donaidh] Deagh latha ann an-diugh airson a bhith a' suidhe anns a' ghàrradh a' gabhail cupa tì, ach às dèidh a' gheamhraidh a bh' againn tha am bòrd seo a' coimhead caran robach.

[Donaidh] Ach chan eil e buileach deiseil airson an dump fhathast.

[Donaidh] Tha e a' tuiteam às a chèile fhathast. Mo chreach 's a thàinig! Dh'fhalbh a’ chas.

[Donaidh] Uill chan eil mòran ceàrr air na casan. Le beagan peant agus sgriutha bidh iad cho math 's a bha iad riamh.

[Donaidh] A' chiad rud 's e am mullach a thoirt far nan casan.

[Donaidh] No na trì a tha air fhàgail!

[Donaidh] Tha mi a' dol a ghearradh trì pìosan aig 's dòcha meatair airson a dhol tarsaing airson a chumail ri chèile. Dìreach mar siud. Agus pìosan eile a' dol mun cuairt an siud. Agus tha iad dìreach an seo. Dìreach mar sin. Agus tha mi a' dol gam fàgail, an fheadhainn seo, caran fada agus a' dol gan gearradh dìreach a-rithist.

[Donaidh] A' chiad rud a nì mi, tha mi a' dol a ghearradh iad seo aig meatair.

[Donaidh] Tha sgrion-dìon air an t-sàbh agamsa. Mur h-eil feumaidh tu speuclairean sàbhailteachd a chur ort.

[Donaidh] Agus am pìos mu dheireadh.

[Donaidh] Tha mi a' laighe nam pìosan fiodha air an talamh agus tha mi ag obair bun os cionn. Am mullach an toiseach agus an uair sin na pìosan taice.

[Donaidh] Tha na pìosan eile a' dol mar seo.

[Donaidh] Tha am bòrd gu bhith one point six meatair agus anns a' mheadhan tha mi a' dol a chur aon phìos tarsaing.

[Donaidh] Tha mi a-nis a' dol a chur nan spacers a tha seo dìreach eadar na bùird. Dìreach mar seo. Bidh thu a' cleachdadh iad seo nuair a tha thu a’ dèanamh decking sam bith air sgàth gum feum an t-uisge a dhol shìos eadar na bùird.

[Donaidh] Tha mi a' dol a chleachdadh an square a tha seo airson a bhith caran cinnteach gum bi e square anns a' mheadhan co-dhiù. Chan eil e cho dona sin.

[Donaidh] Tha mi a' cur toll anns an fhiodh an toiseach air sgàth 's nach bi am fiodh a' splutadh nuair a thèid an sgriutha troimhe.

[Donaidh] Agus ma tha sibh airson barrachd DIY le Donnie fhaicinn, nach tadhail sibh air an làraich-lìn againn - bbc.co.uk/diyledonnie

[Donaidh] Agus tha mi a-nis deiseil airson gearradh nan cliathaichean.

[Donaidh] Tha mi a' dol a chur spacer air ais an seo agus can siud agus a-nis bidh seo dìreach cho square 's a ghabhas agus bidh a h-uile càil dìreach rèidh.

[Donaidh] Chan eil againn a-nis ach beagan sandadh a dhèanamh le pàipear gainmhich, agus còta no dhà de bhàirnis.

[Donaidh] Sin agad e. Deiseil. Cho math ri bòrd à bùth sam bith 's cha do chosg e ach fichead not airson an decking agus leth-tiona peant. 'S e a bhiodh math a-nis ach deagh chupa tì!

[Donaidh] Haoidh a bhalaich, na coasters!

This programme, DIY Le Donnie, was first broadcast in 2014. Courtesy of BBC Gàidhlig