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Watch Gaelic Coimhead Gàidhlig

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Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Latha mòr ann an Nis

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Sweeny] Latha mòr ann an Nis an-diugh agus cò chreideadh gu bheil sinn ann an teis-meadhan an t-samhraidh?

[Sweeny] Bidh coimhearsnachd Nis a’ deasachadh airson an latha seo airson mìosan agus an rud as mìosa a dh’fhaodadh tachairt ’s e gum biodh an t-uisge ann. Ach cha chuir boinneag no dhà uisge bacadh sam bith air na Nisich!

[Sweeny] It’s a donation to come in. Thank you very much.

[Sweeny] Seo aon de na làithean as motha a th’ againn anns a’ bhliadhna ann an Nis, tha mi a’ creidsinn. An Gala Day. Tha mi a’ creidsinn – dè chò fad ’s a th’ ann a-nis? – còig bliadhna no rudeigin bho thòisich anGala Day. Bidh iad a’ lorg cuideigin airson a dhol air a’ gheat’ so sin an obair a th’ agams’ an-diugh.

[Sweeny] ’S e cothrom a tha seo dhan choimhearsnachd a thighinn còmhla airson spòrs ’s beagan airgead a chruinneachadh dhan sgìre.

[Sweeny] Agus cothrom dhòmhsa tiogaid a cheannach son an raffle. Tha sinn fortanach gu bheil còmhlan-pìoba Uibhist air tighinn suas còmhla rinn airson an latha agus nuair a sguireas an t-uisg’ ’s e na Leòdhasaich a tha a’ dortadh a-steach dhan àite.

[Sweeny] Ach chan eil i a’ fuireach tioram fada. ’S e na h-Uibhistich a tha gu math hardy ceart gu leòr ’s iad a’ cumail a’ cluich ge bith dè tha a’ tachairt.

[Sweeny] Agus mu dheireadh thall tha an t-uisge a’ stad agus tha an t-àite a’ tiormachadh. Tha sin a’ ciallachadh gu bheil a h-uile duine a’ beothachadh. Agus tòrr a bharrachd dhaoine a’ tadhal, a’ ciallachadh tòrr a bharrachd airgid dha coimhearsnachd Nis.

[Sweeny] Dithis agaibh, ok, tapadh leibhs’. Donations please! Donations please. Tapadh leibhs’.

[Sweeny] A bharrachd air a bhith a’ cruinneachadh airgead dhan sgìre tha sinn cuideachd airson dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil rudeigin ann dhan h-uile duine.

[Sweeny] Tha fiù ’s an heileacoptar teasairginn a’ tighinn a dh’fhaicinn dè tha dol.

[Sweeny] Och tha e math a h-uile duine ... a h-uile duine a’ tighinn a-mach. Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gur e an rud as cudromaiche gu bheil daoine ag aithneachadh an obair a tha comataidhean ’s volunteers air a chur a-steach airson latha mar seo. Chan eil seo a’ tachairt gun tòrr obair a bhith air a dhèanamh ’s tòrr ullachaidh. Tha ullachadh a’ tòiseachadh, can, sia mìosan ro làimh. Còrdaidh an latha ri daoine. Chan eil cus diofair ann. Tha e tòrr nas fheàrr nuair a tha an tìde math ach cha dèan e cus eadar-dhealachaidh really. Cosgaidh iad an cuid airgid agus còrdaidh an latha riuth’.

[Sweeny] Agus beagan amaideis bhuam fhìn cuideachd.

Chaidh am prògram seo, An Lot, a chraoladh an toiseach ann an 2015. Le taing do MacTV.



A big day in Ness

English Beurla

[Sweeny] A big day in Ness today and who would believe that we’re in the very middle of summer?

[Sweeny] The community of Ness prepares for this day for months and the worst thing that could happen is that it would rain. But a droplet or two of rain doesn’t stop Ness folk!

[Sweeny] It’s a donation to come in. Thank you very much.

[Sweeny] This is one of our biggest days in the year in Ness, I think. The Gala Day. I think – how long is it now? – five years or something since the Gala Day started. They look for someone to go on the gate so that’s my job today.

[Sweeny] This is an opportunity for the community to come together for fun and to raise a little money for the area.

[Sweeny] And an opportunity for me to buy a raffle ticket. We’re fortunate that the Uist pipe band have come up to join us for the day and when the rain stops it’s the Lewis folk that are pouring into the place.

[Sweeny] But it doesn’t stay dry long. It’s the Uist folk that are really hardy right enough as they keep playing whatever happens.

[Sweeny] And finally the rain stops and the place dries. That means that everyone livens up. And lots more people visiting, means lots more money for the community of Ness.

[Sweeny] The two of you, ok, thank you. Donations please! Donations please. Thank you.

[Sweeny] As well as raising money for the area we also want to make sure that there’s something for everyone.

[Sweeny] Even the rescue helicopter has come to see what’s happening.

[Sweeny] Och it’s good for everyone ... everyone coming out. I think that the most important thing is that people recognise the work that committees and volunteers put into a day like this. This doesn’t happen without lots of work being done and lots of preparation. Preparation starts, say, six months beforehand. People will enjoy the day. There’s not too much difference. It’s much better when the weather is fine but it doesn’t make too much difference really. They’ll spend their money and enjoy the day.

[Sweeny] And a little silliness from me too.

This programme, An Lot, was first broadcast in 2015. Courtesy of MacTV



Latha mòr ann an Nis

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Sweeny] Latha mòr ann an Nis an-diugh agus cò chreideadh gu bheil sinn ann an teis-meadhan an t-samhraidh?

[Sweeny] Bidh coimhearsnachd Nis a’ deasachadh airson an latha seo airson mìosan agus an rud as mìosa a dh’fhaodadh tachairt ’s e gum biodh an t-uisge ann. Ach cha chuir boinneag no dhà uisge bacadh sam bith air na Nisich!

[Sweeny] It’s a donation to come in. Thank you very much.

[Sweeny] Seo aon de na làithean as motha a th’ againn anns a’ bhliadhna ann an Nis, tha mi a’ creidsinn. An Gala Day. Tha mi a’ creidsinn – dè chò fad ’s a th’ ann a-nis? – còig bliadhna no rudeigin bho thòisich anGala Day. Bidh iad a’ lorg cuideigin airson a dhol air a’ gheat’ so sin an obair a th’ agams’ an-diugh.

[Sweeny] ’S e cothrom a tha seo dhan choimhearsnachd a thighinn còmhla airson spòrs ’s beagan airgead a chruinneachadh dhan sgìre.

[Sweeny] Agus cothrom dhòmhsa tiogaid a cheannach son an raffle. Tha sinn fortanach gu bheil còmhlan-pìoba Uibhist air tighinn suas còmhla rinn airson an latha agus nuair a sguireas an t-uisg’ ’s e na Leòdhasaich a tha a’ dortadh a-steach dhan àite.

[Sweeny] Ach chan eil i a’ fuireach tioram fada. ’S e na h-Uibhistich a tha gu math hardy ceart gu leòr ’s iad a’ cumail a’ cluich ge bith dè tha a’ tachairt.

[Sweeny] Agus mu dheireadh thall tha an t-uisge a’ stad agus tha an t-àite a’ tiormachadh. Tha sin a’ ciallachadh gu bheil a h-uile duine a’ beothachadh. Agus tòrr a bharrachd dhaoine a’ tadhal, a’ ciallachadh tòrr a bharrachd airgid dha coimhearsnachd Nis.

[Sweeny] Dithis agaibh, ok, tapadh leibhs’. Donations please! Donations please. Tapadh leibhs’.

[Sweeny] A bharrachd air a bhith a’ cruinneachadh airgead dhan sgìre tha sinn cuideachd airson dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil rudeigin ann dhan h-uile duine.

[Sweeny] Tha fiù ’s an heileacoptar teasairginn a’ tighinn a dh’fhaicinn dè tha dol.

[Sweeny] Och tha e math a h-uile duine ... a h-uile duine a’ tighinn a-mach. Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gur e an rud as cudromaiche gu bheil daoine ag aithneachadh an obair a tha comataidhean ’s volunteers air a chur a-steach airson latha mar seo. Chan eil seo a’ tachairt gun tòrr obair a bhith air a dhèanamh ’s tòrr ullachaidh. Tha ullachadh a’ tòiseachadh, can, sia mìosan ro làimh. Còrdaidh an latha ri daoine. Chan eil cus diofair ann. Tha e tòrr nas fheàrr nuair a tha an tìde math ach cha dèan e cus eadar-dhealachaidh really. Cosgaidh iad an cuid airgid agus còrdaidh an latha riuth’.

[Sweeny] Agus beagan amaideis bhuam fhìn cuideachd.

Chaidh am prògram seo, An Lot, a chraoladh an toiseach ann an 2015. Le taing do MacTV.



A big day in Ness

English Beurla

[Sweeny] A big day in Ness today and who would believe that we’re in the very middle of summer?

[Sweeny] The community of Ness prepares for this day for months and the worst thing that could happen is that it would rain. But a droplet or two of rain doesn’t stop Ness folk!

[Sweeny] It’s a donation to come in. Thank you very much.

[Sweeny] This is one of our biggest days in the year in Ness, I think. The Gala Day. I think – how long is it now? – five years or something since the Gala Day started. They look for someone to go on the gate so that’s my job today.

[Sweeny] This is an opportunity for the community to come together for fun and to raise a little money for the area.

[Sweeny] And an opportunity for me to buy a raffle ticket. We’re fortunate that the Uist pipe band have come up to join us for the day and when the rain stops it’s the Lewis folk that are pouring into the place.

[Sweeny] But it doesn’t stay dry long. It’s the Uist folk that are really hardy right enough as they keep playing whatever happens.

[Sweeny] And finally the rain stops and the place dries. That means that everyone livens up. And lots more people visiting, means lots more money for the community of Ness.

[Sweeny] The two of you, ok, thank you. Donations please! Donations please. Thank you.

[Sweeny] As well as raising money for the area we also want to make sure that there’s something for everyone.

[Sweeny] Even the rescue helicopter has come to see what’s happening.

[Sweeny] Och it’s good for everyone ... everyone coming out. I think that the most important thing is that people recognise the work that committees and volunteers put into a day like this. This doesn’t happen without lots of work being done and lots of preparation. Preparation starts, say, six months beforehand. People will enjoy the day. There’s not too much difference. It’s much better when the weather is fine but it doesn’t make too much difference really. They’ll spend their money and enjoy the day.

[Sweeny] And a little silliness from me too.

This programme, An Lot, was first broadcast in 2015. Courtesy of MacTV