FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

Food Biadh

B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Oidhche buntàta ‘s sgadan

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Preseantair] Air feadh na Gàidhealtachd tha sinn cho measail air an sgadan,’s gu bheil sinn ga mholadh mar phàirt luachmhor do ar dualchas. An seo, an Ùige, Leòdhas, bidh iad a’ cumail oidhcheannan buntàta ‘s sgadan a’ toirt cothrom dhan coimhearsnachd tighinn còmhla airson deagh chèilidh is blas fhaighinn air an iasg phrìseil seo.

[Calum Moireasdan] Thòisich e airson airgead a chruinneachadh agus airson meanbh-choimhearsnachdan ùr a thogail ach bhon a chaidh a thogail sa bhliadhna mu dheireadh, tha sinn a’ cumail nan oidhcheannan a’ dol agus airson, gu sònraichte, airson a bhith a’ toirt cothrom dha daoine a thighinn a-mach agus coinneachadh ri daoine eile agus bidh oidhche mhath againne, biadh math agus ceòl agus dannsa son feadhainn, nas òige na mise.

[Calum Moireasdan] ’S e an aon dhòigh air am faic daoine, tha mi creidsinn, buntàta math agus sgadan agus sgadan Ghallain. Bidh feadhainn dhan sgìre fhèin, bidh iad a’ dol a-mach is bidh iad a’ glacadh an sgadain leotha fhèin, bhon Ghallain. Tha bradan againne cuideachd ach chan eil mi a’ dol a dh’innse dhut càite an d’ fhuair sinn am bradan.

[Duine] Tha an oidhche a tha seo glè chudromach dhòmhsa agus dhan h-uile duine a tha seo. Tha i a’ toirt a h-uile duine anns an sgìre ri chèile agus ‘s e oidhche mhath a th’ ann dhan h-uile duine againne.

[Boireannach] ‘S caomh leam sgadan agus bha e ri theagaisg dhuinn a-riamh gu robh e math dhuinn. Nan itheadh sinn tòrr sgadain gum biodh sinn clever anns an sgoil.



Herring and potato night

English Beurla

[Presenter] All over the Highlands, we really like the herring, and we praise it as a precious part of our heritage. Here, in Uig, Lewis, they hold potato and herring nights which give the opportunity to the community to come together for a good get together and a taste of this precious fish.

[Calum Morrison] It started as a way to raise money and to build a new small community, but since it started, last year, we’ve kept the nights going as, especially, to give people the opportunity to come out and meet other people and we’ll have a good night, good food and music and dance for some, younger than me.

[Calum Morrison] It’s the one way to see people, I believe, good potatoes and herring, herring from Gallan. People from the area itself, they’ll go out and catch the herring themselves from Gallan. We have salmon too, but I am not going to tell you where we got the salmon.

[Man] This night is really important to me and everyone who is here. It brings everyone together in the area and it’s a good night for all of us.

[Woman] I like herring and we were always taught that it was good for you. If we ate lots of herring that we would be clever in school



Oidhche buntàta ‘s sgadan

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Preseantair] Air feadh na Gàidhealtachd tha sinn cho measail air an sgadan,’s gu bheil sinn ga mholadh mar phàirt luachmhor do ar dualchas. An seo, an Ùige, Leòdhas, bidh iad a’ cumail oidhcheannan buntàta ‘s sgadan a’ toirt cothrom dhan coimhearsnachd tighinn còmhla airson deagh chèilidh is blas fhaighinn air an iasg phrìseil seo.

[Calum Moireasdan] Thòisich e airson airgead a chruinneachadh agus airson meanbh-choimhearsnachdan ùr a thogail ach bhon a chaidh a thogail sa bhliadhna mu dheireadh, tha sinn a’ cumail nan oidhcheannan a’ dol agus airson, gu sònraichte, airson a bhith a’ toirt cothrom dha daoine a thighinn a-mach agus coinneachadh ri daoine eile agus bidh oidhche mhath againne, biadh math agus ceòl agus dannsa son feadhainn, nas òige na mise.

[Calum Moireasdan] ’S e an aon dhòigh air am faic daoine, tha mi creidsinn, buntàta math agus sgadan agus sgadan Ghallain. Bidh feadhainn dhan sgìre fhèin, bidh iad a’ dol a-mach is bidh iad a’ glacadh an sgadain leotha fhèin, bhon Ghallain. Tha bradan againne cuideachd ach chan eil mi a’ dol a dh’innse dhut càite an d’ fhuair sinn am bradan.

[Duine] Tha an oidhche a tha seo glè chudromach dhòmhsa agus dhan h-uile duine a tha seo. Tha i a’ toirt a h-uile duine anns an sgìre ri chèile agus ‘s e oidhche mhath a th’ ann dhan h-uile duine againne.

[Boireannach] ‘S caomh leam sgadan agus bha e ri theagaisg dhuinn a-riamh gu robh e math dhuinn. Nan itheadh sinn tòrr sgadain gum biodh sinn clever anns an sgoil.



Herring and potato night

English Beurla

[Presenter] All over the Highlands, we really like the herring, and we praise it as a precious part of our heritage. Here, in Uig, Lewis, they hold potato and herring nights which give the opportunity to the community to come together for a good get together and a taste of this precious fish.

[Calum Morrison] It started as a way to raise money and to build a new small community, but since it started, last year, we’ve kept the nights going as, especially, to give people the opportunity to come out and meet other people and we’ll have a good night, good food and music and dance for some, younger than me.

[Calum Morrison] It’s the one way to see people, I believe, good potatoes and herring, herring from Gallan. People from the area itself, they’ll go out and catch the herring themselves from Gallan. We have salmon too, but I am not going to tell you where we got the salmon.

[Man] This night is really important to me and everyone who is here. It brings everyone together in the area and it’s a good night for all of us.

[Woman] I like herring and we were always taught that it was good for you. If we ate lots of herring that we would be clever in school