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Food Biadh

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Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Biadh na h-Alba: Smoked salmon and pastrami

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Ruaraidh] Seadh Ùisdein, dè tha sinn a’ dol a chur dhan smoker a tha seo?

[Ùisdean] Uill tha sinn a’ dol a chur dà rud dhan smoker. Uill tha sinn a’ dol a chur dhan smoker bheag pìos bhradain a th’ air a bhith ...

[Ruaraidh] Tha sin a’ coimhead math.

[Ùisdean] ... a th’ air a bhith ann an sin ann an salann fair overnight.

[Ruaraidh] Dè cho fad ’s a dh’fheumas e a bhith ann an salann airson a bhith deiseil airson a dhol dhan smoker?

[Ùisdean] Dìreach dhà no trì uairean a thìde, ach uaireannan fàgaidh mise e airson seachdain no dhà. Tha thu a’ faighinn iasg a tha gu math saillte. Uabhasach tioram an uair sin.

[Ruaraidh] Uh huh.

[Ùisdean] Agus ...

[Ruaraidh] Dè rud annasach a tha romhainn ann an seo?

[Ùisdean] Uill an-dràsta ’s e a th’ againn an seo ma bhruicheas tufair bhiodh cornbeef agad, ach cleachdaidh sinne e airson pastrami a dhèanamh.

[Ruaraidh] Math dha-rìribh. So tha sinn a’ sailleadh agus a’ smocadh.

[Ùisdean] A’ sailleadh ...

[Ruaraidh] Agus a’ picil.

[Ùisdean] ... agus a’ picil. Aidh. So tha seo, ’s e pìos brisket.

[Ruaraidh] Three for the price of one.

[Ùisdean] Three for the price of one.

[Ruaraidh] Uill ged nach eil e a’ coimhead uabhasach fhèin caillear, tha àileadh dìreach cùbhraidh dhen sin an ceartair.

[Ùisdean] Tha fàileadh fair fantastic, nach eil?

[Ruaraidh] Tha.

[Ùisdean] Tha e air a bhith ann an picil le salann, siùcar,coriander, mustard seed, garlic salt, juniper berries agus peppercorns, agus cuideachd chuir mi, fhuair mi ceann seilearaidh agus chuir mi sin tronbhlender agus chaidh sin ann còmhla ri spàin cream of tartar ’s tha sin an àite saltpetre.

[Ruaraidh] Uill tha e inntinneach gun tuirt thu saltpetre a chionn ’s e saltpetre a tha a’ cumail an datha agus mar as trice saltpetre , curing salt - no Prague powder mar a chanas cuid ris - a tha daoine a’ cleachdadh airson pastrami ach tha seo gu tur organic.

[Ùisdean] Tha.

[Ruaraidh] Chan eil gin den stuth sin a’ dol ann.

[Ùisdean] Chan eil càil den stuth sin ann ’s tha seo organic so tha thu a’ faighinn nan naidhtreats bhon t-seilearaidh. Tha an cream of tartar, tha sin a’ cuideachadh airson an dath a chumail gus, bhon ma chuireas tu fair feòil ann an salann thig e rudeiginich glas. Chan eil e a’ coimhead, chan eil e a’ dèanamh diofar, dad de dhiofar air a’ bhlas ach ...

[Ruaraidh] Chan eil e a’ coimhead uabhasach fhèin caillear ach tha fàileadh dheth dìreach cùbhraidh.

[Ùisdean] Tha am fàileadh fair ...

[Ruaraidh] Fiù ’s aig an ìre sin, aidh.

[Ùisdean] Tha fàileadh mìorbhaileach.

[Ruaraidh] Dè an ath-cheum ma-thà?

[Ùisdean] Uill ’s e an ath-cheum feumaidh e a dhol a bhogadh.

[Ruaraidh] Bogadh.

[Ùisdean] ’S fhad ’s a tha e a’ bogadh nì mi rub le spices agus thig sin air ’s thig e an uair sin dhan smoker airson ...

[Ruaraidh] Agus a bhogadh dìreach airson beagan den t-saillte a thoirt às, an ann?

[Ùisdean] Aidh, fair, aidh airson an salann a thoirt às. Bidh e gu math saillte mar seo. Tha e air a bhith anns a’ philic airson cola-deug so feumaidh e a dhol dhan bhùrn fair airson an ...

[Ruaraidh] Math dha-rìribh. Dè nì mise ma-thà?

[Ùisdean] Uill tha e cho math dhutsa a dhol a-mach agus feuchainn ciamar a thig dhut leis an inneal ùr a tha siud.

[Ruaraidh] Ò mo chreach.

[Ùisdean] Agus fhad ’s a tha thusa a’ dèanamh sin ...

[Ruaraidh] Tha seo anns a h-uile cànan ach Gàidhlig. Chan eil fhios am a bheil Beurla fiù ’s ann. Tha Duitseach ann an seo.

[Ùisdean] Tha Duitseach, uill ...

[Ruaraidh] “Roker”, tha fios a’m gur e sin “smocair”.

[Ùisdean] ’S e sin, aidh, aidh bhon chunnaic mi “roker” ann an tòrr àiteachean a-nis.

[Ruaraidh] Tha “roker” toirmisgte. Right ma-thà, thèid mise a-mach le seo.

[Ùisdean] Thig thusa a-mach le sin agus cuiridh mise seo dhan bhùrn.

[Ruaraidh] Glè mhath.

[Ùisdean] Làmhan glana gu math cudromach airson seo ’s làimhseachadh biadh amh. Togaidh sinn seo às, dhan bhobhla seo agus cuiridh sinn a-nis, cuiridh sinn e ann am bogadh ann am bùrn fresh airson ùine mhath, fair tòrr den t-salann a thoirt dheth.

[Ùisdean] Nis fhad ’s a tha Ruaraidh còir a’ feuchainn ri càil stem a dhèanamh den smoker a-muigh an siud, tha mise a’ dol a dhèanamh rub a thig air a’ phastrami mus tig e dhan smoker so peppercorns an toiseach, coriander seed. Tha thu ag iarraidh rub a dhèanamh mìn ach chan eil thu ga dhèanamh ro mhìn ’s thig e timcheall air an fheòil ’s nì e crust rudeiginich teth, spicy dhan fheòil. So cumin seed a-nis. Agus cuideachd a’ dèanamh seo, pestle and mortar fada nas fheàrr na electric grinder. Tha thu a’ cumail fair dìreach cho mìn ’s a tha thu ga iarraidh gun, cha tig e ro mhìn ort ’s chan eil thu ag iarraidh seo ro mhìn. Tha thu ag iarraidh troille math texture air seo. Siud a-nis mustard seeds air a dhol a-steach. A-nis seilearaidh seed ’s garlic salt agus mu dheireadh paprika powder, chilli powder. Sin e deis’ airson a dhol air a-nis. Dìreach tha e mìn ach chan eil e ro mhìn. Thig sin timcheall air an fheòil. H-abair ciamar a tha e a’ dol gu Ruaraidh còir a-muigh an siud?

[Ruaraidh] Uill chan eil ro mhath, Ùisdein. Cha dèan mi bun no bàrr den rud a tha seo. Feumaidh tu hand a thoirt dhomh.

[Ùisdean] Àt hì.

[Ruaraidh] Tiugainnn, duilich mu dheidhinn.

[Ruaraidh] Seall mar a thuirt mi, tha an rud cho deamhnaidh duilich a chur na chèile. Chuir mi na sgeilpichean a-steach ach ...

[Ùisdean] Ò thì. Seallaidh mi ...

[Ruaraidh] Feumaidh tu ceum ann an engineering airson seo fhaighinn a’ dol.

[Ruaraidh] Ò ’s ann ann an sin a tha sin a’ dol. Glè mhath.

[Ùisdean] Sin agad e.

[Ruaraidh] Ò uill, ’s math gu bheil thu ann, Ùisdein.

[Ùisdean] Dè tha duilich mu dheidhinn siud?

[Ruaraidh] Tha gu leòr!

[Ùisdean] Tiugainn a dh’fhaighinn rudeigin a chuireas lasair ri seo.

[Ruaraidh] Nì sinn sin.

[Ruaraidh] Ùisdein, mar a mhothaich thu ann an sin nuair a chuir thu làmh air an smoker tha e teth gu leòr.

[Ùisdean] Tha e teth gu leòr a-nis. Tha sinn air check a dhèanamh air an temperature. Pailteas teis againn. Cuiridh sinn fiodh dìreach straight air. Tha fiodh fliuch agus tioram againn an seo agus bùrn anns an treidhe ’s thig sin os a chionn ’s cuiridh sinn an uair sin an fheòil ann.

[Ruaraidh] Math dha-rìribh.

[Ùisdean] Right ma-thà so ’s e a’ chiad rud ’s e an doras fhosgladh agus ...

[Ruaraidh] Dall ort.

[Ùisdean] ... dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil an doras ...

[Ruaraidh] Watchaig thu fhèin, aidh.

[Ùisdean] Aidh, tha teas math air an doras.

[Ruaraidh] Ò tha teas a’ tighinn a-mach à sin an ceartair.

[Ùisdean] Ò tha teas math agad an sin mar-thà. Cuiridh sinn feadhainn tioram air an toiseach ...

[Ruaraidh] Aidh.

[Ùisdean] ... so siud agus dìreach, siud fiodh math tioram ’s thig sin dìreach air mar sin ’s tòisichidh sin a’ gabhail ceò.

[Ruaraidh] Dè seòrsa fiodha a th’ againn ann an seo?

[Ùisdean] Tha a dhà no trì seòrsaichean againn. Tha fiodh bho ubhal – applewood ann ...

[Ruaraidh] Uh huh.

[Ùisdean] ... agus tha hickory ann.

[Ruaraidh] Ò bidh sin math dha-rìribh.

[Ùisdean] Agus tha fàileadh uabhasach math ...

[Ruaraidh] Seall an ceò a’ tighinn a-mach an-dràsta.

[Ùisdean] ... air hickory. ’S iad a-nis ceò agus steam a’ tighinn thugad.

[Ruaraidh] Math dha-rìribh.

[Ùisdean] Rud beag trom air na sùilean.

[Ruaraidh] Aidh. Agus càite am bi seo a’ dol?

[Ùisdean] Thig sin air uachdar ...

[Ruaraidh] Aidh.

[Ruaraidh] A bheil thu ag iarraidh orm sin a bhualadh ann an-dràsta?

[Ùisdean] Thig sin ann an-dràsta. Aidh agus fair air an sgeilf sin.

[Ùisdean] Agus bi faiceallach. Siud thu fhèin. A-steach leis. Watchaig do chorragan a-nis.

[Ruaraidh] Tha mi alright. Bha mi ag obair ann an taigh-fuine. Tha làmhan asbestos agamsa.

[Ùisdean] Ò uill, tha thu alright, a mhate. Tha a-nise feòil againn an seo. Cuiridh sinn, seo a-nis, sin am brisket corn beef. Tha rub air.

[Ruaraidh] Tha dath àlainn air.

[Ùisdean] Siud e. Siud e dìreach.

[Ruaraidh] Sin an rub a bha thu a’ dèanamh ...

[Ùisdean] Sin an rub.

[Ruaraidh] ... nuair a bha mise a’ feuchainn ri tomhas mar a bha an rud seo ag obair.

[Ùisdean] ’S e. ’S e sin an rub a bha mi a’ dèanamh nuair a bha thusa an sàs air an seo. So thig sin dìreach an siud. Na pìosan beaga a tha seo air gach taobh.

[Ruaraidh] Nis tha isbean no dhà agamsa bho ...

[Ùisdean] Ò uill. Seall às a

[Ruaraidh] ... Chaisteal Abhainn Suidhe.

[Ruaraidh] An cuir sinn sin a-steach cuideachd?

[Ùisdean] Cuiridh sinn sin a-steach cuideachd.

[Ruaraidh] Cuiridh mi aig a’ chùl iad.

[Ùisdean] Aig a’ chùl an sin, aidh. Glè mhath.

[Ruaraidh] Ò hì, tha sin teth.

[Ùisdean] Tha sin teth.

[Ùisdean] So chì thu mar a tha an ceò a’ dol an sin.

[Ruaraidh] Tha an ceò a’ dol math an ceartair. Agus tha mi a’ faicinn a’ charcoal ann an sin dìreach air a dhol glas.

[Ùisdean] Tha.

[Ruaraidh] Tha sin ag innse dhuinn gu bheil e teth gu leòr.

[Ùisdean] Feumaidh sinn sùil a thoirt air na h-isbeanan às dèidh treiseag bheag.

[Ruaraidh] Aidh cha toir iadsan cho fad ’s a bheir ...

[Ùisdean] Cumaidh seo a’ dol airson ùine mhath.

[Ruaraidh] Glè mhath, Ùisdein. Dùin an doras ma-thà.

[Ùisdean] Dùinidh sinn an doras a tha seo. Watchaig thu fhèin. Sin a-nis. Agus tha sinn, cuiridh sinn fair, ’s thig an ceò a-mach am mullach a tha sin so cuiridh sinn sin ... Nis tha an smoker beag a’ dol.

[Ruaraidh] Tha. Tha seo air a bhith a’ dol agad.

[Ùisdean] Tha seo a’ dol a-nis.

[Ruaraidh] Seo airson a’ bhradain.

[Ùisdean] Tha seo airson a’ bhradain. Cuiridh sinn seo ...

[Ruaraidh] Dè tha thu ag iarraidh ormsa a dhèanamh? A bheil thu ag iarraidh ormsa am bradan a chur a-steach no ...?

[Ùisdean] Siuthad ma-thà. Ma gheibh thusa do làmhan air a chur a-steach an sin. Tog thusa an àrd e agus dìreach laigh air sin e. Sin thu fhèin. Watchaig do làmh an sin a-nis. Thig sinn a-nall e. Dùinidh sinn siud an ìre mhath. Chan eil thu ga dhùnadh ...

[Ruaraidh] Buileach slàn idir.

[Ùisdean] ... buileach slàn idir.

[Ruaraidh] Gus am faigh beagan oxygen a-steach.

[Ùisdean] Aidh so chì thu sin a-nis. Tha an ceò fair ...

[Ruaraidh] Tha sin a’ coimhead math.

[Ùisdean] Am pailteas ceò againn an sin. ’S ma dhùineas sinn seo sìos dìreach rud beag. Fair cumaidh sinn sùil air sin ’s chì sinn co ris a tha e coltach.

[Ruaraidh] Uill tha e cho math dhuinn rud no dhà ullachadh a thèid còmhla ri seo.

[Ùisdean] Uill bidh sinn ag iarraidh rudeigin, aidh.

[Ruaraidh] Bidh.

[Ùisdean] Buntàta ’s rudan mar sin.

[Ruaraidh] Chì sinn dè th’ againn anns a’ phreas.

[Ùisdean] Aidh, glè mhath ma-thà.

[Ruaraidh] Alright.

Chaidh am prògram seo, Seòid a’ Chidsin, a chraoladh an toiseach ann an 2017.



Scotland's food: Bradan smocte agus pastrami

English Beurla

[Roddy] Right Uisdean, what are we going to put in this smoker?

[Uisdean] Well we are going to put two things in the smoker. Well we are going to put in the small smoker a piece of salmon that has been ...

[Roddy] That looks good.

[Uisdean] ... that has been there in salt almost overnight.

[Roddy] How long does it need to be in salt to be ready to go in the smoker?

[Uisdean] Just two or three hours, but sometimes I will leave it for a week or two. You get a very salted fish. Really dry then.

[Roddy] Uh huh.

[Uisdean] And ...

[Roddy] What unusual thing is before us here?

[Uisdean] Well just now what we have here if you cook it you would have cornbeef, but we will use it to make pastrami.

[Roddy] Excellent. So we are salting and smoking.

[Uisdean] Salting ...

[Roddy] And pickling.

[Uisdean] ... and pickling. Aye. So this is, it is a piece of brisket.

[Roddy] Three for the price of one.

[Uisdean] Three for the price of one.

[Roddy] Well although it doesn't look terribly nice, there is such a fragrant smell from that just now.

[Uisdean] A fair fantastic smell, isn't it?

[Roddy] It is.

[Uisdean] It has been in a pickle with salt, sugar, coriander, mustard seed, garlic salt, juniper berries and peppercorns, and also I put, I got a head of celery and I put that through the blender and that went in along with a spoon of cream of tartar and that is instead of saltpetre .

[Roddy] Well it is interesting that you said saltpetre because it is saltpetre that keeps the colour and usually saltpetre , curing salt - or Prague powder as some call it - is what people use for pastrami but this is completely organic.

[Uisdean] It is.

[Roddy] None of that stuff is going in.

[Uisdean] There is none of that stuff and this is organic so you get the nitrates from the celery. The cream of tartar, that helps to keep the colour so, because if you put some meat in salt it will become somewhat grey. It doesn't look, it doesn't make a difference, any difference to the taste but ...

[Roddy] It doesn't look terribly nice but the smell from it is so fragrant.

[Uisdean] The smell is fair ...

[Roddy] Even at that stage, aye.

[Uisdean] A marvellous smell.

[Roddy] What is the next step then?

[Uisdean] Well the next step is it needs to be steeped.

[Roddy] Steeped.

[Uisdean] And whilst it is steeping I will make a rub with spices and that will go on it and it will then go in the smoker for ...

[Roddy] And steeping it just to remove a little of the salt, is it?

[Uisdean] Aye, fairly, aye to remove the salt. It will be very salted like this. It has been in the pickle for a fortnight so it needs to go in the water for the ...

[Roddy] Excellent. What will I do then?

[Uisdean] Well it is as well for you to go out and try having a go with that new machine.

[Roddy] Oh my goodness.

[Uisdean] And whilst you are doing that ...

[Roddy] This is in every language but Gaelic. I don't know if there is even English. There is Dutch here.

[Uisdean] Dutch is, well ...

[Roddy] “Roker”, I know that that is "smoker".

[Uisdean] That is, aye, aye because I saw "roker" in many places now.

[Roddy] “Roker” is forbidden. Right then, I will go out with this.

[Uisdean] You go out with that and I will put this in the water.

[Roddy] Very good.

[Uisdean] Clean hands are very important for this when handling raw food. We will lift this out, in this bowl and we will now put, we will steep it in fresh water for a good while, to remove lots of the salt from it.

[Uisdean] Now whilst dear Roddy is trying to fathom the smoker out there, I am going to make a rub that will go on the pastrami before it goes in the smoker so firstly peppercorns, coriander seed. You want to make a fine rub but you don't want it too fine and it will go around the meat and it will make a quite hot, spicy crust on the meat. So cumin seed now. And also doing this, pestle and mortar is much better than an electric grinder. You keep just as fine as you want it without, it won't go too fine on you and you don't want this too fine. You want a good short texture on this. That is now mustard seeds gone in. Now celery seed and garlic salt and finally paprika powder, chilli powder. That is it ready to go on it now. Just it is fine but it isn't too fine. That will go around the meat. I wonder how dear Roddy is getting on out there?

[Roddy] Well not too good, Uisdean. I can't make head nor tail of this thing. You need to give me a hand.

[Uisdean] Ah heck.

[Roddy] Coem one, sorry about it.

[Roddy] Look as I said, the thing is so devilishly difficult to put together. I put the shelves in but ...

[Uisdean] Oh heck. I will show ...

[Roddy] You need an engineering degree to get this going.

[Roddy] Oh it is in there that that goes. Very good.

[Uisdean] That’s it.

[Roddy] Oh well, just as well you are here, Uisdean.

[Uisdean] What is difficult about that?

[Roddy] Plenty!

[Uisdean] Come and get something to light this.

[Roddy] We will do that.

[Roddy] Uisdean, as you noticed there when you put a hand on the smoker it is hot enough.

[Uisdean] It is hot enough now. We have checked the temperature. We have plenty of heat. We will put wood just straight on it. We have wet and dry wood here and water in the tray and that will go above it and we will then put the meat in.

[Roddy] Excellent.

[Uisdean] Right then so the first thing is to open the door and ...

[Roddy] On you go.

[Uisdean] ... make sure that the door is ...

[Roddy] Watch yourself, aye.

[Uisdean] Aye, the door is very hot.

[Roddy] Oh there is heat coming out of that just now.

[Uisdean] Oh you have a good heat there already. We will put some dry ones on first ...

[Roddy] Aye.

[Uisdean] ... so that and just, that is good dry wood and that will just go on like that and that will start smoking.

[Roddy] What sort of wood do we have here?

[Uisdean] We have two or three sorts. There is wood from apples – applewood.

[Roddy] Uh huh.

[Uisdean] ... and there is hickory.

[Roddy] Oh that will be excellent.

[Uisdean] And there is a terribly good smell ...

[Roddy] See the smoke coming out just now.

[Uisdean] ... from hickory. That is now smoke and steam coming to you.

[Roddy] Excellent.

[Uisdean] A little bit hard-going on the eyes.

[Roddy] Aye. And where will this go?

[Uisdean] That will go above ...

[Roddy] Aye.

[Roddy] Do you want me to shove that in just now?

[Uisdean] That will go in just now. Aye and just on that shelf.

[Uisdean] And be careful. There you are. In it goes. Watch your fingers now.

[Roddy] I am alright. I worked in a bakery. I have asbestos hands.

[Uisdean] Oh well, you are alright, mate. We now have meat here. We will put, here now, that is the cornbeef brisket. There is rub on it.

[Roddy] It is a lovely colour.

[Uisdean] That is it. That is exactly it.

[Roddy] That is the rub that you were making ...

[Uisdean] That is the rub.

[Roddy] ... when I was trying to guess how this thing works.

[Uisdean] It is. That is the rub that I was making when you were involved with this. So that will go just there. These little pieces on each side.

[Roddy] Now I have a sausage or two from ...

[Uisdean] Oh well. Look from…

[Roddy] ... Amhuinnsuidhe Castle.

[Roddy] Will we put that in too?

[Uisdean] We will put that in too.

[Roddy] I will put them at the back.

[Uisdean] At the back there, aye. Very good.

[Roddy] Oh heck, that is hot.

[Uisdean] That is hot.

[Uisdean] So you can see how the smoke is going there.

[Roddy] The smoke is going well just now. And I can see the charcoal there just turned grey.

[Uisdean] Yes.

[Roddy] That tells us that it is hot enough.

[Uisdean] We must look at the sausages after a little while.

[Roddy] Aye they will not take as long as ... will take.

[Uisdean] This will keep going for a good while.

[Roddy] Very good, Uisdean. Close the door then.

[Uisdean] We will close this door. Watch yourself. There now. And we are, we will put fair, and the smoke will come out that top so we will put that ... Now the small smoker is going.

[Roddy] It is. You have had this going.

[Uisdean] This is going now.

[Roddy] This is for the salmon.

[Uisdean] This is for the salmon. We will put this ...

[Roddy] What do you want me to do? Do you want me to put the salmon in or ...?

[Uisdean] Go on then. If you get your hands put in there. You lift it up and just lay it on that. There you go. Watch your hand now. We’ll move it a bit. We will almost close that. You don’t close it ...

[Roddy] Completely at all.

[Uisdean] ... completely at all.

[Roddy] So that a little oxygen gets in.

[Uisdean] Aye so you can see that now. The smoke is fair ...

[Roddy] That looks good.

[Uisdean] We have plenty smoke now. And if we close this down just a little bit. We will fair keep an eye on that and we will see what it is like.

[Roddy] Well we might as well prepare one or two things to accompany this.

[Uisdean] Well we will want something, aye.

[Roddy] We will.

[Uisdean] Potatoes and things like that.

[Roddy] We will see what we have in the cupboard.

[Uisdean] Aye, very good then.

[Roddy] Alright.

This programme, Seòid a’ Chidsin, was first broadcast in 2017.



Biadh na h-Alba: Smoked salmon and pastrami

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Ruaraidh] Seadh Ùisdein, dè tha sinn a’ dol a chur dhan smoker a tha seo?

[Ùisdean] Uill tha sinn a’ dol a chur dà rud dhan smoker. Uill tha sinn a’ dol a chur dhan smoker bheag pìos bhradain a th’ air a bhith ...

[Ruaraidh] Tha sin a’ coimhead math.

[Ùisdean] ... a th’ air a bhith ann an sin ann an salann fair overnight.

[Ruaraidh] Dè cho fad ’s a dh’fheumas e a bhith ann an salann airson a bhith deiseil airson a dhol dhan smoker?

[Ùisdean] Dìreach dhà no trì uairean a thìde, ach uaireannan fàgaidh mise e airson seachdain no dhà. Tha thu a’ faighinn iasg a tha gu math saillte. Uabhasach tioram an uair sin.

[Ruaraidh] Uh huh.

[Ùisdean] Agus ...

[Ruaraidh] Dè rud annasach a tha romhainn ann an seo?

[Ùisdean] Uill an-dràsta ’s e a th’ againn an seo ma bhruicheas tufair bhiodh cornbeef agad, ach cleachdaidh sinne e airson pastrami a dhèanamh.

[Ruaraidh] Math dha-rìribh. So tha sinn a’ sailleadh agus a’ smocadh.

[Ùisdean] A’ sailleadh ...

[Ruaraidh] Agus a’ picil.

[Ùisdean] ... agus a’ picil. Aidh. So tha seo, ’s e pìos brisket.

[Ruaraidh] Three for the price of one.

[Ùisdean] Three for the price of one.

[Ruaraidh] Uill ged nach eil e a’ coimhead uabhasach fhèin caillear, tha àileadh dìreach cùbhraidh dhen sin an ceartair.

[Ùisdean] Tha fàileadh fair fantastic, nach eil?

[Ruaraidh] Tha.

[Ùisdean] Tha e air a bhith ann an picil le salann, siùcar,coriander, mustard seed, garlic salt, juniper berries agus peppercorns, agus cuideachd chuir mi, fhuair mi ceann seilearaidh agus chuir mi sin tronbhlender agus chaidh sin ann còmhla ri spàin cream of tartar ’s tha sin an àite saltpetre.

[Ruaraidh] Uill tha e inntinneach gun tuirt thu saltpetre a chionn ’s e saltpetre a tha a’ cumail an datha agus mar as trice saltpetre , curing salt - no Prague powder mar a chanas cuid ris - a tha daoine a’ cleachdadh airson pastrami ach tha seo gu tur organic.

[Ùisdean] Tha.

[Ruaraidh] Chan eil gin den stuth sin a’ dol ann.

[Ùisdean] Chan eil càil den stuth sin ann ’s tha seo organic so tha thu a’ faighinn nan naidhtreats bhon t-seilearaidh. Tha an cream of tartar, tha sin a’ cuideachadh airson an dath a chumail gus, bhon ma chuireas tu fair feòil ann an salann thig e rudeiginich glas. Chan eil e a’ coimhead, chan eil e a’ dèanamh diofar, dad de dhiofar air a’ bhlas ach ...

[Ruaraidh] Chan eil e a’ coimhead uabhasach fhèin caillear ach tha fàileadh dheth dìreach cùbhraidh.

[Ùisdean] Tha am fàileadh fair ...

[Ruaraidh] Fiù ’s aig an ìre sin, aidh.

[Ùisdean] Tha fàileadh mìorbhaileach.

[Ruaraidh] Dè an ath-cheum ma-thà?

[Ùisdean] Uill ’s e an ath-cheum feumaidh e a dhol a bhogadh.

[Ruaraidh] Bogadh.

[Ùisdean] ’S fhad ’s a tha e a’ bogadh nì mi rub le spices agus thig sin air ’s thig e an uair sin dhan smoker airson ...

[Ruaraidh] Agus a bhogadh dìreach airson beagan den t-saillte a thoirt às, an ann?

[Ùisdean] Aidh, fair, aidh airson an salann a thoirt às. Bidh e gu math saillte mar seo. Tha e air a bhith anns a’ philic airson cola-deug so feumaidh e a dhol dhan bhùrn fair airson an ...

[Ruaraidh] Math dha-rìribh. Dè nì mise ma-thà?

[Ùisdean] Uill tha e cho math dhutsa a dhol a-mach agus feuchainn ciamar a thig dhut leis an inneal ùr a tha siud.

[Ruaraidh] Ò mo chreach.

[Ùisdean] Agus fhad ’s a tha thusa a’ dèanamh sin ...

[Ruaraidh] Tha seo anns a h-uile cànan ach Gàidhlig. Chan eil fhios am a bheil Beurla fiù ’s ann. Tha Duitseach ann an seo.

[Ùisdean] Tha Duitseach, uill ...

[Ruaraidh] “Roker”, tha fios a’m gur e sin “smocair”.

[Ùisdean] ’S e sin, aidh, aidh bhon chunnaic mi “roker” ann an tòrr àiteachean a-nis.

[Ruaraidh] Tha “roker” toirmisgte. Right ma-thà, thèid mise a-mach le seo.

[Ùisdean] Thig thusa a-mach le sin agus cuiridh mise seo dhan bhùrn.

[Ruaraidh] Glè mhath.

[Ùisdean] Làmhan glana gu math cudromach airson seo ’s làimhseachadh biadh amh. Togaidh sinn seo às, dhan bhobhla seo agus cuiridh sinn a-nis, cuiridh sinn e ann am bogadh ann am bùrn fresh airson ùine mhath, fair tòrr den t-salann a thoirt dheth.

[Ùisdean] Nis fhad ’s a tha Ruaraidh còir a’ feuchainn ri càil stem a dhèanamh den smoker a-muigh an siud, tha mise a’ dol a dhèanamh rub a thig air a’ phastrami mus tig e dhan smoker so peppercorns an toiseach, coriander seed. Tha thu ag iarraidh rub a dhèanamh mìn ach chan eil thu ga dhèanamh ro mhìn ’s thig e timcheall air an fheòil ’s nì e crust rudeiginich teth, spicy dhan fheòil. So cumin seed a-nis. Agus cuideachd a’ dèanamh seo, pestle and mortar fada nas fheàrr na electric grinder. Tha thu a’ cumail fair dìreach cho mìn ’s a tha thu ga iarraidh gun, cha tig e ro mhìn ort ’s chan eil thu ag iarraidh seo ro mhìn. Tha thu ag iarraidh troille math texture air seo. Siud a-nis mustard seeds air a dhol a-steach. A-nis seilearaidh seed ’s garlic salt agus mu dheireadh paprika powder, chilli powder. Sin e deis’ airson a dhol air a-nis. Dìreach tha e mìn ach chan eil e ro mhìn. Thig sin timcheall air an fheòil. H-abair ciamar a tha e a’ dol gu Ruaraidh còir a-muigh an siud?

[Ruaraidh] Uill chan eil ro mhath, Ùisdein. Cha dèan mi bun no bàrr den rud a tha seo. Feumaidh tu hand a thoirt dhomh.

[Ùisdean] Àt hì.

[Ruaraidh] Tiugainnn, duilich mu dheidhinn.

[Ruaraidh] Seall mar a thuirt mi, tha an rud cho deamhnaidh duilich a chur na chèile. Chuir mi na sgeilpichean a-steach ach ...

[Ùisdean] Ò thì. Seallaidh mi ...

[Ruaraidh] Feumaidh tu ceum ann an engineering airson seo fhaighinn a’ dol.

[Ruaraidh] Ò ’s ann ann an sin a tha sin a’ dol. Glè mhath.

[Ùisdean] Sin agad e.

[Ruaraidh] Ò uill, ’s math gu bheil thu ann, Ùisdein.

[Ùisdean] Dè tha duilich mu dheidhinn siud?

[Ruaraidh] Tha gu leòr!

[Ùisdean] Tiugainn a dh’fhaighinn rudeigin a chuireas lasair ri seo.

[Ruaraidh] Nì sinn sin.

[Ruaraidh] Ùisdein, mar a mhothaich thu ann an sin nuair a chuir thu làmh air an smoker tha e teth gu leòr.

[Ùisdean] Tha e teth gu leòr a-nis. Tha sinn air check a dhèanamh air an temperature. Pailteas teis againn. Cuiridh sinn fiodh dìreach straight air. Tha fiodh fliuch agus tioram againn an seo agus bùrn anns an treidhe ’s thig sin os a chionn ’s cuiridh sinn an uair sin an fheòil ann.

[Ruaraidh] Math dha-rìribh.

[Ùisdean] Right ma-thà so ’s e a’ chiad rud ’s e an doras fhosgladh agus ...

[Ruaraidh] Dall ort.

[Ùisdean] ... dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil an doras ...

[Ruaraidh] Watchaig thu fhèin, aidh.

[Ùisdean] Aidh, tha teas math air an doras.

[Ruaraidh] Ò tha teas a’ tighinn a-mach à sin an ceartair.

[Ùisdean] Ò tha teas math agad an sin mar-thà. Cuiridh sinn feadhainn tioram air an toiseach ...

[Ruaraidh] Aidh.

[Ùisdean] ... so siud agus dìreach, siud fiodh math tioram ’s thig sin dìreach air mar sin ’s tòisichidh sin a’ gabhail ceò.

[Ruaraidh] Dè seòrsa fiodha a th’ againn ann an seo?

[Ùisdean] Tha a dhà no trì seòrsaichean againn. Tha fiodh bho ubhal – applewood ann ...

[Ruaraidh] Uh huh.

[Ùisdean] ... agus tha hickory ann.

[Ruaraidh] Ò bidh sin math dha-rìribh.

[Ùisdean] Agus tha fàileadh uabhasach math ...

[Ruaraidh] Seall an ceò a’ tighinn a-mach an-dràsta.

[Ùisdean] ... air hickory. ’S iad a-nis ceò agus steam a’ tighinn thugad.

[Ruaraidh] Math dha-rìribh.

[Ùisdean] Rud beag trom air na sùilean.

[Ruaraidh] Aidh. Agus càite am bi seo a’ dol?

[Ùisdean] Thig sin air uachdar ...

[Ruaraidh] Aidh.

[Ruaraidh] A bheil thu ag iarraidh orm sin a bhualadh ann an-dràsta?

[Ùisdean] Thig sin ann an-dràsta. Aidh agus fair air an sgeilf sin.

[Ùisdean] Agus bi faiceallach. Siud thu fhèin. A-steach leis. Watchaig do chorragan a-nis.

[Ruaraidh] Tha mi alright. Bha mi ag obair ann an taigh-fuine. Tha làmhan asbestos agamsa.

[Ùisdean] Ò uill, tha thu alright, a mhate. Tha a-nise feòil againn an seo. Cuiridh sinn, seo a-nis, sin am brisket corn beef. Tha rub air.

[Ruaraidh] Tha dath àlainn air.

[Ùisdean] Siud e. Siud e dìreach.

[Ruaraidh] Sin an rub a bha thu a’ dèanamh ...

[Ùisdean] Sin an rub.

[Ruaraidh] ... nuair a bha mise a’ feuchainn ri tomhas mar a bha an rud seo ag obair.

[Ùisdean] ’S e. ’S e sin an rub a bha mi a’ dèanamh nuair a bha thusa an sàs air an seo. So thig sin dìreach an siud. Na pìosan beaga a tha seo air gach taobh.

[Ruaraidh] Nis tha isbean no dhà agamsa bho ...

[Ùisdean] Ò uill. Seall às a

[Ruaraidh] ... Chaisteal Abhainn Suidhe.

[Ruaraidh] An cuir sinn sin a-steach cuideachd?

[Ùisdean] Cuiridh sinn sin a-steach cuideachd.

[Ruaraidh] Cuiridh mi aig a’ chùl iad.

[Ùisdean] Aig a’ chùl an sin, aidh. Glè mhath.

[Ruaraidh] Ò hì, tha sin teth.

[Ùisdean] Tha sin teth.

[Ùisdean] So chì thu mar a tha an ceò a’ dol an sin.

[Ruaraidh] Tha an ceò a’ dol math an ceartair. Agus tha mi a’ faicinn a’ charcoal ann an sin dìreach air a dhol glas.

[Ùisdean] Tha.

[Ruaraidh] Tha sin ag innse dhuinn gu bheil e teth gu leòr.

[Ùisdean] Feumaidh sinn sùil a thoirt air na h-isbeanan às dèidh treiseag bheag.

[Ruaraidh] Aidh cha toir iadsan cho fad ’s a bheir ...

[Ùisdean] Cumaidh seo a’ dol airson ùine mhath.

[Ruaraidh] Glè mhath, Ùisdein. Dùin an doras ma-thà.

[Ùisdean] Dùinidh sinn an doras a tha seo. Watchaig thu fhèin. Sin a-nis. Agus tha sinn, cuiridh sinn fair, ’s thig an ceò a-mach am mullach a tha sin so cuiridh sinn sin ... Nis tha an smoker beag a’ dol.

[Ruaraidh] Tha. Tha seo air a bhith a’ dol agad.

[Ùisdean] Tha seo a’ dol a-nis.

[Ruaraidh] Seo airson a’ bhradain.

[Ùisdean] Tha seo airson a’ bhradain. Cuiridh sinn seo ...

[Ruaraidh] Dè tha thu ag iarraidh ormsa a dhèanamh? A bheil thu ag iarraidh ormsa am bradan a chur a-steach no ...?

[Ùisdean] Siuthad ma-thà. Ma gheibh thusa do làmhan air a chur a-steach an sin. Tog thusa an àrd e agus dìreach laigh air sin e. Sin thu fhèin. Watchaig do làmh an sin a-nis. Thig sinn a-nall e. Dùinidh sinn siud an ìre mhath. Chan eil thu ga dhùnadh ...

[Ruaraidh] Buileach slàn idir.

[Ùisdean] ... buileach slàn idir.

[Ruaraidh] Gus am faigh beagan oxygen a-steach.

[Ùisdean] Aidh so chì thu sin a-nis. Tha an ceò fair ...

[Ruaraidh] Tha sin a’ coimhead math.

[Ùisdean] Am pailteas ceò againn an sin. ’S ma dhùineas sinn seo sìos dìreach rud beag. Fair cumaidh sinn sùil air sin ’s chì sinn co ris a tha e coltach.

[Ruaraidh] Uill tha e cho math dhuinn rud no dhà ullachadh a thèid còmhla ri seo.

[Ùisdean] Uill bidh sinn ag iarraidh rudeigin, aidh.

[Ruaraidh] Bidh.

[Ùisdean] Buntàta ’s rudan mar sin.

[Ruaraidh] Chì sinn dè th’ againn anns a’ phreas.

[Ùisdean] Aidh, glè mhath ma-thà.

[Ruaraidh] Alright.

Chaidh am prògram seo, Seòid a’ Chidsin, a chraoladh an toiseach ann an 2017.



Scotland's food: Bradan smocte agus pastrami

English Beurla

[Roddy] Right Uisdean, what are we going to put in this smoker?

[Uisdean] Well we are going to put two things in the smoker. Well we are going to put in the small smoker a piece of salmon that has been ...

[Roddy] That looks good.

[Uisdean] ... that has been there in salt almost overnight.

[Roddy] How long does it need to be in salt to be ready to go in the smoker?

[Uisdean] Just two or three hours, but sometimes I will leave it for a week or two. You get a very salted fish. Really dry then.

[Roddy] Uh huh.

[Uisdean] And ...

[Roddy] What unusual thing is before us here?

[Uisdean] Well just now what we have here if you cook it you would have cornbeef, but we will use it to make pastrami.

[Roddy] Excellent. So we are salting and smoking.

[Uisdean] Salting ...

[Roddy] And pickling.

[Uisdean] ... and pickling. Aye. So this is, it is a piece of brisket.

[Roddy] Three for the price of one.

[Uisdean] Three for the price of one.

[Roddy] Well although it doesn't look terribly nice, there is such a fragrant smell from that just now.

[Uisdean] A fair fantastic smell, isn't it?

[Roddy] It is.

[Uisdean] It has been in a pickle with salt, sugar, coriander, mustard seed, garlic salt, juniper berries and peppercorns, and also I put, I got a head of celery and I put that through the blender and that went in along with a spoon of cream of tartar and that is instead of saltpetre .

[Roddy] Well it is interesting that you said saltpetre because it is saltpetre that keeps the colour and usually saltpetre , curing salt - or Prague powder as some call it - is what people use for pastrami but this is completely organic.

[Uisdean] It is.

[Roddy] None of that stuff is going in.

[Uisdean] There is none of that stuff and this is organic so you get the nitrates from the celery. The cream of tartar, that helps to keep the colour so, because if you put some meat in salt it will become somewhat grey. It doesn't look, it doesn't make a difference, any difference to the taste but ...

[Roddy] It doesn't look terribly nice but the smell from it is so fragrant.

[Uisdean] The smell is fair ...

[Roddy] Even at that stage, aye.

[Uisdean] A marvellous smell.

[Roddy] What is the next step then?

[Uisdean] Well the next step is it needs to be steeped.

[Roddy] Steeped.

[Uisdean] And whilst it is steeping I will make a rub with spices and that will go on it and it will then go in the smoker for ...

[Roddy] And steeping it just to remove a little of the salt, is it?

[Uisdean] Aye, fairly, aye to remove the salt. It will be very salted like this. It has been in the pickle for a fortnight so it needs to go in the water for the ...

[Roddy] Excellent. What will I do then?

[Uisdean] Well it is as well for you to go out and try having a go with that new machine.

[Roddy] Oh my goodness.

[Uisdean] And whilst you are doing that ...

[Roddy] This is in every language but Gaelic. I don't know if there is even English. There is Dutch here.

[Uisdean] Dutch is, well ...

[Roddy] “Roker”, I know that that is "smoker".

[Uisdean] That is, aye, aye because I saw "roker" in many places now.

[Roddy] “Roker” is forbidden. Right then, I will go out with this.

[Uisdean] You go out with that and I will put this in the water.

[Roddy] Very good.

[Uisdean] Clean hands are very important for this when handling raw food. We will lift this out, in this bowl and we will now put, we will steep it in fresh water for a good while, to remove lots of the salt from it.

[Uisdean] Now whilst dear Roddy is trying to fathom the smoker out there, I am going to make a rub that will go on the pastrami before it goes in the smoker so firstly peppercorns, coriander seed. You want to make a fine rub but you don't want it too fine and it will go around the meat and it will make a quite hot, spicy crust on the meat. So cumin seed now. And also doing this, pestle and mortar is much better than an electric grinder. You keep just as fine as you want it without, it won't go too fine on you and you don't want this too fine. You want a good short texture on this. That is now mustard seeds gone in. Now celery seed and garlic salt and finally paprika powder, chilli powder. That is it ready to go on it now. Just it is fine but it isn't too fine. That will go around the meat. I wonder how dear Roddy is getting on out there?

[Roddy] Well not too good, Uisdean. I can't make head nor tail of this thing. You need to give me a hand.

[Uisdean] Ah heck.

[Roddy] Coem one, sorry about it.

[Roddy] Look as I said, the thing is so devilishly difficult to put together. I put the shelves in but ...

[Uisdean] Oh heck. I will show ...

[Roddy] You need an engineering degree to get this going.

[Roddy] Oh it is in there that that goes. Very good.

[Uisdean] That’s it.

[Roddy] Oh well, just as well you are here, Uisdean.

[Uisdean] What is difficult about that?

[Roddy] Plenty!

[Uisdean] Come and get something to light this.

[Roddy] We will do that.

[Roddy] Uisdean, as you noticed there when you put a hand on the smoker it is hot enough.

[Uisdean] It is hot enough now. We have checked the temperature. We have plenty of heat. We will put wood just straight on it. We have wet and dry wood here and water in the tray and that will go above it and we will then put the meat in.

[Roddy] Excellent.

[Uisdean] Right then so the first thing is to open the door and ...

[Roddy] On you go.

[Uisdean] ... make sure that the door is ...

[Roddy] Watch yourself, aye.

[Uisdean] Aye, the door is very hot.

[Roddy] Oh there is heat coming out of that just now.

[Uisdean] Oh you have a good heat there already. We will put some dry ones on first ...

[Roddy] Aye.

[Uisdean] ... so that and just, that is good dry wood and that will just go on like that and that will start smoking.

[Roddy] What sort of wood do we have here?

[Uisdean] We have two or three sorts. There is wood from apples – applewood.

[Roddy] Uh huh.

[Uisdean] ... and there is hickory.

[Roddy] Oh that will be excellent.

[Uisdean] And there is a terribly good smell ...

[Roddy] See the smoke coming out just now.

[Uisdean] ... from hickory. That is now smoke and steam coming to you.

[Roddy] Excellent.

[Uisdean] A little bit hard-going on the eyes.

[Roddy] Aye. And where will this go?

[Uisdean] That will go above ...

[Roddy] Aye.

[Roddy] Do you want me to shove that in just now?

[Uisdean] That will go in just now. Aye and just on that shelf.

[Uisdean] And be careful. There you are. In it goes. Watch your fingers now.

[Roddy] I am alright. I worked in a bakery. I have asbestos hands.

[Uisdean] Oh well, you are alright, mate. We now have meat here. We will put, here now, that is the cornbeef brisket. There is rub on it.

[Roddy] It is a lovely colour.

[Uisdean] That is it. That is exactly it.

[Roddy] That is the rub that you were making ...

[Uisdean] That is the rub.

[Roddy] ... when I was trying to guess how this thing works.

[Uisdean] It is. That is the rub that I was making when you were involved with this. So that will go just there. These little pieces on each side.

[Roddy] Now I have a sausage or two from ...

[Uisdean] Oh well. Look from…

[Roddy] ... Amhuinnsuidhe Castle.

[Roddy] Will we put that in too?

[Uisdean] We will put that in too.

[Roddy] I will put them at the back.

[Uisdean] At the back there, aye. Very good.

[Roddy] Oh heck, that is hot.

[Uisdean] That is hot.

[Uisdean] So you can see how the smoke is going there.

[Roddy] The smoke is going well just now. And I can see the charcoal there just turned grey.

[Uisdean] Yes.

[Roddy] That tells us that it is hot enough.

[Uisdean] We must look at the sausages after a little while.

[Roddy] Aye they will not take as long as ... will take.

[Uisdean] This will keep going for a good while.

[Roddy] Very good, Uisdean. Close the door then.

[Uisdean] We will close this door. Watch yourself. There now. And we are, we will put fair, and the smoke will come out that top so we will put that ... Now the small smoker is going.

[Roddy] It is. You have had this going.

[Uisdean] This is going now.

[Roddy] This is for the salmon.

[Uisdean] This is for the salmon. We will put this ...

[Roddy] What do you want me to do? Do you want me to put the salmon in or ...?

[Uisdean] Go on then. If you get your hands put in there. You lift it up and just lay it on that. There you go. Watch your hand now. We’ll move it a bit. We will almost close that. You don’t close it ...

[Roddy] Completely at all.

[Uisdean] ... completely at all.

[Roddy] So that a little oxygen gets in.

[Uisdean] Aye so you can see that now. The smoke is fair ...

[Roddy] That looks good.

[Uisdean] We have plenty smoke now. And if we close this down just a little bit. We will fair keep an eye on that and we will see what it is like.

[Roddy] Well we might as well prepare one or two things to accompany this.

[Uisdean] Well we will want something, aye.

[Roddy] We will.

[Uisdean] Potatoes and things like that.

[Roddy] We will see what we have in the cupboard.

[Uisdean] Aye, very good then.

[Roddy] Alright.

This programme, Seòid a’ Chidsin, was first broadcast in 2017.






salty, salted

a’ sailleadh







dip, immerse, steep


banned, prohibited

bun no bàrr

head nor tail



a’ gabhail ceò
