FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

Food Biadh

B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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An tort butterscotch aig Teenie NicChoinnich

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Màiri] Tha mi a' smaoineachadh gun còrd seo rium, Teenie.

[Teenie] Uill tha e gu math milis. Mas toigh leat rudan milis, còrdaidh e riut.

[Teenie] So tha sinn a’ cur còig unnsa flùir a-steach an toiseach dhan food processor.

[Màiri] Flùr plèan?

[Teenie] Flùr plèan. Agus an uair sin tha sinn a’ cur ceithir unnsa ime às an fhrids, tha sin a' dol a-steach cuideachd, agus unnsa icing sugar. ’S tha a h-uile càil a’ dol a-steach còmhla, agus tha e an uair sin a’ dol, bheir mi a-null gun food processor e. Sin e. Tha e gu math furasta a dhèanamh.

[Màiri] A h-uile sìon còmhla ’s dìreach ga bhualadh airson mionaid no dhà?

[Teenie] Mionaid no dhà gus an tig e na chnap no breadcrumbs. Fair ga chur air airson treiseag bheag.

[Teenie] Sin a-nis.

[Màiri] A bheil e air tighinn còmhla? Ò tha.

[Teenie] Tha.

[Màiri] Nis, mas e ’s gum bi e ro thioram, dè dhèanadh sibh?

[Teenie] Obrachadh. Tha seo, tha tòrr ime ann ’s fhad ’s a tha thu ga làimhseachadh tha e a’ fàs bog agus thig e, chì sibh nuair a chuireas sinn dhan trèidh, tiona ann an seo e. Tha sinn fair a’ dòirteadh sin a-mach. Tha e gu math, chì thu gu bheil e gu math briste, nach eil?

[Teenie] Seo a-nis. Bheir sinn seo a-null. ’S tha thu fair ga obrachadh, ga làimhseachadh. Ach feumaidh e a dhol dhan fhrids an uair sin airson leth-uair a thìde às a dhèidh airson ’s nach bi e a' searg nuair a chuireas tu dhan àmhainn e. So faodaidh seo a bhith gu math tana cuideachd.

[Màiri] Às dèidh dhan taois fuarachadh gu math, thathar ga bhruich san àmhainn aig ceud ’s ceithir fichead ceum fad fichead mionaid.

[Teenie] Nis airson a’ bhutterscotch, tha a dhà no trì rudan a' dol ann. An toiseach dà unnsa ime dhan phana ’s tha thu an uair sin a' cur siùcar donn. Tha thu a’ leaghadh an dà rud còmhla gus an leagh an siùcar agus an uair sin ga ghoil airson còig mionaidean às dèidh sin, agus tha thu an uair sin a' cur evaporated milk, leth-chanaevaporated milk, dhan phana ach tha thu a’ measgachadh evaporated milk, dà bhuidheagan uigh agus aon ugh agus spàin-teatha gu leth cornflour còmhla ’s tha sin a’ dol, agus tha sin vanilla airson nuair a bhios a h-uile càil deiseil bidh thu a' cur sin ann, ach tha thu a’ measgachadh sin còmhla ’s tha a h-uile càil a’ dol dhan phana aig deireadh an latha, ach an toiseach feumaidh sinn seo a bhruich.

[Màiri] Nis tha sibhse, tha sibh a’ dèanamh a-mach gu bheil e furasta.

[Teenie] Tha. Fuirich gus am faic thu!

[Màiri] Chan eil mi cho cinnteach.

[Teenie] Cho fad ’s nach loisg sinn e, bidh sinn alright. Ok so tha mi a’ dol a chur siùcar am measg an ime ’s tha sinn an uair sin a' dol a-null dhan ghas airson a bhruich.

[Teenie] Nis a’ dol a chur an evaporated bainne ann. S o bidh seo gu math teth so tha mi a’ dol a chur ann rud beag an toiseach.

[Teenie] An uair sin tuilleadh.

[Màiri] ’S dìreach ga chur timcheall fad an t-siubhail.

[Teenie]’S bidh e a’ dol air ais. Fàgaidh mise ann an siud e an-dràsta gus an cuir sinn seo air dòigh.

[Teenie] Ok so tha na h-uighean agus an evaporated milk a’ dol còmhla. Leth-chana eile a bha siud agus tha sinn an uair sin a’ dol a chur an cornflour ann, ma lorgas mi ... ’S tha sinn a’ measgachadh seo còmhla, a’ feuchainn ris na cnapan a tha seo a thoirt às.

[Teenie] Nì siud a’ chùis, tha mi a’ smaoineachadh, agus tha seo a-nis a’ dol am measg a h-uile càil a th' ann dhan phana. Seo a-nis. Agus a’ dol air ais dhan stòbh airson a theasachadh a-rithist.

[Teenie] Ma tha thu a’ toirt tòrr bruich dha an toiseach nuair nach eil ann ach an siùcar ’s an t-ìm tha sin a’ toirt caramelly flavour dha, ma dh’fhàgas tu treiseag bheag nas fhaide e. Chì thu gu bheil e a’ fàs tiugh.

[Teenie] Seo a-nis.

[Màiri] Tha Teenie a’ cur leth spàin-tì de bhrìgh vanilla dhan t-sàbhs bhutterscotch, agus ga dhòirteadh dhan tort. Tha meringue a' dol air a' mhuin agus air ais dhan àmhainn leis gus am bi e brèagha òr-bhuidhe.

[Màiri] Milis ach math.

[Teenie] Nì e a’ chùis.

[Màiri] Sgoinneil. Rinn sibh math.

[Teenie] Ok.

Chaidh am prògram seo, Fuine, a chraoladh an toiseach ann an 2013. Le taing do Caledonia TV.



Teenie MacKenzie’s butterscotch tart

English Beurla

[Mairi] I think that I will enjoy this, Teenie.

[Teenie] Well it is very sweet. If you like sweet things, you will enjoy it.

[Teenie] So we are going to put five ounces of flour into the food processor.

[Mairi] Plain flour?

[Teenie] Plain flour. And then we are going to put four ounces of butter from the fridge, that goes in too, and an ounce of icing sugar. And everything goes in together, and it then goes, I will take it across to the food processor. That is it. It is very easy to make.

[Mairi] Everything together and just beat it for a minute or two?

[Teenie] A minute or two until it becomes a ball or breadcrumbs. Just keep it on for a little while.

[Teenie] There now.

[Mairi] Has it come together? Oh it has.

[Teenie] It has.

[Mairi] Now, if it is too dry, what would you do?

[Teenie] Work it. This is, there is lots of butter in it and whilst you handle it it becomes soft and it will come, you can see when we put it in this tray, tin here. We just pour it out. It is very, you can see that it is very broken, isn't it?

[Teenie] Here now. We will take this across. And you just work it, handle it. But it must then go in the fridge for half an hour afterwards so that it doesn't shrink when we put it in the oven. So this can be very thin too.

[Mairi] Once the dough is well chilled, it is baked in the oven at 180 degrees for 20 minutes.

[Teenie] Now for the butterscotch, two or three things are added. Firstly two ounces of butter in the pan and you then add brown sugar. You melt the two ingredients together until the butter melts and then boil it for five minutes after that, and you then put evaporated milk, half a can of evaporated milk, in the pan but you mix evaporated milk, two egg yolks and one egg and one and a half teaspoons of cornflour together and that goes, and that vanilla is for when everything is finished you add that, but you mix that together and everything goes in the pan at the end of the day, but firstly we must bake this.

[Mairi] Now you are, you claim that it is easy.

[Teenie] It is. Wait until you see!

[Mairi] I am not so sure.

[Teenie] So long as we don't burn it, we will be alright. Ok so I going to add sugar to the butter and we are then going across to the gas to cook it.

[Teenie] Now going to put the evaporated milk in. So this will be very hot so I am going to add a little bit at first.

[Teenie] Then more.

[Mairi] And just mix it all the time.

[Teenie] And it will go back. I will leave it there just now until I prepare this.

[Teenie] Ok so the eggs and the evaporated milk go together. That was the other half can and we are then going to add the cornflour, if I find ... And we mix this together, trying to take out these lumps.

[Teenie] That will do, I think, and this now goes in with everything to the pan. Here now. And goes back to the stove to heat again.

[Teenie] If you really cook it at the beginning when it is just the sugar and the butter that gives it a caramelly flavour, if you leave it a little while longer. You can see that it is getting thick.

[Teenie] Here now.

[Mairi] Teenie adds half a teaspoon of vanilla essence to the butterscotch sauce, and pours it into the tart. Meringue goes on top and back into the oven with it until it is beautifully golden.

[Mairi] Sweet but good.

[Teenie] It will do.

[Mairi] Brilliant. You did well.

[Teenie] Ok.

This programme, Fuine, was first broadcast in 2013. Courtesy of Caledonia TV



An tort butterscotch aig Teenie NicChoinnich

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Màiri] Tha mi a' smaoineachadh gun còrd seo rium, Teenie.

[Teenie] Uill tha e gu math milis. Mas toigh leat rudan milis, còrdaidh e riut.

[Teenie] So tha sinn a’ cur còig unnsa flùir a-steach an toiseach dhan food processor.

[Màiri] Flùr plèan?

[Teenie] Flùr plèan. Agus an uair sin tha sinn a’ cur ceithir unnsa ime às an fhrids, tha sin a' dol a-steach cuideachd, agus unnsa icing sugar. ’S tha a h-uile càil a’ dol a-steach còmhla, agus tha e an uair sin a’ dol, bheir mi a-null gun food processor e. Sin e. Tha e gu math furasta a dhèanamh.

[Màiri] A h-uile sìon còmhla ’s dìreach ga bhualadh airson mionaid no dhà?

[Teenie] Mionaid no dhà gus an tig e na chnap no breadcrumbs. Fair ga chur air airson treiseag bheag.

[Teenie] Sin a-nis.

[Màiri] A bheil e air tighinn còmhla? Ò tha.

[Teenie] Tha.

[Màiri] Nis, mas e ’s gum bi e ro thioram, dè dhèanadh sibh?

[Teenie] Obrachadh. Tha seo, tha tòrr ime ann ’s fhad ’s a tha thu ga làimhseachadh tha e a’ fàs bog agus thig e, chì sibh nuair a chuireas sinn dhan trèidh, tiona ann an seo e. Tha sinn fair a’ dòirteadh sin a-mach. Tha e gu math, chì thu gu bheil e gu math briste, nach eil?

[Teenie] Seo a-nis. Bheir sinn seo a-null. ’S tha thu fair ga obrachadh, ga làimhseachadh. Ach feumaidh e a dhol dhan fhrids an uair sin airson leth-uair a thìde às a dhèidh airson ’s nach bi e a' searg nuair a chuireas tu dhan àmhainn e. So faodaidh seo a bhith gu math tana cuideachd.

[Màiri] Às dèidh dhan taois fuarachadh gu math, thathar ga bhruich san àmhainn aig ceud ’s ceithir fichead ceum fad fichead mionaid.

[Teenie] Nis airson a’ bhutterscotch, tha a dhà no trì rudan a' dol ann. An toiseach dà unnsa ime dhan phana ’s tha thu an uair sin a' cur siùcar donn. Tha thu a’ leaghadh an dà rud còmhla gus an leagh an siùcar agus an uair sin ga ghoil airson còig mionaidean às dèidh sin, agus tha thu an uair sin a' cur evaporated milk, leth-chanaevaporated milk, dhan phana ach tha thu a’ measgachadh evaporated milk, dà bhuidheagan uigh agus aon ugh agus spàin-teatha gu leth cornflour còmhla ’s tha sin a’ dol, agus tha sin vanilla airson nuair a bhios a h-uile càil deiseil bidh thu a' cur sin ann, ach tha thu a’ measgachadh sin còmhla ’s tha a h-uile càil a’ dol dhan phana aig deireadh an latha, ach an toiseach feumaidh sinn seo a bhruich.

[Màiri] Nis tha sibhse, tha sibh a’ dèanamh a-mach gu bheil e furasta.

[Teenie] Tha. Fuirich gus am faic thu!

[Màiri] Chan eil mi cho cinnteach.

[Teenie] Cho fad ’s nach loisg sinn e, bidh sinn alright. Ok so tha mi a’ dol a chur siùcar am measg an ime ’s tha sinn an uair sin a' dol a-null dhan ghas airson a bhruich.

[Teenie] Nis a’ dol a chur an evaporated bainne ann. S o bidh seo gu math teth so tha mi a’ dol a chur ann rud beag an toiseach.

[Teenie] An uair sin tuilleadh.

[Màiri] ’S dìreach ga chur timcheall fad an t-siubhail.

[Teenie]’S bidh e a’ dol air ais. Fàgaidh mise ann an siud e an-dràsta gus an cuir sinn seo air dòigh.

[Teenie] Ok so tha na h-uighean agus an evaporated milk a’ dol còmhla. Leth-chana eile a bha siud agus tha sinn an uair sin a’ dol a chur an cornflour ann, ma lorgas mi ... ’S tha sinn a’ measgachadh seo còmhla, a’ feuchainn ris na cnapan a tha seo a thoirt às.

[Teenie] Nì siud a’ chùis, tha mi a’ smaoineachadh, agus tha seo a-nis a’ dol am measg a h-uile càil a th' ann dhan phana. Seo a-nis. Agus a’ dol air ais dhan stòbh airson a theasachadh a-rithist.

[Teenie] Ma tha thu a’ toirt tòrr bruich dha an toiseach nuair nach eil ann ach an siùcar ’s an t-ìm tha sin a’ toirt caramelly flavour dha, ma dh’fhàgas tu treiseag bheag nas fhaide e. Chì thu gu bheil e a’ fàs tiugh.

[Teenie] Seo a-nis.

[Màiri] Tha Teenie a’ cur leth spàin-tì de bhrìgh vanilla dhan t-sàbhs bhutterscotch, agus ga dhòirteadh dhan tort. Tha meringue a' dol air a' mhuin agus air ais dhan àmhainn leis gus am bi e brèagha òr-bhuidhe.

[Màiri] Milis ach math.

[Teenie] Nì e a’ chùis.

[Màiri] Sgoinneil. Rinn sibh math.

[Teenie] Ok.

Chaidh am prògram seo, Fuine, a chraoladh an toiseach ann an 2013. Le taing do Caledonia TV.



Teenie MacKenzie’s butterscotch tart

English Beurla

[Mairi] I think that I will enjoy this, Teenie.

[Teenie] Well it is very sweet. If you like sweet things, you will enjoy it.

[Teenie] So we are going to put five ounces of flour into the food processor.

[Mairi] Plain flour?

[Teenie] Plain flour. And then we are going to put four ounces of butter from the fridge, that goes in too, and an ounce of icing sugar. And everything goes in together, and it then goes, I will take it across to the food processor. That is it. It is very easy to make.

[Mairi] Everything together and just beat it for a minute or two?

[Teenie] A minute or two until it becomes a ball or breadcrumbs. Just keep it on for a little while.

[Teenie] There now.

[Mairi] Has it come together? Oh it has.

[Teenie] It has.

[Mairi] Now, if it is too dry, what would you do?

[Teenie] Work it. This is, there is lots of butter in it and whilst you handle it it becomes soft and it will come, you can see when we put it in this tray, tin here. We just pour it out. It is very, you can see that it is very broken, isn't it?

[Teenie] Here now. We will take this across. And you just work it, handle it. But it must then go in the fridge for half an hour afterwards so that it doesn't shrink when we put it in the oven. So this can be very thin too.

[Mairi] Once the dough is well chilled, it is baked in the oven at 180 degrees for 20 minutes.

[Teenie] Now for the butterscotch, two or three things are added. Firstly two ounces of butter in the pan and you then add brown sugar. You melt the two ingredients together until the butter melts and then boil it for five minutes after that, and you then put evaporated milk, half a can of evaporated milk, in the pan but you mix evaporated milk, two egg yolks and one egg and one and a half teaspoons of cornflour together and that goes, and that vanilla is for when everything is finished you add that, but you mix that together and everything goes in the pan at the end of the day, but firstly we must bake this.

[Mairi] Now you are, you claim that it is easy.

[Teenie] It is. Wait until you see!

[Mairi] I am not so sure.

[Teenie] So long as we don't burn it, we will be alright. Ok so I going to add sugar to the butter and we are then going across to the gas to cook it.

[Teenie] Now going to put the evaporated milk in. So this will be very hot so I am going to add a little bit at first.

[Teenie] Then more.

[Mairi] And just mix it all the time.

[Teenie] And it will go back. I will leave it there just now until I prepare this.

[Teenie] Ok so the eggs and the evaporated milk go together. That was the other half can and we are then going to add the cornflour, if I find ... And we mix this together, trying to take out these lumps.

[Teenie] That will do, I think, and this now goes in with everything to the pan. Here now. And goes back to the stove to heat again.

[Teenie] If you really cook it at the beginning when it is just the sugar and the butter that gives it a caramelly flavour, if you leave it a little while longer. You can see that it is getting thick.

[Teenie] Here now.

[Mairi] Teenie adds half a teaspoon of vanilla essence to the butterscotch sauce, and pours it into the tart. Meringue goes on top and back into the oven with it until it is beautifully golden.

[Mairi] Sweet but good.

[Teenie] It will do.

[Mairi] Brilliant. You did well.

[Teenie] Ok.

This programme, Fuine, was first broadcast in 2013. Courtesy of Caledonia TV