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B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Am pàidh càise feta agus bloinigean-gàrraidh aig Màiri

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Màiri Nicrisnidh] Tha bèicearachd agus fuine air a bhith a’ còrdadh rium-sa a-riamh – chan e a-mhàin a bhith ga dhèanamh ach a bhith ga ithe cuideachd. Chaidh mo thogail-sa ann an dachaigh far am faigheadh tu fàileadh nan rudan matha ’s an àmhainn aig an doras, far an robh duine sam bith a thigeadh a chèilidh a’ faighinn bonnach blasta le cupa tì. Agus gu dearbh, cha robh paidh no mìlsean na bùtha a’ dol faisg air bòrd. Ach aig an àm sin bha daoine a’ dèanamh barrachd dhaibh fhèin – cha robh biadh leòmach no rudan ùra, fasanta rin ceannachd air an eilean ’s mar sin, ma bha grèim blasta a dhith ort, bha e suas riut fhèin a dhèanamh.

[Màiri Nicrisnidh] Tha mise cianail fortanach gun do dh’fhàs mi suas ann an dachaigh far an robh mo mhàthair, agus mo sheanmhair roimhpe-se, air leth math air fuine. Agus an-diugh, le clann agam fhèin, ’s e sin an seòrsa togail a bu toigh leum-sa a thoirt dha na gillean. Ach ged tha mise measail air bèicearachd, tha an t-uabhas agam fhathast ri ionnsachadh agus tha mi ag iarraidh comhairle bho na bèiceirean as fheàrr a th’ann.

[Màiri Nicrisnidh] Coinnichidh mi ri feadhainn a tha fuine dhaibh fhèin aig an taigh. Innsidh iadsan dhuibh dè tha sìmplidh ach blasta, agus a nì duine sam bith a-staigh aca fhèin.

[Boireannach] An robh thu ag iarraidh pìos dheth?

[Màiri Nicrisnidh] Feuchaidh sinn pìos beag.

Chaidh am prògram seo, Fuine, a chraoladh an toiseach ann an 2018. Le taing do Caledonia TV.



Màiri’s feta and spinach pie

English Beurla

[Mairi] Now I’m going to make a pie here with filo pastry and I’m going to use spinach, nuts and feta cheese in the middle of the pie. I must admit however, before I start, that I have bought the pastry. I heard that filo pastry is very hard to make and so it was too easy to go to the shop and buy it. Before I start preparing the pastry though I’m going to put spinach into the big pan to boil.

[Mairi] Now that won’t take long. Maybe five minutes. Here is a dish where the pie goes. So I need pastry sheets, to cover them in butter, and fold them on top of each other so that they cover my dish. I don’t think I would try to make filo pastry myself at all. It’s hard enough even dealing with this. If you give it any rough treatment, it rips. Very hard to work with but when you taste the pie at the end of the day it will make you try this.

[Mairi] A layer of butter goes on each layer of dough that is put into the dish like this and like until the bottom and the sides are covered.

[Mairi] The spinach has now cooled a little and I pour it into here. And now the rest of this is easy. Salt, black pepper, nutmeg depending on how much you want of this - I like maybe a teaspoon - and sultanas. I have two ounces of sultanas here. And groundnuts just depending if you like them. And mix that and then the onions that I fried. And cheese, feta cheese and just break it in. I don’t know about other people but very often in here we eat a lot of meat and fish and fond of chicken as well, and you get tired of that and sometimes it’s really good just to have something different. All of us enjoy this. It can be a very healthy family dinner if that’s what you want. There then, the cheese and everything have gone together with the spinach and to bring that all together I’m going to use a wee bit of egg.

[Mairi] And it’s easy to tell anyway when you have put enough egg into it - a sticky appearance. I think that that’s it. It’s sticky without being too wet. Now then.

[Mairi] Now I don’t put it completely around the edge at all. I leave maybe a wee bit between ... and then ...

[Mairi] The edges of the dough are folded into the middle of the pie.

[Mairi] I think that I’ll put a wee bit of pastry that I had left just on top of the pie here. This is really good for using bits of pastry that have ripped, and not forgetting to put butter on the other sheet of pastry.

[Mairi] Now then. So into the oven for three quarters of an hour at a temperature of two hundred, a very hot oven and we’ll see what happens after that.

[Mairi] Now this looks like it’s ready.

[Mairi] And I’ll cut into it so that I can see how it is.

[Mairi] Now then.

[Mairi] Very good. I like just something different now and again and I am happy with this.

This programme, Fuine, was first broadcast in 2013. Courtesy of Caledonia TV



Am pàidh càise feta agus bloinigean-gàrraidh aig Màiri

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Màiri Nicrisnidh] Tha bèicearachd agus fuine air a bhith a’ còrdadh rium-sa a-riamh – chan e a-mhàin a bhith ga dhèanamh ach a bhith ga ithe cuideachd. Chaidh mo thogail-sa ann an dachaigh far am faigheadh tu fàileadh nan rudan matha ’s an àmhainn aig an doras, far an robh duine sam bith a thigeadh a chèilidh a’ faighinn bonnach blasta le cupa tì. Agus gu dearbh, cha robh paidh no mìlsean na bùtha a’ dol faisg air bòrd. Ach aig an àm sin bha daoine a’ dèanamh barrachd dhaibh fhèin – cha robh biadh leòmach no rudan ùra, fasanta rin ceannachd air an eilean ’s mar sin, ma bha grèim blasta a dhith ort, bha e suas riut fhèin a dhèanamh.

[Màiri Nicrisnidh] Tha mise cianail fortanach gun do dh’fhàs mi suas ann an dachaigh far an robh mo mhàthair, agus mo sheanmhair roimhpe-se, air leth math air fuine. Agus an-diugh, le clann agam fhèin, ’s e sin an seòrsa togail a bu toigh leum-sa a thoirt dha na gillean. Ach ged tha mise measail air bèicearachd, tha an t-uabhas agam fhathast ri ionnsachadh agus tha mi ag iarraidh comhairle bho na bèiceirean as fheàrr a th’ann.

[Màiri Nicrisnidh] Coinnichidh mi ri feadhainn a tha fuine dhaibh fhèin aig an taigh. Innsidh iadsan dhuibh dè tha sìmplidh ach blasta, agus a nì duine sam bith a-staigh aca fhèin.

[Boireannach] An robh thu ag iarraidh pìos dheth?

[Màiri Nicrisnidh] Feuchaidh sinn pìos beag.

Chaidh am prògram seo, Fuine, a chraoladh an toiseach ann an 2018. Le taing do Caledonia TV.



Màiri’s feta and spinach pie

English Beurla

[Mairi] Now I’m going to make a pie here with filo pastry and I’m going to use spinach, nuts and feta cheese in the middle of the pie. I must admit however, before I start, that I have bought the pastry. I heard that filo pastry is very hard to make and so it was too easy to go to the shop and buy it. Before I start preparing the pastry though I’m going to put spinach into the big pan to boil.

[Mairi] Now that won’t take long. Maybe five minutes. Here is a dish where the pie goes. So I need pastry sheets, to cover them in butter, and fold them on top of each other so that they cover my dish. I don’t think I would try to make filo pastry myself at all. It’s hard enough even dealing with this. If you give it any rough treatment, it rips. Very hard to work with but when you taste the pie at the end of the day it will make you try this.

[Mairi] A layer of butter goes on each layer of dough that is put into the dish like this and like until the bottom and the sides are covered.

[Mairi] The spinach has now cooled a little and I pour it into here. And now the rest of this is easy. Salt, black pepper, nutmeg depending on how much you want of this - I like maybe a teaspoon - and sultanas. I have two ounces of sultanas here. And groundnuts just depending if you like them. And mix that and then the onions that I fried. And cheese, feta cheese and just break it in. I don’t know about other people but very often in here we eat a lot of meat and fish and fond of chicken as well, and you get tired of that and sometimes it’s really good just to have something different. All of us enjoy this. It can be a very healthy family dinner if that’s what you want. There then, the cheese and everything have gone together with the spinach and to bring that all together I’m going to use a wee bit of egg.

[Mairi] And it’s easy to tell anyway when you have put enough egg into it - a sticky appearance. I think that that’s it. It’s sticky without being too wet. Now then.

[Mairi] Now I don’t put it completely around the edge at all. I leave maybe a wee bit between ... and then ...

[Mairi] The edges of the dough are folded into the middle of the pie.

[Mairi] I think that I’ll put a wee bit of pastry that I had left just on top of the pie here. This is really good for using bits of pastry that have ripped, and not forgetting to put butter on the other sheet of pastry.

[Mairi] Now then. So into the oven for three quarters of an hour at a temperature of two hundred, a very hot oven and we’ll see what happens after that.

[Mairi] Now this looks like it’s ready.

[Mairi] And I’ll cut into it so that I can see how it is.

[Mairi] Now then.

[Mairi] Very good. I like just something different now and again and I am happy with this.

This programme, Fuine, was first broadcast in 2013. Courtesy of Caledonia TV