FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

Documentaries Prògraman Aithriseachd

B2 - Eadar-mheadhanach Adhartach - Coimhead GàidhligB2 - Upper Intermediate - Watch Gaelic

Criomagan bhidio gun fho-thiotalan bho phrògraman BBC ALBA le tar-sgrìobhadh Gàidhlig, eadar-theangachadh Beurla is briathrachas. Faodaidh tu na cuspairean a sheòrsachadh a rèir a’ chuspair. Unsubtitled clips from BBC ALBA programmes with a Gaelic transcription, an English translation and vocabulary. You can sort the clips by topic.

Tha Coimhead Gàidhlig ag obrachadh leis an fhaclair. Tagh an taba ‘teacsa Gàidhlig’ agus tagh facal sam bith san teacsa agus fosglaidh am faclair ann an taba ùr agus bidh mìneachadh den fhacal ann. Watch Gaelic is integrated with the dictionary. Select the tab ‘Gaelic text’ and choose any word and the dictionary will open and you will see the English explanation of the Gaelic word.

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Tha na cinnidhean gan gairm

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Duine] From the Borders, the best Border reivers and the finest liberators of English livestock, the Kerrs are here!

[Dòmhnall] Beinn Seanair ann an Carolina a Tuath. Gu sòlamaichte agus gu dùrachdach, agus leis a’ ghlòir ’s a’ glaodhraich a tha cho nàdarrach dha na h-Ameireaganaich, tha na cinnidhean gan gairm.

[Duine] The MacFarlanes are here! Loch Slòigh!

[Dòmhnall] Tha e dhaibhsan na mhac-talla air mar a bhiodh seann chrann-tara na Gàidhealtachd ga ghiùlain bho sin. Tha daoine a’ cruinneachadh às gach ceàrnaidh dhen t-saoghal gu Beinn Seanair agus ao-coltach ri seirbheis a’ chruinn-tara chan eil an crann agus an càirdeas buileach fuadain oir ’s ann an ceann a deas Ameireagaidh a stèidhich eilthirich na ciad choimhearsnachdan Gàidhealach.

[Dòmhnall] Tha ceann a deas nan Stàitean Aonaichte teth agus tais. Tìr dhùinte le coilltean tiugh, dlùth agus gun fàire ri fhaicinn. Chan fhaigheadh tu na b’ ao-choltaiche ri monaidhean ’s machraichean shaothair fhosgailte na Gàidhealtachd.

[Dòmhnall] Ach b’ ann an seo a thàinig na Gàidheil anns a’ chiad dol a-mach. Toiseach tòiseachaidh nan imrichean mòra a bheireadh barrachd buaidh air coimhearsnachd ’s air cultar na Gàidhealtachd na rud sam bith eile fad dà cheud bliadhna.

[Dòmhnall] Mar a bha a’ dol a thachairt a-rithist ’s a-rithist bha eilthireachd nan Gàidheal toinnte gu mòr ’s an t-strì eadar ìmpireachdan an saoghal. Toiseach na h-ochdamh Linn deug bha Ìmpireachd Bhreatainn an Ameireaga a’ sgaoileadh gu deas. Bha iad a-nise air iomall fearann na Spàinne. Stèidhich Breatainn fearann Georgia mar dhìon an aghaidh nan Spàinneach le baile beag Darien mar ghearastan.

Chaidh am prògram seo, Na h-Eilthirich, a chraoladh an toiseach ann an 1999.



The clans are summoned

English Beurla

[Man] From the Borders, the best Border reivers and the finest liberators of English livestock, the Kerrs are here!

[Donald] Grandfather Mountain in North Carolina. With a solemnity and passion, and with the glory and the noise that is so natural to the Americans, the clans are summoned.

[Man] The MacFarlanes are here! Loch Slòigh (The Loch of the Host)!

[Donald] It is to them an echo of how the old Highland gathering beam (a traditional summons to war) would have been carried by shoulder to here. People gather from every part of the world to Grandfather Mountain and unlike the gathering beam service the beam and the kinship isn’t completely artificial because it is in the American that emigrants established the first Highland communities.

[Donald] The southern United States is hot and humid. A closed land with forests, tight, dense forests and no horizon in sight. You couldn’t get any more unlike the rich moorland and open machair of the Highlands.

[Donald] But it was here that the Gaels came initially. The beginning of the huge migrations that would have more impact on the community and culture of the Highlands than anything else for two hundred years.

[Donald] As was going to happen again and again the Gaels’ emigration was very intricately linked with the struggle between the empires of the world. At the start of the 18th Century Britain’s Empire in America was spreading southwards. They were now on the edge of Spain’s land. Britain established the land of Georgia as a defence against the Spanish with the little town of Darien as a fort.

This programme, Na h-Eilthirich, was first broadcast in 1999.



Tha na cinnidhean gan gairm

Gaelic Gàidhlig

[Duine] From the Borders, the best Border reivers and the finest liberators of English livestock, the Kerrs are here!

[Dòmhnall] Beinn Seanair ann an Carolina a Tuath. Gu sòlamaichte agus gu dùrachdach, agus leis a’ ghlòir ’s a’ glaodhraich a tha cho nàdarrach dha na h-Ameireaganaich, tha na cinnidhean gan gairm.

[Duine] The MacFarlanes are here! Loch Slòigh!

[Dòmhnall] Tha e dhaibhsan na mhac-talla air mar a bhiodh seann chrann-tara na Gàidhealtachd ga ghiùlain bho sin. Tha daoine a’ cruinneachadh às gach ceàrnaidh dhen t-saoghal gu Beinn Seanair agus ao-coltach ri seirbheis a’ chruinn-tara chan eil an crann agus an càirdeas buileach fuadain oir ’s ann an ceann a deas Ameireagaidh a stèidhich eilthirich na ciad choimhearsnachdan Gàidhealach.

[Dòmhnall] Tha ceann a deas nan Stàitean Aonaichte teth agus tais. Tìr dhùinte le coilltean tiugh, dlùth agus gun fàire ri fhaicinn. Chan fhaigheadh tu na b’ ao-choltaiche ri monaidhean ’s machraichean shaothair fhosgailte na Gàidhealtachd.

[Dòmhnall] Ach b’ ann an seo a thàinig na Gàidheil anns a’ chiad dol a-mach. Toiseach tòiseachaidh nan imrichean mòra a bheireadh barrachd buaidh air coimhearsnachd ’s air cultar na Gàidhealtachd na rud sam bith eile fad dà cheud bliadhna.

[Dòmhnall] Mar a bha a’ dol a thachairt a-rithist ’s a-rithist bha eilthireachd nan Gàidheal toinnte gu mòr ’s an t-strì eadar ìmpireachdan an saoghal. Toiseach na h-ochdamh Linn deug bha Ìmpireachd Bhreatainn an Ameireaga a’ sgaoileadh gu deas. Bha iad a-nise air iomall fearann na Spàinne. Stèidhich Breatainn fearann Georgia mar dhìon an aghaidh nan Spàinneach le baile beag Darien mar ghearastan.

Chaidh am prògram seo, Na h-Eilthirich, a chraoladh an toiseach ann an 1999.



The clans are summoned

English Beurla

[Man] From the Borders, the best Border reivers and the finest liberators of English livestock, the Kerrs are here!

[Donald] Grandfather Mountain in North Carolina. With a solemnity and passion, and with the glory and the noise that is so natural to the Americans, the clans are summoned.

[Man] The MacFarlanes are here! Loch Slòigh (The Loch of the Host)!

[Donald] It is to them an echo of how the old Highland gathering beam (a traditional summons to war) would have been carried by shoulder to here. People gather from every part of the world to Grandfather Mountain and unlike the gathering beam service the beam and the kinship isn’t completely artificial because it is in the American that emigrants established the first Highland communities.

[Donald] The southern United States is hot and humid. A closed land with forests, tight, dense forests and no horizon in sight. You couldn’t get any more unlike the rich moorland and open machair of the Highlands.

[Donald] But it was here that the Gaels came initially. The beginning of the huge migrations that would have more impact on the community and culture of the Highlands than anything else for two hundred years.

[Donald] As was going to happen again and again the Gaels’ emigration was very intricately linked with the struggle between the empires of the world. At the start of the 18th Century Britain’s Empire in America was spreading southwards. They were now on the edge of Spain’s land. Britain established the land of Georgia as a defence against the Spanish with the little town of Darien as a fort.

This programme, Na h-Eilthirich, was first broadcast in 1999.